新课程版六年级英语下册Unit 2 Good habits 单元测试卷精编

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新课程版六年级下册Unit 2 Good habits 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . 找出每组单词中不同类的一项。(_) 1. A. girl B. thin C. fat(_) 2. A.father B.Canada C.mother(_) 3. A.brother B.grandma C.big(_) 4. A. tall B. short C. dad(_) 5. A. China B. boy C. USA(_) 6. A. man B. he C. she2 . 找出下列英文单词所对应的中文意思。(1)undergroundA电影院(6)listen to the radio A 植物园(2)light train stationB地铁(7)bad cold B 樱花(3)movie theatre C 博物馆(8)play chess C听广播(4)museum D京剧(9)botanicalgarden D 重感冒(5)Peking opera E轻轨站(10)cherry blossom E 下棋3 . Peter is _. ( )AwriteBwritingCwrites选出画线部分读音不同的选项。4 . AsportBdoctorCorderDmorning5 . AtidyBnightCbiteDfinish6 . AlateBwakeCbadDface7 . AfootBtoothCgoodDcook8 . AputBbutCupDbrush选出每组单词中不同类的一项。9 . AcheapBexpensiveCbig10 . AlongBshortCsize11 . AtakeBthisCbuy12 . AappleBsocksCshoes13 . AtwentyBmanyCeighty14 . 将划线部分单词发音与其它发音不同的单词序号选出来。(_)(1)A. nose B. goat C. fox(_)(2)A. chair B. oil C. boy(_)(3)A. toy B. boil C. soup(_)(4)A. horse B. comic C. corn(_)(5)A. car B. bird C. heart15 . I _ still _.Aam; feverB/; illCam; ill16 . Do you see your mother? She is _.( )Aat the middleBby the middleCin the middle17 . She is a good girl. She _ goes to school late. ( )AneverBoftenCalways18 . 看图听对话。根据听到的内容选择恰当的选项,将其标号填在题前的括号里。( )(1)Whose bed is two metres long?( )(2)What has Darning got in his alhum?( )(3)When is Christmas?( ) (4)What does Peter do on weekends( )(5)What do they often do together19 . We are looking forward to _ you. ( )AseeBsawCseeing二、阅读选择20 . 阅读理解。One afternoon when the lessons were over, Peter and Paul did not go home. They stayed at school to help their teacher. They worked for an hour.When the boys reached home, it was seven oclock. It was dark outside, but there was light inside their home and the door was open.“Who can it be?” said Peter, he smiled and said, “Come in! You dont know me, but I am your fathers friend. He asked me to get some money for him.” The man did not see Paul.Peter went inside and began talking to the man, but Paul did not. He quickly but went awayy to call a policeman. The policeman came and caught the man.根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。(1)Peter and Paul stayed behind after school .A. until the school was overB. until seven oclockC. until eight oclockD. for an hour(2)Their home was bright because .A. it was still earlyB. there was lightC. it was dark outsideD. a man was inside(3)Paul and Peter .A. were brothersB. were afraid of the manC. often helpful to their teacherD. tried to catch the man(4)Paul went away to .A. call the policeB. say to othersC. telephone their parentsD. tell his friends(5)From the story we know .A. the policeman knew the man inside Pauls homeB. Peter called the policemanC. Peter and Pauls teacher was in troubleD. their parents went shopping, but they didnt take enough money with them根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。My living habitsIm Mike. I am a student. I have some good living habits.Every morning, I get up at seven oclock. After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I have some bread and milk for breakfast. Then in school, with my dear classmates, I begin my classes. At about eleven thirty, I have lunch. Then I have a rest for an hour. In the afternoon, I have classes again until(到为止)five.I often do my homework at seven at home. It takes me about one hour to finish it. After that, I watch TV for half an hour. Then I go to bed at nine oclock.21 . Does Mike have any good living habits? ( )AYes, he does.BNo, he doesnt.CI dont know.22 . What time does Mike get up? ( )AAt 6:00.BAt 7:00.CAt 5: 00.23 . What does Mike have for his breakfast? ( )ASome bread.BSome milk.CSome bread and milk24 . Mike has lunch at _ at school. ( )A11:00B11: 30C12: 0025 . Mike often watches TV for _.( )Aan hourBhalf an hourCan hour and a half三、完形填空26 . 完型填空。Kate a happy family. She lives in London her parents. Shea school girl. Today is Kates birthday and shes fifteen years old. Her father isteacher. He works in a school. Students think he is a good teacher. mother is a nurse. She is a very good nurse. Kate has a brothera sister, and they study China. Her brother speaks Chinese very well and has manyfriends there. Her sisterChinese very hard and she wants a teacher Chinese in their country.( ) (1) A. have B. haves C. has D. hases( ) (2) A. with B. of C. and D. for ( ) (3) A. be B. am C. are D. is ( ) (4) A. / B. a C. an D. the ( ) (5) A. She B. Her C. Hers D. Hers ( ) (6) A. and B. or C. but D. too ( ) (7) A. on B. in C. into D. at ( ) (8) A. study B. studys C. studies D. studying四、填空题27 . 用所给的动词的适当形式填空1 . Look ! My sister _ ( play ) with the toy cars . 