2020版牛津上海版八年级下英语Unit2 综合练习(I)卷

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2020版牛津上海版八年级下英语Unit2 综合练习(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -_do you walk in the park every morning?- About 20 minutes.AHow muchBHow oldCHow longDHow many2 . (题文)Its very cold in Harbin. Snowing in October is nothing _ there.AstrangeBusefulCtraditionalDnatural3 . _ a tourist city, Suzhou is famous _ its beautiful gardens.AAs; asBFor; forCAs; forDFor; as4 . So many trees in the park can produce_ to keep the air _. Aenough oxygen, enough freshBenough oxygen, fresh enoughCoxygen enough, fresher enoughDoxygen enough, enough fresher5 . _ not easy _ people _ clean groundwater.AIts , for, in findingBIt, for , in findingCIt , for , to find.DIts , for, to find6 . China has the _population in the world and it is also larger than _country in Asia .Alargest , any otherBlarger, anyClargest , anyDlarger , any other7 . -Do you know anything about the singer Jay?-Yeah. I heard that he speaks English best in the family, but he speaks Chinese _ in the family.AbestBworstCbetterDworse8 . (题文)_ is it?2 yuan.AHow manyBWhatCHow muchDWhat size9 . We can _ water _ ice.Aturn , inBturn , intoCmake, toDmake , into10 . -Would you like _ more chicken , Mary?-No, thanks. I had _Aany, enoughBsome, enoughCany, manyDsome, many11 . It is raining outside, and _, we cant go to the beach.Aas a resultBat timesCIn factDin the end12 . I started _at the age of five and I enjoy _every morning.Aexercising; runningBto exercise; to runCexercise; runningDexercising; to run13 . You will _ take a holiday after the exams.AcanBcouldCbe able toDare able to14 . (经典题)Excuse me,are these _ English books?No,they are _.Ayour;mineBhis;herCmy;yourDher;his15 . - My baby daughter will be much _ in this red dress.- Sure she will.AbeautifulBmore beautifulCmost beautifulDthe most beautiful16 . _ your best friend good at _ ?ADo, danceBDoes, dancingCAre, dancingDIs, dancing17 . About _ of the children in the kindergarten_ born between 2011 and 2013.Athree fifths, wereBthree fifths, wasCthird fifths, wasDthird fifths, were18 . Yesterday an old mans house was _ fire.The old man was hurt and now he is _ hospital.Aon; onBin; onCon; inDin; in19 . _school is very large. How about_?AOurs, yoursBOur, yoursCOurs, yourDOur, your20 . You are too late, the meetingfor 30 minutes.Ahas begunBhas been onCbeganDhad begun二、完型填空The parents of two boys(14 and 16 years old)went on a trip for the weekend with friends.They left early _ Friday morning,and left the boys at home.That evening the boys _ their dads car to see a movie.They _ a good time.After the movie _,they got back to the car.They saw a big hole(洞)at the _ of the car.They were terrified(恐惧的)and _ someone to fix(修理)the car.After that they drove _ back home.Their parents came back on Sunday,but the boys didnt tell them about the hole _ they were too terrified.The father went out in his _.When he came back,he was surprised and said to the family,“Someone drove _ the back of my car on Thursday and now it is fixed well!”21 . AonBinCofDwith22 . AgotBdroveCwonDfound23 . AtookBvisitedChadDturned24 . AstoppedBstartedCdependedDfinished25 . AtopBbackCheadDwheel26 . AtookBaskedCforgotDmade27 . AhimBitCherDthem28 . AifBsoCuntilDbecause29 . AcarBtaxiCboatDshoes30 . AoutBintoCupDabout三、阅读单选Instead of gobbling(狼吞虎咽) your food, try eating more slowly. It may help you drop those unwanted pounds. The conclusion is from a new study by Chinese researcher.The study showed that compared with people who gobbled their food, those who ate at a normal speed were 29 percent less likely to be obese(肥胖的). But those who ate slowly were up to 42 percent less likely to obese. In addition, people who ate slowly tended (往往会) to be healthier and have a healthier lifestyle than those who ate quickly or at a normal speed. “However, this study could not prove that speed eating causes or stops obesity,” the researcher noted.Slow eating has its advantages and a few disadvantages ,” said Samantha Heller from New York City. “on the one hand , slow eating gives our body time to register a sense of satisfaction and fullness, so we eat less. We are more likely to enjoy a taste of food. On the other hand, the longer people sit in front of food, the more food they will eat, ”she said.“Speed eating appears to be far more harmful. People who eat quickly, as many of us do, gobble far more food than they need. In many European countries, slow eating is a way of life,” Heller said. In America, speed eating takes the lead. Thus we need to encourage people to have a change, learn the way of slower eating from Europeans and get a true enjoyment of food.31 . The researchers who found eating slowly may help you drop pounds come from _.AAmericaBJapanCEuropeDChina32 . Who is the least likely to be obese according to the second paragraph?APeople who eat slowly.BPeople who eat little.CPeople who eat at a normal speed.DPeople who eat quickly.33 . The underlined word “register” probably means _ in Chinese.A意识到B注册C缺乏D抵制住34 . Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?APeople who ate slowly tended to be healthier than those who ate quickly.BIt is sure that eating quickly can cause obesity.CSpeed eating is harmful to us.DThe longer you sit in front of food, the more food you will eat.35 . This passage mainly talks about _.AThe ways of avoiding being obeseBthe ways of eating slowlyCwhy we should try eating more slowlyDthe disadvantages of being obese四、句型转换36 . This is Bobs jacket.(改为一般疑问句)_Bobs jacket?37 . Is that his pencil box?(作否定回答)No,_.38 . Are these Annas books?(改为单数句)_Annas_?39 . That is his schoolbag.