外研版(三起)英语六年级上册Module7 单元测试卷

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外研版(三起)英语六年级上册Module7 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、情景交际1 . 妈妈问你喜欢吃什么,她该问:_ ( )AWhat are those?BWhat do you like?2 . 我有时乘火车,应该说:AI always go by train.BSometimes I go by train.CI usually go by subway.3 . 你的同学指着书,问你:_AWhats this?BWhats his name?4 . 你代表学校到英国参加“中英友好学校”交流会,应该这样介绍自己:_( )AI am Canada.BI am from China.CIm China.5 . 想问“是男孩还是女孩?”时:( )AIs he a boy?BBoy or girl?二、填空题根据句意首字母填空。6 . Billy doesnt like football. So he n_ watches football matches.7 . Mr Smith has two c_. One is a son, the other is a daughter.8 . Jim is a good student. He always f_ his homework early.9 . Tina washes h_ face every day.10 . Tom isnt good at singing. He sings b_.用所给单词的适当形式填空。11 . Chinese New Year _ (come) soon.12 . Mike _ (get) an email yesterday.13 . All the students are very _(excite) about the _(excite) show.14 . We _(make) cakes tomorrow.15 . Miss Li _(buy) some flowers last Sunday.16 . There are a lot of _(firecracker) on the ground.17 . His family _(have) dinner together.18 . Im _(excite) about Childrens Day too.三、阅读回答问题阅读短文,回答下列问题。Hi, Im Amy. Look at the picture. A rabbit is running. Two elephants are walking. What is the koala doing? It is swimming in the river. There is another koala in the tree. It is eating leaves. How cute! A mother kangaroo is jumping. The baby kangaroo is sleeping. I love kangaroos! Oh! There are two tigers. The big tiger is biting the other one. Theyre fighting.19 . Whats the rabbit doing?_20 . What are the two elephants doing? _21 . How many koalas are there? _22 . Whats the baby kangaroo doing? _23 . Does Amy love kangaroos? _四、英译汉24 . 英译汉1. get frightened_2.a fantastic present_3. twelve hours_4 come out of _5. learn a lesson_英译汉25 . play basketball _26 . jump rope_27 . swim_28 . 将下列句子翻译成中文。1、This is Liu Tao._2、Goodbye, Mike. _3、Are you my friend? _4、Good morning. _5、This is my sister. _6、Good evening. _7、Hes my brother. _8、Hes Mike. _五、汉译英29 . 芳芳调皮吗? ( )AIs there a girl in the class?BIs Fangfang naughty?30 . 根据汉语意思,完成句子:这是一本关于科学的书。This is a _science.根据中文提示完成句子。31 . 上周我们在湖边捉到了一条大鱼。We _ near the lake last weekend.32 . 开始它很精彩,但接着下起了大雨。It was wonderful _, but then there was _.33 . 昨天我给我的笔友写了一封信。I _ a letter _ my pen friend.34 . 我们经常从那家购物中心买东西。We often _ things _ that shopping center.35 . 它们什么意思?它们的意思是我们不能在这儿饮食。-_ do they _? -They mean we cant _ here.36 . 译短语。1. 建造你们的房子_2. 让我们走吧_3. 很强壮_4. 两头胖猪_5. 进来_37 . 你是个学生吗?( )AAre you a pupil?BAre you LiuYan?38 . 看谁是出色的小翻译. 1.看,瞧_2.看上去像,似乎_3.英国_4.欢迎来我们家做客!_5.他们是画家。_6.我有一个新朋友。_7.他是我们的体育老师。_8.看我的家庭照片。_9.这是我的妈妈。_10.这是你的哥哥吗?_六、英汉混合英汉互译。39 . near the school _40 . be late for _41 . in the playground _42 . at half past six _43 . walk to school_44 . 在早晨_45 . 起床_46 . 做早操_47 . 上床睡觉_48 . 跳绳_英汉互译。49 . 一杯咖啡_50 . 两杯牛奶_51 . 我的橘子汁_52 . 你的面条_53 . 一些鱼_54 . three hamburgers_55 . some stickers_56 . What about you?_57 . Anything else?_58 . Can I help you?_七、填内容补全对话59 . 联系上下文,把对话补充完整_ a tiger live in the forest?No, it _.60 . 根据下句进行提问1._No, Tom and I arent in the same class.2._I leave home at 7 in the morning.3._Sorry. Because my clock doesnt work.4._My parents and I visit her once a week.5._Yes, we share one bedroom.6._Yes, Beijing is in the north of China.61 . 选出适当的词填在横线上。AbesideBparkCreading booksDareEis good forThere is a 1._ 2._ our school. There 3._ many trees and flowers in it. Look! Some girls are 4._ They are having a good time. Doing more reading 5._ our study.62 . 补全对话。1._ are you? Im nine.2._ birthday!Here is a card for you._ .63 . 看图写话。根据所给图片的提示,完成句子。1. A: _? B: Its under the bed.2. A: _? B: Because Lingling made a mistake. She brought us some cups.3. A: Why are you wearing a hat? B: _.4. A: What is the boy doing? B: _.八、匹配题选出各句的正确答语。A. By subway.B. She is a cleaner.C. I like listening to music.D. My father is ill.E. Yes, it is.F. Youre welcome.G. No, he doesnt.H. Yes, there is.I. Im going to visit my grandparents.J. She is my aunt.64 . Does your friend live in Beijing? (_)65 . What is your hobby? (_)66 . How do you go to the park? (_)67 . Whats wrong? (_)68 . Whos she? (_)69 . What does your mother do? (_)70 . Is it far? (_)71 . What are you going to do tomorrow? (_)72 . Excuse me, is there a zoo near here? (_)73 . Thank you. (_)九、连词成句74 . 连词成句,注意大小写。1.is, heavy, Your, so, schoolbag (.)2.I, May, have, look, a (?)3.up, the, Put, picture (.)4.has, He, big eyes, small ears, and (.)5.in, Whats, desk, your (?)75 . 排序。1. wants a to she be teacher_2. going he where tonight is _3. to learn is swim going he to_4 . doing learn by_5. eat you moon cakes every day do_76 . 连词成句。1. bright, our, how, classroom, is, (!)_2. that, what, a, photo, nice, is, (!)_3. good, what, are, they, pupils, (!)_4. me, your, give,please, book, (.)_5. be, for, dont, class, late, again, please, (.)_连词成句。77 . in, what, is, classroom, your(?)_78 . you, would, like, soup, some, please (?)_79 . this, your, brother, is, baby(?)_80 . six, my, has, people, family(.)_81 . use, for, you, chopsticks, noodles(.)_82 . 请将所给单词组成一句话,使其意思完整,注意标点符号和大小写(5x2)。(1)these naughty are ducks (.)(2)watching Im TV (.)(3)come I can in (?)(4)can bird fly this (.)(5)are animals there stone (.)十、其他按要求写句子。83 . a dancing have class I (.)_84 . bread me pass some (.)_85 . Do you like math? (做肯定回答)_,_.86 . The early bird catches the worm.(英译汉)_87 . 我能吃一些米饭吗?(汉译英)_ I have _?从下面句子中找出两组对应词,并翻译。This is a sheep. These are sheep.That is a potato. Those are potatoes.88 . _(_)反义词_(_)89 . _(_)反义词_(_)第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、情景交际1、2、3、4、5、二、填空题1、2、三、阅读回答问题1、四、英译汉1、2、3、五、汉译英1、2、3、4、5、6、六、英汉混合1、2、七、填内容补全对话1、2、3、4、5、八、匹配题1、九、连词成句1、2、3、4、5、十、其他1、2、


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