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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期期末考试英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . He is _ a cute baby _ we all like himAso;thatBsuch;thatCvery;thatDso;because2 . To keep _,my mom only has some fruit in the eveningAthinBfunnyCyoungDtall3 . Where did they volunteer last weekend?They went to the hospital to_ the sick kids.Aput upBcheer upCuse upDcall up4 . - Wheres your father?- He _ Hong Kong on business and he _ in 2 months.Ahas been to, will come backBhas been to, will return backChas gone to, will come backDhas gone to,will return back5 . Is this _ eraser?No, it isnt. Its _.Ahis; herBher; shesChis; hersDshe; hers6 . Why not _ your teacher for advice when you dont know _ the problem.Ato ask; how to deal withBask; what to do withCask; what to deal withDto ask; how to do with7 . Its _ difficult problem for the twins that _ of them can work it out .Aso ,neitherBsuch a , noneCso a , neitherDsuch a ,neither8 . _ do you exercise? I used to exercise every day, but now I exercise twice a week.AHow oftenBHow soonCHow long9 . Would you like to play basketball with us?Yes, Id love to. _ I have to stay at home and work in the garden now.ASoBButCOrDAnd10 . What are you going to do this weekend?I want to go to the countryside to _ the fresh air.AtakeBbreatheCprovide11 . The soup smelt _ so all of us didnt have it.AdeliciousBniceCawfulDwell12 . How long has John _?For almost eight months.Abecome an engineerBstayed in BeijingCjoined the music clubDbought the CD player13 . Its noisy outside. Its difficult for me to_.Ago to bedBfell asleepCfall asleepDbe sleepy14 . He arrivedhomea cold winter morning.Aat, inBin, atCto, inD/, on15 . Jerry gets up early, so he is always the second _ student to get to school in our class.AearlyBearlierCearliestDmuch earlier二、完型填空Are you good at learning some things by yourself, but not others? Do you find it _ to understand art, for example, but not Maths. If you do, dont be _. Everyones mind is different and some people are better at some things than others. _everyone is good at everything.Mozart was good at_but not very good at Maths - he never had enough money! Einstein was good at _and writing. He also played the violin but_ people say that he wasnt very good at that.Max Berlitzs parents and grandfather were Maths teachers but he was_ at Maths. He was good at languages. He started a school that taught languages. Now many books and thousands of schools use his_.George Schaller has worked all over the world _ animals. In China, he studied pandas. He said that when he was a boy, he always liked being outside looking at plants and animals. Now this is his job.When Tiger Woods was a baby, his father used to play golf in front of him. His father did everything he could to make his son _ golf. Now his son is the best golf player in the world.16 . AinterestingBeasyCgoodDhardly17 . AsadBfrightenedCsurprisedDexcited18 . ANotBNearlyCAlmostDSometimes19 . AsportsBpaintingCwritingDmusic20 . AMathsBmusicCcomputerDart21 . AallBmostCfewDnone22 . AgoodBpoorCbetterDclever23 . AnamesBlanguagesCideasDteachers24 . AraisingBfeedingCfindingDstudying25 . AleaveBdislikeClikeDwatch三、阅读单选In China, when you refused someone, he or she might say he or she eats a bowl of door-closing thick soup. In Chinese, it is called“吃闭门羹” What is the story behind this saying?It is said that during the Tang Dynasty, there lived a beautiful woman named Shi Feng. Many young men wanted to marry her. But Shi was hard to impress. She asked her admirers (追求者)to write poems and show them to her. She did this to see how talented they were.If Shi liked someones poems, she would agree to meet him. If she didn t, she wouldnt meet him. But then, to be polite, she would at least give him a bowl of geng to eat. Geng is a type of thick soup. It is usually made with grain, fruit and vegetables.As time passed, eating a bowl of thick soup came to mean being refused. The dish was also nicknamed door-closing thick soup, since Shi would not open her door for the people who received the dish.But there is a twist(转折)to this story. Door-closing thick soup was said to be so tasty that people started coming to Shis door-not to