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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期期末模拟英语试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ did you buy the car? Its so cool. I _ it for half a year. Do you want a ride?AWhen; have boughtBWhen; have hadCHow long; have boughtDHow long; have had2 . Would you like to climb the hill with me?.AThank you very muchBYoure welcomeCYes, Id love toDNo, I dont think so3 . Michael is wearing _ cool windbreaker _he looks great.Asuch , thatBso that, Csuch a, thatDso a , that4 . -What will you buy in France? -I may buycamera.AanBtheCsomeDa5 . As the road to the airport is under repair, we will have to _ early to get there in time.Aturn offBtake offCput offDset off6 . Well have to cancel the school sports meeting _ it snows tonight.AifBalthoughCunlessDsince7 . - What do you think of the dress?- Wonderful. I dont think I can find a _ one.AgoodBbad CbetterDworst8 . _ music she is playing!AWhat niceBWhat a niceCHow niceDHow9 . _ people moved from the countryside to the city to find jobs.AOne million ofBMillion ofCMany millions ofDMillions of10 . -_ is Anns bike?- Its behind the tree.AWhereBWhatCWhoseDWho11 . _ are they going?To the shop.AWhereBWhoCWhenDWhat12 . My grandparents are too old to _ themselves, so they live with us now.Alook throughBlook forCtake care ofDtake after13 . -Ive got a ticket to the opening ceremony of the World Cup in 2014. Im leaving for Brazil in a few months.- What a lucky guy! _.AIts very kind of youBEnjoy yourselfCThats all rightDGlad to hear that.二、补全短文7选5B)先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容从下面方框内的七个选项中,选择五个还原到文中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整。Bad days happen to most of us when we just wake up in a really bad mood.When something has made you angry,sad or disappointed,you still have to get up and go to work.But before you get there,youre already very angry inside.Not much fun, huh? Luckily, you can do something about it. 14 . .Accept your bad moodBeing in a bad mood is not that hard.Fighting a bad mood only prolongs(延伸)it,so if youre mad,be mad,and if youre sad,be sad.This does not give you license to be rude. 15 . Tell othersYou can try to keep your bad mood a secret and put on your happy mask (面具).Guess what, youre fooling nobody.Your co-workers(同事)will notice and they will wonder what theyve done to get you out. 16 . Simply tell them“Listen,guys!Im in a really bad mood today.Im not sure why.If I bite your head off,I apologize in advance(提前道歉).”Remember the good thingsWhen youre in a bad mood,everything is bad. 17 . Spend a few moments to try thinking of at least one or two things that arent all bad,such as something you look forward to,a person you like at work,or something nice that happened recently.18 . And if youre having a really bad day,it may be a good idea to withdraw(退出)a little if you can.Take a walk in your lunch break.Sit and work somewhere quiet.Take a long bathroom break.Consider going home early or taking the day off.AThe best thing to do is to tell the people you work closely with.BTake some quiet timeCIts important to get along well with others.DIt just means that you need to accept your bad mood to be able to do something.E.Here are some ways to turn around a bad day.FAsk for advice.GBut the good things you appreciated yesterday are probably still there-youre just not seeing them.三、完型填空完形填空When personal trainer James ODriscall arrives at his gym each morning, he does not just help others to lose weight or build muscles(肌肉) There is something_“Ive been working with a man for several years who said that _ really helped build up his confidence(自信)”James understands the importance of developing confidence _ than most At 26, he suddenly lost his sight He was not able to work and his wife was _ because he didnt see anythingJames life _ when a guide dig came into his life “we build up trust and respect for each other The dog _ me to return to work and social life”James started as an actor so he needed to get back in shape“I felt that if I could turn around my life through exercise, I could help _ do the same,” he saysThrough great _ James became the UKs first blind trainer four years ago “_, it is not about how heavy you are People feel different when they played football without feeling out of breath(上气不接下气)_ they put a dress on for the first time in six years That is what really matters Its how you feel inside”19 . A. harder B. happier C. more important D. more interesting20 . A. dancing B. training C. talking D. singing21 . A. less B. fewer C. better D. worse22 . A. exciting B. same C. forgotten D. different23 . A. changed B. continued C. accepted D. completed24 . A. told B. helped C. asked D. wanted25 . A. other B. another C. the other D. others26 . A. pleasure B. energy C. efforts D. decisions27 . A. Finally B. Mainly C. Recently D. Properly28 . A. if B. but C. or D. so四、阅读单选阅读理解。