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人教版2019-2020学年七年级下学期期中英语试卷Unit1-6(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Would you like me _ you?Yes,thanks.AhelpBhelpsChelpingDto help2 . Its such an _film that all the students are _ in it.Ainteresting;interestedBinteresting;interestingCinterested;interestedDinterested;interesting3 . The sinking accident in Korea happened _ April 16, 2014 and _ people lost their lives.Ain , hundredsBon , many hundredCon, hundreds ofDat , many hundred of4 . -Whats that _English? -Its a map.AatBtoCofDin5 . Wait a minute, Lin Dong. I have_ to tell you.Aanything importantBnothing importantCsomething importantDimportant everything6 . Whyto see the Leaning Tower of Pisa?Anot to goBdont goCnot you goDdont you go7 . The country is rich in oil. And most of its _ comes from oil.AwealthBhealthCcultureDdiscovery8 . We should take _ active part in the battle to stop the germs.AaBanCtheD/9 . Look!Everyone here is reading. So please keep quiet and dont make any _.AfireBtroubleCnoiseDdecision10 . We can save waternot playing water.AbyBonCinDto11 . He can _ a bike. Look! He is_ his bike.Aride, rideBriding, ridingCrides, ridesDride, riding12 . Thank you for the present you sent me. Its so nice.-_.ANo, thanksBNo, it isnt so goodCPlease dont say soDIm glad you like it13 . Are these your cousins? _AYes,they arent,BNo,these arentCNo,they arent,DYes,these are14 . 早上见到张先生,你向他问好,应说:“!”AMr Zhang ,good morningBGood morning, Mr ZhangCGood morning, Zhang Mr15 . Our country _great progress in science and culture in recent years.AmakesBhas madeCmadeDmake二、补全对话5选5A: Hi, Kelly. Where have you been this summer vacation?B: Oh, I havent been anywhere.16 . .However, I still spared some time to do something special17 . A: That sounds fun.18 . B: I went to Chengdu Animal Park to be a volunteer.19 . I hope more people can realize the importance of protecting animals. And the rest of time, Ill go on fighting with my study.A: Try your best.20 . B: Thank you. Have a nice vacation!AWould you like to tell what exactly you did?BI was so busy with my study that I had no time to hang out.CSuccess will belong to you once you try your best.DMy job was to tell people something about animal protection.EIt has something to do with animals.三、完型填空Hello, Im Tom. Im a middle school _. Its nice to meet you here. There are five people in my _. They are my mother, my father, my sister, my brother and _.My father is a worker. My mother is _ English teacher. She _ in a university in Beijing. My sister is eighteen and my brother is sixteen. Im twelve. We _ go to the same school. We all like playing football games. My home is at West Street. There _ some trees around my house. There is a pear tree and some apple trees, _ there arent _ pears or apples on them now. Heres a photo of my house. In the photo, you can see three cats in my house. They are all black. We like _ very much.21 . AteacherBstudentCmanager22 . AschoolBclassroomCfamily23 . AhimByouCme24 . AaBanCthe25 . AwritesBmakesCworks26 . AthreeBfourCfive27 . AisBareCbe28 . AandBbutCor29 . AaBsomeCany30 . AthemBitCher四、阅读单选Seven years ago, a small town in Changhua started to grow healthy rice. What surprised us was that the “farmers” were not really farmers. They were students from a small middle school. Now everything on the farm goes well. And there are stories behind rice, too.The idea of growing rice came from the school teachers decided to teach students how to grow healthy rice on the school land(土地). They wanted the students to be close to(离近) the land and learn to help each other outside the classroom.The students and the teachers ate the rice. The school made money by selling(卖) the rice and giving farming(种田) classes to the community. With the money, the school could help some students go to foreign(外国的) countries some day. Today_comes truethe students are flying to Japan to share their special farming stories, and have fun over there, of course! “We all feel very happy that even students from a small town can make themselves stars,” said one of the teachers.31 . What is the article about?AA great teaching plan.BA new way of cooking rice.CA farming class for farmers.DA famous teacher from a small town.32 . The idea of growing rice came from.Athe teachersBthe farmersCthe studentsDthe community33 . What is the dream in the article?AGrowing healthy rice.BBuilding more schools.CVisiting a foreign country.DLearning outside the classroom.34 . Which is NOT the reason for growing healthy rice?ATo make the farmers surprised.BTo make the students close to the land.CTo teach students how to grow healthy rice.DTo learn to help each other outside the classroom.35 . What can be the best title(标题) of the article?AHealthy RiceBSmall Rice, Big DreamCSmall School, Healthy LifeDGrowing Rice, Making MoneyHi, Im Nina, Im a businesswoman. I take a ship from the island to the city every day. The ship leaves every 20 minutes and it takes about 35 minutes to get to the city. Then I have a short walk to my office. Theres another ship on the the other side of the island and it is faster. It takes only 15 minutes , but I have to walk a long way. So I usually take the first ship.Hello, Im maria and Im a college student. I live on campus(校园). The campus is quite big, and sometimes it takes 15 minutes to get from one building to the next. When I want to go off campus to go out with my friends, I take the bus. There are big buses and minibuses. Big buses are cheaper but slower. Minibuses come frequently(频繁地) and are a little more expensive.My name is Sarah and Im a teacher. I take the train to school every day. The train is fast and cheap. It only takes 20 minutes from my home to school. At_in the morning and in the evening, the train gets very crowded. But there are hardly ever any delays(延误), and I always arrive on time.36 . How long does it usually take Nina to get to the city in the first ship?A35 minutes.B25 minutes.C15 minutes.D10 minutes.37 . How often does the ship leave?AEvery 15 minutes.BEvery 5 minutes.CEvery 20 minutes.DEvery 10 minutes.38 . How long does it sometimes take Maria to get from on building to the next?A10 minutes.B15 minutes.C5 minutes.D8 minutes.39 . How does Sarah go to school every day?ABy bike.BOn foot.CBy bus.DBy train.五、完成句子40 . 他们俩都喜欢看足球赛。They_ watching football matches.41 . 杰克比他班里大部分孩子都安静。Jack is_of the kids in his class.42 . 事实上,我并不同意我妈妈的观点。_, I dont agree with my mother.43 . 杰克长得像他的爸爸。Jack_ his father.44 . 玛丽在课上总是表现得最好。Mary always_ the best in class.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文AExpecting yourselfBwhileCharderDlessonsEHaving moneyYou can easily learn how to do the job 45 . you are working. Some of these lessons are how to work with others, how to be on time and how to work hard. These are all 46 . that you will use later in life. People who do not have part-time jobs as young adults are sometimes less prepared for life.It is great to earn money from a part-time job. The money you earn can be used to save for college, to buy a scooter or car or to eat out at restaurants. 47 . that you earned yourself is good for teaching you the value of money. It is 48 . to spend money that you earned than money your parents gave you.七、材料作文49 . 写作2. 假如你是Tom,你校下周五月五日举行足球赛,请给你的朋友Paul写一张便条,邀请他来参加。写作要求:1. 词数:30左右(便条的称呼和署名已给出,不计入总词数);2. 便条正文中必须包括邀请的原因、活动时间和地点;3. 语言简练、表达明确、书写规范。第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、完成句子1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、材料作文1、


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