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北师大版2019-2020学年八年级上学期期中英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Jenny is afraid to travel by plane. She always feels _ when getting on it.AnervousBinterestedCrelaxedDhappy2 . Hows your English test, Mary?_Mrs. King, I got full marks.AThanks forBThanks toCThanksDThank3 . Safety must come first. During the coming summer vacation, some of us may travel to other places. To keep safe during the journey, we should.avoid eating raw(生的)and cold foodobey the local traffic rulesswim in the dangerous areanever stretch our hands out of the window when taking a bus tell strangers our personal informationABC4 . Does VIP means “very important person”?_AThats a good idea.BThats interesting.CThats all right.DThats right.5 . You are a good girl.AYes. I am.BNo. Im not.CIm fine.DThank you.6 . Which of the following words is formed in the same way as really?AfriendshipBusuallyCweekendDimpolite7 . Im not sure where to buy the ticket.Sorry, Ive no idea, .AeitherBtooCalsoDso8 . The meeting will be held in half an hour,but they havent got everything ready _AeverBalreadyCyetDstill9 . I predict there will be less _ in the future.ApeopleBtreesCcountriesDpollution10 . Will you take part in the football game on Sunday afternoon?No.It has been because of the rain.ArefusedBcontrolledCcanceledDserved11 . The fried chicken (炸鸡) in KFC_ so nice and I like it very much.AeatsBtastesCcooksDmakes12 . We have only one Earth. Its our common(共同的) _.AfamilyBhouseChomeDroom13 . Please _ your coat and put it on that chair, Bob.OK, Mrs King. Its really very warm here.Aturn offBput offCtake offDshow off14 . _does it take you _to school every day? About twenty minutes.AHow long; getBWhen; to getCWhat time; to getDHow long; to get15 . How do you like the book Journey to the West? I havent read a_one.AinterestingBmore interestingCmost interesting二、完型填空Do you know pigeons(鸽子) ? They are a _ bird. They are _ and gray. Some people say they are not _, but they are cute and _. Many people keep them as pets. _ do people say pigeons are smart? Because pigeons can _ letters from _ place to another. And they know the _ home. We often _ the pictures of pigeons with olive branches(橄榄枝) in _ mouths. We give the name peace(和平) pigeons to them. They are the symbol of peace.16 . Akind ofBkindsCkindDkinds of17 . AgreenBredCwhiteDyellow18 . AuglyBbeautifulClazyDinterested19 . AsmallBfunCsmartDbig20 . AWhyBWhatCWhereDWhen21 . AgiveBhaveClookDtake22 . AsomeBtwoConeDno23 . AroadBwayCstreetDbridge24 . AlookBreadCwatchDsee25 . AtheirBthemCtheyDtheirs三、阅读单选Last year Mr. and Mrs. Smith with their two children went to the beach for a weeks holiday. There were a lot of interesting things to do at the beach.The two children played games on the sand. Sometimes they built small houses with sand. Sometimes they played beach volleyball with other children. There were swimming pools. The water was very clean and the children swam happily in these pools. They also went to an island by boat. There were many toys in the shops there. They also watched famous films in the island.There was an esplanade (滨海大道)a long road by the beach. There were a lot of shops and restaurants on the esplanade. There was also an interesting park near the beach. Children could ride a bike and a horse. They could also ride an elephant.The Smiths stayed at a hotel. They had the same room. The room was in the front of the hotel. The sights from the windows were good.The children were a little sad when the holiday was over because they didnt want to leave.26 . Mr. and Mrs. Smith stayed at the beach for _ with their children.Aa weekBtwo weeksCmany weeksDa year27 . The two children didnt _ at the beach.Aplay beach volleyballBswim in the poolCbuild small houses with sandDtake photos28 . Children could not ride _ in the park near the beach.Aa bikeBa horseCan elephantDa motor bike29 . Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AThere were lots of shops and restaurants on the esplanade.BThe Smiths stayed in a room in the front of the hotel.CThe children played football on the island.DThe children felt a little sad when they left the beach.RAP/HIP-HOPKnown for their quick speech, some rappers can say more than 700 syllables (音节) a minute! If you like rap/hip-hop, you are energetic and have a way with words._, whether its new moves on the dance floor or your hip style.CLASSLCALIn the 18th century, classical musicians were like rock stars. Beethoven and Mozart, for example, played in crowded concert halls. If you like classical, you are open to new ideas and like arguing with friends. Creative and imaginative, you can easily spend many hours reading, writing or painting.COUNTRYCountry music came from the folk songs of English settlers(移民) of the southeastern United States. If you like country, you say your opinions well, which makes you the ideal class president or team head. You enjoy spending time with your family.POPPop music is designed to attract almost everyone, and it does. Each year, the industry brings in about 30 billion dollars! If you like pop, you are attractive to your friends. You can make big things happen, like planning for a huge party or leading your team to victory(胜利).ROCKIn the 1950s, rock music created a new culture. If you like rock, you are a risk-taker who never accepts no for an answer. You rise to any challenge, like doing very well in a big exam or landing the lead in the school play.If these personalities dont match you, thats OK. These are just for fun.30 . What does the underlined part “You put a fresh spin on things” mean in the passage?AYou have the ability to attract others attention.BYou are always willing to make new friends.CYou are willing to say your thoughts to others all the time.DYou can say your idea in a clever way that makes it seem better than it really is.31 . If you like pop music, .Ayou are traditional and prefer to stay with your familyByou are easy to accept new ideasCyou are welcome and your friends all like to be with youDyou have a quick speech and can say 30 words in a minute32 . We can know from this passage that .Ain the 18th century, classical musicians were like pop starsBcountry music came from the old songs of the EnglishCpop music is liked by the largest number of people in the worldDeveryone can find his personality in this passage33 . Whats the main idea of the passage?AWhen music came into being.BHow to like music.CSome basic information about music.DWhat your favorite music says about you.You might have a chance to visit England to study or for a holiday. If you go there, you should remember one thing: English people like to talk about the weather. When you meet someone in England ,just talk about the weather. Thats their favorite topic. Here are some expressions about weather.For good weatherLovely day,isnt it?What a beautiful day!Looks like it might be a pleasant day.For bad weatherIts freezing, isnt it .9What a windy day!Its so cloudy. Im sure itll rain.Looks like showers ,doesnt it?I hope youd better remember these expressions. They must be useful when you visit England. They are good sentences to start a conversation with Englishmen.The further south you live, the better the weather. So houses in the south of England are more expensive than those in the north. Its very interesting, isnt it?34 . English people like to talk about _.Athe sportsBthe foodCthe weatherDthe tradition35 . What does the underlined word expressions mean in Chinese?A表情B表达方式C方法D建议36 . According to the passage, there are _sentences for weather mentioned in the passage.AtwoBthreeCfourDseven37 . Houses in the _of England are more expensive according to the passage.AeastBwestCsouthDnorth38 . Whats the main idea of the passage?AIts about the weather in England.BIts about some good ways to start a conversation.CIts about Englishmens everyday life.DIts about how to learn English.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空Complete each sentence with proper words. The first letter of each word is given.39 . For your own safety, please put on a h_ while you are riding a motorcycle. This may save your life at critical moments.40 . I saw Michael walking on crutches(拐杖)yesterday. Do you know what h_to him?41 . The traffic jam(塞车) along the highway is the result(结果) of a serious car a_, which involved 5 cars.42 . I havent got my parcels yet. P_they are still at the post office. Ill go and check later this afternoon.43 . Nowadays, many tourist spots in China are free to people a_ 70 or over.44 . Steven was in a s_ of pleasure when he got the offer from Oxford University.45 . Since experts have different ideas about a healthy diet, nowadays people are c_ about what they should eat to stay healthy.46 . Britain, once known as the empire on which the sun never sets in history, c_ many areas in the world in the 19th century.47 . In the past, people would buy different kinds of m_to make clothes instead of choosing ready-made ones.48 . One day I was walking in the street. S_ I heard someone calling my name.49 . There are too many people in the shop. Would you please stand in a line and wait for your t_?50 . I was told to go to Shanghai for this interview. It was a very amusing affair. A_, I got the job.51 . The Chinese a_ to the United States gave a speech about bilateral(双边的) trade at the meeting.52 . It is not easy to pick up my friend at this crowded(拥挤的) railway station. She just walked p_ me five minutes ago but we didnt find each other.53 . As a new comer, he thinks people in this modem city are very kind to him. Actually, they are f_ than he has expected. He feels very lucky.