2019年牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit5 Integrated skills同步测试卷A卷

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2019年牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit5 Integrated skills同步测试卷A卷_第1页
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2019年牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit5 Integrated skills同步测试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . - David, _. You fall asleep in class again!- Im sorry. I promise that I _.Awakes up; willBwake up; willCwaking up; wontDwake up; wont2 . (题文)Robert Hunt sometimes advises the studentscommon problems.AinBaboutCwithDfor3 . He wrote a card to thank me for _ from him danger.AsavedBsaveCsavingDsaves4 . There were many famous predictions that never_.Acome trueBcame realCcame trueDbe true5 . Someone is knocking at the door. Tom, stop _ the computer games and open the door.AplayingBto playCplayDplays二、句型转换V. 同义句转换6 . To ask the ladies about their ages is impolite. _ the ladies about their ages.7 . I hope I can pass the exam next time.I hope _ the exam next time.8 . I am enjoying myself here in the south of England.I am _ here in the south of England.9 . The boy is so old, and he can go to school.The boy is old _ go to school.10 . I study hard so that I can go to college.(改为简单句)I study hard _ go to college.三、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(每空不限一词)。11 . Its quite _ (snow) today. I have to stay at home.12 . Zhalong is one of the worlds _(important) wetlands in China.13 . The temperature _(drop) to -10 and the water became ice last Sunday.14 . There was a lot of traffic on the way but _ (lucky), I got to school on time.15 . When the police arrived, they found the man still _ (live).16 . My mother was cooking while my father_ (read) a newspaper at home yesterday.17 . People kill wolves because they think wolves are dangerous to _(human).18 . We could not go into the room because the door was _(close).19 . Her _ (ill) kept her in hospital for six weeks.20 . We must prevent children from_ (play)computer games because its bad for their health.四、用单词的正确形式完成句子据意填词。 Complete the sentences with proper words from the bracket.afford patient decision fail necessarygive up cause waste terrible pride21 . The _ of death was found to be heart attack.22 . I can take your place at the meeting tomorrow if _.23 . It is a _ of time to get her to change her mind.24 . Sue is easy to get upset but she is _ with the children.25 . They take a lot of _ in their son who now has become the top in the class.26 . Im not sure how they can _ such expensive holidays.27 . The weather is _ and we can not go out for a walk.28 . No, thank you. Ive _ smoking.29 . John _ to turn up for football practice yesterday and was criticized.30 . The committee will make a _ by the end of the week.五、回答问题Pompeii(庞培)In AD 79, Pompeii was a large city by the sea about 150 kilometres south of Rome. Ten kilometres to the north of Pompeii there was the beautiful and peaceful mountain, Mount Vesuvius(维苏威火山)。24 August was a holiday . At noon, happy crowds filled the streets. Markets and restaurants are full. Suddenly, there are a huge explosion. Fire was coming out of Mount Vesuvius. The peaceful green mountain had become a terrible volcano. A huge cloud of ash, small stones,rocks and thick smoke rose high into the sky. A strong wind blew the night. People towards Pompei. Day became night. People were very scare. Not many of them could escape. Thousands of people were killed as they could not breathe because of all the smoke and ash. The eruption continued for days. The whole town was buried in ash over 17metres deep.It was not until the eighteenth century that people began to dig down and discover what was left of this once great city. Because the explosion was so sudden, we can still see a lot of the old town of Pompeii. We have a very good picture of daily life was like in a Roman city nearly two thousand years ago. We can now see houses and streets, Public bath house and outside theatres just the way they were. We can also examine in museums many everyday objects-shoes, jewellery, bowls, and even food-kept safe in the hard ash. On the walls of many houses we can not only see beautiful paintings, but also read many personal messages written by ordinary people. One message says, Publius(普布利乌斯)gives us good bread. A schoolboy complains about fighting at school. A girl says the man who wants to marry her is too ugly. One humorous writer says,Everyone writes on walls, except me. A poet, speaking of human life,wrote, nothing lasts forever. Though the Sun shines gold, it must sink into the sea. These sad words seem to talk about the sudden end-of Pompeii. But stone and ash have protected the city from people and from the weather. The city is alive again for everyone to see.Question:31 . Mount Vesuvius was an active volcano to the north of Pompeii before the eruption, wasnt it?_32 . What was Pompeii?_33 . Was Pompeii always a place dangerous place or a safe and peaceful city to live in?_34 . What really caused thousands of peoples death before they were buried in ash?_35 . What can we find on the walls of many houses in the once great city-Pompeii?_36 . Do you agree with the last sentence “The city is alive again for everyone to see”? Why or why not?(Explain your idea in 2 sentences.)_六、汉译英:整句根据括号内提示,将下列句子译成英文37 . 为了学好英语,我建议建立一个学习小组。(set up)_.38 . 他不但有礼貌,而且乐于助人。(not onlybut also)_.39 . 她的进步远不止这个。(far more than)_.40 . 他被视为我们镇的英雄。(be considered as)_.41 . 这部电影大获成功。(a great success)_. 第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、句型转换1、三、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、四、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、五、回答问题1、六、汉译英:整句1、


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