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2019-2020学年人教PEP版六年级下册期末测试英语试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . There is _ autumn festival in the UK. ( )AaBanC/Dthe2 . “Parents Day” 的汉语意思是:_. ( )A放暑假的日子B开学的日子C开家长会的日子3 . Who won? ( )_ team won.ABobBBobsCBobs4 . Look at that well-dressed man. Is it John? ( )No, itbe John. He never wears formal suits.AmustntBmay notCcantDshouldnt5 . Tomorrow they _ draw the seasons. ( )AisBwillCdoing6 . _are you from? ( )Im from England.AWhereBWhatCHow7 . There are many apples _ the tree. A boy _ the tree is picking an apple. ( )Ain; onBon; inCon; at8 . Dont talk _ class. ( )AinBonCfor9 . - How are you? ( )- _, thank you.AGood ideaBGoodbyeCFine10 . 选出与图片相符的单词。(_) 1. A. bananaB. lemonC. apple(_) 2. A. snowyB. coldC. windy(_) 3. A. firemanB. policemanC. nurse(_) 4. A. ice-creamB. fineC. four(_) 5. A. warmB. hotC. sunny二、阅读选择11 . 根据短文选择问题的正确答案。July 20th, 1969 was an exciting day. Two Americans got to the moon . They were the first men on the moon .Their names were Armstrong and Aldrin . They went to the moon byspaceship . The name of the spaceship was Apollo2. Apollo 2 left the earth on July 16th. It took three days to get to the moon . There is no air , water , plants or animals on the moon .In China , there are three famous astronauts(航天员). They are Yang Liwei ,Fei Junlong,and Nie Haisheng . On October 15th, 2003 . Yang Liwei went into the space by spaceship . He was the first Chinese man to fly in the space . On October 12th, 2005 two Chinese Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng went into the space by spaceship . They stayed in the space longer than Yang Liwei . They stayed in the space for nine days . Yang Liwei , Fei Junlong,and Nie Haisheng become the heroes of the Chinese people .(1) On _ , That was the first time the human(人类)got to the moon .A . October 15th, 2003 B. October 12th, 2005 C. July 20th, 19692.There(2)air and water on the moon .A .arent B. isnt C. dont(3) Fei Junlong,and Nie Haisheng stayed in the space _ than Yang Liwei.A .shorter B. longer C. earlier(4) Apollo 2 took _ to get to the moon . A .three days . B. nine days. C. four days .(5) Armstrong and Aldrin were.A .Chineses B. Russians C. Americans(6)was the first Chinese man to fly in the space.A. Yang Liwei B. Nie Haisheng C. Fei Junlong (7) Fei Junlong,and Nie Haisheng flew in the space _ than Yang Liwei.A .earlier B. later C. faster(8)The astronauts(航天员) fly to the moon by.A .plane B.car C. spaceship三、完形填空完型填空。A young man _ himself in Japan with only enough money to buy the ticket for his_ back home. As he knew that it would take him only two days to _ home, he decided that he could easily spend the time _ food. So he bought a ticket and _ the ship. The man _ his ears to the sound of the lunch bell. When dinner _ came, he didnt go to the dining room, _ that he was not feeling well. The next morning he still didnt have breakfast and at lunch time he again _ in his room. But at dinner time he was so hungry that he went to the dining room and _ everything the waiter put in front of him. “Bring me the bill,” he said. “The bill, sir?” said the waiter in surprise. “There isnt any bill. On our ship meals are included in the money for the ticket.”12 . AreachedBreachCfoundDfound out13 . AmapBroadCjourneyDplane14 . AarrivedBreachedCtakeDget15 . AonBwithCwithoutDnear16 . Agot onBgot offCruns toDput on17 . AclosedBopenedCstoppedDkept18 . AtableBtimeCpartyDdish19 . AsaysBsaidCsayDsaying20 . AstayedBkeptCwalkedDshouted21 . AfoundBtookCateDlooked四、填空题22 . 词型转化:1.I(形容词性物主代词)_2.work(名词形式)_3.hobby(复数形式)_ 4.fifth(基数词)_5.winter(对应词)_ 6.watch(单三形式)_7.one(序数词)_ 8.big(比较级)_9.write(现在分词)_10.mother(对应词)_五、单词拼写23 . 