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人教版中学2020年英语中考二模试卷B卷一、 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A,B,C (共5题;共14分)1. (2分) 听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片( ) A . B . C . 2. (2分) 根据录音,选择与所听内容相符的图片。 A . B . C . 3. (2分) 听句子,选出与所听内容相符的图片 A . B . C . 4. (2分) (2018八上温州月考) What does Sam often do to learn English? A . B . C . 5. (6分) 根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片。 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. _二、 听下面三短对话或独白,每短对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给 (共3题;共17分)6. (6分) (2018七下阳谷期末) 听下面一段对话,回答问题。 (1) What did the man do at the weekend? A . He watched a film.B . He stayed at home.C . He watched TV.(2) Where did the man have his lunch at the weekend? A . At home.B . At the school dining hall.C . In a restaurant.(3) What happened to the woman? A . Her bike was broken.B . She fell off her bike.C . Her legs ached.7. (6分) (2019融安模拟) 听长对话,回答问题。 (1) What is Bobs hobby? A . Playing the guitar.B . Playing the piano.C . Playing the violin.(2) What does Bobs father do7 A . A teacher.B . A worker.C . A doctor.(3) What will Bob do this evening? A . Have a talk with his parents.B . Go to a concert.C . Do his homework.8. (5分) (2019七下涡阳期末) 听录音,完成下表。 WhenWhat did Alan doOn SaturdayHe cleaned his _ in the morning and went to the _ in the afternoon. He went to the movies at night.On SundayHe stayed at home and did his _. In the _, he wanted to play computer games, but his mother asked him to help her do the _.三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共37分)9. (6分) (2017九下无锡期中) 阅读理解Friday, April 28thYou can join one group. As a member of the group, you will take part in at least ONE of the following activities.1) Compete in an Olympic event. Remember there is only small space for each event, so dont be late.Hercules Throw. Throw a football through a hoop(圈) 20 feet away.Three Headed Race Three people line up with touching legs tied. Then they run 100 metres in the playground.Toga Barrow Race This is like a wheelbarrow race. (Runners take hold of partners feet while partners walk on hands.)2) Make Greek or Roman food. Mrs Jones has a list of recipes(菜谱) from ancient(古代的) Greece and Rome. You may make American food, but be sure to give it a special, mythological(神话的) name. For example, call your chocolate cake “Zeuss Delight.” This is a great way to practice your skills in the kitchen.3) Create a work of art for the museum. Be sure your artwork shows ancient Greek or Roman culture. Artworks may include sculptures, paintings, mosaics, drawings or models. The museum is a great place to show off your artistic talent.4) Perform a new short performance, song or dance for the talent show. Rewrite your favorite Greek myth(神话) by using modern language, or change the words of a popular song to tell a Greek or Roman story. Send your creative ideas to your English teacher for agreement. You must first perform for a group of teachers. The teachers choose the BEST performance groups for the talent show, so be sure your group has prepared for it.This timetable will help groups know when each event will take place and where to go.Group Number1:00-1:251:30-1:552:00-2:252:30-3:30Olympics/Playground Museum/Library Food Court/Dining Hall Food Court/Dining Hall Olympics/Playground Museum/Library Museum/Library Food Court/Dining Hall Olympics/Playground Talent Show/School Theatre(1) Which of the following is true according to the passage?A . Each student is made to take part in at least one Olympic event.B . Greek myths or the songs that will be performed are rewritten by the teachers.C . Greek or Roman names must be used for American food the students may cook.D . Artworks shown in the museum are collected or made by the students themselves.(2) What do Group do right after watching the artworks?A . Watch the talent show.B . Prepare for a performance.C . Taste food that students make.D . Compete in the Olympic events.(3) For what purpose is the festival most probably held?A . To improve students artistic talent.B . To make students more physically strong.C . To make students more creative in making foods or performing.D . To help students learn about ancient Greek and Roman cultures.10. (8分) Its good to make mistakes, and here is why.First of all, mistakes are a clear sign that you are trying new things. Its always good to try new things because when you are trying new things you are growing. If you never try anything new, how can you improve? How can you make yourself stronger? The simple answer is “You cant.” Look around you. With very few exceptions(例外), either everything you see in your world or every single detail of every single thing is the result of someone trying something newAnother good thing about mistakes is this: When you are making mistakes, you are learningConsider this: Edison failed 10,000 times before he perfected the light bulb. When asked how it felt to fail that many times, he said that he hadnt failed 10,000 times, but rather had learned 10,000 things that didnt workFinally, when you make a mistake you are much closer to success. Why? Because when all is said and done, you will have tried some numbers of things before you succeedEvery time you make a mistake, you eliminate one of those things and are one step closer. But this all doesnt mean that you should go ahead without considering the consequences(后果) of a mistake. However, when you try something new you have to be willing to set some reasonable limits(限度) so that in the event that it doesnt work out the way you want it to, you will be in a normal place to try againWe all have limited time and money so dont blow them all on one problem. Realize that it probably wont be perfect the first time and deal with these resources(资源) properly