marry her, but to have a taste of the soup!26 . Shi would agree to meet men who were.AhonestBgood-lookingCrichDtalented27 . The underlined word this refers to.Aasking her admirers to read poemsBasking her admirers to write poemsCasking her admirers to eat a bowl ofgengDhelping her admirers to write poems happily28 . Shis admirers would get a bowl ofgengto eat if.AShi liked their poemsBShi refused themCthey were polite enoughDthey wanted to marry Shi29 . Having door-closing thick soup is used to describe a situation in which someone.Acannot open a doorBwants to get marriedCis refused by othersDwants to drink soup30 . The story is mainly about.Aan ancient beauty named Shi FengBhow to make door-closing thick soupChow ancient people refused othersDthe story behind the saying“吃闭门羹”When you meet someone for the first time, you will get a quick idea in your mind of that person in the first moment. Your feelings about other people, however, are really just show the way that you look at yourself.So you can allow others to be the mirror to see your own feelings of self-worth more clearly. And,you can see the people you dont like as mirrors to show you what you are not accepting about yourself.To live peacefully with others, you will need to learn patience. A big challenge is to let your judgment of others be a lifelong research of yourself. Your task is to consider all the judgments you make onto others carefully and to begin to see whether you can use them to help yourself to become better.Several days ago I had a business lunch with a man who showed objectionable table manners. My first feeling was that he was impolite. When I noticed that I was judging him, I stopped and asked myself what I was feeling. I discovered that I was nervous to be seen with someone who was eating with his mouth open.I was very surprised to find how much I cared about how the other people in the restaurant judged me.Remember that your judgment of someone will not stop you from becoming like him. Just because I think my lunch partner impolite, it does not prevent me from looking or acting like him. In the same way, my patience to him would not make me eat food with my mouth open.When you get close to life in this way, those whom you hate and those whom you love can be seen as mirrors, guiding you to discover parts of yourself that you dislike and to accept your greatest personalities you are proud of.31 . When we judge others, we are really .Abeginning to know themBtreating them in a polite wayCshowing what we ourselves areDtelling them what they should do32 . The writer felt nervous when he was with his lunch partner because .Ahe was afraid to be influenced by his lunch partnerBhe was too angry to go on with his lunch any moreChe was afraid he might be thought badly of by othersDhe was too surprised at the manners of his lunch partner33 . Whats the meaning of the underlined word “objectionable”?AunknownBunacceptableCunfairDunreasonable34 . What is the best title for this passage?AAn Impolite Lunch PartnerBPay Attention to Our MannersCHow to Judge Others ProperlyDKnow Ourselves by Judging OthersNow people in England, the US and many other countries celebrate Mothers Day. Mothers Day is on the second Sunday of May. On this day, children give flowers, cards, chocolate and other things to their mothers, but they dont give money to them. And they also make presents for their mothers. And some of them get up early to cook breakfast for their mothers. They also help their mothers do housework. They want to show their love to their mothers. They know if they have no mothers, they cant live a happy life.Many people in China celebrate this festival for their mothers because they want to show their love to their mothers too. In every Chinese family, the mother looks after the children, does the housework and cooks meals for the family, so she is quite hard-working and she is always busy in the family. Now more and more people celebrate Mother Day in China.35 . When is Mothers Day?AThe first Sunday of May.BThe second Sunday of May.CThe first Saturday of February.DThe second Saturday of February.36 . What presents do mothers usually get on Mothers Day?AFlowers, money and cards.BFlowers, money and