2020年人教版七年级英语上册Unit 2 This is my sister 课堂达标题同步检测A卷

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2020年人教版七年级英语上册Unit 2 This is my sister 课堂达标题同步检测A卷_第1页
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2020年人教版七年级英语上册Unit 2 This is my sister 课堂达标题同步检测A卷_第2页
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2020年人教版七年级英语上册Unit 2 This is my sister 课堂达标题同步检测A卷_第3页
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2020年人教版七年级上册Unit 2 This is my sister 课堂达标题同步检测A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Do you have a soccer ball?AYes, I dontBNo,I doCYes, I do2 . He is rich, _ he is happy, too.AandBsoCorDbut3 . The film Me and My Motherland caught Chinese peoples_ and many cinemas were full of audience during the National Day Holiday.AcelebrationBattentionCpositionDsuggestion4 . 2018年上海普陀二模We should work hard and try _ best to realize our dreamsAusBourCoursDourselves5 . _ the past, what about the nowadays?ACompared withBCompare withCCompare to6 . _ do you clean your classroom? Once or twice a day.AHow longBHow manyCHow farDHow often7 . (题文)Your fathers sister is your _.AmotherBauntCcousin8 . Whats this? _ a book.AThis isBThat isCIt isDI am9 . Who is that, Jack? Mary.AThatsBItCHesDThis is10 . Did you get afrom John? -No. He never writes to me. He always calls me.AshirtBletterCwood二、阅读单选Hello,Im Ann Green.Ann is my first name and Green is my last name.Im an American girl.Im eight years old.I can speak some Chinese.I like Chinese.My favourite day is Friday.My favourite sport is swimming.My mothers name is Laura and my fathers name is John.I have got(有) a brother Tim and a sister Alice.Tim likes to play ball with me all the time(一直).He is only three years old.And Alice is seven months(月) old.We have a pet called Pirate.He is my favourite dog!We all like to play with him.I love my family.11 . Anns family name is .AAnnBGreenCLauraDJohn12 . How many people are there in Anns family?A3.B4.C5.D6.13 . The underlined word “pet” means(意思是) “”.A宠物B同伴C机器D保姆14 . What is the best title(标题) of the passage?AMy FatherBMy DogCMy MotherDMy Family三、阅读判断Most people in Britain live in small family groups. More than a quarter of homes in Britain have only one person living in them. Some of these persons are old but some are of twenty to thirty who choose to live alone. 35% of homes have two people living in them, and another 17% have three people. 15% have four people living in them, and the other homes have five or more.The families in Britain are small. It is unusual for parents to have more than two children. When children are about eighteen or nineteen, they leave their parents home, and they often go to other cities. Sometimes they only visit their parents two or three times a year.根据短文内容,判断正(A)误( B)。15 . The passage is a report.16 . 35% of homes in Britain have 3 people living in them.17 . The families in Britain are large.18 . Some are people of twenty to thirty who choose to live alone.19 . The passage mainly tells us the population in American.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及提示写出单词,补全句子。20 . (2017南昌市新建区联考)My brother wants to be a basketball s_ (明星).21 . Bill and I are in the_ (相同的) class.22 . Playing computer games is_ (有趣的).23 . (2017宿州市埇桥区期末)I want to ask Tony some q_ (问题) about his family.24 . (2017蚌埠市期末)We have all kinds of_(裤子) in different colors.25 . I love sports very much, but I dont play themI only w_them on TV!26 . Fourteen and sixteen is t_.27 . Tom.Lily and Eric are a_my good friends.28 . I often play football with my c_.29 . We s_all our clothes at very good prices,30 . 31 . My father is a famous professor. I am p_ of him.32 . 33 . Im feeling t_ now. Can you give me something to drink?34 . 35 . The shoes are very expensive. They c_ me about 100 yuan.36 . 37 . M_ is the third month of a year.38 . 39 . You can k_ in touch with each other by QQ or WeChat.40 . 41 . Jenny loves taking photos and always takes her c_ with her wherever she goes.I. 根据句意及首字母提示写出单词42 . The boy knows the p_ of the word, but he cant spell it.43 . We must be p_ with children when they do something wrong.44 . Beijing is the C_ city of China.45 . We Chinese like eating with c_.46 . Lu Xun was a great writer that many Chinese people a_him and respect him.47 . On Christmas Day, the child received lots of p_.48 . If you mail a letter, you need to buy some s_.49 . The boy is very brave. He d_ to face the difficulties in life.50 . France is one of the biggest E_ countries.51 . Which do you P_, classical music or pop music?