(改为同义句)That schoolbag_.40 . The blue ruler is Erics.(改为否定句)The blue ruler_ Erics.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空41 . Who _ (make) the breakfast just now?42 . Please tell me about _ (you),Lucy and Lily.43 . He would like _ (eat) dinner with friends.44 . We all had fun _ (play) basketball last Friday.45 . Please dont _ (listen) to music in class.46 . He_ (take) a walk in the park yesterday.47 . The boy _ (swim) in the water 3 minutes ago.48 . Mary_ (buy) a sweater the day before yesterday.49 . I dont want _ (sleep) in class.50 . Lets go _ (shop) this afternoon.51 . She_(can) swim when she was 5.52 . Mrs Wu _(teach) us Chinese last year.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文One day at Bluesea Middle School in Hong Kong, about 450 students and teachers went without water at lunchtime. They were in a meeting to learn about saving water. The school also collected about HK $ 10,000. The money would be 53 . to plant 1,880 trees at the heads of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River.The local director of “Friends of the Earth,Ms Wong, explained that54 . of the worlds population still didnt have enough water for all their55 . . She thought that by the year 2020, one half of the worlds population would not have enough water. Ms Wong said she had visited the heads of the two rivers three times in the past year. “I had expected them to be clean places, as they are at the top of the rivers. 56 . , sadly I found that they were polluted seriously, even worse than a few years ago. “Ms Wong said that if everyone helped save water, the situation would get a little57 . She hoped that everyone could do something for saving. One of the students said, “Im pleased to come to the meeting. Now I can remember how a third of the population lives. I think Ill try and 58 . some of my habits. Lets save water together. AseriousBchangesCpollutedDdeliveringElooking forFa small amount ofGplenty ofA 92-year-old man walks ten kilometres across a land that is flat and dry. He is carrying a plastic bottle and59 . water. He finds a pool of muddy water reach down into the earth and he fills his jug. Then he takes the long walk back home and uses this 60 . water for drinking, cooking and washing. This has become the daily life for millions of people in southwest China. The people in this area are suffering from a61 . water shortage caused by drought. Almost 25 million people are affected by the drought. Most of them are farmers who live in rural areas. The government is helping the people by 62 . fresh drinking water. But without rain, the farmers will not be able to grow crops and feed animals. Some scientists say, Because of the climate 63 . , droughts will become more often in China and in other parts of the world. This tells us how important fresh water is. Shanghai has 64 . rain and water. So we shouldnt complain as we stand under our umbrellas and look up at another rain-filled sky this spring. We should give thought for that old man who is looking up at a different sky and waiting for the rain.七、单词填空Believe it or not: the more TV you watch, the less happiness you get. This is the result of a new study. It shows that unhappy people watch more TV than h65 . people.Well, you may say that you enjoy w 66 . TV. In fact, TV gives you happiness for a s67 . time, but unhappiness for a long time.Why? It is b 68 . , if you watch TV, you cannot take part in many other good a69 . . And sometimes, i70 . you are unhappy, you unusually like being a couch potato, right? Watching TV is relaxing to you.Then if you want to be happy, w 71 . should you do? You can r 72 . newspapers, visit friends, go to parties, but dont watch television all the time. Now turn o73 . the TV, and take a walk outside. Its the f74 . step to being happy!八、回答问题Answer the questions ( 根据短文内容回答下列问题)The word “megacity” means a city with a population of more than ten million people. In 1950, New York was the worlds only megacity. Now there are about thirty megacities, and this number will probably continue to grow. Tokyo, Japan, is now the worlds largest megacity. Its population has risen to over twenty-four million. Many other cities, such as Guangzhou in China, is growing quickly and could soon be as large as Tokyo. What is the reason for the quick rise in the number of megacities in many developing(发展中) countries, people are moving from villages and small towns to the city. They hope to find well-paid work there. They dream of a life with electricity (电), better housing , better schools and better transportation. Unluckily, many of these peoples dreams never become true. Nagesh, from Delhi, India, tells what is happening there. “Delhi has grown too quickly. With our rising population, we need clean water, more roads, new schools and houses. But not enough money has been spent on making the city a better place to live. Without these things, people will become sick and the city will become a dangerous place. ”75 . What does the word” megacity” mean?76 . Which city is now the worlds largest megacity, Tokyo or Guangzhou?77 . Why do people move from villages and small towns to the city?78 . What stops peoples dreams of living a better life?79 . Shanghai is also a megacity now. Do you like it? Why or why not?九、话题作文80 . 人类只有一个地球。根据提示,以“Saving the Earth”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。提示: 1.如何保护环境已成为世界最大难题之一;2.各种污染破坏环境,损害健康;3.不要乱倒垃圾,乱排废水;4.我们应该保护环境,使我们的家园更加美丽。第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、2、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、话题作文1、


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