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牛津上海版(深圳用)英语四年级下册专项训练:选词填空姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、填空题1 . 森林学校的动物班新排了课程表,根据动物的描述将课程名称填在表格中。小老虎; We have Chinese in the morning and Music in the afternoon.小猴; We have English in the morning and PE in the afternoon.大熊猫; We have Maths in the morning and Art in the afternoon.in the morningin the afternoon1._2._2 . 词语分类。grape pear watermelon mutton salty pork beefeggplants sour green beans tomato sweet(1)水果:_(2)味道 :_(3)蔬菜 :_(4)肉类 :_3 . 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.There_(be)someorangejuiceintheglass.2. What_yourfatherlikedoing?3.Itsgreatfuntogo_(skate).4.Dontpush_(we).5.Ican_(swimming).4 . 选词填空。1. Do you go to the zoo _ (on, in) Childrens Day?2. _ (On, In) Thailand, Childrens Day is in January.3. I can ride a bike _ (with, and) my brother.4. It is _ (Children Day, Childrens Day).5. Do you like _ (dance, dancing)?6. _ (In, At) China, Childrens Day is in June.7. What do you _ (do, doing) on Childrens Day?8. In India, Childrens Day is _ (also, too) in November.9. Our classroom _ (look, looks) beautiful.10. _ (At, In) the morning, we go to the zoo.选择正确单词,补全句子。5 . Whats _ (in / at) your storybook?6 . That _ (is / are) my father.7 . I dont like _ (honey / hamburger).8 . _ (What / How) old are you?9 . This is _ (my / me) uniform.从括号里选择合适的单词填在横线上。10 . I like pandas _ (good/best).11 . _ (How/What) do you go to school? By bike.12 . It took us _ (a/an) hour and ten minutes.13 . Did Lingling _ (like/liked) the London Eye?14 . We visited Hainan _ (in/at) the weekend.15 . 看图选词,完成句子。(填选项内容)AtallBshort1.Tom is _.2. Lucy is _.16 . Look and choose.read postman flute koala1. The children will go to see a_.2. The girl is playing the_.3. Tom_the book and he liked it very much. 4. The_works very hard. 17 . 读句子,选择正确的词填空。bread sweater heavy weather head healthy1. Take a shower often and wash your body from _ to feet.2. Have some _ for breakfast.3. Please wear your _ for cold _.4. Early to bed and early to rise. You can keep _.5. A _ bag is bad for your back and shoulders.18 . 用is,are , isnt , arent填空。1. There _ some milk on the table . 2. There _ any knives in the box.3. _ there any books in the room? Yes, there _ .4. There _ 60 minutes in an hour.5. There _ a pencil, a ruler and two books on the desk.二、匹配题19 . 给下列单词选择正确的中文翻译只填序号。A一只聪明的狗B一只快速的小老鼠C在学校D努力工作E一只好的熊猫F一只有趣的长颈鹿(_)1. at school(_)2. work hard(_)3. a good panda(_)4. a funny giraffe(_)5. a clever dog(_)6. a fast rat20 . 读句子,选择适当的词,把序号填在题前括号内。AHowBWhatCWhereDCanEWho(_)1._aboutyou?(_)2._ areyoufrom?(_)3._ isthatwoman?(_)4._aboutyou?(_)5._Ihavesomeicecream?第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、填空题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、匹配题1、2、


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