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人教版2019-2020学年九年级上学期入学检测英语试题(不含听力材料)(I)卷一、听短对话回答问题1 . APleased.BWorried.CExcited.DSurprised.2 . Which program does the man like to watch?AAnimal World.BTV news.CBeijing Opera.3 . AThe speakers cant play with snow this weekend.BThe weather is going to be worse.CIt is going to rain this weekend.DIt is going to snow this weekend.4 . AFour.BTen.CSix.DFourteen.5 . Why does Mike look tired?ABecause he ate nothing this morning.BBecause he did homework late last night.CBecause he has had a bad cold.二、听长对话回答问题听材料,完成下列各小题。6 . Why did Jim go to Paris?ATo spend his holiday.BTo study history.CTo visit his uncle.7 . What was the weather like in Paris when Lucy stayed there?AIt was bad.BIt was sunny.CIt was raining.听对话,完成下面小题。8 . What is Alices main job in the organization?ASaving money.BCollecting waste paper.CSpreading the messages.9 . How will Jack probably go to school later?ARide a bike.BDrive a car.CTake a taxi.10 . What does Jacks mother usually use when shopping?ACloth bags.BPlastic bags.CBamboo baskets.三、听短文回答问题11 . When does the museum open from Monday to Saturday?AAt 9.00 amBAt 6:30 amCAt 8.00 am12 . How much is the ticket for each child under 6?AFive poundsBThree poundsCTwo pounds fifty pence13 . What is the most famous in the fast food restaurant?AHot foodBWhite coffeeCFruit salad四、补全短文6选5补全短文。根据短文内容,从短文后的AF选项中选出适当的选项补全短文。Static shock(静电)happens whenever two different materials come into contact with one another.14 . , Luckily, there are some ways you can use to reduce(减少) your possibility of experiencing static shock. Changing your wearing15 . Certain types of shoes can reduce the risk of shock. Wear leather-soled(皮革底)shoes over rubber-soled (橡胶底)shoes when shopping, as the leather-soled shoes are less likely to produce static shock.16 . .Choose cotton when possible.Preventing static shock at home:Humidify your home.17 . Your home should be above 30 percent rh (relative humidity). You can measure the humidity of your home by buying a humidity thermometer (湿度计).Avoiding static shock in public:Many people experience static shock when shopping. You can do something useful to avoid static shock. When pushing a cart(推车), hold onto something metal like your house keys.18 . Moisturize (保湿)your skin before going out Dry skin, especially dry hands, increases the risk of static shock. Keep a travel-sized bottle of lotion(乳液)with you in case your skin gets dry.APeople can build up static shock when they walk around.BSo often wearing clothes made of wool can help us keep away from static shock.CWhile relatively harmless, static shocks can be annoying and even painful.DStatic shocks are more likely to appear in dry environments.EUsing less such materials can reduce the risk of static shock.FThis give off any energy you build up while walking before you touch anything with your hands.五、完型填空Mike was 10 years old and he went to the Ashland School. He was very good at football, so he was _ in the school team. He always played very well in the games and matches, and be scored a lot of goals. One day Mike said to his parents, “We are playing _the Gum Tree School. Can you come and see us play football?” And they _ to come.The match was in the park. The Gum Tree School team wore green shirts and blue shorts, _ Mikes team wore white shirts and red shorts. In the first two _of the match, Mike ran with the ball and kicked it into the _. All the Ashland School boys and their families were very _ to see it.After that, Mike scored two again before half time. Then in the second half of the match he almost scored _goal, but he hardly touched the ball with his _, and the goalkeeper caught it easily and threw it out again.After the match, Mikes father said to him, “You missed a good chance to score another goal then, Mike. Why did you kick it _?”“Because there were tears in the goalkeepers eyes,” Mike answered.19 . AchosenBplayedCmadeDbeaten20 . AwithBagainstCforDat21 . AfailedBhopedCwantedDagreed22 . AsoBbutCandDor23 . AhoursBsecondsCminutesDhalves24 . AdoorBgoalCgateDroom25 . AhappyBangryCsorryDamazed26 . Aany otherBotherCthe otherDanother27 . AhandBfootClegDshoulder28 . AweaklyBnicelyCbadlyDhardly六、阅读单选On weekends, Olga Belka always does the same thing. It is under water where she creates her paintings.Olga Belka is a famous Russian artist who is very popular. Now she lives in Thailand. She is good at diving(潜水). She likes drawing, too. She always draws sea animals while she is under water. She often needs two to six dives to finish a picture. It takes her about two hours to dive every time. The drawing materials she uses are specially made, and they do not pollute the sea. Each of her unusual pictures is an artwork.Olga started underwater painting because she wanted to catch the beauty of