新课程版五年级英语下册Unit 4练习卷

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新课程版五年级下册Unit 4练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、填空题1 . 填空题1. _ is it?It is sweet.2. _ is it?Its candy.3. It is a picture _ a pig. (填上合适的介词)4. Betty_ a new bag.(有)5. I love _.(你)2 . 根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. How _ (do) she feel?2. On Sundays, my mother usually _ (go) shopping.3 Look, my classmates are _ (read) in the classroom.4. He likes _ (make) model planes.5. The girl _ (have) a lot of _ (storybook) at home.二、单词拼写3 . 用所给单词的适当形式填空,使句意完整、正确。1. There are ten _(box) in the classroom .2. Childrens Day is on the _(one) of June.3. Toms schoolbag is _(heavy) than Jims.4. Please give this postcard to _(she).5. Liu Tao and his mother _(go) for a walk after dinner yesterday.三、排序题4 . 将下列句子排成一段通顺的话。AWhats wrong with you?BYou should stay at home.CWhat should I do?DLet me check.EMy arm hurts.FThank you, doctor.Keys: _四、汉译英5 . 翻译词组和句子。1.在医院_ 2.听得很清楚_3.高兴做_ 4.指着_5.他的长脖子_6.你怎么了?_7.你现在感觉怎么样?_根据中文提示,补全句子。6 . A: 你哪里不舒服?B: 我牙痛。A: _ with you?B: I have a _.7 . A: 我应该做什么?B: 你应该好好休息。A: _ I do?B: You should _ a good rest.8 . 你应该早晨和睡觉前刷牙。You should _ your _ in the morning and before _.9 . 你不应该吃太多的糖。You shouldnt eat _ sweets.五、英汉混合10 . 英汉互译1. 发烧_2. have a rest_3. 在你的右边_4. take some medicine _5. 来学校_6. walk to Moon Street_7离远_8. hurry up _9. 问路_10.at the party _六、句型转换按要求改写句子。11 . She feels tired.(对画线部分提问)_ she feel?12 . Ben eats too many sweets every day.(改为否定句)Ben _ too many sweets every day.13 . Whats wrong with you?(同义句转换)Whats _ with you?14 . We shouldnt watch TV.(对画线部分提问)_ you _?15 . Mike has a bad cold.(用I替换Mike)_ a bad cold.句型转换。16 . Whats wrong with your sister? (同义句转换)Whats _ with your sister?17 . She should take some medicine.(改为否定句)She _ medicine.18 . I feel ill now. (对划线部分提问) _ feelnow?19 . Dont eat meat or cakes. (改为肯定形式)Please eat some_.20 . you, brush, teeth, your, should, morning, in, the (.)(连词成句)_七、填内容补全对话根据所给情境完成对话。A: Hi, Wang Bing. Where 21 . you?B: Im in the hospital.A: Whats wrong 22 . you?B: Im OK. Liu Tao is ill. I come to help 23 . .A: Oh, 24 . the matter with 25 . ?B: He 26 . a bad cold.A: Ill go to 27 . him soon. See you later.B: See you.根据图意及上下文完成对话。A: Daisy, Whats 28 . 29 . you? B: I have a30 . 31 . .A: Do you eat too 32 . sweets?B: Yes. I like 33 . sweets. A: You should not eat too many sweet. You should 34 . your teeth before 35 . .八、选内容补全对话36 . 补全对话A. Its on January 10th.B. Because my birthday is in January.C. When is her birthday?D. My mothers birthday is in January, too.Mary: January is a special month.Tom: Why?Mary: 【小题1】Tom: When is your birthday?Mary: 【小题2】 And my grandmothers birthday is on January 5th.Tom: Thats fine.Mary: 【小题3】Tom:【小题4】Mary: Its on January 18th.九、匹配题37 . 为下列句子选择正确的答语。( ) (1) Where is my bag?ASure. Here you are.( ) (2) Can I use your ruler?BHes my teacher.( ) (3) Whos that man?CGreat( ) (4) Where are you?DIts under the chair.( ) (5) Lets play hide and seekEIm in the supermarket.十、连词成句38 . (题文)连词组句。1. English, this, What, is, in? _2. How, are, old, you? _3. name, Jack, My, is. _4. in, box, What, is, the? _5. a ,have, I, look, May? _第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、填空题1、2、二、单词拼写1、三、排序题1、四、汉译英1、2、五、英汉混合1、六、句型转换1、2、七、填内容补全对话1、2、八、选内容补全对话1、九、匹配题1、十、连词成句1、

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