2020版冀教版英语九年级全册Unit 7 Work for Peace单元测试题A卷

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2020版冀教版英语九年级全册Unit 7 Work for Peace单元测试题A卷_第1页
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2020版冀教版英语九年级全册Unit 7 Work for Peace单元测试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . All of Lilys classmates _ Lily went hiking yesterday. She was ill in hospital.AwithBandCbesidesDexcept2 . Dont put your school uniformthe bag; please put it.Ain; inBon; inCunder; inDin; on3 . These two big factories _ half the worlds coffee trade and make lots of money.AappearBcontrolCconsiderDdescribe4 . Im sorry that my friends can only stay here for three days _.Aat firstBat lastCat leastDat most5 . -Youd better _ too much candy. You are too fat.-Thanks, I wont.Anot eatBeatCdont eat6 . The meat tastesand sells.Agood, wellBwell, goodCwell, well7 . Thanks our government, we can play sports on the new playground next week. Thats for sure! And we ll have a sports meeting one month.Afor; inBto; inCfor; afterDto; after8 . The man in blue was chargedstealing things from the shop last year.AatBonCwithDfor9 . Its a pity! I _ see the teacher here.Mr. Wang _ come here. But Im not quite sure yet.Acant; mightBneednt; canCmay not; needDmustnt; must10 . Why do you like English best? _ I think its _ASo, interestingBSo, boring CBecause, boringDBecause, interesting二、完型填空Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage. (选择最恰当的单词或词组完成短文)Henry works in an office and he is very busy. He really wants to have a good weekend. One Friday, he gets home at half_six. “What shall we do this weekend?” he asks his wife. “ Tomorrow_a fine day. Why_go and see the sights?” his wife answers. “Thats a good_. Shall we drive to the country and have a picnic?” Henry asks. The country looks so beautiful. Birds are singing everywhere, and flowers are blooming around the lake. They both have a good time, but when they are going_ home, they dont know the way. Henry drives over to a farmer and asks, “_am I? Please tell me.” The farmer looks at him and the car. “You are in your car, sir.” he says.11 . ApassBpastCpassedDover12 . AisBwasCbeDare13 . AdontBcantCnotDwont14 . AquestionBideaCdayDlesson15 . AtoBforCatDback16 . AWhereBWhoCWhatDHow三、阅读单选Im confused these days. We are taught at home and at school that using violence(暴力) is the least civilized(文明的) way to solve problems. For example, last week I thought about hitting my friend for winning a beautiful shell while we were playing at the beach. I talked with him instead and we came to an agreement. If two adults had a disagreement, and if they used violence towards each other in order to win, is it all right?When two countries disagree, they often fight a war. Why is using violence not okay at home, at school, or in your country but okay between countries? So many people have been killed because of wars, not only soldiers but ordinary people, even small children and babies. And refugees(难民) exist, too.A war is a great violence, like two people fighting over a shell, just much bigger. Adults say they are fighting wars in order to solve problems and make peace. But can you really “make peace” by killing so many people? I dont think bombs(炸弹) can reach peoples hearts and change them. Bombs cant create love and caring, and thats what we need in the world. Why do adults use violence so quickly? Why cant they use their wisdom(智慧) and talk it over?Adults might say that things are not that easy. But they are the ones that teach us to be kind, not to hurt people, and not to kill. Why dont they act as what they say?-A page from a 12-year-old boy, Joshuas diary.17 . At the beach, Joshua .Ahit his friendBwon a beautiful shellCplayed with a beautiful shellDcame to an agreement with his friend18 . Whats the key to peace in Joshuas opinion?ALove and care for each otherBDont use violence so quicklyCStop using bombs in warsDDont hurt or kill people in wars19 . What does the sentence “Bombs cant create love and caring ,and thats what we need in the world.” mean?AWe need to use violence to solve problemsBWhat we need is bombsCWe need bombs to create love and caringDWhat we need in the world is love and caring20 . From the reading we can see Joshua wants adults to .Alearn from childrenBbe childrens modelsCbe kind to childrenDteach children how to solve problems21 . Choose the best title(标题) for the passage.AAdults and WarsBHow to Stop WarsCWars Cant Make PeaceDWays of Solving Problems四、语法填空综合填空:根据所给首字母、上下文或汉语提示完成空格中所缺单词,使短文完整通顺,语法正确。每空只能填一个词。A few years ago, I was eating dinner with my children before we went to a museum. We weretalking 22 . (愉快地) when a man walked up to me and asked if I had a 23 . dollars to give him. I replied that I didnt even have one coin on me. Of course, my kids stood up and said: “Yes, you do, mommy.” I was a little embarrassed because I felt as if they 24 . (抓住)me not telling the truth. Normally, I don t carry lots of money in my 25 . . instead, I pay with my bank card every where I go.So I told the man I could u26 . my bank card to buy him something to eat. His disappointing27 . (表情) quickly changed into a smile. Then I went to get him some kinds of food. He thanked me when I h28 . him a bag of food. After he left. I had a talk29 . my children: Usually, I dont always like giving money to everyone who asks for it. H30 . ,I am not against meeting the needs of others as I31 . as I have it. I felt good knowing that the man had a nice meal that evening.五、多任务混合问题任务型阅读In our lives, we sometimes say or do something that may hurt others. Then we need to apologize(道歉). Making an apology helps to improve an injured friendship.We are already familiar with some expressions for apologizing, such as “Excuse me” or “Im sorry”. There are also other ways to apologize, such as “Pardon” and “I apologize”. When you have missed your friends party, you might say, “I was really busy that day and just couldnt make it. I sincerely(真诚地) apologize.” When you get angry with someone and realize you are wrong, you may say, “I am sorry. I apologize for my poor attitude.”When a person apologizes to you, it is necessary to reply politely, “Its all right,” or “Never mind.” If the situation is more serious and the person is really sincere, you might say, “I understand how you feel,” or “We all make mistakes.”Sometimes people apologize not for having done something wrong, but for the inconvenience(不便)they have caused. On the building under repair you may see signs reading, “We are rebuilding our store to serve you better. Please pardon our dust.” In the supermarket you may hear a salesperson say, “Im sorry it has been sold out today. Would you please come tomorrow?” People sometimes are embarrassed to make an apology, because they do not want to lose face. Yet there are ways to make an “indirect apology”. Making an apology on the phone s or direct very personal way of apologizing, but it is sometimes the best choice. If one is not so familiar with the other and they might feel there is a chance of unpleasantness, some “distance” is often safer and understandable. Learning how to apologize is important in our life. We dont lose face when we apologize. Instead, wed lose face if we never say sorry for our mistakes.32 . 完成句子_ helps to improve an injured friendship.33 . 完成句子When you _ with someone and realize you are wrong, you may say, “I am sorry. I apologize for my poor attitude.”34 . 简略回答问题Do you lose face when you apologize?_35 . 找出并写下全文的主题句_36 . 将文中画线句子译成汉语。_六、话题作文37 . 书面表达生活中难免有误会,当误会发生后,你将如何处理呢?请叙述你在生活中的一件小事,并表达这件事使你对友情、亲情或师生情产生的更深的理解。不少于90词。第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、语法填空1、五、多任务混合问题1、六、话题作文1、


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