牛津译林版英语九年级上册Unit1 Reading(2)课时测评卷

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牛津译林版英语九年级上册Unit1 Reading(2)课时测评卷_第1页
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牛津译林版英语九年级上册Unit1 Reading(2)课时测评卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Thank you for _me _the problems.Ahelping, solvingBhelp, solveCto help, solvingDhelping, solve2 . -Sir, this T-shirt is a bit small. Can you show me one?-Sorry, this is the biggest one in our shop. Why not go to the shop on side of the street? You may find one which fits you.Aanother; the otherBthe other; anotherCanother; anotherDthe other; the other3 . We should take more exercise to stay _.AhealthBhealthyCfatDshort4 . Books are made _ paper while paper is mainly made _ wood.Aof;ofBfrom;fromCof;fromDfrom;of5 . Dont just believe the advertisement on TV, the medicine is _ it says.Aas good asBas well asCnot as good asDnot as well as二、完型填空Joel had been working at a bookstore for four months._four months was not a short time, he felt it had been only one month.Working at a bookstore was a dream job for Joel.So he felt_to be hired(雇用) on the day of his interview.He loved to brag(吹嘘)all about his job to his friends and family.Joel loved _books in his spare time.His favorite writer was Mark Twain,Joels favourite_was The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Working at a bookstore not only gave Joel a _to read books,but also allowed him to interact(相互影响) with other fellow book worms(爱书的人).Joel often recommended(推荐)books to _and they would do the same for Joel. He _the job every day.Every now and then,he would come across a classic book to read. Joels manager allowed him one book for free once a week.However, it was difficult to_which book to take sometimes.Joel was paid 300 every two weeks.Sometimes he would make more when he worked overtime.After a couple of months,Joel had _enough money to finally buy his first car.Buying a car was the main reason that Joel wanted to start working._for him, both of his dreams came true.6 . ABecauseBSinceCThough7 . AinterestedBthankfulCnervous8 . AreadingBwritingCselling9 . AmovieBsongCbook10 . AchanceBrideCjob11 . AcustomersBteachersCparents12 . AproducedBavoidedCenjoyed13 . AexpectBunderstandCdecide14 . Amade upBput upCsaved up15 . ASadlyBLuckilyCLoudly三、阅读单选COne morning on my way to school, I had just seated myself on the bus when suddenly a few peasant-workers got on the bus with big bags, they rushed and shouted to seek the empty seats. One of them just sat next to me, putting his bag on the ground of the bus. The dirty bag touched my new white shoes. I stood up at once and kept me away from those peasant-workers and their big bags.After class I told my unpleasant experience to my friends, they almost held the same feeling that even in the streets they would keep away from those peasant-workers and their big bags. Then some of us raised a question why they always carried big bags over their shoulders while a little amount of money could buy many cheap things that they needed.What on earth were there in their big bags? We could only keep our curiosity but had no chance to see inside.Then one day a chance came when I passed a building site with my friends after school, we saw a group of peasant -workers rushed out the half -finished building to a small bus, they all carried big bags as usual. Suddenly, an old peasant -worker fell on the ground. His bag flew off and hit the ground. The bag broke due to its weight and poor quality, and what were inside the bag separated everywhere. The sight drew the passengers attention at once especially ours. We gathered over to see the incident, regardless of the embarrass feeling of the old man.The poor old man caught a big colorful sharpener(卷笔刀)the first time and sat on the ground, his legs were too weak to support his body because he had fallen down heavily, but he cleaned the sharpener carefully with his clothes, checking whether there was something wrong with it. It was clear that the beautiful sharpener was bought for his grandchild. We were a little moved and we couldnt help picking up other things on the ground for the old man. A few clothes caught our eyes. They had been washed clean and folded neatly though they were a little old. We quickly gathered all his belongs and took them to the small bus with him.On our way back, I suddenly imaged the scene when the old peasant-worker got home, his family rushed out to welcome him. Now it is clear whats in the peasants big bags. They carry the worry, miss and warmth out but bring the great hope back.16 . How did the writer feel when he stood up on the bus?AunhappyBsatisfiedCinterestedDworried17 . Why did the old man catch the sharpener first?ABecause it was the most expensive.BBecause it was very close to him.CBecause there was something wrong with it.DBecause it was a present for his family.18 . The peasant-workers always carried big bags with them because _.Athey had no time to buy thingsBthey liked the things from their homeCthey wanted to save as much money as possibleDthe bags were big enough to carry all the things19 . We can infer(推断)from the passage that the writer and his friends_.Ahad pity on the peasant-workers from the beginningBunderstood what the bags really meant to the peasant-workersCstill looked down on the peasant-workersDgathered over in order to help the old man四、根据首字母、中文提示填空. 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。20 . The _(夹克衫) on the bed is not mine. Its Lilys.21 . This blouse is made of a special_(材料). It is very comfortable.22 . What are you going to be when you grow up? I want to be a_(模特), and then I can show new clothes to others.23 . The room is too_(昏暗的). Please turn on the light.24 . I have lots of good friends at school. My best friends_(包括) Helen and Susan.五、用单词的正确形式完成句子三、从方框中选择合适的词组,并用其适当形式填空。call in,rather than,knock on,let.down,leave out25 . Ann came in without _the door.26 . It always _me _when I dont get any email from my best friend.27 . If we _the second sentence,we can also understand the meaning of the passage.28 . I think you are doing this for yourself _for others.29 . How many friends will you _to the party?六、回答问题请认真阅读下面短文,用英语回答短文后的问题,并将答案与在答题卡标有题号的横线上。Life offers so many lessons, both practical and personal, that youre never too young to begin learning them. Here are somc skills to learn as soon as possible.Money ManagementWhen you start receiving money of your own. Its time to start understanding your relationship with money. In a world where you can buy any and every object, the key is to save money by buying only essentials (必需品) and a treat sometimes.CookingOne great way to save money is to learn to cook for yourself. Beyond that, cooking at home also helps you control your diet for better health. If you start doing this at an early age, you will not have to depend on your parents too much. Keeping Promises: Promises are a matter of honesty and should be made with care. We must learn from an early age that our word must be followed up by action. When it isnt, others will quickly lose trust in us and not respect us.Accepting Rejection (拒绝)Though you must. be careful not to break your word, others promises arent always kept. Learn about it early, and you wont be hurt easily. Also, not every job application or desired (渴望的) friendship will work out, so remember that there are more fish in the sea.LifelongLearning No matter how old you get, there will always be things beyond your understanding. Its better to learn to be modest now rather than take a proud fall later in life. Be open to new experiences and keep learning. And its never t,oo late to start.30 . How many skills are talked about in the passage?_31 . Which two skills can help you save money?_32 . If one of your friends breaks his promise to you, will you be angry? Why or why not?_七、汉译英:整句将下列句子译成英语33 . 继续直走,你会发现邮局在你左边。_34 . 熊猫很可爱,喜欢吃竹子。_35 . 这次会议很重要。千万别迟到。_36 . 聪明而滑稽的猴子们使得我们笑了起来。_37 . 在学校的西边有个超市。_第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、回答问题1、七、汉译英:整句1、


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