life under the waves. She has created some truly unique pictures. They are very different and unusual. Olga ever said that sea is a source of inspiration(灵感). So she wants to share the underwater beauty with the world by drawing pictures. The time she spends under the sea is the best time. She enjoys herself under the sea.But if you want to buy one of her pictures, you will pay as much as $ 3,000. It is very expensive. If you want to make your weekends meaningful, you can accompany Olga to draw pictures under the sea. It would cost you $ 100 to spend a day painting with Olga underwater. Earlier this year, Olga held an exhibition of her works of art, where she showed her magical creations.29 . Olga Belka often goes diving in order to _.Akeep healthy and relax herselfBdraw pictures of sea animalsCenjoy the beauty of lifeDtake pictures of the underwater animals30 . The underlined word “unique” in Paragraph 3 has the closest meaning to _.AspecialBexcellentCattractiveDexpensive31 . How much will people pay if they want to get one of Olgas pictures?A$ 300.B$ 1,000.C$ 100.D$3,000.32 . Which for the following is TRUE about Olga Belka?AShe is good at diving and drawing everything under water.BShe usually spends about two hours diving to finish a picture.CPeople can see the beauty of the underwater world through her paintings.DMost paintings created by Olga Belka are the same as the paintings created by others.33 . Whats the best title for the passage?AA Russian Artist Draws Pictures UnderwaterBA Special Russian Artist Becomes FamousCSuccess is not Easy for EveryoneDPictures Come From a Russian ArtistSometimes it seems that time is flying. Perhaps it doesnt need to feel this way. Our experience of time can be possibly changed. By understanding the psychological (心理学的) processes behind our different experiences of time, we might be able to slow down time a little.One basic law of psychological time is that time seems to slow down when were exposed(接触) to new environments and experiences. The law is caused by the relationship between our experience of time and the amount of information our minds process. The more information our minds take in, the slower time seems to pass.It follows, then, that we have different experiences of time in different situations. In some situations, our life is full of new experiences. Our minds process a lot of information and time seems to slow down. In other situations, we have fewer new experiences and the world around us becomes more and more familiar(熟悉的). We become insensitive to our experience, which means we process less information, and time seems to speed up.How can we slow down time? Here are two suggestions.Firstly, since we know that familiarity makes time pass faster, we can expose ourselves to as many new experiences as possible. We can give ourselves new challenges, meet new people, and expose our minds to new information, hobbies and skills. This will increase the amount of information our minds process and expand (增加) our experience of time.Secondly, and perhaps most effectively, we can give our whole attention to an experience-to what we are seeing, feeling, tasting, smelling or hearing. This means living through our senses rather than through our thoughts. For example, on the way home, focus your attention outside of yourself, instead of thinking about the problems you have to deal with. Look at the sky, or at the buildings you pass, traveling among them. This open attitude to your experiences helps take in more information and also has a time-expanding effect.To a certain degree, we can understand and control our experience of time passing. Its possible for us to slow down time by expanding our experience of time.34 . According to the writer, we can expand our experience of time by .Agoing to bed on timeBtraveling to new placesChaving dinner as usualDprinting the same materials35 . What can we learn from the passage?ABeing familiar with the world around helps us get more information.BUnderstanding psychological time makes life pass more quickly.CWe can take in more information by living through our senses.DWe should build a stronger relationship between time and us.36 . Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?ASlow Down TimeBOnly Time Will TellCRace Against TimeDTime Will Not Come TwiceA giant panda from the Beijing Zoo has been saved by a transfusion of blood from two black bears. But its still under special care, according to the Beijing Zoo.Yong Liang, two years old, is the first giant panda raised from birth in the zoo. Last month zoo keepers found the panda was suffering from serious anaemia (贫血症), calling for urgent(紧急的)blood transfusion.The best way, according to the zoos experts, to save Yong Liang from anemia would have been to transfuse blood from another panda. But it was the breeding (reproducing)(繁殖) season for giant pandas, making such a transfusion very difficult.But the experts found that there exists(存在)a close consanguinity(血缘)between giant pandas and black bears, and so they decided to try to take blood from black bears in the zoo and transfuse it to Yong Liang.With the help of hospitals and the Beijing Blood Donor Station, they made an experiment which proved that the red blood cells(细胞)in the blood of black bears can be used.On the afternoon of February 15th, the first red blood cell transfusion was given to the giant panda, from 600 ml of black bear blood. Immediately the young panda started to recover.37 . From the passage we can infer “transfusion of blood” means.A抽血B供血C运血D输血38 . The best title of the article should be .ABear Blood Saves PandaBA Successful TransfusionCProtecting Giant PandasDYong LiangA Giant Panda39 . Which of the following is not true according to the article?AAfter the special transfusion, the young panda began to regain health.BThe 2-year-old panda must have been born in the Beijing Zoo.CGiant pandas and black bears are of the same race (种族).DThe transfusion was based on scientific research and experiments.40 . They decided to try another way instead of the best way to save the panda because.Ait was the breeding season for the panda, Yong LiangBother pandas were producing young at that timeCit was difficult to find other pandasDblood of pandas was too expensive41 . This article must be taken from . .Aa doctors diaryBa medical bookCChina Daily (中国日报)Da story bookForget your exam and tests!1The summer holidays have begun.2Put away your books and notes.3Lets just relax and have fun.4Play computer games? Watch TV?5To do only these is boring!6Ive decided to learn something new.7 Like swimming or boat rowing.8The beach is my favourite spot.9To sunbathe, cycle, dive and play.10If only the sun would never go down.11 And would keep me company night and day.12Last summer I flew to Japan and Korea.13This year I am off to Singapore. 14And if my parents can afford it. 15 Perhaps to a few countries more.16Oh the holidays are just too short! 17How can I finish all I plan to do?18I wish they were ten times longer.19Dont you, my friends, think so too?2042 . Read lines 1-4. The writer feels _.AsickBhappyCsadDweak43 . Read lines 5-8. The writer doesnt know how to _.ABCD44 . Read lines 13-16. The writer will go to _ this year.AJapanBSingaporeCKoreaDthe USA45 . Read lines 17-20. The writer _ all his holiday activities.Adoesnt likeBwill play ten times forCdoes not have enough time forDwants his friends to join in46 . Which of the following rhyme with each other?ANotes and funBBoring and newCSpot and playDPlay and day七、完成句子根据汉语意思完成下列句子。47 . 你已经自己做决定了?既然那样, 我们就不要谈论这件事了。You have made your own decision?_, we dont need to _ it.48 . 琼不喜欢纪录片, 但是她偶尔也看。Jean doesnt like documentaries, but she watches them once _.49 . 我在纽约总共学习了5年。I studied in New York for five years_.50 . 你应该坚持每天记五个单词。You should _ five words each day.51 . 请关闭电视机, 让我好好地休息一会儿。Please_ the TV. Let me have a good rest.八、单词填空Everyone is b52 . with the ability to learn. But your learning habits help a lot. Research s53 . that successful learners have some good habits in common. Here are some of t54 . to help you learn wisely and learn well.If you are interested in something, your brain is more active and it is also e55 . for you to pay attention to it for a long time. Good learners often connect what they need to learn with something i56 . . For example, if they need to learn English and they like music or sports, they can listen to English songs or watch sports programs in English. This way they will not get bored.Practice makes perfect. Good learners will keep practicing what they have learned, and they are not afraid of making m57 . .It is not e58 . to just study hard. Good learners know the best way they can study. They take notes b59 . writing down key words or drawing mind maps. They also read them often and explain the information to other people. Good learners often a60 . questions during or after class. They even ask each other and try to find out the answers. Knowledge comes from questioning.Learning is a lifelong journey because every day b61 . something new. Everything that you learn becomes a part of you and changes you, so learn wisely and learn well.九、材料作文62 . 你听这个节目已经3年了,非常喜欢这个节目,特别是英文歌曲节目,到目前为止已学了10首英文歌曲;2.当你空闲或疲劳时,经常打开收音机去收听这个节目;3.你最喜欢Yesterday Once More这首歌,自己也已经写了一首英文歌曲,并寄到了这个节目;4.你在英语学习上已经取得了巨大进步,感谢这个节目。要求:1.语句通顺,书写规范,60词以上。2.不得出现任何与考生本人有关的真实人名、校名及其它相关信息。Dear sir,_Yours,Sally第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、听短对话回答问题1、2、3、4、5、二、听长对话回答问题1、2、三、听短文回答问题1、四、补全短文6选51、五、完型填空1、六、阅读单选1、2、3、4、七、完成句子1、八、单词填空1、九、材料作文1、


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