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七年级英语下册第二模块检测卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I can do many kinds of housework _ cooking. Ill learn it from my mother.AforBwithoutCexceptDBetween2 . They promise _there with me.AgoBgoingCto goDgoes3 . Jack is famous _a writer. He has written many interesting stories.AforBasCofDwith4 . The retired couple have decided to go to college. Its time forto begin a new life.AtheyBthemCtheirDtheirs5 . Meimei _ the bus station first, and then she gets to school _.Aride to;by busBrides to;on busCride to;by the busDrides to;on the bus6 . The man who coughs a lot was advised by the doctor to give up smoking recently.Astop to smokeBkeep smokingCstop smoking7 . Do you think the cost of the trip is _? Yes. Because the food and hotels cost _.Atoo much large; too manyBmuch too high; too muchCmuch too expensive; too muchDtoo much big; too many8 . A: I play football for one and a half hours every day.B: Oh, you doexercise. You exercise ten hours a week.Amuch; less thanBmuch; more thanCmany; less thanDmany; more than9 . My brother doesnt like playing basketball _ watching TV.AandBbutCorD10 . _? He can speak English well.ACan he speak English wellBWhat can he doCDoes he speak EnglishDWhat does he do11 . Could you tell _it is from your home to your school?Its about fifteen minutes ride.Ahow longBhow oftenChow farDhow soon12 . Dont always make the kids _day and night.Ato studyBstudiesCstudyDstudying13 . What would _ in the little village if the war went on for another year?-Its hard to imagine.AproduceBguardCremainDrequest14 . Mrs. Black doesnt want to go shopping _ she is very tired.AsoBbecauseCorDbut15 . _ will you stay in Beijing? About two weeks.AWhenBHow longCHow many daysDWhat time二、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。其中有两项为多余选项。Mr Li: Betty, welcome to our class.Betty: Hello, everyone! 16 . Wang Lin: Nice to meet you, too. My name is Wang Lin. Can you speak Chinese, Betty?Betty: 17 . But I can speak English well.Wang Lin: I speak Chinese very well and I can teach you. 18 . Betty: No, I cannot swim. My father can swim.Wang Lin: 19 . Betty: My father works in a factory. He is an excellent worker.Wang Lin: My father is a worker, too.Betty: Really? 20 . Wang Lin: She is a manager in a hotel.ACan you swim?BWhere does your father work?CNice to meet you.DI can only speak a little Chinese.EYou can play football.FWhat about your mother?GIs your mother a worker?三、完型填空Mr. Green is a good teacher. He is _. There _ fifty students in _ class. Mr. Green and his students are _ friends, too.Now some of the students _ on the playground. Bill and Mike _. Tom and John are jumping. Mary and Lucy are _ a kite. _ girls are playing _. Mr. Green is playing _ them.21 . AemptyBfullCkindDhappy22 . AisBareCare someDarent any23 . AtheirBherCitsDhis24 . AgoodBfineCniceDall right25 . AplayBis playingCare playingDare play26 . ArunBrunningCare runningDnot run27 . AflyingBdoingCplayingDsitting28 . AOthersBAnotherCThe othersDOther29 . Athe footballBa footballCgamesDthe game30 . AandBwithCforDto四、阅读单选阅读理解Hi Ann,How are you? Do you like your school? I like my school a lot. My teachers are very nice. Some of my subjects are fun, but some of them are boring. I like English and art, but I dont like math.My brother likes his school, too. He likes math, but he doesnt like English. His favorite class is P.E. He likes it very much. His favorite teacher is Mrs. Wang. Does your sister like her school? What subject do you like?EmmaHi Emma,Its nice to hear from you. Im fine, thanks. Yes, I like my school, but my sister doesnt. She doesnt like homework! I like music and English, but I dont like P. E. I like all of my teachers. Miss Lee is my favorite teacher. She teaches music. Her classes are always fun.Do you have a favorite teacher?Ann31 . Emma doesnt like_.AEnglishBthe schoolCmathDart32 . Emmas brothers favorite class is_.AmathBChineseCmusicDP.E33 . Who doesnt like his or her school?AAnn.BEmmas brother.CEmma.DAnns sister.34 . Who is Anns favorite teacher?AMiss Lee.BMr. Lee.CMiss Li.DMrs. Wang.35 . Ann mainly (主要地) writes about_ in her e-mail.Aher familyBher school life (生活)Cher friendsDher sportsLearn Chinese about 2010 Shanghai Expo(世博会)Want to learn Chinese and travel around China.Mandarin Morning Center will help you move a step closer to the Shanghai Expo!Course time: Every Saturday morning from 9:00 to 12:00And now, we offer you a 1-hour free lesson. What a great chance!Please contact: 138*260.E-mail:mia.cashmeregmail.comLearn Chinese about 2010 Shanghai Expo(世博会)Want to learn Chinese and travel around China.Mandarin Morning Center will help you move a step closer to the Shanghai Expo!Course time: Every Saturday morning from 9:00 to 12:00And now, we offer you a 1-hour free lesson. What a great chance!Please contact: 138*260.E-mail:mia.cashmeregmail.comTianyigu Taijiquan Club recruiting new members!Tianyigu Taijicquan Club now offers special taiji training courses.Course time: Every morning from 7:00 to 9:00Location: Green Park in BeijingPlease call Bruce Zhao at 1340*533 or visit www.tianyigu.com to find more.Tianyigu Taijiquan Club recruiting new