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人教版2019-2020学年七年级下学期期中英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I found them to hear the news.Aexciting; excitingBexcited; excitedCexcited; excitingDexciting; excited2 . There is no reason to doubt her story.AacceptBbelieveCfeel uncertain about3 . Which one can people choose to carry to listen to their favourite music while they are traveling, doing sports, or going for a walks?AA gramophoneBa player pianoCa phonographDa Walkman4 . He staredthe picture for a long time.AatBinConDfor5 . -Are those his grandparents? -No, _ arent.AtheyBtheseCthoseDthere6 . My Chinese teacher is very knowledgeable _ she reads lots of books.AbutBsoCbecauseDalthough7 . Dont _ your car near the cross of the street, or you will be fined.AdriveBparkCslow downDlook at8 . Whats wrong?I _ my homework at home this morning, and my teacher was angry.AforgetBforgotCleaveDleft9 . It is becoming_ to celebrate Mothers Day and Fathers Day in China.Aless traditionalBless and less importantCmore and more popularDmore and more interesting10 . -It took me about 40 minutes to ride here.-Have a drink ,please. You _ be thirsty.AwillBshouldCmustDmight二、补全对话7选5. 从方框中选择恰当的句子完成对话A: 11 . B: Fine,thanks!And you?A: Not so bad. Mary and I planned to see the movie Kong Yiji tonight.B: Kong Yiji?I heard of it. 12 . A: Lu Xun. Do you know him?B:13 . Can you tell me something about him?A: Sure!Lu Xun was one of the most famous writers in China. He was famous for novels,such as The True Story of Ah Q,My Old Home and Village Opera.B: Oh,I see. Can I go to see the movie with you?A: Of course.B: Thanks. 14 . A: At 7:30.B:15 . A: Lets make it 7:00 at the cinema gate.B: OK,see you then.AWho wrote it?BWhos your favourite writer?CNo idea.DHow are you these days?EWhen and where shall we meet?FHow long will the movie last?GWhen will the movie start?三、补全短文5选5If you are a teenage boy, and you want to succeed in life, youd better read this great book. From boys to men by an American writer, Michael Gurian, tells teenage boys that they are living through the best years of their lives. 16 . You may think that only your body is growing at the moment. 17 . It tells teenage boys that they need to help their bodies and minds grow. To do this, they should stop spending their time playing computer games and should start playing sports. Sports, the book says, keep you healthy and teach you important life skills.18 . 19 . It says boys have to stop being scared of such bullies. It is the only way they can become more successful people.To become the man you want to be, you have to think for yourself and believe in yourself. But most importantly, the book says you must always dream of success. 20 . And always keep on working hard. 阅读短文,把AE五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整。ABut the book says your mind is growing, too.BNever be satisfied(感到满足的)with what youve got.CThere is no reason for them not to love life.DThe book also tells boys how to love life if theyre being bullied(被欺负).EThey teach you how to be a leader and how to work as part of a team.四、完型填空完形填空Li Lei is a Chinese boy. He is Sams cousin. He comes_Hefei, China. He is only twelve years old. He goes to New York with his_. Now he is_in a middle school in New York. His parents work in a shopping center. They dont have much_. So Li Lei_a part-time job (兼职工作) at a Chinese restaurant . He goes to work from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. every evening. His boss is Mrs. Wang . She is_a Chinese woman. She is from Beijing. She is_to Li Lei. Li Lei gets 60 dollars from Mrs. Wang every evening. Mrs. Wang has an_daughter. Her English is very good_her Chinese is not good. Mrs. Wang asks Li Lei to_her daughter with her Chinese on weekends. She gives Li Lei 50 dollars each time.21 . A. at B. from C. for D. of22 . A. aunt B. uncle C. brother D. parents23 . A. studying B. living C. working D. playing24 . A. time B. food C. music D. money25 . A. joins B. finds C. arrives D. leaves26 . A. also B. too C. either D. well27 . A. lovely B. curly C. sorry D. friendly28 . A. 8-years-old B. 8-year-old C. 8 years old D. 8 year old29 . A. And B. Or C. But D. So30 . A. help B. talk C. meet D. want五、阅读单选Kittys teachers made some rules for their subjects.Chinese: You must take notes(做笔记)in class and learn the important articles by heart. We have a test every month.Math: You have to bring your rulers and calculators to math class. Listen carefully in class and read carefully when you do math problems. We have a test every month.English: You must take notes in class. Also you have to read aloud every morning and listen to the tape before doing homework. We have a test every week.Science: You must underline(在下画线)the important points. Watch carefully when the teachers do experiments(实验)and take notes.Art: Bring your pencils every lesson. And bring your brushes,paint and palettes(调色盘)if I tell you.Music: Go to the music room to have class. Remember to be quiet.PE.: Remember to wear sports shoes and sports suits(运动服)when you have a P.E. class.Go to the gym and stand in line when the bell(铃声)rings.31 . How many subjects does Kitty have rules for?ASeven.BEight.CNine.DTen.32 . What does the underlined word “calculators” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A笔B尺子C耳机D计算器33 . Which subject has a test every week?AChinese.BMath.CEnglish.DScience.34 . What must Kitty bring to school for every art lesson?APencils.BBrushes.CPaint.DPalettes.35 . Which is NOT true?AKitty is a student.BKitty has to bring her ruler and calculator to math class.CKitty has music class in the music room.DKitty can wear dresses to school every day.