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人教版(PEP)六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(三)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . She _very beautiful _the red dress. ( )Alook; inBlooks; inClooks; on2 . He _ this bicycle in 1839. ( )AinventsBinventedCinventing3 . 根据所给图片选择合适的单词或短语(_) 1. A. ice cream B. cake(_) 2. A. beach B. pool(_) 3.A. pool B. beach(_) 4.A. orange juice B. orange4 . 选出每组中不同类的单词。(_)1. A.smallB.blackC.big(_)2. A.ChristmasB.putC.buy(_)3.Im going to take a trip. (同类词)A.this afternoonB.traffic lightC.visit grandparents(_)4. A. banana B. sticker C. pineapple(_)5. A.ice creamB.redC.white5 . Here your photo. ( )AamBareCis选出下列每组词中不同类的一项。6 . AchickenBwindowCbeef7 . AfarmerBfriendlyCquiet8 . AnurseBdriverCdinner9 . AkitchenBspoonCbathroom10 . ArightBfindCpass11 . Imy bike last Saturday. ( )Afell off BcleanedCsaw12 . She _ Bus No.10 to Spring Street. ( )AtakeBtakesCtaking13 . Im_mypen,butIcant_it.( )Alookfor,findBfind,lookforCfinding,lookforDlookingfor,find14 . This book is than mine.AgoodBgooderCbetter15 . Can I have one? ( )_.AHow nice!BGreat!CSure.16 . (题文)There _ a football match next Wednesday. ( )Awill haveBwill beCis havingDwill give17 . There is a _ and black panda. ( )AredBwhiteCbrown18 . They _ playing football this afternoon. ( )AisBamCare19 . Thegirloftentalks_thephonewithhermother. ( )AtoBonCwith20 . I have a lesson. I can _ well. ( )Aswim; swimmingBswim; swimCswimming; swim二、阅读选择阅读理解。Myfriend,Alice,isfromEngland.SheisnowinChina.NowsheisstudyinginNo.1MiddleSchool.Shelikesherschoolverymuch.ShegoestoschoolfromMondaytoFriday.ShehassixChineseclassesaweek.Mrs.WangisherChineseteacher.Sheisagoodteacher.Alicelikesherverymuch.Allthestudentsinherclassareveryfriendly.SheteachesthemEnglishandtheyteachherChinese.21 . WheredoesAlicecomefrom?Shecomesfrom_.( )A. Canada B. England C. China22 . Alicegoestoschool_.( )A. fromMondaytoFridayB. fromMondaytoSundayC. fromSaturdaytoSunday23 . Mrs.WangisAlices_teacher.( )A. Chinese B. English C. Japanese24 . HowmanyChineseclassesdoesAlicehaveaweek? ( )A. Four. B. Five. C. Six.25 . _teachesAliceChinese.( )A. Mrs.Wang B. students C. Mrs.Wangandthestudents.三、填空题用所给词的适当形式填空。26 . Look! Helen is between the _(boy).27 . Monday is the _(two)day of the week.28 . We like _(swim). We often _ (swim) in summer.29 . He _ (can) find anything about the insect in this book.30 . Let_ (he) go _(run).31 . Liu Tao_ (go) home on foot. Mike and I _(go) home by bike.32 . Many animals _ (have) four _(foot).33 . Tina _ (not)have a pair of nice shoes.34 . 将下列单词归类。went kangaroo pipa learnt ran koala guitar shouted violin sheep动物类:_乐器类:_动词:_35 . 按要求写单词。 (1) write(过去式)_ (2) travel(过去式)_(3) learn(过去式)_(4) have(过去式)_(5) meet(过去式)_(6) live(过去式)_(7) can(过去式)_ (8) draw(过去式)_四、任务型阅读阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。Liu Tao: Good morning, Yang Ling.Yang Ling: Good morning, Liu Tao.Liu Tao: Look at these toy monkeys on the sofa.Yang Ling: Wow, how beautiful! Whose(谁的) are they?Liu Tao: They are mine(我的)。Yang Ling: How many toy monkeys do you have?Liu Tao: Thirteen. Do you have any toy animals?Yang Ling: No, I dont.Liu Tao:Heres a toy monkey for you.Yang Ling: Thank you.Liu Tao: Thats all right. 36 . It is in the afternoon. (_)37 . Liu Tao has twelve toy monkeys. (_)38 . Yang Ling has some toy animals too.(_)39 . Liu Tao gives(给)a toy to Yang Ling. (_)40 . The toy monkeys are on the sofa. (_)五、匹配题41 . 从B栏内选择正确的应答语,将其序号填入题前括号内。AB(_) l. What do you have on Mondays?AMiss White.(_) 2. Who is your English teacher?BNo, there arent.(_) 3. Whats your favourite food?CI have maths, music, PE.(_) 4. Whats Mr Young like?DI like ice cream and hamburger best.(_) 5. Are there any trees in your school?E. He is kind and funny.六、书面表达42 . 书面表达。同学们,水果对我们的身体可是大有好处哦。各种各样的水果你们喜欢吗?请以Fruit为题写一写吧。不少于5句。Fruit_第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、二、阅读选择1、三、填空题1、2、3、四、任务型阅读1、五、匹配题1、六、书面表达1、


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