2019版鲁教版五四制英语八年级上册Unit 1 同步检测(II)卷

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2019版鲁教版五四制英语八年级上册Unit 1 同步检测(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Would you please _ so much noise?Oh, sorry, I wont.Anot makeBdont makeCnot to makeDmaking2 . (昆明必做)Huang Bo has_a_face_for_radio,but he is a great actor.Ahas a round faceBlikes radiosClistens to the radioDisnt handsome(英俊)3 . I dont know if he _here.If he _tomorrow,I will tell you.Awill come;comesBcomes; will comeCcomes;comesDwill come;will come4 . Can I take a _ for Simon?Yes.Please ask him to wait for me at the bus stop after school.AmessageBshowerCwalkDphoto5 . Can you come up _ a good idea?AofBtoCwithDfor6 . Shall we go to visit our teachers after this exam?.ATake it easyBNever mindCSounds good7 . Jim would like to find _ job because he doesnt want to work here.AaBthe otherConeDanother8 . Not only her parents but also her brother _ to Hong Kong. They havent been back yet.A. have been B have gone C.has been D.has gone9 . -Do you like the song Yesterday Once More ?-Yes. It often _ the old happy days.Awakes me upBreminds me ofCcheers me upDregards me as10 . Could you _the window? I feel a little cold.Aplease not to openBplease not openCnot please to closeDplease not to close11 . There are lots of fruits on the table. What fruit do you like best?I like _ best.AbeefBapplesCvegetablesDbread12 . _ the population of China?Its over 1300000000.AHow many areBHowsCWhatsDHow much is13 . The governments many simple houses to help the homeless people.Aput upBput outCput offDput down14 . The train was travelling _ low speed at that time.AbyBinCatDwith二、补全对话7选5IV. 补全对话A: What can l do for you, sir?B:15 . A: Could you tell me when you would like to fly?B: On the l0th of next month.A: The l0th? Just a minute, please. I have to check the computer. Hmm, Im sorry. 16 . What about the 9th?B: The 9th? No, I cant leave before the l0th. What about the l l th?A: Let me see.17 . B: Whats the night number?A: Flight number? Its HU703.B: HU703. 18 . A: Yes, thats half past four in the afternoon. One-way or round-trip?B: One-way.A: How many seats, please?B: 19 . A: OK. Ill get them for you at once.A: Certainly. You can help me.B: Yes, we have a flight on the l l th.AYes, please. Id like to book two tickets to Hong Kong.D: You have to wait for about an hour.BIt leaves Haikou at l6:30, doesnt it?F: We dont have any flights to Hong Kong that day. CId like two seats, please.三、完型填空Lets talk about the British family today.The British family _ get up at about seven in the morning. They have _ at eight. After breakfast, the students _ to school and the parents go to _. The students have lunch _ school at about twelve thirty and go _ at four in the afternoon. _ parents go home at six. After dinner, the father may _ TV at home or go to a pub. The children dont _ a lot of homework. They go to bed at about eight. Their parents go to bed two or three _ laterat about ten or eleven.20 . AoftenBsometimesCseldomDnever21 . AdinnerBbreakfastClunchDsupper22 . AwalkBdriveCgoDreturn23 . AschoolBbankCshopDwork24 . AatBtoConDwith25 . AhouseBhomeCfishingDshopping26 . AOurBYourCHerDTheir27 . AlookBseeCfeelDwatch28 . AhaveBhateCneedDgive29 . AminutesBhoursCdaysDweeks四、阅读单选There are many stories about fights between people and wild animals. We have heard about elephants in Africa eating village peoples plants. There have also been reports of foxes living in peoples gardens in the UK. As towns and cities use more and more land, animals have less land to live on. Usually its the animals that lose the competition. It is reported tigers gradually lose their natural areas to live. Forests and grasslands are being changed into cities, towns, farming regions and industrial areas. But in some places the animals are slowly winning.Ive discovered an amazing story from South Africa. In one part of the country, people grow a lot of grapes for making wine. A few years ago, they began to have problems with large groups of monkeys which live in the mountains nearby. The monkeys love the sweet fruit. They ate all the grapes they wanted, and then ran off to the mountains to sleep. The farmers reacted angrily, but some people defended the monkeys. The monkeys have always lived here, they said.But recently, the monkeys have become difficult, because they get into peoples homes to steal food. And theyre not friendly like the monkeys on TV! One day, they even frightened a ten-year-old boy when he heard strange noises in the kitchen. People call the police, but theyre not allowed to hurt the animals. So many families are selling their homes and moving away.Imagine that! If you have any good animal stories from your town, please send them to our website-www. Animal news.net.com!30 . The first paragraph mainly talks about _.Awhere and