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上海新世纪版2019-2020学年九年级十月月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . - How was your day off during the Dragon Boat Festival?- Pretty good! We_ Suzhou History Museum.AvisitBvisitedCare visitingDwill visit2 . - After discussing, the students _ some good ideas. - Thats great.Acome toBput upCcome up withDcatch up with3 . Could you tell me _ a meeting in Guangzhou next week?Aif there was going to beBwhether there is going to haveCwhether is there going to beDif there is going to be4 . Alice: May I have some chicken wings, please? Jill: OK. _.AGood idea.BWhat about some chillis?CHere you are.DThank you.5 . Dont _jeans to the party. If you do , the teacher wont let you in.Aput onBwearCto put onDto wear6 . _you try your best, your dream wont come true-Mum, my dream is in my deep heart. And I will follow my heartAIfBUnlessCWhenDThough7 . How did you feel about the NBA basketball match?It was _. I really enjoyed it.AdangerousBwonderfulCstrangeDterrible8 . Zhou Fang, can you finish your homework better with _ time?I think I can.AfewBfewerClittleDless9 . -Do you know the boy who is making a speech? He is Mike. He is very confident. He has a gift for public speaking.AfutureBpresentCtalent10 . Nancy is really a hardworking student. We often see her books in the classroom.AreadBto readCreadsDreading11 . My grandma cant sleep well. She sleepssix hours a night.Amore thanBless thanClessDmore12 . _it is to go camping in such a nice day in spring!AWhat a funBHow a funCHow funDWhat fun13 . Be _!Look!The baby is sleeping _.Aquiet;quietlyBquiet;quietCquietly;quietDquietly;quietly14 . If you cut _ by accident, you can put some_ on the cut.Ayou, medicineByourself, medicineCyour, medicinesDyourself, medicines15 . Mary isgirl.A8-year-oldBa 8-year-oldCan 8-year-oldDa 8-years-old二、补全对话7选5口语运用。阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话,并将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。A. What kind of room would you like?B. Is there anything else I can do for you?C. Do you have a restaurant?D. Two nights.E. What can I do for you?F. Take your time.G. On the second floor.A: Good evening! 16 . B: Good evening! Id like a room, please.A: OK.17 . B: A room with 2 beds, please.A: All right. How long will you stay?B: 18 . How much should I pay? A: Its 560 yuan in total. Could you show me your ID cards? B: Sure. Here you are. What time should we check out? A: By 2 p.m. Your room number is 308.19 . B: Yes. Where can we have breakfast? A: 20 . B: Thanks.A: My pleasure. Have a good time!三、完型填空Chi Li is one of the best known Chinese writers in the West. She was born in the west. She was born in the 1950s._19, Chi entered a medical college in 1976. After she graduated, she_as a doctor at a hospital in Wuhan. As she loved_much more, she went to Wuhan University to study Chinese language and literature in 1983. She chose_as her profession(专业)。During the 1980s, Chi wrote many works full of love. In the 1990s, her works, such as Apart From Love and The Sun Was Born, were_lives of young people and everyday problems. Since 2003, Chi has_honor. Life Show is one of her representative (代表) works and_has been translated into many languages. The_shows the real life of a common woman in Wuhan.Chi says, Writers dont need to be anyone,_they should be able to understand everyone. So she often travels alone to get a feel of how the world is and tries to understand people from all social strata (阶层).21 . A. At the age of B. At the moment C. In the beginning22 . A. became B. worked C. enjoyed23 . A. medicine B. travelling C. literature24 . A. teaching B. writing C. nursing25 . A. over B. under C. about26 . A. reached B. arrived C. went27 . A. greatB. nice C. bad28 . A. she B. they C. it29 . A. picture B. story C. newspaper30 . A. or B. till C. but四、阅读单选(题文)Ill never forget that summer day in 1965 when my mother suddenly died of an unexplained illness at the age of 36. Later that afternoon, a police officer stopped by to ask my father if the hospital could use Mothers corneas(角膜). I was shocked. “The doctors want todissectMum and give her away to other people!” I thought as I ran into the house in tears.“How can you let them do that to her?” I screamed at my father. “My mum came into this world in one piece and that is how she should go out.”