外研版英语九年级上册Moudle 10 Unit 1 同步测试卷

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外研版英语九年级上册Moudle 10 Unit 1 同步测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Walk _ the supermarket and turn left _ the second crossing.Apass; atBpast; inCpassed; onDpast; at2 . _ do you always take a camera with you,Nick?To take photos whenever I like.AWhenBWhyCWhatDHow3 . - _ does he get to school?- He rides his bike.AHow longBHow farCHowDWhen4 . What do your parents do before? They usually sweep away the dust(灰尘) of the old year and welcome a fresh start.Athe Lantern FestivalBthe Spring FestivalCthe Mid-autumn DayDthe Dragon Boat Festival5 . . -What are on show in the museum?-Some photos _by the children of Yushu, Qinghai.Ahave been takenBwere takenCare takenDtaken二、完型填空Read the passage and choose the correct words (阅读短文,选择恰当的单词)Tired of the noisy life in Bangladesh(孟加拉), a young writer has found a great place to have some quiet and happy hours.Each day, the 25-year-old Bangladeshi writer uses a pulley(滑车)to_to a wooden platform at the top of a tree. The platform is 30 metres _ the ground.“I_ four to five hours in the tree reading and writing, listening to the birds singing,” he said.The young writer sleeps there sometimes. “I feel great when I am in the tree writing poetry in the moonlight or looking at the sun_ or setting. It is a wonderful life.”He added.“At first, other villages thought I was mad, but now, many people ask me to build the same kinds of tree house for them. They want to have such a different life.” He said.Bangladesh is a country _ a population of 144 million. It has become one of the worlds most crowded countries.6 . AclimbBgo downCstayDjump7 . AonBfromCaboveDunder8 . AspendBtakeCpayDcost9 . AraisingBgoingCdroppingDrising10 . AhaveBwithCwithoutDhas三、阅读单选Films in UME Cinema this weekName:Shazam!Director: David F. SandbergMain actor: Zachary Levi, Time: From Monday to Wednesday at 8:00 p.m.雷霆沙赞 Ticket price: RMB 35Name: Captain MarvelDirector: Anna Boden Main actor: Brie Larson, Time: From Wednesday to Friday at 8:00 p. m.惊奇队长 Ticket price: RMB 40Name: Song of Youth Director: Zhang LuanMain actor: Yu QianTime: From Friday toSunday at 7:30 p. m.Ticket Price: RMB 30老师好 (Half on Sunday for children)Name:Green BookDirector: Peter FarrellyMain actor: Viggo, AliTime: From Tuesday to Thursday at 8:00 p. m.Ticket Price: RMB 45绿皮书11 . How many films are on show(放映) on Wednesday ?AOneBTwoCThreeDFour12 . Mr. Green wants to see Song of Youth with her eight-year-old son on Sunday. She should pay _.A45 yuanB40 yuanC35 yuanD30 yuan13 . Which film doesnt have any Western actors?AShazam!BCaptain MarvelCSong of YouthDGreen Book四、句型转换将下列简单句合并为由that/which/who引导的定语从句14 . Is there a hospital near here?Jack works in the hospital._?15 . Do you like the pen?I bought it last week._?16 . My father took many photos in Australia. They were liked by his friends._.17 . This is a nice picture. Tom drew the picture last year._.18 . The woman is my aunt. She wears a pair of white shoes._.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示写出正确的单词19 . Toms mum asked him to buy two pairs of _(剪刀)in the supermarket.20 . There is a photo of some _(羊)eating grass on the wall.21 . Mike loves collecting all kinds of things,_(尤其)coins.22 . The coat looks very warm. What is it made of?_(羊毛).23 . Tony thinks Victoria Falls is the most fantastic _(自然的)wonder.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空。24 . China is still a _(develop)country.25 . I _(be)to Lintong to see Terracotta Warriors twice.26 . He _(succeed)in finishing the project with his colleagues.27 . She completed her further _(educate)in 2008 and found a good job.28 . Many people in China are considering _(buy)a new car this year.七、完成句子.根据中文提示完成下列句子29 . 我认为这个问题不像那个问题那么简单。I dont think the question is _ that one.30 . 重庆有接近三千万人口。Chongqing nearly _ 30,000,000.31 . 杭州有多少人口?_ the population of Hangzhou?32 . 外出的时候,记得关门。_ the door when you go out.33 . 在学校里,图书馆比许多其他的建筑物要高。The library is taller than _ in the school.八、语法填空短文填空根据短文内容及首字母提示,补全空格内单词,使短文完整、通顺。Fire can help people in many w34 . . Fire can keep your house warm, give light and cook food. But s35 . fire can also be very harmful(有害的). It can b36 . things, too. Nobody k37 . how people began to use fire, but there are many interesting old stories about how a man searched for a fire. One is about a man called Prometheus(普罗米修斯). The man lived a very long time a38 . . He went up to the sun and b39 . fire down. Today people know how to make a fire with m40 . . Children sometimes like to play with them. But matches can be very d41 . . One match can burn a piece of paper, and then it could burn a house. A small fire can turn into(变成) a big fire quickly. So you must be careful with matches. Be careful with fire, and it will h42 . you. But if you arent careful with fire, it may h43 . you.第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、语法填空1、

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