一、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)。52 . There are many different kinds of thoughts running through my _(头脑) every day.53 . He likes looking _(从头到尾) all the questions in English exams.54 . I dont like the _(杂志). They arent interesting.55 . - Which of these shirts do you like best?- Ill take _(没有). They are both expensive and out of fashion.56 . Ive worked here for _(几乎,差不多) two years.57 . - Whats your favorite p_? - Happy Camp.58 . This cup is f_ of juice.59 . I think doing sports is good for our h_.60 . They asked the students about their free time activities and showed these r_ to their teachers.61 . A_ she is a child, she knows quite a lot.62 . How many days did you go to school last week? N_.63 . Judy and I grew up t_. We are good friends.64 . We a_ rode ten hours that day.65 . Which team got one p_ just now?66 . I turned on the TV to watch my favorite p_.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。(每空限填一个单词)67 . There are lots of things to _ (do) in that small town.68 . Look, each of my classmates_ (have) a new English book now.69 . I dont like going _ (shop) on Sundays, because there are always too many shoppers in the shops.70 . She likes singing and I can hear her _ (sing) in the next room every day.71 . Why not _ (visit) our local theatres with us?72 . He can draw _ (wonder) pictures and people like him very much.73 . We look forward to _ (visit) the farm next autumn.74 . I ran into an old friend of _ (my) in the street yesterday.75 . _ (west) people like drinking coffee very much.76 . -Who is going to_ (teach) us Maths next term? -I think Mr Hu is.用所给单词的适当形式填空77 . He received good _(educate) in foreign countries.78 . In general, Chopin is a _(piano) of great ability.79 . I promise I_(send) you an email to explain all of these tomorrow. (2017白银)80 . My grandpa cares more about his_(person) health. He exercises every morning.81 . I have quite a good_(relation) with my sister.六、完成句子翻译句子(共5小题,计10分)82 . 他在两座山之间。 Hes _.83 . 我有4位新同学。 I_.84 . 这是一张我的全家照。 This is _.85 . 你能看到树上的那些鸟吗? Can you_ the tree?86 . 请不要爬树。Please _.根据汉语意思完成句子87 . 我喜欢运动鞋因为它们轻便舒适。I like trainers because they are _ and _ .88 . 这件白衬衣是棉的。This white shirt _ cotton.89 . 桑迪非常喜欢这双黑皮靴。Sandy likes this pair of_ very much.90 . 我们在拜访奶奶。We _ grandma.91 . 我哥哥今晚要去参加一个大型宴会。My brother is _ a big dinner.七、用单词的正确形式完成句子从括号中选出正确的单词填空。92 . How _ you?(am, is, are)93 . I _ fine, thank you. (am, is, are)94 . What color is the pen? It _ red. (am, is, are)95 . Whats this?Its _ orange. (a, an)96 . Whats this?Its _ jacket. (a, an)六、选词填空97 . I would like to _ my toys _ himA98 . The box _ booksA99 . The teacher _me how to use a computer this weekendA100 . We need to _to keep warm when we stay outside at nightA101 . I _ her _ yesterdayA102 . These volunteers _childrenA103 . An apple a day _ the doctor _A104 . _ food is important for meA105 . We moved to a new flat with two big _A106 . Im _ what to wear.八、填写适当的句子补全对话三、填入对话中所缺的词,每空一词。A: Excuse107 . , is 108 . your pencil? B: Yes, it is. A: 109 . you are. B: 110 . is your pencil case? A: Its 111 . the desk. It 112 . to 113 . dictionary. 114 . new. B: Oh, 115 . very nice. A: Can I 116 . a look at your pencil case? B: Yes, of course. A: Thanks.补全对话。A:Hi,Jim. 117 . B:I usually get up at 6:00.A:Oh,thats early.118 . B:Because my home is very far(远的)from school.A:Do you eat breakfast at home ?B:119 . .Actually(事实上),I dont have time for breakfast.A:Its not good for your health(健康).B:120 . .But I dont have time for breakfast.A:Well,I will bring(带来)some milk and bread for you tomorrow(在明天).B:Really?Thank you.A:121 . 九、选用适当的单词补全对话完成下列对话并表演TOM: Dad, 122 . 123 . my friend, Lei Hao. Lei Hao, this is my 124 . . LEI HAO: Good morning, Mr. Brown. FATHER: 125 . 126 . , Lei Hao. How do you do?LEI HAO: 127 . 128 . 129 . 130 . ?FATHER: Please sit down. LEI HAO: 131 . 132 . 133 . 134 . . TOM: Kate, 135 . 136 . my classmate, Lei Hao. LEI HAO: Hello, Kate!KATE: 137 . ! 138 . 139 . 140 . ?LEI HAO: Im fine. Thank you. 141 . 142 . ? KATE: Im OK.十、句子配对从B栏中选出A栏各句的答语。A 1 Is Han Mei your classmate? 2 Whos that?3 Are these his friends?4 Is he Tom?5 Is that your uncle?B ANo, they arent. BYes, he is. CNo, he isnt. My uncle wears glasses. DYes, she is. EMy brother.143 . _144 . _145 . _146 . _147 . _十一、填空请阅读有关人的相貌的短文,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡。