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人教版(PEP)2019-2020学年三年级上册期末测试英语试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . The mouse is afraid of . ( )Hanging a bell on a catAthe catBthe wolfCthe dog2 . 哪个是正确的电子邮件地址? ( )ALiu Yun a penpal.comBAlice21cn.comCMike-penpal.comDAlice.penpal.cn.com3 . Apart from(除了) CRH, Chinas other name card is. ( )AC 919BA 380CB 7874 . My pen friend _ she will write_ me soon. ( )Asay; ofBsays; forCsays; to5 . _ beautiful snow!( )AHowBWhatCWhere找出不属于同类的词。6 . AcatBdogCcute7 . AappleBfourteenCnineteen8 . AjumpBskateClion9 . AbasketballBfootballCsure10 . AdrinkBsixteenCtalk11 . ApearBmonkeyCgrape12 . AlookBlikeCpanda13 . AtheseBthisCthat14 . AdogsBmonkeysCtiger15 . AourBheCmy16 . Did youthe piano yesterday? ( )AplayBplayingCto playingDplayed17 . What _ she teach? ( )AhaveBdoesCdo18 . _ play in the toilet. ( )ANoBNotCDont19 . saves the lion. ( ) The grateful mouseAThe goatBThe mouseCThe dog20 . 选出与所给单词同类的选项:on ( )AatBisCa21 . 狮子们累了。( )AThe lions are tired.BThe tigers are tired.22 . Whats _ name, please? ( )Im Sue.AIByouCyour23 . What are those ? young animals . AThose isBThatsCThey areDIts24 . _ your sister a nurse?Yes,she is.AIsBAreCAm25 . Duck Ronnie likes . ( )(出自朗文阅读第二课On the Farm)AgrassBbonesCfish26 . -Can I have some Coke, please? ( )-_AHere you are.BThank you.CMe too.27 . Walls have ears means_. ( )A墙上有洞B隔墙有耳C震耳欲聋D耳聪目明28 . -in the desk? ( )- Some pens and pencils.AWhatsBWhere isCWhat are29 . 选出不同类的单词。(_)1. A. earB. eyeC. I(_)2. A.faceB. have C. nose(_)3. A. smallB. hairC. mouth(_)4. A.bigB. small C. hair(_)5. A. longB. mouthC.short30 . _is the boy?-Hes behind the door. ( )AWhoBWhereCWhat31 . 选出每组单词中不同类的一项。(_)1. A. father B. he C. she D. I(_)2. A. UK B. mother C. USA D. China(_)3. A. man B. woman C. teacher D. boy(_)4. A. Canada B. grandma C. grandpa D. grandmother(_)5. A. brother B. mother C. student D. sister二、情景交际32 . 老师请你拍手,用英语该这样说:( )AClap your hands.BShake your body.33 . 当你想问别人几点了,你可以说:( )AWhat class are you in?BWhat time is it?34 . 想请对方打开盒子,应该说:( )AClose the door. BOpen the book. COpen the box.35 . 当你想确定你的铅笔是不是在盒子里时,你应该怎么说?( )AIs it a pencil?BIs it a box?CIs it in the box?DWhere is my pencil?36 . 当你看到远处有一支漂亮的钢笔,会说:( )AWhats a nice pen?BThats a nice pen.CThis is a nice pen.37 . 当别人夸奖你的书包漂亮时,你应该说:_( )AOh, no.BThank you.CYes, it is.38 . 当你想知道那些是什么时,你应这样问: _ ( )AWhat is this?BWhat are those?39 . 别人想知道你的新T恤衫是什么颜色的他会说:( )AWhat colour is your new T-shirt?BLook at my new T-shirt.CIts new.40 . 迈克站起来回答完老师的问题后,老师可以说:( )ACome in, Mike.BSit down, Mike.41 . 拔出_ ( )Aget upBpull upCstand up三、单词拼写42 . Look and fill in the blanks.p_k四、排序题43 . 给下列句子排序,组成一段通顺的对话。AOK. Can I have some soup?BIts 11:00. Its time for lunch. Have some lunch.CYes. Here you are.DThanks.EWhat time is it?_44 . 读一读,给下列句子排序。_What should I do?_Whats wrong?_My brother is ill._Dont worry. Lets go to the hospital first._Amy, can you come here please?五、任务型阅读45 . 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)My name is Lily. Im eleven. This is my family. I have a twin sister. Shes Lucy. Shes nice.This is my grandpa. He has a big farm. The ducks and chickens on his farm are lovely.The old woman in red is my grandma. She likes red. This is my mother. Shes beautiful.She often makes ice cream for me. This is my father. He works(工作) in a library. This is me. I love my family.【小题1】Lucy is eleven. (_)【小题2】Lilys grandpa likes red. (_)【小题3】There are (有)five people (人) in Lilys family. (_)【小题4】The chickens and birds on the farm are lovely. (_)【小题5】Lilys father has a library. (_)46 . 根据课文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。1. Simon is Damings cousin. (_)2. Laura wants an American pen friend. (_)3. Daming wants to know more about China. (_)4. Lingling can speak some English. (_)5. Laura cant write to Lingling. (_)六、匹配题选出相对应的答句。A. Thank you.B. Im sorry.C. Im in the library.D. Yes, it is.E. Good morning, Wang Bing.F. No, thank you.G. Its in the tree.H. How nice!47 . Wheres the bird? (_)48 . This is for you, Mike. (_)49 . Look! This is my dress. (_)50 . Where are you, Su Hai? (_)51 . Is the pencil behind the book? (_)52 . Dont eat here. (_)53 . Would you like a cake? (_)54 . Good morning, Mike. (_)选出问句相对应的答句。AThank you.BHello, Lisa.CYes, I am.DYes, it is.EGreat!55 . Is this your jacket? (_)56 . How nice!(_)57 . Look at my skirt.(_)58 . This is my sister, Lisa. (_)59 . Are you Jack? (_)七、连词成句60 . 连词成句1.likes / volleyball / Alice / playing (.)_2.both / we / animals / love (.)_3.are / the / in / we / class / same (.)_4.both / they / helping / like / people (.)_第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、二、情景交际1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、三、单词拼写1、四、排序题1、2、五、任务型阅读1、2、六、匹配题1、2、七、连词成句1、


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