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人教版2019-2020学年七年级下册期末考试英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . J.K. Rowing is a good story teller and she_ many popular magic stories.Atook upBmade upCdressed up2 . Is that your father?_. Its my uncle.AYes, that isBNo, that isntCYes, it isDNo, it isnt3 . _ does it take you to get home from here?Only 10 minutes.AHow longBHow farCHow muchDHow old4 . The Changjiang River is longer than _ river in China.Aany B. any otherBthe other D. all the5 . -do you wash your hair?- Every day. So it gets too dry.AHow oftenBHow longCHow farDHow soon6 . There is _water in my glass. Will you please give me _?Alittle; anyBfew; anyCfew; someDlittle; some7 . Must I practice the violin right now?-No, you _. You _ do it later on.Amustnt; mayBshouldnt; mightCneednt; mayDneednt; must8 . Tom says he is going to _ an actor.AdoBmakeCtakeDbe9 . Wow!There are so many nice gifts in the shop.I dont know which one I should _AchooseBgiveCcleanDopen10 . How long does it take _ to Taian by bus?Ato goBgoCwentDgoing二、补全短文5选5We often reach a point in our life when we should be ready for change that will help us unlock(开启)our self-improvement power. 11 . The only time we think of unlocking our self-improvement power is when everything gets worst.When do we realize that we need to change diets? When none of our shirts and jeans would fit us. 12 . When all of our teeth have fallen off. When do we realize that we need to stop smoking? When our lungs(肺)have gone bad.13 . Jane always tells everyone that she doesnt dare to be around groups of people. She heard her family tell the same things about her to other people. Over the years, that is what Jane has believed. 14 . Jane not only believes in her story, but lives it!Self-improvement may not be everybodys favorite word, but if we look at things in a different way, we will enjoy the process of becoming better, instead of counting the days until we are improved. Three times of exercise in a week at the gym would lead to a healthier life. 15 . And only when we are enjoying the whole process of unlocking our self-improvement power will we realize that we re beginning to take things easy and become happy.AWhen do we stop eating candies and chocolates?BReading books every day would build up knowledge.CWe see the warning signs and signals when things get difficult.DHowever, theres always something right under our nose but we dont see it.EEvery time a great crowd come she steps back and locks herself up in a room.三、完型填空My name is Jane. My favorite _ of a week is Sunday. I get up early in the morning. After that, I have _ good breakfast. I have a large bowl of beef noodles. Then I play tennis with my parents. I like tennis _ I think its really relaxing. I have three tennis balls and a tennis racket.My parents and I always have lunch in a restaurant on Sunday. _ all like to eat vegetables because theyre _. In the afternoon, my mother _ me to some stores. We buy all kinds of _ we need.After dinner, I have a music class _ two hours. I like music very much. I want _ a singer. My parents think my dream(梦想) is great! They often tell me to work _ for my dream.16 . AyearBmonthCdayDhour17 . A/BanCtheDa18 . AandBbutCorDso19 . AUsBOurCOursDWe20 . AhealthBhealthyCunhealthyDhealthily21 . AtakeBtakingCtakesDtook22 . AthingBthingsCstoreDstores23 . AinBatCfromDfor24 . AbeBto beCbeingDnot to be25 . AhardBveryCsureDlittle四、阅读单选Dear Betty,Thank you very much for your email. I know youd like to visit the National Museum in our city. It is a big and famous museum. Let me tell you the way to it. Take your car from your house and drive along Hongxing Street. Turn left at the third turning(岔路口), not the last one. Youll see a park on your right. The museum is opposite the park. It is open from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm every day. There are lots of old things and paintings in the museum. I hope you can have a nice time there. But dont take a camera. You cant use it in the museum. There is a supermarket next to it. You can buy some souvenirs(纪念品)in it. Yours,Jerry26 . Betty will go to the National Museum _.Aby busBby taxiCby carDby bike27 . Betty should turn left at the _ turning in Hongxing Street.AlastBthirdCsecondDfirst28 . Where is the museum?AIt is in front of the park.BIt is on the right of the park.CIt is opposite the park.DIt is next to the park.29 . Which of the following is NOT true?AYou can buy some souvenirs in the museum.BThe museum is open for eight hours a day.CYou can go to the museum at the weekend.DBetty wants to go to the National Museum.30 . Which of the following is TRUE?AThis email is from Betty to Jerry.BYou cant see any paintings in the museum.CYou can take photos of the things in the museum.DThe museum closes at half past five in the afternoon.A major development to self-driving cars may change the way we will drive in the future. Google, the leading company in self-driving technology, has changed its develop plan. It had driverless cars built by car factories, but now it will start building its own cars.Google has started to build some kinds of experimental electric self- driving cars that look like a Smart car or Fiat 500. There is no steering wheel(方向盘),gas pedal or brake. The only things a human passenger controls are a red “e-stop” button(按钮) for fear stops and a start button. The cars only “friendly” face is designed to make it help people accept self-driving technology.Google workers took part in a long experiment, in which they used self-driving cars for their usual travel to work. No accident happened, but Googles heads realized that depending on a human passenger to drive in an emergency(紧急情况) wouldnt