牛津上海版英语九年级(9A) Unit 5 自测练习 3

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牛津上海版英语九年级(9A) Unit 5 自测练习 3姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . They were so excited because their class had got _first prize in the sports meeting.AotherBthe otherCanotherDone another2 . My little brother is generous _ his friends.Hed like to share toys _ them.Afor, toBto, withCto, forDfor, with3 . He sings terribly.His dancing is even _.AterriblyBterribleCmore terribleDmore terribly4 . Do you see the church _ those trees ? Thats the tallest building in the village.AinBonCbeyondDaround5 . Here is a book. First it and then tell me what you think of it.Alook upBlook afterClook through6 . The temperature will be_ tomorrow. It will_ to -50.Alittle; fallBless; dropClower; coverDlower; drop7 . Ann has a new Iphone 4s, _?Adoes sheBhas sheCdoesnt sheDisnt she8 . I know the number to open the _.AsaveBsafeCsafelyDsafety9 . No one knows Mr. Browns address _ his daughter.AexceptBbesidesCexpectDbeside10 . We should prevent the children _ the bad programmes.Ato watchBfrom watchingCfrom watchDto watching11 . _, we must get to school on time.AMore importantlyBImportantCMore importantDImportantly12 . _ Jane was reading a book, someone knocked at her door.ASinceBAlthoughCWhileDIf二、信息匹配左栏描述的是5组人对所住酒店的需求,右栏是7个酒店的介绍,请为每组人选择最合适的一家酒店,并将其字母编号写在答题卡上(E-AB; F-AC; G-AD)。13 . A group of college students are having their summer holiday. They can only afford inexpensive rooms. The most important thing is that they want a place which is convenient for them to have BBQ.14 . Alice and He Wei are planning their honeymoon tour. They want to choose a hotel with fascinating natural environment and good service.15 . Mike is a businessman who is busy travelling every day. He hopes to find a modern hotel with a big mall in downtown.16 . The Blacks will have three days off. They arent rich and they enjoy a simple life. The family all like swimming. Mr. Black loves swimming best.17 . Lucy and her three close sisters are going to eat seafood this weekend and spend a night in an inexpensive and uncrowded hotel by the sea.AVienna Hotel is in our downtown. It has many modern large rooms. It also has business centers,meeting rooms,a parking lot and a western restaurant.BFishermans Hotel is near the sea. It doesnt cost you so much there. You can go fishing with a fisherman,and enjoy the sea fish you fish in the sea with your close friends.CGolden Leaf Hotel is lying at the foot of the mountain. Its particularly good for people who like swimming. It is famous for its hot spring(温泉). You can have fun swimming there all year round.DYouth Hotel provides more than 100 rooms, especially for young people who can cook and clean by themselves. And also there is an outdoor barbecue(烧烤)that everyone loves.EPrince Hotel is a good place for people to have romantic days. The beautiful natural environment and good service can make your trip unforgettable and pleasant.FXiamen Hotel is near the beach. Its well-known for different kinds of seafood. Many visitors around the world come and enjoy themselves there. And the price is higher than any other hotel in Xiamen, Fujian Province.GHoliday Village was built at the corner of a beautiful and old village three years ago. You can pick vegetables and fruit on their farm on your own and cook them by yourselves.第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、二、信息匹配1、


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