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济南市2019版三年级上册第四次月考英语试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Show me _. ( )AfineBniceCnine2 . Turn left _ the traffic lights. ( )AatBtoCin3 . 找出下列每组词中不属于同类的一项。1. A. three B. half C. five(_)2. A. know B. tomato C. potato(_)3. A. apple B. fruit C. banana(_)4. A. train B. clever C. bike(_)5. A. meat B. anything C. chicken(_)4 . 根据汉语意思,完成下列单词或短语:( )1.Chrmas 圣诞节A.is B.ist C.est( )2.abt关于A.ou B.au C.un( )3.Chin中国的A.asa B.ase C.ese( )4.Engl英国A.ish B.and C.ind( )5.pret礼物A.zen B.san C.sen( )6.s唱歌A.ing B.ong C.ang( )7.春节A.Spring New Year B.Summer Festival C.Spring Festival( )8.家庭大餐A.a big family lunch B.a big family dinner C.a big home dinner( )9.圣诞快乐!A.Happy Christmas B.Happy New Year C.Happy Spring Festival( )10.一本给你的书A.a book about you B.a book of you C.a book for you5 . Have some water, please. ( )_AI dont know.BThank you.CYoure welcome.找出不同类的单词。6 . AcollectBbookCwrite7 . AlooksBcomesCteach8 . AmakeBdidCwent9 . AMarchBMayCkite10 . AoneBtenthCsixth11 . Are you _ to have lunch together? ( )No, Im not.AgoingBgoesCto go12 . 想知道教师办公室在哪里?你应该问:_( )AWheres the music room?BWheres the computer room?CWheres the teachers office?读对话,选择正确的图片。13 . How many rulers? ( )Five.AB14 . How old are you? ( )Im four years old.AB15 . Show me eight. ( )AB16 . I see V and Z. ( )AB17 . Its a birthday cake. ( )AB18 . - _( )- Its a brown ball.AWhat colour is it?BWhats that?CAre you a robot?19 . _, Im Daming. ( )AHiBGoodbye二、单词拼写20 . help (形容词)_三、排序题21 . 放学了,老师让小蜜蜂排好队回家,可他们中有人请假了,你还能帮他们把队伍排好吗?( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四、匹配题英汉互译选一选。A. 那是操场。B. 它在美术教室下面。C. 它是计算机房。D. 这是我的教室。E. 图书馆在哪里?22 . Its the computer room. (_)23 . Wheres the library? (_)24 . This is my classroom. (_)25 . It is under the art room. (_)26 . That is the playground. (_)27 . 看图,选词,填字母编号。AcatBbirdCdog1.(_)2. (_) 3. (_)五、连词成句组词成句28 . sometimes my I bicycle ride_.29 . is Li Ming letter writing a _.30 . shopping go I on foot_.31 . usually store I the to walk_.32 . help lets my make mother supper_.六、连线题33 . 连线I dont know. A是的,它在。Is it under the table?B 它在桌子上。It is on the desk.C我不知道Yes, it is. D它是在桌子下面吗?第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、单词拼写1、三、排序题1、四、匹配题1、2、五、连词成句1、六、连线题1、


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