“Linda,” Father said quietly, putting his arm around me, “the greatest gift you can give is a part of yourself. Your mother and I decided long ago that if we can make a difference in just one persons life after we die, our death will have meaning.” He went on to explain they had both decided to donate their organs(器官).The lesson my father taught me that day became one of the most important in my life.Years passed. I married and had a family of my own. In 1980, my father became seriously ill and moved in with us. He cheerfully told me that when he died, he wanted me to donate his eyes. “Sight is one of the greatest gifts a person can give,” he said.I told Wendy what her grandpa had said, and with tears in her eyes, she went into her grandpas room and gave him a big hug. She was only fourteen years old-the same age at which I was introduced to such a thing. What a difference!My father died on April 11,1986, and we donated his eyes as he had wanted. Three days later, Wendy said, “Mum, Im so proud of you for what did for Grandpa.”At that moment, I realized that my father gave much more than his eyes.31 . (小题1)How was it for the writer to agree the hospitals use of her mothers corneas?AEasyBPossibleCSimpleDDifficult32 . (小题2)According to the passage, the underlined word “dissect” may be best replaced by_.Acut upBsearch forCmove awayDburn away33 . (小题3)Why did the writer finally agree on her mothers donation?ABecause she was afraid of her fatherBBecause she didnt care about it any moreCBecause she was too young to stop it.DBecause her father explained to her34 . (小题4)What did Wendy think of her grandpas donation?AAt first she couldnt accept it, but she agreed in the end.BShe begged her mother not to donate her grandpas eyes.CShe felt proud of her grandpas donationDShe thought it normal and didnt car about it much.The American alligator (短吻鳄) is the largest reptile (爬行动物) in North America. Some of them can be over 5 metres long.In North America, the bison (野牛) is the largest animal on land. If they are frightened, the American bison will run away and can reach a speed of 52 km per hour.The white-tailed deer can run up to 58 km per hour. This North American deer can also jump as high as 2.6 metres and jump as far as 9 metres.There is a frog that barks just like a dog. This barking frog is found in the southwestern partof the United States. The polar bear is a great swimmer and can swim as fast as 10 km per hour using only its front feet. The wild turkey nearly died out in the early 1900s, because people hunted many of them. This wild bird is making a comeback now.35 . The _ is the largest animal on land in North America.Apolar bearBbisonCalligatorDwhite-tailed deer36 . In the _ of the United States, there lives a kind of frog that can bark like a dog.AsouthwestBsoutheastCnorthwestDnortheast37 . The polar bear _.Ais good at runningBis good at swimmingCswims with its back legsDcan jump as far as 9 metres38 . Which of the following is NOT true?AThe alligator is the largest reptile in North America.BThe white-tailed deer can jump as high as 2.6 metres.CSix kinds of animals are mentioned in the passage.DThe wild turkey died out about 1000 years ago.It is reported that some developed countries have shipped broken parts of computers to China. Last month Hong Kong officers found 131,000 kilograms of broken computers, TVs and phones sent from Japan.Things like these are called electronic waste, or ewaste. Dealing with them is not an easy job. Every time an old computer breaks down, it needs to be dealt with safely. What is worse, at present, broken computer parts are usually buriedIt may be hundreds of years before they are really gone in the earth.Many places in China are polluted by ewaste. Guiyu in Guangdong Province is one of them. This town is named as “the ewaste capital of the world”It has to deal with 1.5 million kilograms of ewaste each year, from which it makes 75 million yuan. But it comes at a cost. Many of the poison in ewaste find their way int o the environment. An environmental group has found the air, the earth and the rivers in Guiyu badly polluted.Luckily, the Chinese government wants the country to change the situation. This year, China passed a new environmental protection law. Computer companies like Lenovo and Dell will be asked to take back their old computers. Hopefully, the problem with ewaste will be solved in the near future.39 . The ewaste found in Hong Kong last month was from _.A. France B Japan CGermany40 . The underlined word “buried” probably means _ in the passage.A. 