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八年级上学期期末词汇练习根据汉语提示用题后括号内的单词完成句子。1. What is your sister going to be when she _ (长大) ? (grow)2. Shes going to _ (参加) the high jump and the long jump. (take)3. Running _ (对有好处) our heart and lungs. (good)3. Lets go and _.(为他们加油) (cheer)4. My brother _ (擅长)English. (good)5. She _(打算买) a new computer. (going)6.Would you mind _ (不扔) the bottles around? (throw)7. Do you know how American English _ ?(形成) (come)8. Tom is kind. Many students want to _(与他交朋友) . (make)9.The Winter Olympics are usually held _ (每四年). (every)10.Im _ (准备) tomorrows lesson now. (prepare)11. I think I can _ (照顾好)myself. ( care)12. Mr. Wang always asks him _ (不要放弃)studying. (give)13. The teacher asked us not to _ .(熬夜)( stay)14. Please write down your answers _ (尽可能快). (as)15.You need to do more exercise to _(增强你的体质). (build)16. As a student, you should _ (保持远离) cigarettes(香烟). (away)17. Tomorrow is Sunday. We _ (不必)get up early. (have)18. Thats a good restaurant. We go there _(一直). (time)19. On the one hand, I have no time. _(另一方面), I have no money. (hand)20. Dont _ (担心)your sister. She will get well soon. (worry)21.Many people _(喜欢) traveling. (fond)22. Tom _ (对感兴趣)playing football. (interest)23.Could you _ (与分享那个苹果)your little sister? (share)24. I _ (过去常打)basketball, but now I like playing football. (use)25. Lily and I _ (曾经)in the same school. (use)26. Chickens can _ (为我们提供)eggs and chicken. (provide)27.Mo Yan _(以著名) his novels(小说). (famous)28. Tom speaks English _ (和一样好)Mary. (well)29. The box is _ (如此重以致)nobody can lift it. (so)30. The boy is _(太年轻而不能) go to school. (too)31. Sam often _ (做鬼脸)to his friends. (make)32 This kind of animal _ (灭绝) many years ago. (die)33. I am _ (太累而不能)walk any longer. (too)34. Please _(敲门) before coming into others rooms. (knock)35. The Great Wall sometimes _(代表) China. (stand)36. I _ (前往) Wuhan tomorrow. (leave)37. I _ (正在洗淋浴) when the bell rang. (take)38. She went to the park _ (而不是做)his homework at home yesterday. (instead)39. The boy often _(沉迷于) computer games. (lose)40. May I ask you some questions? _. (继续吧)。 (go).41.There are _ (各种各样的) trees in the forest. (kind)42. Its hard for him to _ (与交朋友) others.43. I want to _ (把英语变成)Chinese. (change)44. Reading skills _ (与不同)writing skills. (different)45. If you dont know a word, you can _ (查找它)in a dictionary. (look)46. This shop sells clothes, shoes, hats_(等等)。 (so)47. I can chat with my mother _(面对面) on the Internet. (face)48. _ (我确信)he will come tomorrow. (sure)49.He _(丧生) in a car accident last year. (lose)50. _ (在的帮助下)Li Ming, my Chinese has improved. (help)51. Im _ (不确定是否) she remembers me now. (sure)52. The weather _ (好转)yesterday afternoon. (change)53. He wants to _ (远离)the city and spend a few days in the countryside. (get)54. Her skirt is _ (比更美)yours. (beautiful)55. An umbrella will _ (保护你免于)the rain. (protect)56. Ill _ (记得去做)my homework . (remember).57. Many people _ (丧生)in the flood last year. (lose)58. He asked me _ (去打开)the radio for him. (turn)59. For the students, _ (最重要的)thing is to keep healthy. (important).60. If you dont change your mind, I wont _ (能)help you. (able)61. Try to keep calm when you are _(处于危险). (danger)62. Tigers _ (以为食)small animals. (feed )63. _ (成千上万的) people are singing on the playground. (thousand)64. We have _ (越来越少) fresh air to breathe in the city. (little)65. Computers _ (在中扮演重要角色) our life.66. This school _ (为提供一个图书馆) its students. (provide)67.Linda _(醒来) at 6:30 every morning. (wake)68. I wanted to leave home for a living and my parents _ (同意)me. (agree)69. _(六岁时), he was able to ride a bike. (age)70. Please dont speak _ (高声)in the library. (voice)71. When he was five years old, Henry could learn to swim _(独自). (by)72. I _ (用完) my money yesterday. (run)用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Can you finish _ (write) the letter in an hour?2. Would you mind my _ (park) the car here?3. He prefers _ (swim) to _ (skate). 4. Jim _ (write ) a letter last night.5. Youd better _ (see ) the doctor at once. 6. After a month the artist was able _ (draw) a beautiful horse in five minutes.7. Jim is good at _ (swim). 8. My little brother _ (go) to Wuhan three days ago.9. She spent lots of time _ (take) care of the poor child. 10. I have something important _ (tell) you. 11. How about _ (go) on a tour of Europe?12. Look! Jim _ (swim) in the river.13. Mr. Brown told the children _ (not play ) football in the street.14. What a nice day! Why not _(have) a picnic. 15. _ (play) basketball is Toms hobby.16. She left the room without _(say) goodbye to me.17. I found a boy_(cry) in the corner and came up to help him.18. Its getting late. We have to _ (go ) home.19. Would you like _ (go) with me ?20. He decided _ (go) home at last.21. I want _ (finish) the work by the end of next month.22. Tom_ (play) football tomorrow.23. Youd better _ (not wake) me up when you come in. 24. Last night she stayed at home instead of _ (go) to the movies.25. They all enjoyed _ (learn) to skate. 26. Jacks father gave up _ (smoke) last year.27. I _ (be) a teacher when I grow up.28. Peter kept _ (ask) questions.29. I used to _ (get) up very late. But now I get up early.30. Stop _(play) games. Lets begin our class.31 Did you _(play ) football last Sunday?32. The teacher _ (go) to school on foot every day.33. My mother _ (watch) TV when I got home last night.34. You shouldnt _(come) to school by taxi. Its too expensive.35. I will stay at home if it _ (rain) tomorrow.36 May I _(take) your order?37. What _ you _ (do) at this time yesterday?38. We _ (have) a sports meet next week. 39. Im ill. I dont feel like _ (eat) anything.40. The sad story made us _ (cry). 