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第 1 张 共 6 张 大学英语四级模拟题七 Part I 15 Writing 30 minutes Directions For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic My View on Major hopping You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words and base your composition on the outline given below 1 一些人在学习中坚持不换专业 2 必要时应考虑更换学习的专业 3 我的看法 My View on Major hopping Part II 10 Skimming and Scanning 15 minutes Directions In this section you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived You may choose a paragraph more than once Each paragraph is marked with a letter Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet Companies must decide Is a business trip worth it Competition can spur travel A Business travel dropped precipitously last year The U S Travel Association says roughly 215 billion was spent on business travel in 2009 down from 244 billion in 2008 The travel industry predicts an uptick this year There was a 1 5 increase in spending on travel and entertainment during the first quarter of 2010 compared with that period last year says Mike McCormick executive director of the National Business Travel Association or NBTA and a 2 8 increase during the first quarter of 2010 over the fourth quarter of 2009 B And that travel can spur more for competitive reasons The stabilizing and growing economy puts companies competitors back out on the road especially the sales departments says Kevin Mitchell of the Business Travel Coalition So you can t really sit back like you were able to comfortably do through most of 2009 comforted in the knowledge that most of your competitors were scaling travel way back as well C Some business travel analysts say that for businesses to profit and grow travel is essential An NBTA study conducted by IHS Global Insight determined that for every dollar spent on corporate travel the average business would see 15 in profits The only way to grow sales is to go out and get them McCormick says All it takes is for a company to lose that piece of business because their competitor showed up and they didn t and they re back on the road D Ultimately when evaluating whether to hit the road corporate travel experts say companies are trying to figure if the potential for revenue in the near future or down the line is greater than the cost of the trip Such decisions are often as much art as science They depend on many factors including a company s priorities the service or product it s selling and the status of a particular client relationship and transaction E It s very much down to individual companies and what they prioritize says Eric Bausman of Carlson Wagonlit Travel a global firm that helps companies manage corporate travel programs Typically those initial introductory meetings the very first sales calls until you make the sale those are the ones you really target for being in the room with the customer Once a relationship is established Bausman says a business might consider visiting the client less frequently supplementing those trips with virtual meetings cellphone calls Web meetings and video conferences Giving technology a try F The economic downturn has compelled many businesses to consider or better utilize virtual meeting technology corporate travel experts say Options include telephone conference calls streaming a meeting via the Internet or telepresencing in which large screens can make meeting participants in another part of the world appear to be practically sitting across the conference table The Association of Corporate Travel Executives says the percentage of its members who were seriously looking into using videoconferencing rose from 21 in 2007 to 81 in 2009 The cost of communication technology has dropped and quality has improved industry analysts say G Megan Costello executive director of the Association of Corporate Travel Executives says it s increasingly being used by companies to cut down on internal meetings that would require travel trips that many of the association s members said were using up to 40 of the corporate travel budget but not producing revenue H An American Express Business Travel survey conducted in January found 74 of respondents said they use or plan to use audio conferencing as an alternative to travel while 71 6 were using or planned to use Web based online conferencing or videoconferencing as an option In the vast majority of our client discussions in terms of new enhancements with our program or areas of interest they d like us to explore virtual meetings are always at the top of the list says Issa Jouaneh a vice president at American Express Business Travel I American Express Business Travel launched its virtual meeting expert service in August Consultants work with a client considering a corporate trip asking about the meeting s goals 第 2 张 共 6 张 and such things as the number of people who would attend Based on the answers they advise whether a virtual meeting might be more efficient J Many businesses are also using corporate online booking tools to help would be road warriors decide whether to go or stay GetThere a business unit of Sabre Travel network which provides such a tool says that last year many companies moved the question asking about the purpose of the trip from the end of the booking process to the beginning Depending on the reason you give training for example or customer visit a message is triggered as to whether to consider an alternative such as a Web conference or if you ll need to get approval for the trip Of GetThere s more than 3 000 clients the number using dynamic messaging which also advises on preferred suppliers if you are going to take the trip more than doubled last year K Eventually says Chris Kroeger GetThere s president the booking tool could calculate which way to go But even if the dollar figures say a teleconference is the way to go Kroeger says the person involved should be able to say if the meeting is best done face to face When only a meeting will do L Although some advisers expect some business trips will be replaced by technology they say technology won t become a wholesale substitute for meeting in person It s not that we re going to suddenly switch from all meetings face to face to all by virtue of technology says John Millikin who teaches strategy and human resources management at Arizona State University You may have a rise in the use of technology to supplement face to face meetings so that you are getting a little bit of the better of two worlds M Last year Knight the machinery company executive from Columbus says his business trips were reduced by