so you can learn, make corrections, and try it againIf you accept and use your mistakes in this way ,you can make great progress in your business and your careerThere is an old saying that goes, “If youre not making mistakes, youre not trying hard enough.”So go ahead and make mistakes. And learn. And grow. And succeed(1) From the second paragraph, we can know that _A . mistakes are unnecessary for developmentB . we are afraid of trying new thingC . its common for people to make mistakesD . mistakes are better than not trying(2) The underlined word “eliminate” means _A . studyB . removeC . acceptD . solve(3) According to the article, one thing you should pay attention to about making mistakes is_A . not making the same mistakesB . accepting the punishment willinglyC . taking consequences into considerationD . trying things out one by one(4) What would the writer probably suggest we say to ourselves when we make a mistake?A . Never mind, I can always try againB . Id better stay out of troubleC . Ok! Now I can learn somethingD . Look at this mess. Anyone would be sad11. (10分) Dear Alan,Guess what? I have a chance to choose my new place to live in! Im excited and a little nervous. Could you please give me some help?Im not sure whether I will live in a house or in an apartment. On the one hand, a house will be too big for just one person, so maybe I should rent an apartment. On the other hand, if I rent a house, I could find someone else to share with me. The only problem is that a house full of people might be too noisy for me. I prefer to have my own space. The city has some nice apartments, but they are also too expensive. However, if I could find a two-bedroom apartment and get a roommate, that would make it more affordable. I just need to search for a roommate who is neat and quiet. You know I cant live with someone who is loud and messy. I dont have a car, so I also need to think carefully about the location. I probably need to look for somewhere near a bus stop or an underground station. That way I will have more time to study and spend less time travelling.Im looking forward to your reply.(1) Victor feels excited because .A . he has a new house to live inB . he can decide where to liveC . he is going to see AlanD . Alan helped him out with his problem(2) Victor wants to share the house with a (an) person.A . neat and quietB . outgoing and messyC . neat and loudD . quiet and messy(3) If Victor finds a roommate, he will .A . waste moneyB . buy a carC . save moneyD . have more time to study(4) Victor doesnt have a car, so he wants .A . a two bed-room apartmentB . to ask Alan for helpC . to have his own spaceD . a place with convenient traffic(5) According to the passage, the underlined word travelling means in Chinese.A . 观光旅行B . 路途奔波C . 广为流传D . 跋山涉水12. (8分) Mails, games, music, news, chat rooms and shopping! The Interent is part of our life today. Its easy to get onto the Internet. The only thing we need to do is to use a modem(调制解调器) which is used for connecting a computer to a telephone line. The Internet is changing and growing all the time. More and more people have computers and use the Internet. Using the Internet means surfing the World Wide Web(Thats the “WWW” you always hear about). The Internet has a large number of websites(网站). They are the places where you go to get information and do things.Where do these websites come from? They are made by web designers. What happens when you click on a word or a picture? You are sent to another page. Its all because of the web designers. Web designers do a lot of work by using a computer programming(程序编制) language.Is web design all about computer programming? No, its about making something new. Web designers must imagine a lot when they are making a website. It must look good and be fun to use. A big part of web design is art. They choose the best pictures and colors to make the website look good. They also write the things that you see on the website. An important part of their job is to share ideas with the website manager about how to design the website well.(1) More and more people are using the Internet because _.A . its easy and usefulB . its changing and growingC . websites are designed quite wellD . people can design a computer(2) Which of the following is WRONG?A . “WWW” means “World Wide Web”.B . Therere a few websites on the webC . The Internet has changed peoples livesD . We can do things like shopping on the Internet.(3) Its possible for us to change websites just by a click because of _.A . the modems helpB . the telephone lines helpC . the web designers workD . the website managers work(4) The last paragraph is mainly about _.A . computer programming languageB . the web designers workC . how to make a websiteD . how to use the Internet13. (5分) (2017八下鄞州期中) 信息匹配。WeChat, known as Weixin in China, is a mobile phone communication service which was developed after QQ by Tencent on January 21, 2011 in China. It is free to use and has been the most popular in China._You can register(注册) WeChat with your phone number, and add your friends numbers in your contact list. It works just like talking on QQ. You can send your pictures and share your feelings. And your friends are able to find them as soon as they get online. Whats more, they can also give you their comments such as ._It can send voice messages, text messages, pictures and videos. Different information could be sent to your friends. WeChat provides(提供) us with shopping, games, news, e-banks and so on. If you want to order a dinner in a restaurant, you can even pay for it by WeChat. In this way, it will help you save time and money._WeChat is supported on Wifi, 2G, 3G and 4G, so you can chat with your family or friends in a new way but using your phone at a low price anytime and anywhere. Even though your friends stay abroad, they are still able to use WeChat to communicate with you and share their interesting experiences with you. _However, there are some dangers of WeChat. It is often reported that many traffic accidents are caused by careless drivers who cant help playing on WeChat while driving. And some bad guys even use WeChat to gamble(赌博), which breaks the law. Luckily, WeChat is improved now and then. _So it seems impossible that WeChat will be replaced in the near future. It is going to solve these difficulties and develop better and better.A. WeChat will be better and better.B. WeChat is easy to use.C. WeChat costs little but is quite popular.D. WeChat is better than QQ.E. WeChat is helpful in many ways.F. Be careful when using WeChat.