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Their city is _ (clean ) than ours.2. Which do you like _ (well), football or basketball?3. Which do you like _ (well), football, volleyball or basketball?4. There are some _ (sheep ) on my uncles farm.5. An earthquake _ (strike) my hometown three years ago.6. The plane landed _ (safe).7. It will be much _ (easy) than you think.8. Dont spend too much time _ (play) on the Internet.9. They were so _ (excite) because they won first place.10. Shanghai is one of the largest _ (city) in China.11. Thank you for your help. Its my _. (please)12. The trip was so _ (please) that we all enjoyed it.13. Tom has many _ (hobby),such as fishing, playing football, collecting stamps and so on.14. How do you give your wishes to your friends far away? By _ (send) emails.15. Dont play football in the street. Its _. (danger)16. Are elephants the _ (heavy) animals in the world? No. The blue whales are.17. There are two _ (hundred) teachers in that school.18. _ (thousand) of tourists visit the Great Wall every day.19. I have _ (many ) books than you.20. Many people lost their_ (life) in that car accident.21. Jim loses _ (he) in computer games every day.22. I think the book is very _ (use) . We can learn a lot from it.23. When we got to the shop, we found the door was _. (close)24. I _ (lend) my car to Jim yesterday.25. What do you think of the movie? I think its _. (wonder)26. I think pigs are _ (ugly) than cats.27. When were you doing this time yesterday? I was _(practice) the violin then.28. You should say no to _. (smoke)29. I think running is a good way to keep_. (health)30. Doing sports is good for our _. (health)31. I take exercise _ (two) a week.32. I felt very sad because I did _ (bad) in the long jump.33. Tom didnt come to school because of his _. (ill)34. 11. The weather in the south is _ (wet) than that in the north. 35. We should eat more vegetables and _ (little) meat. 36. My book is_ (lose), I cant find it. 37. The good news brings me _ (please). 38. The boy is _ (search) for some information on the Internet now.39. Did you enjoy _ (you) in the party yesterday, Bill?40. The kids cant take care of _ (them). 41.My dream is to be a _ (science ) like Yuan Longping.42. The old tree has a history of over five _ (century)43. Tom will take part in the _ (boy) 800-meter race in the sport meet.44. Jim plays the piano very _. (good)45. Jim is _ (good) than me at English.46. Can you tell me who _ (win) the game yesterday? Li Ming.答案根据汉语提示用题后括号内的单词完成句子。1. grows up 2. take part in 3. is good for 4. cheer on 5. is going to buy 6. not throwing 7 came into being 8. make friends with him 9. every four years 10 preparing for 11. take (good) care of 12. not to give up 13. stay up 14. as fast/soon as possible 15. build yourself up 16. stay/keep away from 17.dont have to 18. all the time 19. On the other hand 20. worry about 21 are fond of 22. is interested in 23. share that/the apple with 24. used to play 25. used to be 26. provide us with 27. is famous for 28. as well as 29 so heavy that 30 too young to 31. makes faces 32. died out 33. too tired to 34. knocked on/at the door 35. stands for 36. am leaving for/am going to leave for/will leave for 37. was taking a shower 38. instead of doing 39. loses himself in 40. Go ahead 41. all kinds of 42. make friends with 43. change English into 44. are different from 45. look it up 46. and so on 47. face to face 48. Im sure (that) 49. lost his life 50. With the help of 51. not sure if/whether 52. changed for the better 53. get away from 54. more beautiful than 55. protect you from 56. remember to do 57. lost their lives 58. to turn on 59. the most important 60. be able to 61.in danger 62. feed on 63. Thousands of 64. less and less 65. play an important part in 66. provides a library for 67. wakes up 68. agreed with 69. At the age of six 70. in a high voice 71. by himself 72. ran out of用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. writing 2. parking 3 swimming, skating 4. wrote 5. see 6 to draw 7. swimming 8. went 9. taking 10 to tell 11 going 12. is swimming 13. not to play 14. have 15. Playing 16. saying 17 crying 18. go 19. to go 20. to go 21. to finish 22. is going to play/will play 23. not wake 24 going 25. learning 26. smoking 27. am going to be 28. asking 29. get 30. playing 31. play 32 goes 33. was watching 34. come 35. rains 36. take 37. were, doing 38. are going to have/ will have 39.eating 40.cry.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. cleaner 2. better 3. best 4. sheep 5. struck 6. safely 7. easier 8. playing 9. excited 10. cities 11. pleasure 12. pleasant 13. hobbies 14. sending 15. dangerous 16. heaviest 17. hundred 18. Thousands 19.more 20. lives 21. himself 22. useful 23. closed 24. lent 25. wonderful 26. uglier 27. practicing 28.smoking 29. healthy 30. health 31. twice 32. badly 33. illness 34. wetter 35. less 36. lost 37. pleasure 38. searching 39. yourself 40. themselves 41. scientist 42. centuries 43. boys 44. well 45. better 46. won3


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