chocolate.CFlowers, cards and chocolate.DMoney, cards and chocolate.37 . On Mothers Day, children dont _.Amake presentsBcook breakfastCget up lateDdo housework38 . What does the underline word hard-working mean in the passage?A勤劳的B聪明的C美丽的D困难的39 . Why do many Chinese people celebrate this festival for mothers?ABecause they know Mothers Day.BBecause their mothers are very busy.CBecause they have mothers.DBecause they love their mothers very much.Dear Merry,Recently, I have trouble with my st udy. In school I cant listen to teachers carefully Because always feel tired and sleepy. I dont spend time with friends after class either because I think its a waste of time. I even miss writing some answers in the test. At home, I cant get my homework done every night. My parents dont let me stay up. So I have to get up early the next morning to finish it. Lately, I even get a bad headache.How can I solve these problems?Yours,Liu YaDear Liu Ya,When you have trouble listening to teachers carefully in class, you can ask your teacher or deskmate to remind you often. Then spending time talking about many different things with friends can make you happy. Its not a waste of time. As for homework, when its hard to get finished, one thing you can try is setting goals for yourself. Ask your parents tohelp you. You must take a break,especially if you dont feel well. You might be surprised but a short break can help you get more done! Lastly, if you dont worry and have enough sleep, your headache will leave you.Yours,Merry40 . Liu Ya wrote the letter to Merry in order to.Aask for helpBexpress worriesCshare her experienceDshare her happiness41 . Liu Ya doesnt want to stay with friends after class because.Ashe needs to sleepBshe thinks its a waste of timeCshe has trouble with her classmatesDShe doesnt need friends42 . Merry thinks.Ataking a break is necessaryBbeing with parents is helpfulCsetting goals by parents is importantDlistening to teachers is helpful43 . According to the underlined part, what might Liu Yas teacher say?ASleep for a minute.BListen carefully.CStop talking.Dtaking a break.44 . From Lu Yas letter,we can find that she is too.AexcitedBboringCworriedDhappy四、单词填空This45 . (be) Kangkangs family. The young man 46 . a green T-shirt is47 . (he) uncle .The young woman in yellow is his 48 . (婶婶). They 49 . (has) a daughter. She is 50 . cousin. The young woman in red and the young man in black 51 . (是) his parents.52 . (Kangkang) grandparents look 53 . (开心的). Kangkang has a54 . (大) family.五、多任务混合问题Everyone knows exercise can keep us healthy.(1)Without exercise,we cant live healthily or happily. But how(2)_ exercise is really very important. Heres some advice for you.(3)There are many ways for you to exercise. You can take a walk,run and play ball games. These sports can take away your worry and boring things,and you will feel very happy and strong. But when you(4)take exercise,you must make sure that you are safe. Because you are still young,dont go fishing(5)_ go hunting by yourself. When you exercise in the morning,you(6)neednt have your breakfast,but you can first drink some water. If you have sports in the afternoon or evening,youd better not exercise right (7)_ meals. You can exercise in any place,on the ground,in the sports field,or in a park. But dont play ball games(8)_the road or in the street,because its not safe.55 . 任务一写出(1)处画线句子的同义句。_56 . (任务二从方框中选择恰当的词填空。(有一项多余)on to after before or(2)_(5)_(7)_(8)_57 . 任务三将(3)处画线句子译成中文。_58 . 任务四用同义词或短语替换画线部分。(4)_(6)_59 . 任务五给短文拟一个恰当的英文标题。_六、将所给单词连成句子根据所给词语连城句子,标点已给出。要求符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,单词不得重复使用。60 . my, collecting, is, hobby, stamps_61 . known they, each other, yeare, for, have, throe_ .62 . personal, what, your, strengths are ?_?63 . lots of, there, farm, are, on, chicks, the_ .64 . a, me, send, he, photo, will, of, the Great Wall ?_?七、讲稿65 . 假如你叫Sam,你们班将在下周举行一次主题为:“How to relax ourselves atfer the exam”的讨论,请你用英语写一篇70词以上的发言稿。要求:1. 去旅游,亲近大自然;2. 参加娱乐活动,如听音乐、看电影等;3. 进行体育锻炼;4. 你的建议要求:1. 必须包括所列要点的内容,可适当发挥;2. 不得出现真实的校名、人名和地名。How to Relax Ourselves after the Exam_第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、单词填空1、五、多任务混合问题1、六、将所给单词连成句子1、七、讲稿1、


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