2019年外研版七年级英语下册Module 1-单元小测(II)卷

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2019年外研版七年级英语下册Module 1-单元小测(II)卷_第1页
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2019年外研版七年级英语下册Module 1-单元小测(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Lets _ dinner together(一起).AeatBhaveChavingDto have2 . Excuse me, sir. _ is it from here to No.6 Middle School? Its about 10 minutes walk.AHow soonBHow farCHow muchDHow often3 . Was problem solved? Yes, at last we found new way to solve it.AThe; anBA; anCA; theDThe; a4 . Hello, Dale! What can I do for you? Isome color pencils for the art class this afternoon.AaskBknowCneedDthink5 . Gill is between Wei Fang and _.AmeBhisCheDmy6 . - Its very important for everyone to exercise.do you exercise?-Three or four times a week.AHow longBHow farCHow soonDHow often7 . Wendy with her sisters_ pumpkin lanterns at home now.Aare makingBis makingCmakesDmake8 . We all know that the Yangtze River is longer than in America.Aany other riversBany other riverCany riversDany river9 . -_ football?-Its a very popular game. I like it very much.AWhat do you likeBHow do you thinkCWhat do you think ofDDo you like10 . Jim is so crazy about reading books that his father promises to _ a bookshelf in his bookroom this weekend.AputBput throughCput outDput up11 . In our city, _ middle school students want to be a teacher in the future(将来) every year.Athousand Bthousand ofCthousands ofDtwo thousand of12 . After two hours hard discussion, they reached _ agreement in the end.AaBanCtheD/13 . - May I borrow your dictionary?- Sorry. Its not _ dictionary. Its Xiao Mings.AhisBmyCherDyour14 . If you feel angry, you should.Asee a doctorBtake a deep breathCwear warm clothes15 . My daughters drawing class is _ 4 oclock _ Saturday afternoon.Aat; onBon; onCat; inDon; in二、完型填空Welcome to Moonlight Music Club!Mr.Dean is a good _.He can play the piano,the violin _ the drums.And he is very good with kids.Do you _ Zhang Shaobo?He is Mr.Deans good friend.He _ play the violin in different ways.He often _ here to teach children to play the violin.Do you like him?Please come and watch his great _.Do you want to learn _ music?Please come and join _.We can _ you with music.My telephone number is 0109587.My _ address(地址)is deanviolin126.com.16 . AmusicBpainterCmusicianDplayer17 . AbutBandCorDwith18 . AknowBlikeCmeetDshow19 . AdoBdoesCcanDis20 . AcomesBjoinsCasksDwatches21 . AviolinBshowChelpDdance22 . AforBofCatDabout23 . AherBusCyouDhim24 . AcallBspeakChelpDsing25 . AfamilyBhomeCclubDemail三、阅读单选My name is Lily. This is my classroom. There are 40 desks, 40 chairs, a bookcase, a computer and a teachers desk in it. It has two green doors and four windows. Theres a clock and a map on the wall(墙壁). Look, that is Kate. She is my friend. A red bag, three black pens and four green pencils are on her desk. My favourite day is Saturday. We have no classes on Saturdays and Sundays.26 . How many pencils are there on the desk?AThreeBTwo.COneDFour.27 . The doors are _.AgreenBredCwhiteDblue28 . Whats on the wall? AA clock. B.A map.BA bookcase.CA and B.29 . Lilys favourite day is _.AMondayBFridayCSaturdayDSunday30 . Which is TRUE? (哪一个是正确的)AKates pencil is yellow.BThere are 4 pens on the desk.CThere are 4 windows in the classroom.DThe bag is yellow.四、句型转换31 . Are these Annas erasers?(作肯定回答)Yes, _.五、完成句子完成句子32 . 我的问题与你的类似。My problems _ yours.33 . 她在为他们的晚餐做准备。She is _ their supper.34 . 有一半的工人每月能挣2 000多元。_ can get more than 2,000 yuan _.35 . 既然你与这件事没关系,你就不必担心。You dont have to worry since you _ nothing _ this matter.36 . 李磊比班上任何一个学生都聪明。Li Lei is _ than _ in his class.六、回答问题This is a kind and cheerful firehouse dog. His name is Rex. He has two bright eyes. He weighs 20 kilograms. He is a popular star. He never feels frightened when he meets any danger. He always rushes in front of others.Last month a careless zookeeper forgot to take good care of the stove(炉子)in his room. Half an hour later a terrible fire happened. Many buildings burned and fell down. Elephants, camels, giraffes and some other animals ran away from the dangerous fire. Suddenly Rex heard a baby panda asking for help in the fire. He put on his safe glasses quickly and jumped into the fire. He searched carefully and saved the panda at last. The fire hurt his neck and eyes.Now he lives alone in Animal Hospital. He loses one of his legs, but he is very glad to save the weak panda.37 . What is the name of the firehouse dog?_38 . Why did a big fire happen in a zoo?_39 . Who did the dog save at last?_40 . Where does the dog live now?_41 . What part does the dog lose?_七、启事类42 . 孙佳在九年级一班丢了一本英语词典;刘旭在图书馆捡到了一个橘色的文具盒,里面有一块橡皮和两只铅笔。丢失者很着急,拾金不昧者也急于找到失主。请你分别替他们写一份寻物启事和失物招领。电话:孙佳 313-4567刘旭 212-3456提示词:年级 grade 八、其他43 . Is there an “u” or an “r” in the word “urban”?A B C D44 . What are Dora and Christa listening? They are listening to an English song.A BCD45 . The honey in the jars is very nice, but those jars of jamis very nasty. AB C D46 . Are you like me, Lily? Yes, Suzie! In my eyes, you are very clever and hardworking.A BCD47 . Miss Williams is Sandys and Toms teacher. She is Billys teacher, too. A BCD第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、完成句子1、六、回答问题1、七、启事类1、八、其他1、


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