人教版七年级上册英语 Starter unit1第2课时(3a-4d)练习

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人教版七年级上册英语 Starter unit1第2课时(3a-4d)练习_第1页
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人教版七年级上册英语 Starter unit1第2课时(3a-4d)练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空This is my _ picture. My grandpa and grandma _ old. My father is _ English teacher. He is _. My mother is a worker. _ are students. Were in No. 2 Middle School. We _ in the same grade. My brother is _ Class 2, Grade 8. Im in Class 3, Grade 7. _ name is Lin Tao. Im only_. They all like me _1 . AfamilysBfamilyCfamiliesDfamilys2 . AhaveBisCareDam3 . AaBanCtheD/4 . AChineseBChinesesCChinaDChinas5 . ABrother and meBI and my motherCMy brother and IDI6 . AareBare noCarentDare any7 . AonBfromCinDto8 . AMyBMeCMineDHe9 . AtwelveBtwoCthreeDfour10 . AwellBvery muchCveryDlittle二、阅读单选NameThingColorDavidblackAliceblueFrankyellowCindygreenMikeblack11 . _ has (有) a ruler.ADavidBAliceCFrank12 . Mike has a _.ApenBkeyCjacket13 . The underlined word (画线单词) “Thing” means (意为) “_” in Chinese.A方位B事情C物品14 . What color is the key?ABlack.BBlue.CYellow.15 . The _ and the _ are black.Apen; rulerBpen; jacketCcup; jacketFirst name: JimLast name: MillerAge(年龄): 16Telephone number:997-5321First name: JimLast name: MillerAge(年龄): 16Telephone number:997-5321First name: GinaLast name: SmithAge(年龄): 15Telephone number:337-0126First name: GinaLast name: SmithAge(年龄): 15Telephone number:337-012616 . The boys family name is _.AJimBMillerCGinaDSmith17 . Gina is the girls _ name.AfirstBlastConeDfamily18 . Whats Jim Millers telephone number?A997-5231.B337-2016C997-5321D337-012619 . How old(多大) is Jim?A15.B16.C17.D18.20 . How old is Gina?A13.B14.C15.D16.三、英译汉:单词/短语1.computer gameA拨找2.school libraryB学校图书馆3.ask forC请求;恳求4.e-mail.atD给发电子邮件到5.call.atE电脑游戏21 . _22 . _23 . _24 . _25 . _四、其他根据汉语意思勾出()正确的英语单词26 . 怎样;如何口now口how27 . 下午口afternoon口morning28 . 健康的口nine口fine29 . 感谢;谢谢口think口thanks30 . 你好:喂口hello口hereA) 单词辨音。找出画线部分与其他单词发音不同的选项。31 . AcupBduckCruler32 . AmistakeBpracticeCface33 . AgardenBstarCwarm34 . AheavyBreadyCeasy35 . AplayedBneededCwanted单词辨音(每小题0.5分,共5分)36 . A. company B. flat C. manager D. lamp37 . A. second B. letter C. shelf D. design38 . A. sick B. fix C. mile D. notice39 . A. over B. college C. local D. notice40 . A. rubber B. study C. full D. hundred41 . A. buses B. houses C. glasses D. classes42 . A. double B. enough C. thousand D. country43 . A. south B. with C. theatre D. think44 . A. football B. neighbourhood C. cook D. pool45 . A. shower B. follow C. tomorrow D. below第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、2、三、英译汉:单词/短语1、四、其他1、2、3、

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