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北师大版中考模拟英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The news on Wechat (微信) is so _ that we are _in it. I agree with you.Ainteresting; interestingBinteresting; interestedCinterested; interestedDinterested; interesting2 . (题文)Some people_feel sick when they read a book in a car or on a boatAmustBshouldCmayDneed3 . The child without parents good care of by their teachers.Aare takenBis takenCtakeDtakes4 . She sold her treasures to help others, though it was _her familys wishesIts so kind of her.AagainstBaboveConDfor5 . John often teaches physics in his free time.AhimBheChisDhimself6 . _he is tired ,_he doesnt stop working.AThough ; /BBut; thoughCthough; butD/ ;/7 . Li Ming is so careful that he always looks over his exercise to_ there are no mistakes.Alook forBfind outCend upDmake sure8 . Premier Li said we should speed up the Internet and lower the.AmoneyBpriceCvalueDservice9 . Xian is ancient city with long history.Aa; aBan; aCthe; anD/; the10 . Im sorry to tell you a fast car _ Li Lei yesterday.Oh, thats terrible!Ato hitBhittingChitDhits二、完型填空From the time I was a child growing up in New Jersey, I loved spending weekends with my grandparents. I felt _ in Grannys small kitchen. We always had peaceful conversations, and Granny always seemed to include some wisdom with every dish she prepared.I remember one Saturday morning. I was about 11 years old. After breakfast I asked Granny, “What kind of soup are you making today?” “Vegetable beef,” she answered. “And you can help by cutting some carrots.” As I slowly cut the carrots, I said, “Ive got to give a report next week and Im scared (害怕的). I dont like standing in front of everybody. What if I forget what Im going to say? Or what if somebody laughs?” “And what if you do just fine?” Granny asked. “Have you _ notes?” “Well, no. That would be a lot of work.” “Hard work never _ anyone,” Granny said. “You could try practicing in front of a _. Its easy to find how well you are practicing.”I pushed the pieces of carrots to the side of the cutting board and went on to complain (抱怨) about schoolwork, friends and family. Granny took it all in, listening _ while I talked about so many pieces of grief (伤心事) in my life. “Nancy, ” she said, “theres nothing wrong with a little trouble in your life. Well, you know, a lot of people dont make homemade soup these days. They say its too much trouble. But I dont _ such a little trouble. It adds flavor (滋味) to my soup and to my life. My soup would be pretty bland (平淡) _ the vegetables, and so would my life if it didnt have the little ups and downs.” She smiled and then started washing the dishes. While I helped Granny clean up, I thought about what she had said. I still had a few days to practice my report.That Saturday, Granny gave me food for _ as well as a bowl of her homemade soup. As I _ the meal with my grandparents, somehow (不知何故) my problems didnt seem so big any more. Maybe I could turn a little trouble into something as _ as Grannys homemade soup. I would have to work on them. Granny had said hard work paid off.11 . AcomfortableBluckyCexcitedDrelaxed12 . AtakenBfoundCpreparedDreviewed13 . AmissesBhurtsCtroublesDstops14 . AmirrorBwallCpersonDgroup15 . AkindlyBquietlyCcarefullyDpatiently16 . AmindBrefuseChateDavoid17 . Aout ofBaway fromCbeyondDwithout18 . AattitudeBabilityCthoughtDenergy19 . AofferedBenjoyedCcookedDshared20 . AgreatBdeliciousCspecialDhealthy三、阅读单选You either have it, or you donta sense of direction. But why is it that some people could find their way across the Sahara without a map while others can lose themselves in the next street?Scientists say were all born with a sense of direction, but it is not properly understood how it works. One theory is that people with a good sense of direction have simply worked harder at developing it. Research being carried out at Liverpool University supports this idea and suggests that if we dont use it, we lose it.