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山东省2020年(春秋版)英语六年级下册小升初专项训练:现在进行时(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、填空题1 . 写出下列单词的-ing形式1. play _ 2. skate _3. run _ 4. swim _5. boat _ 6. cheer _7. watch _ 8. pass _用所给单词的正确形式填空。2 . Its hot and_ (sun) in Hainan now.3 . This wall _ (have) a picture.4 . Dont _ (forget) your work.5 . Ill _ (take) four stamps,please!6 . How much _ (be) these computers?7 . He _(dont) need this shirt.8 . 选择适当的词完成句子1.This _(are,is)a map.2. - _(How, What) are you?- Fine,thanks.3.- Whats this in English?-_(This,It) is an apple.4. How _ (is, are) you?9 . 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Sunday is the _(one) day of a week.2. My father _(play) basketball every afternoon.3. It is the _(five) of October.4._ (Jim) birthday is on the first of May.5. Does he _(run fast)? Yes, he (do).6. Are there_(some ) apples for me?7.Helen like _(watch) films?8. The children _(have) a running race.9.He _(get) up at 6:00 every day,10.Can your father_(swim)?10 . 根据要求写出所给单词的适当形式1 .three (序数词)_ 2. heavy(比较级)_3. right ( 反义词) _ 4 .do ( 第三人称单数)_5. swim (ing形式)_ 6. big(比较级)_7. have(过去式) _ 8. their(同音词)_9. thin (比较级)_ 10.read(过去式)_11 . 语法填空1. Would you like_(visit) London one day? Of course.2. We like to go _(swim)in summer.3. Its late. I have _ (go) to school by taxi.4. Amy likes _(read)stories.5. Sarah likes _(dance).6. I dont know how _ (drive) the car.7. Lets _ (play) football after school.8. Do you want _(see)my photos ?9. We also go _(swim)and ride our horses .10. Im sorry_(hear) that you have a toothache.11. Zhang Peng likes _(draw) pictures.12 . 按要求写出单词1.下一次(汉译英)_2.write ( -ing 形式)_3.swim ( -ing 形式)_4.没关系(汉译英)_5.tall(反义词)_13 . 写出下列动词的适当形式。【小题1】read(现在分词)_【小题2】speak(现在分词)_【小题3】go (单三式)_【小题4】story(复数形式)_【小题5】have (单三式)_【小题6】do(否定形式)_【小题7】begin(单三式)_【小题8】teach(单三式)_【小题9】do (单三式)_【小题10】sing(现在分词)_根据要求写单词。14 . new (反义词) _15 . read (现在分词) _16 . drink (对应词) _17 . cloud (形容词) _18 . with (同义词) _19 . I am (缩写) _20 . Fill in the blanks with the following words.(选词填空)eating washing happy studying watching wateringIt is Sunday today. We are at home. My mother is_the dishes in the kitchen. My father is _the flowers in the garden. My grandpa is_TV in the living room. I am_in the study. What is my cat doing? She is _a fish in the kitchen. Everyone is _.按要求写单词。21 . run (现在分词) _22 . she (名词性物主代词) _23 . rain (现在分词) _24 . lose (过去式) _25 . work (名词) _二、仿写句子26 . 仿照例句,写句子。例:The horse is walking. 1. _ is jumping. 2. _ running. 第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、填空题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、仿写句子1、


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