at least 25 He adds that his company has used videoconferencing for some training and is exploring using it for other purposes as well Still he says I just don t believe you can exactly boil it down to Here are guidelines Either you can close business with this trip or there s no trip I think that s a mistake The impact of each trip has to be examined Knight says There are certain places where it s obvious I need to go he says Sometimes that s to hold a hand Sometimes it s to help them understand a concept on a project that you re just not getting through by e mail or phone or documents N For some businesses there are no complex calculations to make Earl Quenzel who with his wife has an advertising and Web marketing agency in Fort Myers Fla says that during the depths of the recession they took pay cuts and reduced their fees But they refused to cut travel And he s not about to start now If a customer wants to see you you go Quenzel says If you even think the customer might want to see you or could use a little TLC you go see them And the same with a prospect You don t cut the things that involve serving your clients or winning new business It s just stupid 1 As to client discussions virtual meetings are always the first choice for a majority of companies 2 For companies if the potential for revenue in the near future is greater than the cost of the trip it s worthwhile to offer a trip 3 The travel industry forecasts an increase this year 4 More and more companies are decreasing the number of internal meetings that would call for travel 5 Travel is necessary for businesses to develop and make profits 6 The economic recession has forced many businesses to consider or better use virtual meeting technology 7 Once a business has established relationship with its customer it is unlikely to consider visiting the client frequently 8 Some businesses refused to cut travel because they think it s UNWISE to cut the things that involve serving clients or winning new business 9 Technology won t replace meeting in person completely 10 Virtual meeting expert service can help clients figure out whether a virtual meeting might be more efficient than travel Part III 35 Listening Comprehension 35 minutes Section A Directions In this section you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations At the end of each conversation one or more questions will be asked about what was said Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once After each question there will be a pause During the pause you must read the four choices marked A B C and D and decide which is the best answer Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet with a single line through the center Now let s begin with the 8 short conversations 11 A Ask Mary to help her B Type the data quickly C Hand in the data to the computer center D Ask Mary to extend the due date 第 3 张 共 6 张 12 A The homework was very easy B The man should go to class C The man should sit in the back of the classroom D She s further behind in her work than the man is 13 A The number of rooms in the apartment B Trouble within the man s family C The reason why the man has so many clocks D What the woman should give to her family 14 A Martha knows practically everybody B Bob isn t hard to cheer up C Bob didn t order the right thing D Martha always knows exactly what to say 15 A She bought something for her aunt B She missed it C She was there only briefly D She went to it on her way to the hospital 16 A The man should shut the window tightly B The man should put some screws in the wood C The man should stick to his work D The man should use a tool to open the window 17 A Sam returned it B It turns in the lock C It s in the locker D He got it from Sam 18 A She was understanding B She was apologetic C She was annoyed D She was careless Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard 19 A Her kids will arrive home after school B She is too exhausted to work C She has finished her work D The man does not ask her to go back to the office 20 A It is weird B It is exhausting C It is convenient D It is comfortable 21 A It is produced by weird people B The woman does not like it C One can see a lot of strange things in it D The man is determined to watch it tonight 22 A The woman will record tonight s program B He will be having a meeting with his boss at that time C His boss might ask him to stay up late D He may have to prepare for tomorrow s business trip Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard 23 A She has lost some of her important stuff B There is something wrong with her eyes C She doesn t know how to use steel to build construction D She doesn t know where to get the information she need 24 A It takes time to collect the useful information B One can only read books in the library C All books are difficult to understand D One has to line up to borrow books 25 A To find the information in the library B To borrow the books from her teacher C To give her shoes to Steve D To consult her tutor what to do Section B Directions In this section you will hear 3 short passages At the end of each passage you will hear some questions Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once After you hear a question you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A B C and D Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet with a single line through the center Passage One Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard 26 A In 1901 in Atlanta B In 1901 in Askin s C In 1901 in Arizona D In 1925 in Milestone 27 A When the owner was painting his room for Milestone Motor Hotel he thought of it B It stands for many hotel rooms in Milestone Motor Hotel C The owner disliked the name of Milestone Motor Hotel and changed it D The owner shortened the full name of the hotel for lack of space on the signboard 28 A Radio or TV B Telephone C Computer D Swimming pool Passage Two Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard 29 A Over 30 million men B Over 30 million middle aged men C Those energetic Americans D Americans of both sexes and all ages 30 A Because of their strong desire for good health B Because of their love for hobbies and pastimes C Because of their fear of heart disease D Because of their extra energy 31 A It was rising B It was lowering C It remained unchanged D It was fluctuating Passage Three Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard 32 A 215 000 B Less than 250 000 C More than 350 000 D About 300 000 33 A Poor health condition of the children B Poor quality of village schools C Religious differences