members!Tianyigu Taijicquan Club now offers special taiji training courses.Course time: Every morning from 7:00 to 9:00Location: Green Park in BeijingPlease call Bruce Zhao at 1340*533 or visit www.tianyigu.com to find more.Part-time English teacher neededChaoyang English Coaching School,4 or 5 classes each week.Location: Close to Yonganli Subway StationStudents from Canada/America. Good salary.Please enclose(附入)your photo in your resume(简历). Tel:136*170E-mail:tomanngmail.comPart-time English teacher neededChaoyang English Coaching School,4 or 5 classes each week.Location: Close to Yonganli Subway StationStudents from Canada/America. Good salary.Please enclose(附入)your photo in your resume(简历). Tel:136*170E-mail:tomanngmail.comPerzina piano looking for a buyerI am looking for a buyer for my Perzina piano. The piano was bought on April 26, 2008. The same kind of piano is now sold at 30,800 yuan. Since I am moving abroad, I need to find a buyer for it. I am selling the piano at 21,800 yuan now.Please call Ms Wu at 139*617(before 10 pm).Perzina piano looking for a buyerI am looking for a buyer for my Perzina piano. The piano was bought on April 26, 2008. The same kind of piano is now sold at 30,800 yuan. Since I am moving abroad, I need to find a buyer for it. I am selling the piano at 21,800 yuan now.Please call Ms Wu at 139*617(before 10 pm).根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。36 . If you want to _, Mandarin Morning Center can help you.Alearn taijiBbuy a second-hand pianoClearn ChineseDbe an English teacher37 . If you join Mandarin Morning Center, you will have courses for _.Ano less than twelve hours a monthBjust three hours a monthCless than twelve hours a monthDabout two hours a week38 . If you want to be an English teacher, you can _for more information.Acall 138*260Bphone 1340*533Csend e-mail to tomanngmail.comDvisit www.tianyigu.com39 . Ms Wu wants to sell her piano because_.AShe doesnt like playing the piano nowBShe will go abroadCher new house is too smallDShe wants to buy a new one40 . From the passage, we know that _.AMandarin Morning Center can help you travel around Shanghai for freeBTianyigu Taijiquan Club offers taiji courses at Green Park in BeijingCChaoyang English coaching School needs an English teacher who is from AustraliaDMs Wu wants to sell her piano at 30,800 yuan五、句型转换句型转换41 . Her father can play basketball and table tennis.(改为否定句)Her father _ play basketball _ table tennis.42 . Lucy can dance well. Can you dance well?(改为同义句)Lucy can dance well. _ you?43 . Don t be worried about me.(改为同义句)Dont_ me.44 . Mike can play basketball well.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) _ Mike _ basketball well? _,he _ .45 . I want to join the Dance Club.(改为同义句)I _ join the Dance Club.六、填写适当的单词补全句子在下列各句的空白处填入一个恰当的词,使句子意思完整、语法正确。46 . My father is a _ of soccer, so he stayed up late to watch the 2018 World Cup.47 . It is not _ to go out by yourself at night.48 . My mother wanted me to study _ ,but I hoped to stay in China.49 . Everyone should be honest. We should not _ others.50 . It is very hard to take _ air as you get near the top of a high mountain.七、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号中单词的适当形式填空。51 . My mother is _(exciting) about the idea of having a pet dog.52 . Ive _ out of paper.53 . My new dress is similar to _(you).54 . The dog Lucky makes a big _(different) to his life55 . He is a _ (disable) man. Lets do something for him.56 . The radio is_(break). It doesnt work.57 . Whenever we met_(difficult), they came to help us.58 . Exercise can make a great_(different)to our health.59 . _(Kind)should show up in the little things you do for each other and not just the big things.60 . Thank you for_(carry)the case for me.八、完成句子根据汉语意思完成下列句子。61 . 艾兰没有棒球棒。Alan_a baseball bat.62 . 我喜欢在晚上看电视。I like to _in the evening.63 . 我常常课后去图书馆。I often go to the library_64 . 这是一本有趣的书。This is _book.65 . 弗兰克和吉娜在同一所学校。Frank and Gina are in the _九、多任务混合问题Dear Anna, Hi! I saw your blog on the Internet and I(A)would like to be your e-friend. My name is Jason. Im 12 years old. Im tall. (B)我留着黑色短发.live in a flat(C)_Beijing with my parents. My dad is(D)_engineer and my mum is a teacher. (E)My school is not close to our home. I go to school by bus. My favourite subject is Maths. I like my school and I have(F)lots of friends there. like flying kites in my free time. My favourite hobby is volleyball. Email me soon. Best wishes,Jason66 . 写出文中画线部分(A)和(F)的同义词或近义词:_67 . 将文中画线部分(B)译为英语:_68 . 在文中(C)(D)空白处填入适当单词:_69 . 将文中画线部分(E)改写为:My school is _from our home.70 . 在文中找出两个表示职业的名词:_十、材料作文71 . 来到了九年级的你一定对自己有了更深的认识,请根据所给提示,以“This is me!”为题,写一篇演讲稿,分享你对自己的认识。请注意文章中不能出现自己的真实姓名。注意:1.词数: 100词左右(文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数);2.文中不能出现真实姓名、校名等信息;3.文章必须包含所提供的主要信息,并作适当发挥。Now Ive been a Grade 9 student and I know more about myself. Today I want to share what I think of myself with you._Thats all. Thank you very much for your listening.第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、句型转换1、六、填写适当的单词补全句子1、七、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、八、完成句子1、九、多任务混合问题1、十、材料作文1、


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