Mr. and Mrs. Brown are our English teachers. They have two sons. They are Dylan and Cole. They are students in the same class in Beijing Yucai School. Dylan and Cole are very cute and they look the same. They have big eyes and blond hair. Their mouths are small.Dylan and Cole like different colors and different clothes. Dylan likes black. He is in a black Tshirt and black pants. His shoes are black, too. But Coles favorite color is blue. He is in a blue coat and blue pants. His shoes are pink. They look very cool. Information CardLookNamesamedifferentDylanThey look the same:148 . hair;149 . eyes; small 150 . Favorite color:Black Clothes:Black Tshirt,black pants and black 151 . ColeFavorite color:152 . Clothes: blue coat, blue pants and pink shoes十二、回答问题Kate White has a big family. Her grandfathers name is James White. He is a doctor. Her grandmothers name is Alice White. She is a housewife(家庭主妇). They have a son and a daughter. Her fathers name is Thomas White and he is an actor. Her mothers name is Jenny White and she is a nurse. Kate is 13 years old and she is a junior high school student. She has a little brother, Jimmy. Jimmy is three. Charles is her uncle, and Casey is her aunt. They are teachers. They have a baby. His name is Tommy. Kate likes her family very much.153 . 154 . Is Kates grandmother a nurse?_155 . 156 . Whats Kates family name?_157 . 158 . How many(多少) people does Kates family have? _159 . 160 . What does Kates father do?_161 . 162 . Who is Tommy?_十三、句子/对话改错句子改错:下列各句均有一处错误,请改正。163 . Mr Smith can paint very good.164 . Does he have a e-mail address?165 . They have lunch at home in Sunday.166 . What is your favorite clubs? The music club and art club.167 . My grandfather can play trumpet.下列句子均有一处错误,请在错处下划横线,并把正确答案写在题后的横线上(保持句子意思不变)。168 . There are four peoples in my family._169 . Are those your friend?_170 . That is his father friend._171 . This isnt her bag. Its I bag._172 . -What are these? -These are apples._173 . Are they your grandparent?_174 . -Dad, he is my friend, Tom.-Hello, Tom _175 . Excuse me, is that yours watch?_176 . Mr Green is Jim father._177 . Whats a name of his cat?_十四、将所给单词连成句子根据所给单词完成句子。要求符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,单词不得重复使用,标点已给出。178 . do, you, much, spend, homework, how, time, on, your_?179 . well, does, do, in, she painting_?180 . eyes, her, brought, notes, tear, to, my_.181 . touch, sure, stay, to, always, be, in_.182 . memories, we, time, had, of, our, together, great_.183 . watch, Tom, in, evening, the, doesnt, TV_.184 . favorite, what, is, your, sport_?185 . because, art, like, I, it, interesting, is_.186 . he, have, does, on, Monday, geography_?187 . music , subject , favorite , is , his_.连词成句188 . party, birthday, a, for, we, him, have, (.)_189 . do, have, when, contest, English, you, an, (?)_190 . month, year, the, the, of, third, March, is, (.)_191 . has, he, a, bag, white, (.)_192 . is, day, womens, eighth, March. (.)_将所给词语连成句子,标点已给出。要求:符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,词语不得重复使用。193 . they, happy, were, how_!194 . cant, you, follow, I, sorry_.195 . you, what, do, do, usually, on Sundays_?196 . lesson , a success, the, had, we, was_.197 . rang, having supper, the bell, were, when, we _.十五、汉译英:单词/短语翻译下列短语。198 . 好莱坞一向最棒的女演员之一_199 . 因为失去而感到难过_200 . 梦想成为一个成功的芭蕾舞演员_201 . 吸引某人的注意_202 . 一部以他的小说为基础的剧本_十六、其他从下列每组词中找出不属于同类的词203 . AseeBloveCspellDdear204 . AfatherBmotherCfriendDparent205 . AsheBhisCheDit206 . AgreatBthatCthisDthese207 . AtooBveryCareDmuchI. 词形变换。208 . have (单三) _209 . do (单三) _210 . play (单三) _211 . like (单三) _212 . we (宾格) _213 . they (宾格) _214 . many (比较级) _215 . class(复数)_216 . sound (单三) _217 . watch(单三)_词形变换218 . decide(名词)_219 . hurt(过去式)_220 . mean(过去式)_221 . die(名词)_222 . knife(复数)_223 . we(反身代词)_224 . she(反身代词)_225 . climb(名词)_226 . catch(过去式)_227 . sick(同义词)_写出下列缩略词的完全形式228 . thats_229 . whos_230 . whore_231 . theyre_232 . shes_233 . hes_从栏中出与栏中英文缩略词相对应的汉语意思234 . CCTVA(美国)全国篮球协会235 . UNA联合国236 . CDA中国中央电视台237 . NBAA千克238 . kgA光盘第 26 页 共 26 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、阅读单选1、三、阅读判断1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、2、3、4、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、六、完成句子1、2、七、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、2、八、填写适当的句子补全对话1、2、九、选用适当的单词补全对话1、十、句子配对1、十一、填空1、十二、回答问题1、十三、句子/对话改错1、2、十四、将所给单词连成句子1、2、3、4、十五、汉译英:单词/短语1、十六、其他1、2、3、4、5、


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