人教版八年级下册英语 unit6 第6课时 测试

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人教版八年级下册英语 unit6 第6课时 测试姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . If we want to make the world different,we should _ ourselves first.AseeBnoticeCchangeDraise2 . You should work harder from now on _ you want a better life.AafterBifCbecauseDthough3 . Peter won first prize in the competition. His parents felt very.ApatientBsmoothCcommonDproud4 . Her parents often encourage her _ hard.AworkBworkingCto workDworks5 . You can read with your son at home and this is the best way _ too much TV.Apreventing him watchingBto prevent him to watchCto prevent him watchingDprevent him to watch6 . The weather _ cool and the trees turn yellow when fall comes.AgetBgetsCis gettingDgot7 . My aunts hair _ black and beautiful.AareBisCwasDwere8 . -Do you mind my taking this seat? -_.ANo, of course not.BNo, you cant take it.CYes, take it pleaseDYes, sit down please9 . The number of the online shoppers _ getting _ these years.Ais; bigger and biggerBis; less and lessCare; fewer and fewerDare; more and more10 . - Do you like _ film Monster Hunt(捉妖记)?-Yes. Its _ interesting film, my parents and I like it very much.Aa; aBthe; aCthe; anD/; an11 . -Who is the perfect person _ the new president?-Mr. White. We all thought he should be the most suitable choice while _ together.Afor; discussedBas; to discussCas; discussionDfor; discussing12 . A survey about how people like the latest hit TV show In the Name of People (人民的名义) was _ in our city last Friday.Ataken outBcarried outCturned outDgiven out13 . He didnt go to the party not _ the time but _ he was ill.Abecause of, becauseBbecause, becauseCbecause, because ofDbecause of, because of14 . The chief denied _ money from the young lady in the shopping mall.AstealBstealingCstoleDstolen15 . - Are those_ ?-No, they arent. They are _ .Asheep, goatsBsheep, goatCsheeps, goatsDsheeps, goat二、完型填空Margaret came home from school with a drawing in her hand and tears in her eyes. She had drawn a picture of Tippitys house but a(n) _had made fun of it.“He said it was awful. He said I would never be an artist.” She made a very_face. “Im sorry, Margaret,” said her mother. “He was wrong. This is a good drawing.”“You_say that. Youre my mom,” sniffed(抽鼻子) Margaret.“But it is really good, sweetie,” said her mother. “Why dont we_it to Uncle Dot and see what he thinks?”Margaret and her mother rode their bikes to the fishing boats at Bright-by-the-sea. Here they found Uncle Dot_on a little bench( 长椅). He was drawing a picture of two fishermen who were working on their boat. They showed him Margarets drawing and said,” A boy at school said it was_.”“Well, this is nice!” Uncle Dot_the drawing and said: “I like the way you showed all the flowers in Tippitys garden, and thats a very cheerful sun in the sky.”“Look here,” Said Uncle Dot. “Why dont all of you sit down and paint with me for a while? I have lots of art supplies. Use_you like.”Margaret chose markers and her mother picked out a few bits of colored chalk, and_she liked to draw with when she was a child. In no time, everyone was busy drawing and painting.Some people_to see what they were doing and said nice things about their work. The “artists” listened to the sounds of seagulls( 海鸥 ) overhead and boats rocking on gentle waves. They were having a wonderful time。Each piece was different. Everyone had seen the_things: a boat, fishermen, the sea and the sky. But each person drew or painted those things_his or her own way “This was great fun1” said Margarets mother “See? You are both_!” said Uncle Dot.“Yes, we are,” said Margaret_. Sheheld her mothers hand. “Yes, we are.”From that day on, Margaret and her mother enjoyed drawing and painting all kinds of art.They didnt care whether others thought their work was “good” or not because they knew that didnt_at all.16 . AgirlBartistCboyDteacher17 . AembarrassingBsadCsurprisingDugly18 . AalwaysBneverCsometimesDseldom19 . AshowBreflectCperformDstick20 . AjumpingBsleepingClyingDsitting21 . AwonderfulBawfulCthankfulDmeaningless22 . AstudiedBreturnedCfoundDreceived23 . AwhereverBwhoeverCwhateverDwhenever24 . AeverythingBsomethingCanythingDnothing25 . AforgotBrememberedCadvisedDstopped26 . AsameBdifferentCsimilarDordinary27 . AbyBinConDfrom28 . AactorsBfishermenCartistsDteachers29 . AproudlyBwiselyCquietlyDsuddenly30 . AmeanBknowCtreatDmatter第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、


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