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外研版(三起)四年级上册期末测试英语(B卷)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . -What would you like to eat? ( )- Id like some _.AtomatoBtomatosCtomatoes2 . What are you going to bring for the picnic? ( )I will bring some _.AhomeworkBfruit3 . Its time _class. Lets hurry. ( )AofBtoCfor4 . Can I have some milk? ( ) _.AYes, I can.BNo, you are.CYes, you can.5 . 根据情景选择正确的一项。【小题1】小伙伴要过生日了,你会说:( )AHappy birthday.BGive me a present.【小题2】你想说这里有一份礼物给你:( )AHeres a present to you.BHeres a present for you.【小题3】你想问这是什么,你会说:( )AWhats this?BHow about this?【小题4】你发现这是一只兔子,你会说:( )AIts a bird.BIts a rabbit.【小题5】你想表达感谢,你会说:( )AThank you.BNice.6 . Read and choose 根据情境,选择合适的答案。【小题1】当你在路上遇到同学,和他打招呼时要说:( )AHello!BGoodbye!【小题2】当你遇到新朋友,你介绍自己是要说:( )AHello, Im Xiaohong.BHi, Xiaohong.【小题3】当你和朋友分手时,你要说:( )AHello!BGoodbye!7 . I like making snowmen in _ winter. What about you?-Me, too.AaBanCtheD/8 . _are you doing now?Im_TV in the living room.AWhat; watch theBWhat; watchCWhat; watchingDHow; watching9 . -_youpleasepassmethespoon? ( )-Hereyouare.ACanBDoCWould10 . Lets _ the playground. ( )AgoBtoCgo to11 . I dont like this bag. Its too_. I want a light one. ( )AsmallBheavyCbig找出与所给单词属于同一类的选项。12 . white ( )ApigBbrownCpen13 . afternoon ( )ApaintBmorningCthank14 . milk ( )AjuiceBarmCred15 . eight ( )AdogBfootCseven16 . bread ( )AlookBcakeChappy17 . -_ we go to the library? ( )-Great idea.AGreat idea.BShallCidea18 . Look! Chen is _, Sarah is _ in the park. ( )Ajump; runningBjumping; runningCjump; run19 . Where _ you just now?I _ at school.Awere; wasBwere; wereCwas; were二、填空题用所给词的适当形式填空20 . -Can you_(jump) high?-No, I_(can).21 . -How many_(ball) do you_(have)?-Four.22 . -Quack, quack, I can_(swim).-I can walk_(either).23 . -Do you have_(some) stickers?-Yes, I have_(some).24 . -Can_(she) little bird_(sing)?-No, it_(can).25 . -Do you like_(this) footballs?-Yes, they_(be) for you.三、任务型阅读26 . 阅读理解,正确的在括号内写(T), 错误的写(F)。We are going to have a sports day tomorrow. Lingling can run fast. She is going to run the 100 metres. Sam can ride fast, and he is going to ride a bike. Amy can jump high, and she is going to do the high jump. Daming can jump far, and he is going to do the long jump. What am I going to do? I am going to play table tennis. Good luck on sports day. Come on!【小题1】I am going to play football on sports day.(_)【小题2】Daming is going to do the long jump. (_)【小题3】Amy can jump far. (_)【小题4】Lingling is going to run the 100 metres. (_)【小题5】Sam can run fast, and he is going to ride a bike.(_)四、英译汉27 . 翻译句子1. Lets go to the supermarket._2. This bag is heavy. I cant carry it._3. There are many sweets over there._五、匹配题给下列句子选择相应的图片。ABCDE28 . I often clean my room on Saturdays. (_)29 . I like playing football on Sundays. (_)30 . Id like some fish and green beans. Theyre healthy. (_)31 . I have chicken on Thursdays. (_)32 . I like vegetables. Theyre delicious and healthy. (_)33 . 从栏中选出能对栏中句子作出正确反映的答语 ( ) 1. Throw the ball to me, please.AYes, I do.( ) 2. Can you take a photo for us?BHere it is.( ) 3. Do you usually have a birthday party?CSure.( ) 4. Wheres my CD Walkman?DYes, I am.( ) 5. Cant you see a sing on the grass?EOK. Catch.FLet me see. Oh, yes, it is.六、看图题34 . 根据图片,补全句子: He _ yesterday.七、连词成句35 . 连词成句。1. you, to, do, walk, school (?)_2. never, wears, Danny, dresses (.)_3. plays, the, often, computer, on, Steven (.)_4. put, for, O, lets, often, an (.)_5. I, always, my, homework, do (.)_八、书面表达36 . 写作。看图片,根据提示写一篇小作文。提示:Sarah生病了,今天没有去上学。Sarah很难过。她必须去看医生,多喝水,多穿厚衣服,多运动。她希望早日康复去上学。_第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、填空题1、三、任务型阅读1、四、英译汉1、五、匹配题1、2、六、看图题1、七、连词成句1、八、书面表达1、


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