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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下期中考试英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . She _ to help other people who were deaf or blind last yearAdid her bestBdo her bestCdid her betterDdo her better2 . -What a beautiful school bag you have!- Yeah. It _ me two weeks to make it myself.AtakesBspendsCtookDcost3 . (题文)Where are the socks?_.ATheyre on the bed.BTheyre $ 5.CIll take them.DI cant find them.4 . There are so many kinds of MP4 players in the shop. I cant decide _.Awhat to buyBwhich to buyCwhen to buy5 . Can you imagine _as a nurse?Ahe workBhim workChe to workDhim working6 . Oh, Mrs Green, your dress looks very nice. Is it new? No, I _ it since two years ago.Ahad.Bhave hadChave bought7 . Sandy, I called you at 9:00 last night, but no one _ the phone. I am sorry. We _ a birthday party for Jimmy.Aanswered; were havingBwas answering; were havingCwas answering; hadDanswered; had8 . My fatherme many beautiful gifts last Saturday.AbuysBbuyCboughtDhas bought9 . - Wherethe recorder? I cant see it anywhere.- Iit right here. But now its gone.Adid you put; have putBhave you put; putChad you; putDwere you putting; have put10 . Mr. Zhang enjoys _ the piano, and he practises _ it every day.Aplaying; to playBto play; to playCto play; playingDplaying; playing二、完型填空One day a man found a cocoon(茧)of a butterfly in the forest. He sat there for several hours and watched it. Suddenly a small worm _ , and it tried its best to _ its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to make no progress. So the man decided to _ the worm. He cut off the remaining bit of the cocoon so that it could come out _. But to his surprise, the worm got a heavy body and very small wings when it came out of the cocoon. He continued to watch it, because he expected that its wings would be _ enough to support the body and fly up in time. Unluckily, the flight never happened. In fact, the worm kept crawling(爬) around with a heavy body and small wings until it died. It was never able to _. The man was in his surprise because he did not understand the _ of nature. Before the worm came out of the cocoon, fluid(液体) from its body must be forced into its_, which is the necessary preparation for its flying. As for becoming a beautiful _, it must have a hard struggle to get out of the small opening by itself. Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If we go through our life without difficulties, we would not be as _ as we could have been. We could never fly.11 . AcameBwentCflewDappeared12 . AstartBforceCstopDmake13 . AhelpBsaveCinjureDattack14 . AhappilyBeasilyCcarefullyDpeacefully15 . AbigBfastCsmallDtall16 . AclimbBflyCjumpDwalk17 . AhobbiesBhabitsCrulesDcustoms18 . AbodyBheartClegsDwings19 . AcocoonBwormCbutterflyDbird20 . AstrongBtalentedCordinaryDimportant三、阅读单选It is Saturday morning. Erica and her dad ride bikes to the bakery every Saturday. Ericaalways gets a hot cinnamon bun. (肉桂面包)Bye, Mom, Erica says as she runs out of the door.See you later, Mom says.Ericas dad waits at the end of the drive with his bike. Erica jumps on her bike, and they ride to the bakery.When they get there, Erica parks her bike. She runs inside and says, Ill have my usual, Mr. Hoffman.Im so sorry, the baker says. A lady just bought all the cinnamon buns. Erica runs out of the bakery.Dad, someone bought all the cinnamon buns, she explains.A lady with a big bag just came out of the bakery, says Dad.She was wearing a polka-dot(圆点花纹图案的)dress, says another man.Does anyone know where she went? asks Erica.I saw her go down the street on a black scooter, says a boy.Erica and her dad ride after the lady on their bikes.Soon, they ride past a woman on the sidewalk.Erica asks, Did you see a lady in a polka-dot dress?She turned right at the comer, the woman says.Erica and her dad turn right at the comer. They see a black scooter(滑板车) in front of the art center. They park their