what animals like to eatBpeople have fewer places to live inCcompetitions between men and animalsDrelations between animals and plants31 . What animal stories are mentioned in the passage?AElephants ate peoples plants in Africa.BFoxes made strange noises in the kitchen.CTigers always have more land to live on.DMonkeys ate a lot of grapes in the UK.32 . What is peoples attitude towards the monkeys in South Africa nowadays?ASatisfied.BFrightened.CCheerful.DStrict.33 . Whats the writers purpose to write the article?ATo tell people to fight with the wild animals.BTo teach people to grow grapes for the animals.CTo advise people to stay away from the animals.DTo encourage people to share stories about animals.Procrastination is something that many people have experienced at some point in their life. The word comes from the Latin words “pro” meaning“for”and“cras”meaning “tomorrow”. But it can be more than just putting off work or a later time; it can be about giving up long-term goals for short-term desires(欲望).A new phrase has been going around Chinese social media lately, with people describing themselves as “active losers”. It means that they set themselves many goals, but they always find excuses, and never really achieve them. In fact, they are just acing serious procrastination.I once knew someone in my college who had to drop out (退学) because he preferred video games to study. He went to all his classes and was an active member of school clubs. However, his mind was never really on task. He spent all his free time playing games and believed he could still achieve good grades by finishing the work tomorrow. That “tomorrow”was the end of the semester, and my college had to ask him to “take a break”.For those of you who think: “ Ill never procrastinate that badly,” I ask you this: “When did you last set a fitness goal? A weight goal? A reading goal? How many years has it been?”Although a fitness goal may not be so important as school grades, it does not mean the goal should drag on for years. So stop making excuses for yourself; take actions right now and achieve your goals.34 . The underlined word “procrastination” means _in Chinese.A妄想症B拖延症C强迫症D多动症35 . We can infer from the second paragraph that active losers are lack of (缺乏) _.Along-term goalsBshort-term desiresCproper excusesDtheir self-control36 . The main idea of Paragraph 3 is _.Ahow the student achieved good gradesBhow procrastination affected the students lifeChow the student fought against procrastinationDhow the student became an active member of school clubs37 . The writer advises us to _.Atake a breakBachieve good school gradesCset a fitness goalDstart working towards our goals38 . The writer thinks that_.Aactive losers never procrastinateBthere is no way to control procrastinationCsome people dont realize that they procrastinateDits wrong to ask the student in his college to drop out五、句型转换根据题目要求,完成下列句子39 . There is a table and four chairs in the room. (改为否定句)_ a table or four chairs in the room.40 . There is some grape juice in the bottle. (改为一般疑问句)_ grape juice in the bottle?41 . Is there any money in the box? (作否定回答)_, _.42 . There are some books in my bag. (用a替换some并改写句子)There _ a _ in my bag.43 . Is there a piece of paper on the bed?(用two替换a并改写句子)_ two _ of _ on the bed?六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母、或括号内汉语提示填写单词。44 . My grandfather is i_And he is in hospital now.45 . The old man d_ his glasses and broke them.46 . The old man is our n_His house is next to ours.47 . Too much s_can make your health worse.48 . The Tshirt is a little expensive and a_ I dont like its color.49 . As time passed,Mike and I _(发展) a real friendship.50 . _ (既然) you have finished your homework,how about going running?七、用所给单词的正确形式填空五、动词填空用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,并将答案写在答题卡对应题号的横线51 . The Leaning Tower of Pisa _ (lie) on Miracle Square since 800 years ago.52 . The sign on the door warns people _ (not enter) the room with food and drinks.53 . The boy who was always cared too much about _ (do) homework when his parents came back.54 . What about going with us together? Thanks. Tom hasnt come yet, I _ (wait) for him.55 . What kind of drink is the most popular in China? Tea is without doubt the most popular. It _ (drink) by many people.56 . He promised that he _ (complete) all the tasks alone the next week.八、材料作文57 . 书面表达。假设王芳学校的英语广播站急需一名英语广播员,王芳擅长英语,她想加入英语广播站。请根据下面关于王芳的信息,帮她完成这份60词左右的申请。参考词汇:英语广播站English Broadcasting StationNameWang FangAge14English,music,sportssing English songs,dance,play the piano86743053Ivynicegirl163.comDear Sir,My name is Wang Fang._Yours,Wang Fang第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、句型转换1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、八、材料作文1、


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