人教版七年级英语下册:Unit 2 单元检测

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人教版七年级英语下册:Unit 2单元检测姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Hello, everyone! I am your new friend. My name is Mike. There are_people in my familymy wife(妻子), my_and I. I was born_1976. My birthday is on_New Years Day. I like soccer but I_volleyball. I think it is_. My wife has a clothes store. _clothes are at very good prices. Many people come to her store to_clothes. My son is a student. He goes to_every day. His school has a(n)_. It is on March 11th. He likes music very much, so he is in the festival every year.1 . AtwoBthreeCfourDfive2 . AbrotherBsisterCdaughterDson3 . AinBonCatDfor4 . AJanuary 1stBMarch 8thCApril 1stDJuly 1st5 . AlikeBdoesnt likeClikesDdont like6 . AboringBfunCgreatDinteresting7 . ASheBHerCShesDHers8 . AbuyBbringCsellDmake9 . AstoreBroomCschoolDbed10 . ASchool DayBEnglish partyCspeech contestDMusic Festival二、阅读单选根据表格中的信息,回答问题。First name: JackLast name:BrownAge:13Favourite number:6Favourite color:blueTel:891-4732First name: LindaLast name:SmithAge:13Favourite number:9Favourite color:whiteTel:891-584211 . Wtat is the boy s family name?AJackBBrownCLindaDSmith12 . Are they the same (相同的)age?ANo,they arent.BYes,they are.CI dont know.DYoure right.13 . What s the girl s favourite color?ABlueBWhiteCYellowDBlack14 . Linda likes the number _best.A13B9C42D615 . If you want to know more about Jack,You can call him at _?A891-4732B891-5842C189-4732D189-5842It was a wet, rainy day during the school holidays. Lily looked out of the window and thought about her parents. They were on a long holiday. They said Lily was too young to go. So Lily was staying with her Aunt Bella. Today Lily was unhappy. She was all alone Aunt Bella was out shopping.Lily decided to go to the top floor. Maybe there was something interesting. She arrived at the top. There was an old door. Lily opened the door and walked in. The walls were changing colours. A sofa wasnt on the floor! It was in the air. Suddenly she heard a sound “Whoooosh!” and after a minute she saw a boy appear(出现).“Hi,” he said. “I am the genie(精灵). Who are you?”“Im Lily,” she answered, “but you dont look like a genie.”The boy looked at her. He said, “Hocuspocusinversus!” And then suddenly Lily was in the air. “OK! I believe you,” she shouted. “Get me down!”“So, how many wishes do you want?” the boy said.Then she told the cool genie she was lonely. She told him about having no friends. The cool genie just nodded his head(点头). When Lily finished her story she felt better.The genie said, “Well, I must go now!” Then suddenly he was gone. Lily went downstairs(下楼) and found a postcard from her parents. It said, “Dear Lily. Miss you, back next week, love Mom and Dad.” Then the front door opened and she heard Aunt Bella arriving with her shopping.The next day Lily decided to say “Thank you” to the genie. She went to the top floor and opened the door. But there was nothing there except a dark old room with a few boxes.16 . Why was Lily unhappy?ABecause it was a rainy day in the school holidays.BBecause her parents were on a holiday.CBecause her Aunt Bella was at home.DBecause she was lonely.17 . Where did Lily see the genie?AOn the walls.BIn the sofa.CIn the room on the top floor.DIn the air.18 . How did the genie make Lily believe that he was a true genie?AHe said, “Hocuspocusinversus”.BHe appeared in the room strangely.CLily saw a sofa stay in the air.DHe made Lily in the air.19 . What did Lily do when she believed the boy was a true genie?AShe said she wanted some wishes.BShe laughed happily when she saw the boy.CShe ran downstairs.DShe told the boy she was lonely and unhappy.20 . When would Lilys parents come back?ANext week.BThat afternoon.CNext year.DThat week.Every mother is great, so is my mother. My mother is a common worker. But I love her very much. She is tall and of medium build. She has two big eyes. Her hair is black and curly. I think she is very beautiful.My mother likes telling stories. She also likes helping others. So she is popular. She is hard-working like many other mothers. Whenever she is at home or at work, she is always busy. On weekends, she often cleans our house, so our