四、 英语知识运用 (共2题;共20分)14. (10分) 完形填空Dear Wang Hong,Thank you for your letter.You said,Many trees and flowers1back to life. So it must be2in China now.In3it is fall.It is getting 4But it never gets really cold here.5is the best time to go to Australia? Australians will tell youAny time is good.6many people think the best time is summer.It is hot and sunny at that time of a year.I like summer7.Because in summer I can go8in the sea.Its great.Swimming is very popular in Australia.Some people swim in four 9.But I dont swim in 10.It is winter in Australia.The sea water is too cold.Best wishes.Yours,Tom(1)A . go B . come C . take D . give (2)A . fall B . summer C . winter D . spring (3)A . Australia B . Japan C . England D . China (4)A . warm B . hot C . cold D . dark (5)A . How B . What C . Where D . When (6)A . So B . Because C . But D . Or (7)A . good B . well C . better D . best (8)A . shopping B . hiking C . swimming D . studying (9)A . years B . seasons C . months D . weeks (10)A . March B . April C . July D . December 15. (10分) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的适当形式。 Once upon a time, an eagle (老鹰) was flying in the sky when he suddenly saw a beautiful hen. The eagle came near the hen and said, My pretty hen, I love you. Will you be _ (I) wife?The hen was scared for the eagle was so strong. Her husband, the cock had gone out to look for food and her kids had gone away somewhere to play with other _ (child). The hen quickly answered, I m willing to be, but let me first grow wings like yours, so I can fly _ high as you. The eagle replied, OK. This ring is for you as a sign of our betrothal (订婚). Tie it around your neck till I return.The hen agreed _ (do) so, and the eagle flew away.When the cock met the hen the next day, he was very _ (surprise) to see the ring around her neck. He said, Where did you get that ring? Throw it away immediately.The hen did this and the cock was cheerful again. But at the weekend, the eagle came _. The frightened hen hid herself behind her door but the eagle soon found her out. Suddenly he cried, Where _ (be) the ring that I gave you? Why are you not wearing it?The hen was very scared and said, Forgive me! I lost it yesterday. I was walking in the garden when I met a large snake. I was so frightened that I ran _ (fast). When I got home, I couldnt find it.The eagle looked at the hen _ (angry) and said, I dont believe you. You have hurt me. I will punish you. _ you dont marry me, I will snatch (抓) away all your chickens from you. But I will promise to forgive you only if you find my ring. Goodbye!Ever since, all the hens in the world have been scratching (轻抓) the ground to find the eagles ring.五、 根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正确 (共10题;共18分)16. (1分) We waited and waited at the bus station, finally he a_. 17. (1分) (2018江干模拟) We dont know how d_ the river is. It may be dangerous to swim in it. 18. (1分) Mr Smith_(创造)several cartoon heroes last year19. (1分) Li Lei is going to be an _(工程师) when he grows up. 20. (1分) You should be p_. The bus will come in 5 minutes. 21. (1分) (2018随州) Nothing is a _ /west/if you have a creative mind. 22. (5分) 单词拼写(单句首字母填空)。(1) The P_Museum is famous around the world.(2) - Where is the bed?- Its in your b_?(3) He got five m_dollars in the lottery.(4) He s_in a school. He is a student.(5) Do you take a s_every day?23. (5分) 单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)。(1) Please lend me one _(千) dollars.(2) _(刀) and forks will be necessary when we have western food.(3) I launched my rocket in a _(田地).(4) The old man often goes to the _(电影院) with his friends.(5) We are looking forward to _(邀请) our foreign teachers to our Eve Feast.24. (1分) (2018九上杭州月考) Chinese people are used to t_ their guests with a big meal. 25. (1分) (2019九上鄞州月考) I really took _ (自豪) in our country while watching the military parade (阅兵式) on TV. 六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)26. (5分) 课外活动可以让我们增长知识、发展智力、开阔视野和塑造性格。许多学校创造性地开展了课外活动,如朗诵、唱歌、讲故事、演话剧、办刊物以及举办各种体育活动等。最近,某中学生英文报开设了“After-class Activities”的栏目。请你根据以下提示,为该栏目写一篇英文稿件,并鼓励同学们积极参加课外活动。提示:1. 你校开展课外活动的情况;2. 你参加过的课外活动及给你带来的益处;3. 为同学选择课外活动或为学校开设课外活动提出建议。注意:1. 80词以上;2. 文中不得提及具体人名、校名及地名;3. 稿件的开头已为你写好(不计入总词数)。After-class ActivitiesNowadays, after-class activities are becoming more and more popular in junior schools. 第 21 页 共 21 页参考答案一、 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A,B,C (共5题;共14分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略二、 听下面三短对话或独白,每短对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给 (共3题;共17分)6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共37分)9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略四、 英语知识运用 (共2题;共20分)14、答案:略15、答案:略五、 根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正确 (共10题;共18分)16、答案:略17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略20、答案:略21、答案:略22、答案:略23、答案:略24、答案:略25、答案:略六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)26、答案:略


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