焚烧 B. 降解 C. 掩埋41 . The town of Guiyu in Guangdong Province _.A. is the ecapital of the worldB. has serious ewaste pollutionC. deals with ewaste safely42 . This year, the Chinese government _.A. closed some computer companiesB. asked people to hand in their old computersC. made a new environment protection law43 . The passage is mainly about _.A. the ewaste problem in ChinaB. the cost of burning ewasteC. the ways to deal with ewaste44 . If you find a set of keys, you can call A2659 8741B4563 2187C7765 5943D2558897145 . 1f you find a cat, you can call A2659 8741B4563 2187C7765 5943D2558897146 . Lingling loses her ACatBdogCkeysDpen47 . The pen is AWhiteBblueCblackDpurple48 . Tony finds a ACatBpenCkeyDdog五、句型转换Complete the flowing sentences as required (根据所给要求,完成下列句子):49 . He went home late last night. (改为否定句)He _ home late last night.50 . My grandma changes her password to Wechat every two weeks. (对划线部分提问)_ does your grandma change her password to Wechat?51 . My classmate Judy often goes to school on foot. (保持句意基本不变)My classmate Judy often _ school.52 . the mountains, I, pictures, love, of, drawing(连词成句)_六、用所给单词的正确形式填空.根据提示或用括号里的词的正确形式填空53 . What about _(go)swimming after school?54 . There are many _(colour)flowers in the park.55 . Sit down and show _(we)your picture.56 . Lily and Lucy _(be)from Lanzhou.57 . He is an _(America).七、单词填空短文填空根据短文内容及首字母提示,补全空格内单词,使短文完整、通顺。(请在题下方的横线上写出完整单词)Do you like short videos? Most young people would say “Yes”. Which app(应用) do you like best? B58 . the young and the old would say “Douyin”. Now Douyin is one of the h59 . video apps in China. W60 . do Chinese really like short videos on mobile? Yes! For entertainment(娱乐). Videos can i61 . different themes: cooking, travel, music, fashion Short videos are often brief, with lively, funny, useful, or even emotional contents(感人的内容). Whats more, it is often ordinary(普通的) people behind the screen, showing their d62 . life. This fact has a sense of closeness to the audience(观众). The app has an easy way for users to film and make videos, letting anyone be able to publish(发布) if he wants to do.Yes! Douyin is convenient and easy.Its easy for users to put their short videos on the I63 . . They can s64 . for their favourite videos easily on the app through their mobile. This is easier than reading articles in books or m65 . . The video is so relaxing that people can enjoy their free moments of a day happily.However, its not good for teenagers to enjoy t66 . on Douyin. They will s67 . too much time watching short videos and forget to do what they should do. So, teachers and parents should do something to protect the young students.八、回答问题根据短文内容,问答下列问题。NOTICEFebruary 20th,2013A heavy snowstorm destroyed a village last month. Many people are now sick because they dont have warm houses to live in, not enough food to eat, and not thick clothes to wear. Also, the hospital was destroyed so they have to travel to other cities for medical help. However, the journey is very difficult and usually takes five or six hours.Next Saturday, students of No. 10 Middle School are going to give a performance. They will sing, dance and play music. The performance will start at 4 p.m. Each ticket will cost 20 Yuan and all the money will go to the people in the snowstorm-hit village. They will use the money to repair the hospital and their houses, and get them some food and clothes. Please join us!CA Charity68 . What happened last month?_69 . What time will the performance begin?_70 . Will all the money go to the snowstorm-hit village?_九、书信作文71 . 假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Mike看到了中国国庆阅兵(National Day Parade)的画面,给你发邮件询问今年国庆的相关事情。请你用英语写一封电子邮件,告诉他中国国庆节的日期,今年你在国庆节期间做了什么,以及你的感受。提示词语:October 1, make posters, Tiananmen Square, watch on TV, proud提示问题:When is Chinese National Day?What did you do during the holiday?How did you feel?Dear Mike.Im glad to tell you something about Chinese National Day._If there is anything more that I can help with, please let me know.Yours,Li Hua第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、4、五、句型转换1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、书信作文1、


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