外研版(三起)英语六年级下册Module7 单元测试卷

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外研版(三起)英语六年级下册Module7 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Look _ my big hat. ( )AinBatCon2 . She wrote a book about_. ( )AhimselfBherselfCyourself3 . You can see _ in London if you go there. ( )ATower BridgeBtower bridge4 . Lets look for Daming together. I cant _him. ( )AfindBlookCremember5 . Come to China _ baseball games with me. ( )Ato watchBwatchCsee选出每组单词中不同类的一项。6 . AsonBdaughterCjuice7 . AcoatBfatherCsweater8 . AwatchBzebraCowl9 . AthreeBhoneyCeight10 . AdeskBchairCgrapes11 . Some people are coming back to Shanghai fromcities. ( )AanotherBothersCthe otherDother12 . Thank you _your letter. ( )AforBtoC/13 . Ima map. ( )AreadingBlookingCseeing14 . Lei Feng is a role model _ all of us. ( )AatBinCfor二、阅读选择阅读理解。Hometown: northwestern(西北的)of Sichuan Province(省) and southern(南方的) part of Gansu ProvinceLike: climbing treesFood: bambooDrink: spring water根据短文,选择正确答案.15 . The pandas mainly(主要地) live in _. ( )AAmericaBJapanCChina16 . Where are the pandas hometowns? -_. ( )AGuangdong and GansuBSichuan and SuzhouCGansu and Sichuan17 . What do the pandas like? -_. ( )ARunningBClimbing treesCSwimming18 . Whats the pandas main food? -_. ( )ARiceBMeatCBamboo19 . What do the pandas have? -_. ( )AFat bodies and short tailsBlong ears and long tailsCA big mouth two wings三、情景交际20 . 向别人问候时应该说:( )AHello , Im Lingling .BHello , Lingling .CHow are you , Lingling ?21 . 教师节到了,你对老师说:_( )AHappy birthday!BHappy Teachers Day!CHappy Mothers Day!22 . 当你看到一年级小朋友扔垃圾,你会对他说:_ ( )AWe should save water.BGo away.CWe shouldnt litter.23 . 你想知道对方想不想打篮球,问:_( )AYou can play basketball well.BDo you want to play basketball?CCan he play basketball?24 . 你的朋友要去度假了,你应该祝福他(她)( )AHave a good time!BGood idea!CGood guess!四、英译汉25 . 翻译句子:Do you want to visit the UN building?_26 . 翻译1. May I try on the black trousers?_2. May I look at the blue shoes?_3. What is your size?_4. The shoes are nice._翻译下列短语。27 . have a look_28 . read the book _29 . come in_30 . fly a kite_五、汉译英完成下列词组31 . _带午餐32 . _一些面包和蜂蜜33 . _一些饮料34 . _又饿又渴35 . _潮湿的衣服36 . _吃我们的午饭37 . _乌云38 . _遇见我/他/ 她/ 他们/ 你39 . _看起来很伤心/ 开心40 . _今天早晨/ 下午/ 晚上41 . 根据汉语意思或句意完成句子1.春天是第一个季节。Spring is the_.2.树长出了新的绿叶。_have new _leaves.3.桃树上有许多花。_a lot of _on the peach trees.4. 鸟儿们唱着歌迎接春天。_ sing _welcome the spring.5.春天天气有点冷。Its a _ cold _spring. 翻译。42 . 圣诞节_43 . 春节_44 . 晚餐_45 . 新年快乐!_汉译英。46 . 长城_47 . 紫禁城_48 . 颐和园_49 . 拍一些照片_50 . 暑假_51 . 最大的广场_52 . 西湖_53 . 第三大国_54 . 最多人口_55 . 上千名游客_56 . 翻译:不,我不是李磊。我是林林。_六、英汉混合英汉互译。57 . thirteen cars _58 . like pandas_59 . play basketball _60 . 给你_61 . 两个芒果_62 . how many_63 . 英汉互译1.外套_ 4. shirt_2.连衣裙_ 5. skirt_七、匹配题情境选择。A. Chinese is my favourite subject.B. Good luck!C. Goodbye!D. Thank you.E. Come on.64 . 大明在跑二百米比赛,你想为他喊加油,你会喊:(_)65 . 当别人问你最喜欢的科目是什么时,你会说:(_)66 . 当别人在学习上帮助了你,你会说:(_)67 . 当别人告诉你他会参加跳高比赛时,你会说:(_)68 . 放学后,你和朋友在校门口分别,你会说:(_)八、连词成句69 . 连词成句。(1)his / what / number / is (? )_(2)which / class / you / in /are (?)_(3)am / I / sixteen / number (.)_(4)to / pleased / meet /you (.)_(5)is / what / the / time(?)_70 . 连词成句:one, like, I , the , blue (.)_71 . 连词成句。(只写序号)1sees a Tom doctor_.2hurts My arm_.3the matter Whats_?4I feel dont good_.5cant go I school to_.连词成句。72 . Tomweeksevenbreakfasthadlast times(.)_73 . oftenyourunhowdoaweek (?)_74 . likedrinktodoyouwhat (?)_75 . favouritefoodisyourwhat (?)_76 . makealwaysImylunch(.)_77 . 连词成句难不倒我!1. play We to like_2. friends We are_第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、阅读选择1、三、情景交际1、2、3、4、5、四、英译汉1、2、3、五、汉译英1、2、3、4、5、六、英汉混合1、2、七、匹配题1、八、连词成句1、2、3、4、5、


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