将单词按正确的顺序排列1.blcbokaard_ 2.scolbhaog_3.lihtg_ 4.sanek_六、任务型阅读阅读理解How is the weather in Australia? Would you like to know about it? Let me tell youIt is autumn in China now, but it is spring in Australia. Spring is very nice in Australia. It is fine and warm. There are a lot of flowers there. Every year there are many flower shows in some big cities. Many people go to the flower shows. Winter is not very cold and summer is not very hot. In summer it is a little hot at noon, but it is cool in the morning and in the evening. It rains sometimes, but it doesnt snow.根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。24 . It is summer in China now, but it is winter in Australia. (_)25 . There are many flower shows in spring in Australia. (_)26 . You can never see flowers in big cities in Australia. (_)27 . People feel cold on New Years Day in Australia. (_)28 . It is still cool at noon in summer in Australia. (_)Read and judge.阅读短文,判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。Im Amy. Im a girl. Im from the UK. Im a student. Im nine years old. I like watermelons. My father is a teacher. My mother is a teacher, too. She is tall. I love my father and mother.29 . Amy is 9 years old. (_)30 . Shes from the USA(_)31 . Shes a student. (_)32 . Amys father likes watermelons. (_)33 . Amys mother and father are teachers. (_)七、填内容补全对话缺词填空。Russia(俄罗斯) is a big country. It has many special (特别的)customs (习俗). So if you travel there, you must k34 . about the customs there.Russian people like number one and seven. They think the t35 . numbers can bring them good luck . But they dont like number thirteen or F36 . . So there is no Room 13 in hotel(旅馆)and they never h37 . important activities on Friday or thirteenth.People in many European(欧洲的)countries dont like cat, b38 . Russian people do. If someone wants to move into a new house, the first that comes into the house must be a c39 . . They think the cat can take b40 . luck away from the room. But they dont like black cats. I41 . someone meets a black cat in the morning, he or she will have a bad day.Another interesting custom is about is c42 . . Russian people dont like yellow. They never w43 . yellow clothes in public(在公共场合) or give yellow gifts to their friends. But they like yellow sunflowers. Sunflower is the national flower of Russia.八、选内容补全对话选择正确的选项补全对话。A. How did you go there?B. What are these?C. Did you have a great time there?D. Where did you go?E. What did you do?Tom:44 . Sam: They are my photos from my holiday. Tom:45 . Sam: I went to Sichuan. Tom: Its far from here. 46 . Sam: I went there by train. It was a long trip. Tom:47 . Sam: Yes. I had a great time there. Tom:48 . Sam: I climbed the mountains, rode a horse, ate delicious food and bought gifts. Tom: Thats great!读一读,选出正确的单词.My name 49 . (is/are) Helen. I 50 . (am/is) in Grade 5 now. I 51 . (have/has) a new maths teacher.52 . (Her/His) name is Lu Mei.53 . (She/He) is tall and thin. I like her class very much. I have maths on Mondays, Wednesdays and 54 . (Friday/Fridays). I like PE very much. My PE teacher is Mr Zhang.55 . (He/She) is really tall and strong, and he is kind, too.56 . (We/They) all like him. I have many good friends at school. They 57 . (is/are) nice to me. I like my school. How about 58 . (you/your)?59 . 选一选,补全对话。AYoure welcome.BExcuse me.CWhere are you going?DGo straight on.Lingling: Hi, Honghong. (1) _Honghong: Im going to Maomaos home.Lingling: Where is it?Lingling: Its in Xinhua Road.On the wayHonghong: Oh. Im lost. (2) _ Wheres Xinhua Road?Policeman: (3) _ Then turn left.Honghong: Thank you.Policeman: (4) _九、书面表达60 . 小作文。你一定有许多爱好吧,通过我们的学习,请用你学过的句子,来描述一下你的爱好是什么?老师看好你奥,你一定书写的很漂亮,快快写吧!第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、阅读选择1、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、五、单词拼写1、六、任务型阅读1、2、七、填内容补全对话1、八、选内容补全对话1、2、3、九、书面表达1、


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