bikes next to it. They go inside and see a bag on a table.That looks like a bag from the bakery, Erica says. I think you are right,says Dad.The bag is empty. Well have to use our noses to find the cinnamon buns,Dad says. Erica smells the smell of cinnamon coming from a room down the hall. Erica walks into the room.Hello, Erica, says Mrs. Garcia, the art center teacher. Help yourself to a cinnamon bun,she says. Then come help us paint.They had found the cinnamon buns, and Erica felt happy.21 . What is the problem in this story?AErica crashed her bike and hurt her leg.BThe bakery where Erica goes was closed.CThere is no cinnamon bun for Erica to buy.DErica couldnt find the art center.22 . Where did the lady on the scooter go?Ato the schoolBto the hospitalCto the art centerDto the playground23 . What finally helped Erica and Dad find the cinnamon buns?AThe paint on the wallBThe bag on the tableCThe scooter in front of the art centerDThe smell of the buns24 . What did Erica and her Dad find in the bag on the table?AcookiesBnothingCcinnamon bunsDpieces of candy25 . Where was Ericas mom while Erica was on her bike?Aat the bakeryBat the storeCat homeDat workPresents For Childrens DayOn sale!Charles M. Schulz was born in 1922 in Minneapolis, the only child of a housewife and a barber. His father loved the funny pages and encouraged (鼓励) his interest in comics. Charles M. Schulz sold seventeen cartoons to the Saturday Evening Post from 1948 to 1950 and Lil Folks to the St. Paul Pioneer Press. Peanuts debuted(首次露面) on October 2, 1950, and ran without interruption(中止) for the next fifty years. Charles M. Schulz died in 2000.Its a Dogs Life. Snoopy brings all your familiar friends together for great times and fun.Charlie Brown faces some of lifes little challenges with the help of Snoopy, Lucy, Peppermint Patty, Linus, and the rest of the gang (一伙) in Its a Big World, Charlie Brown.The last one is the special edition Peanuts 2000, which includes all the last years Peanuts comic strip and Charles M. Schulzs famous farewell strip.Come and visit our website at www.ballantinebooks.com or come to Ballantine Bookshop, youll have a big surprise.26 . Why did young Charles become interested in comics?AHe wanted to sell cartoons.BHis mother encouraged him.CCartoons brought him great times and fun.DHis fathers love for the funny pages influenced (影响) him.27 . Who doesnt belong to the Peanuts gang?ASnoopy.BLucy.CCharles M. Schulz.DPeppermint Patty.28 . Which of the following appeared (出现) last?APeanuts 2000.BLil Folks.CIts a Dogs Life, Snoopy.DIts a Big World, Charlie Brown.29 . What do you think the passage is?AA novel.BA menu.CA diary.DAn advertisement(广告).Hong Kong has forty public beaches(海滩). Some of the beaches are among the best in the world. People can go there for a swim. You can go to most of them by bus. To go to some beaches you must take a boat. There are toilets, changing rooms and places to buy food and drink on most of the beaches.You will swim there without danger(危险) if you remember these instructions(提示): 1. Never swim alone. 2. Never swim after a meal or when you feel hungry or tired. 3. Do not stay in the water too long. 4. Never go out in a boat if you cannot swim.Remember: A red flag(旗) means that it is dangerous for anybody to go into the water. A blue flag means that it is dangerous for children.30 . There are _ public beaches in Hong Kong.A. forty B. less than(少于)fortyC. more than(超过)forty D. fifty31 . We can reach _ by bus.A. all the public beaches B. any public beachesC. only a few public beaches D. all the public beaches except some32 . When you see a blue flag, you know that _ there.A. women should not swim B. children should not swimC. nobody should swim D. anybody can swim33 . Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?A. You can always swim when you see a red flag.B. You should not swim with other people.C. You should not swim after lunch.D. You cant swim for a short time.34 . This passage mainly tells us _.A. something about Hong Kongs beachesB. that swimming in Hong Kong is dangerousC. that Hong Kong has many best beaches in the worldD. it is not easy to go swimming in Hong Kong四、用所给单词的正确形式填空(题文)用所给单词的适当形式填空。35 . (小题1)It is hard _ (understand) this book.36 . (小题2)We are _ (pride) of our study.37 . (小题3)He advises me _ (put) them away.38 . (小题4)We are afraid of _ (do) many things.39 . (小题5)It will _ (take) five days to complete my work.根据句意及汉语提示,用所给单词的适当形式填空。40 . Its impolite _(be) late for a meeting.41 . Youre expected _(wear) a suit and tie.42 . He is going to visit the _(north) coast of Norway next vacation.43 . Its our duty _(clean) the blackboard after class.44 . I dont like keeping others _(wait). Its impolite.45 . You are supposed to take off your gloves before _(shake) hands.46 . Before _ (go) home, we did some shopping in the supermarket.47 . There are many different _ (manner) in different areas.48 . You have to _ (cut) it off.49 . I find it difficult _ (remember) French.五、完成句子50 . She_(天生具有) a good voice.Yes.And we all think she will be a great singer in the future. (be)51 . Will your English teacher attend an important meeting tomorrow?Yes.She_(已经布置了) tomorrows work for us before she leaves.(lay)52 . Do you _(敢于公开发言),Mike?No,I dont.Im too shy to do that.(give)53 . I_(想知道你是否能把你的电脑借给我)?Here you are.Im not using it. (wonder)54 . Your teacher_(将惩罚你除非你按时完成作业)I see.Thanks for reminding me of it. (publish)六、填空任务型阅读(每空一词)One day a Frenchman goes to New York. He doesnt know a word of English. When he arrives in New York, he takes a bus to a hotel.It is Sunday, and the Frenchman decides to go out for a walk.When he walks along the street, he suddenly rememhers that he doesnt know the name of the street.So he decides to write it down. He looks at the wall near the corner of the street. Then he sees some English words and writes them down in his notebook, “Now I know the name of the street,” he says to himself. “It will be easy for me to get back to the hotel.”He walks for a long time in the city. Then he feels tired and wants to go back to his hotel. He takes the notebook out of his pocket and shows the words to a young woman. The young woman reads the words in his notebook and looks at the Frenchman. She doesnt know what he wants.Then the Frenchman stops an old man and shows him the words. The old man also doesnt know what the Frenchman wants.At last the Frenchman sees a young man. He knows some French. When the Frenchman shows him the words in the notebook and asks where the street is, the young man laughs, because these are the words in the Frenchmans notebook: ONE WAY STREET.About the storyWhen55 . .WhereIn a 56 . in New YorkWhoA Frenchman.WhatHe loses his 57 . to the hotel.WhyHe knows 58 . English.HowThe Frenchman decides to go out for a walk along the street. In order to 59 . to the hotel, he copies down the name of the street in 60 . in his notebookand 61 . , “It will be easy for me to get back to the hotel.”62 . he feels tired and wants to go back to his hotel, he takes the notebook out of his pocket and shows the words to a young woman and then to an old man. But they cant 63 . him, because they dont know what the Frenchman wants.At last the Frenchman sees a young man. He knows some French.64 . when the young man reads the words in the notebook, he laughs, because these are the words in the Frenchmans notebook: ONE WAY STREET.七、材料作文65 . 书面表达书籍传承着人类的文明。然而, 随着互联网的发展,青少年对网络游戏的痴迷,使得阅读渐渐地淡出了我们的生活。请你根据以下要点提示,以“如何在中学生中开展阅读活动”为题写一篇英语短文。要点:1. 读书的益处。(自拟一点)2.开展读书活动:(1) 计划好阅读时间和阅读量;(2) 在图书馆阅读;(3) 在班级建立图书角;(4) 同学间互借; 3.你的看法。(自拟一点)要求:1. 层次清楚,语句通顺、意思连贯、书写规范;2. 短文必须包括以上要点,可作适当的发挥;3. 词数不少于80个词,开头已给出,不计入总词数;4. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名或地名。How to Have Reading ActivitiesAs we all know, it is important for us to read books.第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、五、完成句子1、六、填空1、七、材料作文1、


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