2 . I _ ( get ) up at 6:30 every morning . 3 . Do they like _ (swim) ? 4 . Toms mother _ (have) a nice jacket. 5 . Can you _ (make ) a paper plane for me ?6. There _ (be ) some water here . 7. Do you have _(some) apples. 8. I can throw it _(easy) . 9. I _(hit ) the ball to Jenny now. 10. I taught Jenny _(hit) the ball. 11. He is a basketball _.(play) 12. Would you like _( play) football ?13. Tom _(buy) a shorts last week. 14. Good food _(make) your body healthy. 15. _ favourite colour is purple.(she)五、阅读回答问题28 . 阅读理解,根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。Do you want to be healthy and thin? All of us will say: of course! But how to be healthy and thin? If you want to lose weight and keep healthy, the first way is to be on a diet. Eating too much is bad for your health and you will easily turn fat! The best way is to eat a little sugar, but more vegetables! The other way is to do more exercise! Sport is good for your health. You should keep running or walking for about twenty minutes every day. This is the most straightforward method. If you keep doing this for a long time, you will be more healthy. (词汇提示:1. lose weight 减肥2. be on a diet 按规定进食;节食3. a little 少量的4. method方法5. the most straightforward method最直接的方法)( ) 1. There are three methods to be healthy and thin in the text. ( ) 2. If you want to lose weight, you should eat much sugar. ( ) 3. Eating too much food is bad for your health. ( ) 4. Eating vegetables is good for our health. ( ) 5. The most straightforward method to keep healthy is to keep running or walking for about two hours every day.六、任务型阅读29 . Read and choose.Dear Lily,I am happy to be your new pen pal. I live in Guangzhou. Its warm in spring in Guangzhou. Sometimes its rainy. In summer, its very hot. I like swimming in gym in summer. Also I like eating ice-creams. I like fall best, because we can take a trip in the fields. When its winter, its cold. I become lazy in winter. I dont like it, because its too cold for me. Hope to get a letter from you. Yours,Alice根据短文内容,判断对错,正确的打“” ,不正确的打“”。(5分)(1)Lily is Alices cousin.(2)Alice lives in the south of China.(3)Alice doesnt like fall, because its cold.(4)Alice doesnt like winter, because its too cold for her.(5)Alice wants to get a letter from Lily.七、英汉混合英汉互译。30 . 起立_31 . How beautiful! _32 . 进来_33 . pencil case _34 . 在那里_35 . Dont sleep. _36 . 在椅子后面_37 . close the box _38 . 飞走_39 . in the schoolbag _八、句型转换40 . 句型转换。【小题1】I can go by the No.1 bus.(改成一般疑问句).【小题2】They go to schoolon foot.(对画线部分提问).【小题3】Do you know the traffic rules?(作肯定回答及否定回答).【小题4】Toms father isa doctor.(对画线部分提问).【小题5】Toms father worksin a hospital.(对画线部分提问).九、填内容补全对话41 . 看图完成对话。【小题1】A: _ you _ up early?B: No, I dont.A: What _ do you _ up?B: _ nine.【小题2】A: _ the matter, Liu Tao?B: I feel _.A: Did you go to bed late last night?B: Yes, I _. I _ to bed at twelve.A: Its too late. You should _ to bed early.首字母短文填空。All students need to have good h42 . . When you have good study habits, youl43 . things quickly. You also remember them easily. Do you like to study in the l44 . room? This is not a good p45 . because it is usually too noisy. You need to study in a q46 . place, like your bedroom. A quiet place will help you only t47 . about one thing, and you will learn b48 . . Before you begin to s49 . , do not forget to clean your d50 . . A good desk light(光线)is important, too. Youll f51 . tired easily if there is not enoughlight.十、选内容补全对话52 . Read and choose阅读下面的对话,根据上下文,从所给的七个句子中选择五个句子,将对话补充完整,并将该选项前面的字母编号写在相应的横线上(每句2分,共10分)Tom: Hello, this is Tom. Can I speak to Mimi, please?Mimis mom: Hello, Tom. _. Mimi is doing the dishes in the kitchen.Tom: OK. Thank you.Mimis mom: Mimi, _.Mimi: Thank you, mom.(Mimi comes and answers the phone.)Mimi: Hello, Tom. Its Mimi.Tom: Mimi, lets go to the library tomorrow.Mimi: Oh, sorry, Tom. I cant go with you. I am going to cook dinner tomorrow.Tom: But why?Mimi: _.Tom: Oh, your moms birthday! _?Mimi: I am going to cook some noodles.Tom: _?Mimi: Its easy. First, put some water in the pot and then put the noodles. In several minutes, they are ready.Tom: Wow! You are great. Have a nice weekend.Mimi: Thank you. Bye.十一、书面表达53 . 模仿范例写一段游记。(共(5)分)例. Marys TripMary went to Paris last vacation. She went there by train. Paris is famous for the EiffelTower. Mary painted great pictures there. She was proud.请你从Tom和Lucy中选择一个人物, 将名字写在答题卡相应位置,根据信息提示为他(她)写一段游记。需要包括所到城市、交通工具、著名景物、事件和感受等信息。请在答题卡上直接作答。第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、阅读选择1、2、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、五、阅读回答问题1、六、任务型阅读1、七、英汉混合1、八、句型转换1、九、填内容补全对话1、2、十、选内容补全对话1、十一、书面表达1、


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