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牛津上海版小升初考试英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Amy often plays football Sundays? ( )AonBatCin2 . Is there _ library?( )AaBanCthe读单词,找出下列每组单词中不同类的选项。3 . AsmallestBshortestClonger4 . AcakeBjuiceCmilk5 . ApractiseBhimselfCthemselves6 . AwroteBlookClearnt7 . AgreetBsometimesCreceive8 . a horse?AIt isBIs itCIs9 . _ your birthday in winter? ( )AAmBIsCAre10 . - _are you going to have lunch? ( )-At half past twelve.AWhatBWhereCWhen11 . What your mother do? ( )She is a .Adoes; writeBdoes; writerCdo; writer12 . Whose T-shirt is this? ( )_AIts me.BIts my brothers.CThey are Mikes.13 . He TV at 4:00 yesterday. ( )Awas watchingBwatchedCwatches14 . Who_ every morning? ( )Awakes him upBwake him upCwake up himDwoke up him二、阅读选择阅读理解Kate is a new student. She is twelve. She is from America. She has a brother. Her brothers name is Mike. Mike is ten years old. They are in the same school. She can speak English very well and she can speak a little Chinese. She is in Nanjing. Her parents are doctors. Kate is studying in a school near her home. She has classes from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays and .Sundays, she often plays games with her Chinese friends. She loves China and her Chinese friends.15 . Kate is.( )Aa new studentBa Chinese girlCa doctor16 . Kate can.( )Aspeak a lot of ChineseBspeak English wellCspeak a little Japanese17 . Kate often studies.( )Aon Saturdays and SundaysBin BeijingCfrom Monday to Friday18 . Her parents.( )Aare working in a schoolBhave classes on MondaysCare doctors19 . Mike and Kate are.( )AbrothersBbrother and sisterCtwins(双胞胎)三、完形填空完型填空。I _ a bad cough and a high fever. So I didnt go to school _morning. After breakfast, I_a storybook. Therere many signs _it. From this book I know _ about traffic(交通).We should walk or drive on the _ of the road(路)and get slower(慢下来)at the cross of the road. “Red light” means _. “Green light” means _. We _ go in the time of “Red light”. We must _ the “Green light” and go.20 . AgotBam gotChave gotDget21 . AinBin theCthatDthis22 . Alook atBreadCseeDlook23 . AinBonCbesideDabout24 . Aa lot ofBmanyClots ofDa lot25 . AleftBlightCrightDwrite26 . AstopBstoppingCgoDgoing27 . AgoBgoesCgoingDto go28 . AshouldBshouldntCmustDcan29 . AwaitBwait forCwaitingDwaiting for四、填空题补全句子。30 . We can eat lots of _(好吃的)food.31 . Easter is in _(春天)in the UK.32 . Sometimes there are _(小蛋在大蛋里).33 . 选词填空。What on When at Why Which in can1. _ do you like winter? Because I _ make a snowman.2. _ do you go to bed? I often go to _ 9 o clock.3. _ do you usually do _ the weekend? I often read books.4. _ season do you like best? I like summer best.5. We will have an English party _ March.五、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。There was a tiger in the forest. One day, the tiger was hungry. He caught a fox and wanted to eat him. “You cant eat me,” said the fox, “I am the king of the animal.” “Really? I dont think so,” said the tiger. “If you dont believe me, follow me and see,” said the fox. Then the tiger walked after the fox in the forest. All the animals saw them and ran away. “You are right. You are the king of the animals. All the animals are afraid of you,” said the tiger. Then, he went away.34 . The fox was hungry and wanted to eat the tiger. (_)35 . The tiger didnt believe the fox at first. (_)36 . All the animals were afraid of the fox. (_)37 . The tiger did not eat the fox. (_)38 . The fox was clever. (_)39 . 阅读广角。勾选每个人做的事情。Ann: Our classroom is not clean.David: Yes. Lets clean the classroom.Li Ming: OK. Let me clean the window.Liu Xin: Let me clean the board and sweep the floor.David: Hi, Ann! Lets clean the desks and chairs.Ann: Good idea!Lets clean the classroom.floordesks and chairsboardwindowAnnLi MingLiu XinDavid六、填内容补全对话40 . Read and write.now near was big some beforeThere is a park _ my house. There _ a small house here before. _ there is a big house here and there are _ birds in it. There were lots of little trees here _. But now there are lots of _trees here. Now there are many people in the park.41 . 看图,用合适的单词补全句子:A: Whos this?B: He is my grandpa. He _ a firefighter before. But now he _ a bus _ .七、选内容补全对话选择恰当的句子完成对话。A. How will you go there?B. Where are you going to visit?C. How long will you stay there?D. Are you going to have a trip during the holiday?E. Who will go there with you?A: Hi, Li Yan.B: Hi, Gao Wei.A: Summer holiday is coming. 42 . B: Yes, I am.A:43 . B: I plan to go to Mount Huang.A: Mount Huang?B: Yes. Its very beautiful.A: Wow, its great! 44 . B: Im going there by train.A: 45 . B: My classmates and our teacher Miss Liu.A: 46 . B: About a week.A: Youll have a wonderful trip.B: I think so. Im sure well enjoy it very much.47 . Complete the dialogue.选择合适的选项完成对话。AI want those cheap ones, please.BDo you want these balls or those balls?CWhat about those balls?DFive dollars.E. I need some ping-pong balls.Clerk: Can I help you?Kate: Yes.1._Where are the ping-pong balls? Clerk: Ill show you. This way, please. 2. _Kate: How much are these balls?Clerk: 3. _Kate: 4. _Clerk: Two dollars.Kate: 5. _Clerk: OK. Here you are.Kate: Thank you.第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、阅读选择1、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、2、五、任务型阅读1、2、六、填内容补全对话1、2、七、选内容补全对话1、2、


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