house is very clean and tidy. And she likes planting flowers, too. She often says, “Flowers are beautiful. Planting flowers is fun and exciting. Flowers can make the air fresh and keep the house beautiful.” She often gives flowers to her friends, too.She is strict in my study. She often says to me, “Study is the most important thing to a student. You must study hard. Then you can do more and better for others and yourself.” And she is also kind to me. Every day she takes good care of me. She often helps me. When I have trouble, Id like to ask her for help.”This is my mother. She is the greatest and most beautiful mother in my eyes.21 . What does the mother do?AA teacher.BA farmer.CA worker.22 . What color is the mothers hair?ABlack.BBlue.CBrown.23 . Who is always busy?AThe mother.BThe kid.CThe father.24 . What does the mother like doing?AFishing.BSwimming.CPlanting flowers.25 . What is important to a student?APlaying.BStudying.CSurfing the Internet.三、用单词的正确形式完成句子用a , an ,/和the完成句子26 . Do you like playing _ baseball?27 . _ boy with short yellow hair is my brother John.28 . Amy plays _ piano. Her brother plays _ basketball.29 . There is _ red book in my bag.30 . You can eat _ egg and some bread for breakfast.四、单词填空Mr. Smith is a 31 . of English. He comes from NewYork. He teaches English in China. He32 . Chinese very well. He likes 33 . books very much and he usually writes stories for his students at home. Mr Smith gets up at five in the 34 . .He leaves home at ten to six. He begins his lesson at 8:00 . He teaches English every day except (除了)Saturday35 . Sunday. At ten to twelve , he finishes his classes. Ten minutes later, he has lunch. In the afternoon, he usually 36 . games with his students. Sometimes he teaches his students in his office . After school, he takes 37 . walk and does some other things. At 38 . ten to eleven, he goes to bed.五、语法填空语法填空:用所给单词的适当形式填空,未提供单词的根据上下文填入适当的词。Kate, my pen friend, is a student at Sunny School. She works very hard, so she always gets 39 . (good) grades than others.She has some healthy habits now. However, 40 . year ago, she was different from now. She often 41 . (feel) tired after a days study, and she didnt want to do any sports after school. Her parents wanted her 42 . (exercise) every day. But she said that she didnt like exercising. After dinner, her parents asked her to go 43 . a walk with them, but she only stayed at home and read44 . (book). On weekends, she never went out to play with her friends. She just spent her time 45 . (watch) TV or playing computer games. That was46 . (real) bad for her health. Her parents worried about her lifestyle.One day, her teacher talked to her about her lifestyle47 . asked her to change. Now she walks to school and exercises every day. On weekends, she often plays basketball with her friends. She thinks 48 . is good for her to take exercise every day. It helps her to study better.六、多任务混合问题This is the Brown family. In the family there are four people: Mr. Brown. Mrs.Brown,their son Scott and their daughter Tina. They are now in China. They like China very much.It is Sunday today. They dont go to work or go to school. They are staying at home. Mr. Brown is an English teacher. Now he is siting at the table. (A)他正在给Scott的叔叔写信。He is in London now. Look! Tina is sitting onthe floor. She is playing (B)_ her cat. Scott is standing near the window. He is reading a Chinese book. Where is Mrs. Brown? She is in the kitchen. She is cooking.Scott,can you come here,please? I want some help. Mrs. Brown shouts. “Sure! Im coming ,Mom!”says Scott. Scott is a good boy.(C)He often helps his mother do the housework on Sundays.根据短文内容,完成下列各题。49 . 将(A)处的画线句子翻译成英语。_50 . 将(C)处的句子翻译成汉语。_51 . 在(B)处填入一个适当的介词。_52 . Where is Mrs. Brown?_53 . Is Scott reading an English book?_七、材料作文54 . 书面表达请你根据下面的提示,写一篇介绍你朋友的短文,80词左右。1.我有一个亲密的(close)朋友叫李峰。2.他出生在浙江省一个美丽又干净的小村子里。3.村子里有一个池塘,里面有很多鱼。4.池塘的旁边是他的母校第二小学。5.他的第一个老师是潘老师,39岁,友好但是有时候对学生要求严格。6.当时的好朋友是张慧明和夏朝,他们很调皮(naughty)。要求:必须包括以上全部要点,语句通顺,字迹工整。第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、2、3、三、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、四、单词填空1、五、语法填空1、六、多任务混合问题1、七、材料作文1、


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