work because they may be reading, working , or sleeping. Now the self-driving car drives by itself if the driver takes his hands off the wheel for over ten seconds.Googles self-driving cars are now limited(限定) to a speed of 25 miles per hour for safety reasons. The cars arent allowed to drive on highways. However, a Google engineer said that once the cars are solved to run safely, we can drive at the speed of 50, even 80 miles an hour.Google recently announced that its cars had covered 700,000 miles of public roads, and they were now running in busy city streets. People who love self-driving cars say this will improve transport by making roads safer, cutting down accident, and making less pollution.Of course, theres no need to look for parking at a crowded shopping mall. Instead, users could let their self-driving cars drop them off to park itself. A mother who took a test ride said that having the car would allow her more time to catch up with her son. The cars could also allow people who might not be able to drive to enjoy the hand-free driving. And drunk driving? Not a problem. It is very likely that by 2020, driverless cars will be common. Do you believe so?31 . What equipment do the self-driving cars have?AA gas pedal.BA brake.CA steering wheel.DAn “e-stop” button and a start button32 . How fast can people drive a self-driving car now?A25 miles an hour.B50 miles an hour.C80 miles an hour.D100 miles an hour.33 . What has Google company already done?AGoogle has changed its development plan and helped other factories make cars.BGoogle has already had car-testing experiments in all the states in the US.CGoogle has realized some problems and tried to solve them.DGoogle has asked its own workers to buy the cars and travel to work.34 . Which advantage of self-driving cars is not mentioned ?AThey can start the engine by itself and make peoples hands completely free.BThey can help to solve air pollution and reduce car accident.CThey can park by themselves and make mothers look after young kids easily.DThey can help those disabled people to enjoy the driving.35 . What will happen if emergency happens when someone is driving a driverless car?AIf the driver presses the “e-stop” button, the car will drive by itself at once to keep safe.BIf the driver is reading, working or sleeping, he cant handle the situation in time.CThe cars friendly face will work and help the driver accept the situation and stay calm.DThe self-driving car will break the speed limit and run at a speed that the driver tells it.Many young people want to be pop stars. Pop stars are rich. Many people think they are leading a happy and easy life. In fact, they have very hard lives. They spend much of their time on travel. Sometimes the travel is interesting, but in most time it is boring to pop stars. The following chart is a days life of a pop star.Feb. 10, 201436 . According to the chart, the pop star was a _.AsingerBdancerCplayer Dpianist.37 . According to his plan, his plane should have taken off at _.A6:30B7:00C7:30D8:0038 . From this passage ,we get to know that _.Anot all people like pop starsBpop stars have their own bandsCfans are troublesome for pop starsDto be a pop star is not all fun五、根据首字母、中文提示填空39 . Look!The model planes are u_ the table.40 . W_ are your parents?They are in the living room.41 . Oh,Mary,your radio is o_ the sofa.Its not under the sofa.42 . Whats this in English?Sorry,I dont k_.43 . The white model p_ is Ginas.六、语法填空We have a new English teacher this term. His name is Mike Peterson. He is an44 . (America). He is very tall. He has big blue eyes 45 . brown hair. Mr. Peterson is a nice teacher, He has many good 46 . (idea)to make the class fun. We feel49.47 . (excite))to have his class. He tells us English is 48 . useful subject. He encourages us to speak more English. After class, he often 49 . (play)games with us. He is good 50 . sports and he can play basketball and soccer very 51 . (good). Mr. Peterson loves living in China. He enjoys52 . (eat)Chinese food. He is such a lovely teacher that we all like 53 . (he)very much.七、信息归纳阅读下面短文,按照要求完成思维导图、表格或回答问题,并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置(每空不超过3个单词)。Mr. Clark lived in a small town. When he finished his middle school 42 years ago, he found a job in a police station. Hell retire(退休) this autumn. He worked hard but he wasnt a lucky man and never caught a thief(抓住小偷). He is often sorry for it.Last weekend, Mr. Clark found there was no sugar. So he went to the shop to buy some. He came in the shop and found a young man stealing(偷) some money from a womans bag. He ran towards the thief quickly, but the young man saw him and ran away at once. Luckily Mr. Clark caught him.“Please give me a chance(机会), sir,” said the young man.“Who will give me a chance?” said Mr. Clark . “Ill soon retire and I never caught a thief before!”A retiring policemanbackgroundMr. Clark worked in the police station and never caught a thief in the past 42 years.He will retire this 54 . .He often feels55 . for that.storyWhenLast weekend56 . In the shopWhatMr. Clark went there to buy some sugar.He saw a young man stealing some money form a/an57 . bag.Mr. Clark caught the thief finally.The thief hoped Mr. Clark can let him go, but Mr. Clark refused(拒绝).It was the58 . time for Mr. Clark to catch a thief.八、材料作文59 . 假设William Miller是你的老师,下表是他的一些信息。请你根据所给信息,以“My Teacher”为题,写一篇短文对他进行简单介绍,没给出的信息可以自由发挥。提示:(1)表达准确,意思连贯;(2)必须包括表格内容,可适当发挥;(3)词数:60左右。名字William Miller职业音乐老师生日八月三日年龄35喜欢的运动及原因不喜欢的运动及原因第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全短文5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、语法填空1、七、信息归纳1、八、材料作文1、


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