八年级英语下册测试Module 6 Hobbies Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person.

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八年级英语下册测试Module 6 Hobbies Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person.姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . How time flies! We should show love for our parents and make them _ how much they mean to us.Ato knowBknowingCknewDknow2 . My best friend always tells jokes to make me_.AlaughBto laughClaughedDlaughing3 . - Do you like Song Xiaobaos talk show?- Yes. His talk show is very funny. It always makes people.AlaughBlaughedClaughingDto laugh4 . The answer came to him _ a flash.AwithBorCinDto5 . Would you like _? Thanks, I am full.Asomething to eatBsomethings to eatCeating somethingDsomething to drink二、完型填空Think of life as a game in which you are playing with five balls in the air. You name them work, family, health, friends and spirit and you keep all of them in the air. You will soon understand that _ is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce (弹跳) back.But the other four balls, family, health, friends and spirit, are made of _. If you drop one of these. they will be broken. They will _ be the same. You must understand that and try to have balance in your life. How?Dont look down on your _ by comparing yourself with others. It is because we are different and each of us is special.Dont let other people set _ for you. Only you know what is best for yourself.Dont give up when you still have something to give. _ is really over until the moment you stop trying.Dont be afraid of difficulties. It is by taking chances that we learn how to be _.Dont _ love out of your life by saying its impossible to find. The quickest way to receive love is to give it; the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly; the best way to keep love is to give it wings.Dont run through life so fast that you forget not only _ youve been, but also where you are going.Dont be afraid to learn. Knowledge is a treasure you can always carry easily.Dont use time or words _. You cant get them back. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift; thats why we call it “the present”. Life is not a competition, but a trip, step by step.6 . AworkBhealthCfriend7 . AwoolBwoodCglass8 . AstillBneverCeven9 . AworthBcostCprice10 . AproblemsBgoalsCrecords11 . AEverythingBAnythingCNothing12 . AbraveBhappyCcurious13 . AtakeBgetCshut14 . AhowBwhatCwhere15 . AcarelesslyBexcitedlyCdifferently三、阅读单选The Blog of RosieThe WeekendBy Rosie | June 6, 2019Hi! Im on vacation here in London.and its fantastic! On Saturday I was in the British Museum for three hours. On Sunday I visited Tower Bridge. Where were you over the weekend? Tell me your news!DISCUSSIONSophia9:30Glad youre having a great vacation. I was in the Summer Palace in Beijing on Saturday. I was there for a flower show. It was amazing! And there were lots of people. But on Sunday it was rainy and I wasnt very well. I stayed in bed for a whole day.ReplyShareSteve10:10It was cloudy the whole weekend in Paris. On Saturday I was at a football game with my classmates. It was exciting! On Sunday I was at the shops with Ann for four hours. ReplyShareJack11:00I wasnt at home over the weekend. On Saturday I was in Scotland for a trip. It was a lovely, warm day and I had a picnic with friends. It was great! Sunday was boring. It took me five hours to get back home. It was a long journey. ReplyShareKate11:20On Saturday I was at Heathrow Airport. I met a friend there and we talked together for two hours. I was very happy. On Sunday I was in Sydney for a concert. It is winter in Australia. And it was windy and cold!ReplyShare16 . On Saturday Sophia was _.Ain the Summer PalaceBin the British MuseumCat Tower BridgeDat Heathrow Airport17 . What was the weather like when Steve was in Paris?AWindy.BWarm.CCloudy.DCold.18 . How long did it take Jack to get back home?ATwo hours.BThree hours.CFour hours.DFive hours.19 . Kate was in Sydney for _.Aa picnicBa concertCa football gameDa flower show20 . Rosie visited _ on Sunday.Athe British MuseumBthe Summer PalaceCTower BridgeDBeijing四、句型转换VI. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词)21 . My cousins go to Shanghai Museum at weekends.(改为否定句)My cousins _ to Shanghai Museum at weekends.22 . Mrs. Li shows us the picture of her family.(改为一般疑问句)_ Mrs. Li _ you the picture of her family?23 . There is some orange juice in the fridge.(改为一般疑问句)_ there _ orange juice in the fridge?24 . There are 40 teachers in my school.(对划线部分提问)_teachers are there in your school?25 . They usually walk to school.(保持句意基本不变)They usually go to school _.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。26 . I dont know how to p_(发音) this word.27 . Gao Lei cant remember the words and she has a poor v_ (词汇量).28 . Which river is w_ (宽), the Yellow River or the Nile River?29 . She is an e_ (优秀的) player and she can drive the ball into the net well.30 . Li Lei m_ (未击中) many balls in the table tennis match, so he lost.31 . The boy is so careless that he makes so many m_ (错误) this term.32 . Cathy b_ (击败) all the other players and won the table tennis match.33 . Mr. Green is one of the best c_ (教练) in our school.34 . There are some beautiful i_ (岛屿) in the north of the city.35 . Dont forget to bring an u_ (雨伞) with you.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空词汇运用。用所给词的适当形式填空。36 . English is becoming more and more important, _(especial) for those who plan to enter a famous university.37 . Would you mind_(give) up your seat to the old man?38 . Our coach is_(please) because we are playing better as a team now.39 . In most countries, people usually eat_(tradition) food on special holidays.40 . The police warn the public _(not drive) on the roads after drinking.七、完成句子根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。41 . 凯特六岁时就会弹钢琴了。Kate _ play the piano when she was six years old.42 . 七月初格林一家将启程去上海。_ July, the Greens are leaving for Shanghai.43 . 请在这张纸上写下您的名字和电话号码。Please _ your name and phone number on the paper.44 . 我觉得这件事与杰克有关。I think this thing _ Jack.45 . 他们打算下个月开始一项新的研究。They plan to _ a new study next month.八、语法填空阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。If you asked me what my favorite sport is, my answer would be swimming. I was interested in swimming when I was five years old. I 46 . (learn)to swim ever since. There are many reasons why I love swimming, but Ill just share a few with you. Maybe I can even encourage you 47 . (go)for a swim. The first reason I love swimming is that I feel totally relaxed whenever I leave the pool. I love the feeling of floating 48 . the water and feeling almost weightless. On the other hand, it can also be a competitive sport 49 . raises your heartbeat. Its amazing to push 50 . (you)to the challenge of beating someone else to the finish line. Its great fun racing across the pool as fast as you can!Another reason that I love swimming is that it has 51 . (many)styles than other sports such as running and walking. It doesnt feel like youre doing 52 . same thing over and over again. In summer, swimming can be a nice, refreshing(恢复精力的)break! Theres nothing better than 53 . (jump)into the water on a hot summer day. You can choose to swim in a swimming pool 54 . in the sea. And finally, its a life skill which everyone should have. Not only is it good for your 55 . (healthy), but you never know when youll need your ability to swim. 第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、语法填空1、


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