“Children as young as seven have the ability to find their way around,” says Jim Martland, research director of the project. “However, if they are not allowed out alone or are taken everywhere by car, they never develop the skills.”Jim Martland alsoemphasizesthat young people should be taught certain skills to improve their sense of direction. He makes the following suggestions:If you are using a map, turn it so that it relates to(与有联系) the way you are facing.If you leave your bike in a strange place, put it near something like a big stone or a treesomething easy to recognize. Note landmarks on the route as you go away from your bike. When you return, go back along the same route.Simplify(简化) the way for finding your direction by using lines such as streets in a town, streams, or wells in the countryside to guide you. Count your steps so that you know how far you have gone and note any landmarks such as towerblocks or hills which can help to find out where you are.Now you will never get lost again!21 . Children have the ability to find the way around when they areyears old.A5B6C7D822 . What does the underlined word “emphasize” mean in the passage?ATo give special importance to something.BTo express thanks for somebody.CTo understand or become aware of a fact.DTo admire somebody.23 . Scientists believe that _.Asome babies are born with a sense of directionBpeople learn a sense of direction as they grow olderCpeople never lose their sense of directionDeverybody has a sense of direction from birth24 . What may be the best title of the passage?AA research on direction.BA sense of direction.CPeoples ability of finding the way.DScientists research on skills.根据短文内容,从下列每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案ChannelTimeName of showKind of showATV7:00NewsNews8:30Good Friend ContestGame show9:20Chinese MotherDocumentary Special12:00Tokyo Love StorySoap OperaBTV7:40China SportsSports Show9:20Happy FamilySitcom10:40Face to FaceTalk ShowCTV9:30China MusicMusic13:40Romantic DreamFashion Show22:40Football MagazineSports Show25 . What type is the show Tokyo Love Story?ASitcomBSports showCSoap OperaDMusic26 . Which two shows begin at the same time?AFace to Face and Romantic DreamBHappy Family and China MusicCChinese Mother and Football MagazineDChinese Mother and Happy Family27 . Which channel(频道)has the show Good Friend Contest?AATVBBTVCCTVDCCTVMaybe you know floods, droughts, earthquakes, sandstorms and so on. But have you ever heard of typhoons?Typhoons are some of the worst storms, usually around the Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea. Most happen in July, August and September.How does a typhoon happen? When lots of sea water gets hot in the summer sun, it evaporates into the air. This makes the air hotter._ _1_It fills the space that is left. After the air gets warmer, it starts to move quickly, making wind. The wind goes in circles, and it keeps moving higher in the sky. The warmer the air gets, the quicker the wind moves. And when the wind moves faster than 30 meters a second, a typhoon begins.A typhoon has two parts. One is called the eye. In the eye, the wind does not move so fast. The other part is the wall of clouds around the eye. This is where the strongest wind and hardest rains are.Typhoons are very dangerous. In 2004, Typhoon Yunna killed 164 people in Zhejiang, and 24 people were missing. In May 2006, Typhoon Pearl hit Guangdong and Fujian, and thousands of houses were damaged.What to do when a typhoon hits:Stay inside, close all the windows and stay away from them.Try to bring all of your things inside. Strong winds could even blow away your bikes!Listen to the radio or TV for important information.If youre told to go to a safer place, do so right away.28 . Which picture can tell meaning of the underlined sentences . it starts to move higher up into the sky. Then, cooler air around it rushes in. ?AABBCCDD29 . When a typhoon comes, we cannotAclose all the windowsBlisten to typhoon newsCstay outside with our bikesDstay inside the strong house30 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThe warmer the air gets, the slower the wind moves.BThis year Typhoon Peal killed 164 people in Zhejiang.CThe strongest winds and hardest rains are in the eye of typhoon.DA typhoon will happen when the wind goes faster than 30 meters a second.Bringing a giraffe into the world is. A baby giraffe is born 10 feet high and usually lands on its back. Within seconds it rolls over its legs under its body. Then the mother giraffe rudely introduces its children to the reality(现实) of life.In his book,A View from the Zoo, Gary Richmond describes how a new-born giraffe learns its first lesson.The mother giraffe lowers her head long enough to take a quick look. Then she puts herself directly over her child. She waits for about a minute, and then she does the most unreasonable(不合情理的) thing. She throws her long leg and kicks her baby, so that its sent sprawling(四脚朝天).When it doesnt get up, the process is repeated again and again. The struggle to rise is important. As the baby giraffe grows tired, the mother kicks it again. Finally, it stands for the first time on its shaky(摇晃的) legs. Then the mother