2019秋九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla时文阅读复现式周周练课件 新人教版.ppt

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2019秋九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla时文阅读复现式周周练课件 新人教版.ppt_第1页
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2019秋九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla时文阅读复现式周周练课件 新人教版.ppt_第2页
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2019秋九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla时文阅读复现式周周练课件 新人教版.ppt_第3页
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Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarla 时文阅读 一 可以吃的海报 时文阅读 Doyouhatevegetables ThenthisspecialshowinLondonmaychangeyourmind 1 intheshowcanbeeaten Therearesix foods Theyareicecream bubbles clouds tornadoes 龙卷风 sausage juiceandsoon Allofthemaremade2 vegetablesandfruit 时文阅读 For3 theicecreamismadeofcarrots Thebubbles4 madeofbroccoliandcucumber Thecloudsaremadeofpineapple 5 amazing Theticketsandpostersfortheshowareevenedible 可食用的 6 aremadeofvegetableoilandrice 时文阅读 Thedesignersusededibleinktoprintthem Eachpostertastes7 Forexample theposterofthebubbles8 likecucumber Thecloudposterispineapple flavored Kidshavearound30 000kindsoftastebuds 味蕾 时文阅读 Thisis9 thanwhatadultshave Sokidsaremoresensitivetoflavors 10 theytrysomenewfoodtheydon tlike theymayhaveabadexperience accordingtotheagencythatsetuptheshow Butthroughplayandexperiments childrenaremorelikelytotrydifferentfoods theagencysaidtoCreativeboom 时文阅读 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Everything of example are How They different tastes more If 时文阅读 二 美国马术冠军少女 时文阅读 Canyourideahorse SkylarMillhouserisverygoodatit Sheisaseventh graderatWorleyMiddleSchool theUS Shehaswonnineawardsinnationalequestrian 马术 petitions Millhouser shorseisnamedTimeTwoShine butisknownasShine 1 Shelearnedto2thehorsewhenshewas5 LyndaLewistaughtMillhouseronceaweek3aboutthreeyears She s4 时文阅读 Shealwaysgetsupearlytopracticemorebecauseshebelievesthat Practicemakesperfect Shelistenstomeanddoesherhomeworkverywell Lewis5StarTelegram They reacutepair Theyaregoodatdressage 花样骑术 andhorsedancing Millhouserandherhorsegrewuptogetherlikegoodfriends That sthe6whyMillhouserknowswellaboutthehorse Shealsoknowshowtogetalongwiththehorse 时文阅读 Whensomethinggoeswrong sheneverblamesthehorse 7 shealwaysencouragesit Still thepetitionsarehard Shineiswell trained butissometimeseasilyscared Once Millhouserwas8inthearena 赛场 Suddenly abigdooropenedandmadealoud9 Thehorsewasscaredandranaway Millhouser10andgothurt Evenso shedidn tgiveup 时文阅读 1 A eitherB tooC alsoD neither 2 A raiseB rideC getD drive 3 A forB inC toD through 4 A difficultB hard workingC dangerousD careful 5 A spokeB askedC saidD told 6 A reasonB matterC questionD problem B B A B 时文阅读 D A 7 A InsteadB ButC AndD Also 8 A puttingupB warmingupC lookingupD hangingup 9 A noiseB voiceC soundD action 10 A felloffB fellintoC felloverD felldown A B A 时文阅读 D 谢谢观看


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