Years ago, as we know, zoos kept animals in cages. Cages made it easy for visitors to see the animals, but a small cage is not a good place for an animal to live in.Today animals live in open areas. There are usually plants and a little lake around, like the animals habitats. Visitors usually stay in the bus to see the animals outside.Zoos help to protect all kinds of animals. They protect animals in the zoo as well as animals in the wild. How do they do this? Zoos tell people how animals live in the wild and how to help protect their environment.The number of many kinds of plants and animals is becoming smaller and smaller. Mammoths, which are related with Asia elephants, are now extinct(已灭绝的.Scientists say that_different kinds of living things are disappearing a day!Zoos are working together to help animals-our friends.29 . In the past, zoos kept animals in cages so that people can.Aprotect themBsee them betterCfeed themDsave them30 . Today, zoos keep animals.Ain open areasBin bigger cagesCin smaller cagesDin the buses31 . To protect animals, zoos.Aare trying to keep all kinds of animalsBare trying to free the animalsCtell people more about animalsDwant people to feed the animals32 . A mammoth is a kind ofthat has gone extinct.AplantBbirdCanimalDtree33 . An animal or a plant that is going extinct.Ahas more and more living membersBcomes into this world soonCbecomes very dangerousDhas fewer and fewer living memberCThere are 5 channels on British television and each channel has several news programs all day long. Some programs are only for 3 minutes but some are one hour long. The people who read the news are called news presenters and because they appear on television every day, they are very famous.This is a popular news presenter in England called Trevor McDonald, in the news studio. He presents a program called “News at Ten”every Monday to Friday evenings.Another popular news presenter is Kirsty Young. She has a more modern style of reading the news, as you can see, she sits on the desk not on a chair!Television news presenters need to have worked as journalists because they have to write most of the news that they read. Sometimes an important new event happens after the program has started, so the presenter has to be able to read something without looking at it first. They must always keep calm even when there are many changes during the program. At the end of “News at Ten”Trevor McDonald says “And finally.”. Then he reads an unusual or interesting item. Its a famous saying in England now.34 . Who sits on the desk to read the news?AKirsty Young.BTrevor McDonald.CAll the news presenters.DSome journalists35 . People in Britain can watch TV news _ every day.Aonly for three minutesBfor an hourCin the eveningDat any time36 . Which is the best title of this passage?ATelevision NewsBTrevor McDonaldCEvening NewsDNews at Ten五、阅读判断阅读短文,根据短文内容判断所给句子正(T)误(F)。Hello, my name is Simon. I am in the UK(英国) with(和在起) my family. My fathers name is Steve. His hair(头发) is black. My mother is Julie and her hair is brown. I have(有) a sister and a brother. My sisters name is Alice. She is 4. My brothers name is Tom and he is 7. I am 12.My grandparents are in the UK, too. My grandfather is 70 and my grandmother is 67. Their(他们的) telephone number is 229-7601. My grandfather likes taking photos(拍照). He likes taking family photos. My grandmother likes books(书). Her books are interesting(有趣的).37 . Julies hair is brown.38 . Alice is Simons sister.39 . Simons grandfather is 67.40 . Simons parents telephone number is 229-6701.41 . Simons grandmother likes books六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空。42 . Be careful when you drive on the _(ice) road.43 . Its so noisy and crowded. Lets go to see what _(happen)44 . When mom _(get) home,I was making a model plane.45 . It rained so _ (heavy) that I was wet from head to foot.46 . He wanted to be over the hill before the sun _(rise)七、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子47 . 昨天晚上迈克来的时候我正在写作业。I _ my homework when Mike _ last night.48 . 安正在看电视时,她父亲回来了。While Ann _ TV, her father _ home.49 . 我敲门的时候你正在干什么?What were you doing when I _ at the door?50 . 我去看她的时候她正在打扫房间。She _ the room when I _ to see her.51 . 去年夏天的这个时候我正在英国度假。I _ vacation in England this time last summer.52 . 当时梅在跳舞,而彼得在弹钢琴。May _ while Peter _ the piano.53 . 我走进房间时他们正在看报纸。They _ the newspaper when I _ the room.54 . 昨天下午5点你在做什么?What_ you _ at five yesterday afternoon?八、话题作文55 . Writing ( 作文 ) Writing a passage of at least 60 words about the topic “ One Thing I Can Do Better”. (以“我可以做得更好的一件事”写不少于60个词,标点符号不占格。)(提示:结合自身情况,谈谈在哪件事上可以改进;打算如何做。)第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、二、补全短文7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、阅读判断1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、话题作文1、


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