giraffe kicks it off its feet again. Why? She wants it to remember how it got up. In the wild, a baby giraffe must be able to get up as quickly as possible to stay with its group, where theres safety.Another writer named Irving Stone understood this. He spent a lifetime studying greatness, writing stories about such men as Michelangelo, Vincent van Gogh, Sigmund Freud, and Charles Darwin.Stone was once asked if he had found something that runs through the lives of all these great people. He said, “I write about people who sometime in their life have a dream of something. Theyre beaten over the head, knocked down and for years they get nowhere. But every time they stand up again. And at the end of their lives theyve realized some small parts of what they set out(着手) to do .”31 . What does the underlined part “a tall order” in Paragraph 1 mean?AA happy thing.BA difficult task.CA big dream.DA beautiful scene.32 . What does the bookA View from the Zootalk about?AA new-born giraffes first lesson.BA mother giraffes story.CThe lives of some great people.DThe way for a giraffe to stand up.33 . Why were some great people mentioned in the passage?ABecause they all worked hard.BBecause they all liked to read some special stories.CBecause they were born with some illnesses.DBecause they were similar to giraffes in some ways.34 . Which of the following statements is True according to the passage?AThis passage is a description of giraffes living habits.BBaby giraffes cant stand up until three months old.CIrving Stone spent a lifetime studying and writing stories about great people.DThe great people cant stand up after theyre knocked down for years.35 . What would be the best title for the passage?AHow to Raise a Baby Giraffe.BLearning to Get Back Up.CStories about the great people.DA Mother Giraffe and Its Baby Giraffe.四、语法填空语法填空阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Greetings from Madrid !I cant believe Im finally here! The trip from Hong Kong 36 . (be) long and tiring, but I made it. My hotel is nice and I am staying in a guesthouse in the central area of Madrid. I got a cheap and simple room, much 37 . (small) than my own room back home. It only has a small bed and shower, 38 . it is quite comfortable to stay in.The weather here is wonderful. Its warm and sunny, 39 . clear blue skies every day. Its great for sightseeing, because there are a lot of things to see and do. Ive found a friendly guide here and yesterday I 40 . (show) around the city. Tomorrow he will take 41 . (I) to Andalusia to visit the city of Granada. I cant wait 42 . (see) the Alhambra Palace and other places of interest. Also, I 43 . (real) want to try the food there - especially gazpacho, 44 . kind of cold soup which I hear is special, very different from anything else in Spain.Ill bring you back some 45 . (present). See you next month!Love, Jamie五、多任务混合问题We all want to protect our earth.There are some habits in your everyday life which will help to protect the environment.You have lots clothes or things you want to throw.If they are still usable(有用的),give them to someone who needs them.You may also choose to give them to clubs.These clubs may sell them and collect a litltle money.You will protect the environment.When you do not use a house device(设备),turn it _.For example,if you dont watch TV,turn it off.Turn of f the light when you leave a room,even if you will return in half an hour.Its an easy habit to take up,which will help you save a lot of money.Driving is one of the biggest reasons of pollution.If you want to use your car,ask yourself the question:Do I really need my car?Walk or use your bike if the trip is a short one.补全句子46 . When you do not use a house device,turn it _.简略回答问题47 . How may the clubs deal with clothes or things?_.48 . How can we go there if our trip is short?_.找出并写下全文的主题句49 . _.将文中划线句子译成汉语50 . _.六、将所给单词连成句子连词成句51 . people, or, want, peace, do, war _?52 . polite, an, it, age, is, to, adults, ask_?53 . will, do, gifts, what, with, you, the_?54 . fight, small, they, matter, over, the, shouldnt_.55 . many, manners, world, are, in, table, there, the, different_.七、话题作文56 . 在多年的学习经历中,你认为什么因素最有利于促进学习?兴趣(interests)、方法( methods)、习惯(habits)还是其它方面?请先补全题目,再谈谈自己的观点并加以阐述。_ is/ are the best for my study注意:(1) 选择你认为最重要的一个方面。并列出理由或举例来支撑你的观点。(2) 文中不得出现真实人名和校名等相关信息;(3) 词数:80100;(4) 短文开头仅供选择使用,不计入总词数。短文首句:Different people have different opinions about what is the best for our study. For me,_第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、语法填空1、五、多任务混合问题1、六、将所给单词连成句子1、七、话题作文1、


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