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人教版九年级英语寒假作业-作业十三姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Can 16-year-old students drive to school?No, they shouldnt _ to drive because they arent serious enough.AallowBbe allowedCallowedDhave allowed2 . Do you believe there are aliens?Im afraid not. I dont think aliens _ in space.Acan findBcan be findCcan be foundDcan be founded3 . The old people must be looked after well and _ politely.Aspeak toBspokenCspoke toDspoken to4 . Mr. Brown flew to New York two daysAbeforeBagoCyetDafter5 . These pictures of my friends in Jingyue Park three days ago.Aare takenBwas takenCwill be takenDwere taken二、完型填空Life is a Handful of CandyOne sunny morning,when Einstein was going out of the office,the assistant said to him,“someone wants to invite you to make a _ at the weekend and the _ is 10,000 dollars.”Einstein _ and said he would go to tutor(辅导)math to Sophie _ studied in a junior high school.“Cant you cut down tutoring Sophie once? ”the assistant asked.“No,Im still thinking of her candy.” Einsteln said with a smile.Was her candy so sweet? The assistant didnt understand why he was at pains (尽心尽力)for the young girl he happened to know. You know,Sophie _ Einstein only half of her candy.That day,seeing Einstein come back from Sophie _,the assistant asked him why he was happy.Einstein told him,“Today,Sophies teacher thought highly of her _,saying that she had an excellent teacher. The young girl was also _ pleased that she awarded me a handful of candy, which makes me particularly happy.”Later,in Einsteins diary,people _ read he thought much of such a thing. It _ that in the world-famous scientists eyes,the young girls sunny smile and a handful of common candy were the sweetest spring that nourished(滋养)his life.6 . AspeechBspaceCspeedDspread7 . ArewardBmoneyCprizeDcharge8 . AreducedBrefusedCreceivedDreplied9 . AwhichBwhoseCwhomDwho10 . AcostBtookCpaidDspent11 . AcheerfulBcheerCcheerfullyDcheering12 . AprogressBsuccessCsubjectDcourage13 . AveryBsuchCtooDso14 . Ain troubleBonce againCin surpriseDat last15 . Aturned onBturned downCturned outDturned in三、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据汉语提示完成句子16 . Cindy_(跌落) into the river yesterday.17 . Just now your dog _(跟随) me into my bedroom.18 . Why did Jackie cut two _(洞) in that map?19 . My mother says _(兔子) like eating carrots.20 . Joe lay on the _(地面), listening to music.四、其他看图写话。1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 21 . when,camera, develop_22 . pens, used, write_23 . be,astronaut,grow up_24 . leave for, tomorrow_25 . movie, show, tonight_第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、完型填空1、三、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、四、其他1、


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