D Different lifestyle or faith 第 4 张 共 6 张 34 A They lack opportunities to interact with children of their age B Their parents are not qualified instructors C They cannot win honor in such an environment D They make no genuine friends 35 A Positive B Negative C Neutral D Indifferent Section C Directions In this section you will hear a passage three times When the passage is read for the first time you should listen carefully for its general idea When the passage is read for the second time you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard Finally when the passage is read for the third time you should check what you have written I love traveling by train Fast 36 slow local trains which stop at every station suburban trains taking business men to their offices and home again I enjoy them all It must be the element of romance that 37 to me There is no romance in a car on a motorway a box of metal and rubber on a strip of concrete or in flying 38 the air in a pressurized tube from one 39 plastic and glass airport to another But trains are different You can walk around look at the scenery 40 your fellow passengers 41 all you can see are the clouds and the backs of other people s heads Yes traveling by train is still an 42 even in England You try to interpret the timetable persuade the booking office clerk to sell you a 43 and understand the incomprehensible messages coming over the loudspeaker systems Then there s that delightful uncertainty as you wonder whether you are 44 or the right part of the train Abroad of course it s even more exciting 45 in those countries which forget to put names on their railway stations Not only are you never certain that you are on the right train but you don t even know when to get off if you are Part IV 25 Reading Comprehension Reading in Depth 25 minutes Directions There are 2 passages in this section Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements For each of them there are four choices marked A B C and D You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet with a single line through the center Passage One Nowadays Internet shopping is becoming increasingly popular and many high street stores and supermarkets are now offering this facility You can shop for just about anything from the comfort of your own home and all you need to do is to sit in your armchair and order things directly on the Internet Shopping on the Internet offers convenience and time saving benefits to shoppers as compared to traditional storefront 店面 shopping People can shop for a variety of products on the Internet ranging from physical products such as books CDs clothes and food to information products such as online news or magazines stories If it is too inconvenient for you to go out for shopping on your own or if lack of time makes it difficult for you to shop at physical locations such as stores and shopping malls you can choose to do shopping in the Internet The Internet operates 24 hours a day seven days a week and shoppers can expect to find and purchase goods on the Internet anytime unlike traditional storefronts which have fixed opening hours No wonder that some research findings indicate that consumers views the Internet as an instrument of convenience Despite the advantages of Internet shopping there are also disadvantages of Internet shopping The main disadvantage on Internet shopping is that you cannot actually see the products you are buying or check their quality Sometimes the computer image of the products can hardly compare with those that can be touched for quality and put on for comfort Furthermore Internet shopping cannot provide the social interaction and the sense of community Many people will find it completely unpleasant because they may miss the opportunity to talk to friends Some people are worried about paying for goods using credit cards so Internet companies are now finding ways to make online payment safe As a new type of shopping Internet shopping is bound to become more and more popular in the future Moreover if the problem of the security of the payment can be overcome there will be more people willing to try online shopping 46 What is the most important advantage of Internet shopping A The reasonable price B The quality of the goods C The convenience it brings to you D The speed the goods are delivered to you 47 The phrase physical products Line 2 3 Para 2 means A anything you can use B things useful for health care C things connected with study D things you can see or feel 48 On line news and magazine stories are A not yet available on the Internet B everywhere on the Internet and free to download C information products available on the Internet D the most popular products on the Internet 49 We can learn from the third paragraph that A a delivery charge added to the shopping bill discourages people from shopping online B online payment is so safe that people can shopping on the Internet securely C people who enjoy the social experience will not choose online shopping D the quality of the goods is not always exactly what you expect 第 5 张 共 6 张 50 What can you infer from the last paragraph A Sometimes people worry about the money the pay online B Shopping on the Internet is a relatively new shopping mode C Shopping is made easier by Internet shopping D People need to get used to computer system for a secure way of shopping Passage Two Levittown was the name given to three suburban developments constructed in the post World War II decades by Levitt and Sons the most important private builder of this period Using new mass production techniques they had learned while building housing for military personnel during the Second World War they turned home building from a cottage industry into a major manufacturing process During World War II they received government contracts to build homes for war workers Under deadline pressure they developed mass production methods to build houses quickly These techniques were carried over to their postwar suburban developments On May 7 1947 William Levitt announced his plans to build 2 000 houses in a former potato field in the state of New York Then by the time this Levittown was completed in 1951 it had contained 17 450 homes for 75 000 people in New York Levitt eventually built two more Levittowns in the states of Pennsylvania and New Jersey Each contained the same curving streets community pools and neighborhood parks play grounds as the first development did Some observers criticized the monotonous uniformity of the Levittowns cha


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