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空54 . Jay Chou is one of _(famous)singers today.55 . My mother asked me_ (help)her with housework.56 . Most young people enjoy _(listen)to rock music,but the old dont.57 . He is looking forward to _(have)a great vacation.58 . Have you_ (eat)your lunch?No,I _(have)六、完成句子根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。59 . 在我们参观故宫博物院的时候拍了相当多的照片。We took _ a _ photos when we visited the Palace Museum.60 . 姚明在中国的篮球运动中发挥着重要作用。Yao Ming _ an important _ in the basketball of China.61 . 我希望弄清世界各地正在发生的事情。I hope to _ whats going on around the world.62 . 在我们心中没有人能取代母亲的位置。No one can _ Mothers _ in our mind.63 . 所有的学生都在尽最大努力取得更好的成绩。All the students are _ their _ to get better grades.七、选用适当的单词补全对话用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空, 每词仅用一次 (每空一词) 。comfortabletell choosefresh whereA: Hello, Anna!64 . are you going?B: Im going to Sunny Restaurant to have dinner with my friends.A: Why dont you 65 . to go to Green Restaurant? Its better.B: Really? Whats special about it?A: A reporter has said that it has the most66 . seats.B: Sounds great. What is the food in it like?A: It has the67 . and the most delicious food. And the food there is the cheapest, too.B: How about the waiters there?A: Oh, they work the most carefully and are very friendly.B: Thanks for68 . me so much.A: You are welcome.八、单词填空(题文)根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。Its a (小题1) (冬天) Sunday.Its beautiful and (小题2) (晴朗的)But its very (小题3) (寒冷的)Everything in the (小题4) (公园) is white.The (小题5) (山) are also white.You can see many (小题6) (孩子) doing different things in the park.They are (小题7) (全部) wearing hats and sweaters(毛衣) to keep (小题8) (温暖的)Look!Some girls are making a big snowman.A boy is taking a (小题9)e (照片) of it.Everyone is having (小题10) (乐趣)九、信息归纳任务型阅读As more and more people begin to read online, do we still need libraries now ? Reporter Ian Clark has the answer. Libraries are still important people still find it greater and easier to use them.According to him, not everyone has enough money to buy a smart phone, or a computer, and not everyone knows how to search the Internet, but libraries can offer people the same chance to get what they want to know about. And sometimes the information online is not correct. It will take you a lot of time to find what you really need. Libraries are more reliable(可靠的).Moreover, we still need a kind of place that a library provides. In a library, its easy to get lost in reading and working and its also less possible for us to stop to do something else.So working in a library is quite helpful. We usually call this kind of place third places. There are some other third places like coffee shops. They can also make you relax completely. And you see no sellers or advertisements in the library. If you spend all your time on computers, your eyes will get tired.You should go to the library to find out the true, meaningful, and exact information about things. Libraries are still needed and it doesnt matter if you dont think so because most people do.69 . in libraries is still important70 . 71 . is able to use libraries to get information, including the poor and the oldYou may get some72 . information from the Internet while the information from libraries is more reliable.Libraries can offer a kind of-third places to73 . people work more attentively(专注地).People can feel more 74 . there.No one 75 . things or advertises for something when you read in libraries.It s more76 . to read on the Internet than to read in a library.ConclusionThe world still 77 . libraries because people still like using libraries to find out the true,78 . and exact information.十、材料作文79 . 欢迎来到新的学校,你一定有许多话想要和老师说,请用英语写下你想说的话。内容包括下列要点,50字左右。1. 简单介绍一下你自己(英文名、性格、爱好、家人)2. 你喜欢怎样的英语课和英语老师Dear teacher,Im glad to be a junior school student. Let me introduce myself to you first, _yours第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、选用适当的单词补全对话1、八、单词填空1、九、信息归纳1、十、材料作文1、


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