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文A. attract B. price C. busiest D. easiest E. evenThanksgiving is always on a Thursday. The day after it has been known as Black Friday. It is the start of the holiday shopping season, and it has been the 36 . shopping day of the year in the US since 2005.Most stores offer big sales on Black Friday. They open their doors quite early in the morning. They try to 37 . shoppers with big discounts(折扣). Some items like TVs and cloths are much cheaper than usual. Stores may 38 . lose money on them. They hope that shoppers will buy gifts for other people while they are in the store.Black Friday is a great time to go shopping. However, there are problems. The biggest one is that there are not enough cheap items. Each store may only have a few. These items are in great need, so people stand in long lines to get them. They may wait three to four hours before a store opens. They may be hoping to get a low 39 . on a TV or computer, but not everybody can get one. Some people leave, disappointed.七、填空任务型阅读Cambridge(剑桥) is one of the top universities in the world, and its a city as well. To the surprise of some visitors, there are no walls around the university. Most of the members of the city are the students and teachers of thirty-one colleges. It got its name “Cambridge” from the river called Cam and a bridge built over it. Before the university was founded, Cambridge was a developing town. It developed(发展) faster because of the opening of the railway(铁路) and became a city in 1951. Many young students hope for a chance(机会) to study at Cambridge. Maybe youll be a member of Cambridge one day.Something about CambridgeThe appearance(外观) of CambridgeNo walls around the 45.40 . The origin(来源) of its nameRiver Cam and a 46.41 . over itBefore the university was foundedCambridge was a 47.42 . townThe 48.43 . why Cambridge developedfasterThe 49.44 . of the railway八、信息匹配. 阅读短文,配对连线1. Lisa becomes interested in traditional Chinese painting and she wants to learn how to paint bamboo in ink.2. Alan is from India. He is studying Chinese history. He has leaned a lot about the four great inventions of ancient China.3. Sam is an Australian boy living in Beijing. He takes great interest in traditional Chinese opera (a musical play). He hopes to take a class of the local opera.4. Mary likes classic(经典的)Chinese works. She has read the one read the one about Monkey King since she came to China.5. Susan loves Chinese paper cutting. She wants to make a Chinese “Fu”to put up on her window this Spring Festival.AIn this weekends story-telling time,youll hear plenty of stories about Chinese traditions,for example,why people put up the Chinese “Fu” upside down on the door or window.BBeijing Opera is a form of traditional art in China. Our club is set up for fans and welcomes you to join us. We have invited some famous local actors to give acting classes.CPaper cutting sounds simple but is difficult to do. Bring red paper and learn the making of paper cutting. You can take home the paper cutting you make in class.DWe will hold a competition on the four great inventions of ancient China nest month. The first month. The first round will be a written test. The next round will be a short speech in Chinese.EA show of traditional Chinese ink paintings will be held in the Art Museum this weekend. Many works of animals by famous artists will be on show.FA discussion will be held in our reading club this weekend. The topic is about Journey to the West,one of the four great classic Chinese works.GTraditional Chinese painting is a form of fine arts in Chinese culture. In our training class,Mr Sun will teach you how to paint bamboo with brushes and ink step by step.45 . _46 . _47 . _48 . _49 . _九、回答问题任务型阅读A school trip of last SundayMorningFirstMany boys climbed the hill.ThenGirls were singing and dancing at 9:00.Boys were sitting by the lake at that time. Some of them could swim, but others couldnt.FinallyWe watched animals in the zoo.AfternoonWe visited a museum.阅读表格,回答下列问题。50 . When did they go for a school trip?_51 . What were the girls doing at 9:00?_52 . Were all the boys good at swimming?_53 . Did they go to the zoo?_54 . Where did they go in the afternoon?_十、材料作文55 . 你听说过一头叫Alice的鲸鱼(whale)吗?它被称为世界上最孤独的鲸,原因是这只鲸说话的频率有52赫兹,而正常鲸的频率只有1525赫兹,所以说话的时候没有人听见,难过的时候也没有人理睬。请你根据下列描述,写一篇关于她的小短文。1. 人们在1989年首次发现了Alice, 它长39英尺。2. 人们很惊奇地发现Alice用不同于其他鲸鱼的频率(HZ)说话。3. 没有鲸鱼能听到Alice说话, 它找不到它的家人和朋友。4. Alice独自游过了太平洋 (the Pacific Ocean)。幸运的是,Alice看起来很健康。5. 但是人们在2004年失去了Alice的消息,我._第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话7选51、三、补全短文5选51、四、完型填空1、五、阅读单选1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、填空1、八、信息匹配1、九、回答问题1、十、材料作文1、


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