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绝密启用前2019年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(天津卷)英语笔试本试卷分为第I卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分,共130分,考试用时100分钟。第l卷1至10页,第卷11至12页。答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考号填写在答题卡上,并在规定位置粘贴考试用条形码。答卷时,考生务必将答案涂写在答题卡上,答在试卷上的无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。祝各位考生考试顺利!第I卷注意事项:1. 每小题选出答案后,用铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号2. 本卷共55小题,共95分。第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节;单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。例:Stand over there _ youll be able to see it better.A. or B. and C. but D. while答案是B。1.-I guess you want to go play tennis.-_. Thats exactly what I was thinking too.A. I didnt get itB. Its up to youC. You never knowD. You read my mind【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查情景交际。句意:-我猜你想去打网球。-你猜透了我的心思。那就是我正在想着的事情。从回答的后半句可知,听话人同意说话人的意思。而A(不明白,不认同某人的说法)、B(决于你)和C(很难说,不可预知)都不符合语境。“you read my mind”意为你知我心,符合语境,故选D。2.I _ to send Peter a gift to congratulate him on his marriage,but I couldnt manage it.A. had hopedB. am hopingC. have hopedD. would hope【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查过去完成时。句意:我本来计划在Peter结婚时送他一个礼物的,可是我没有做到。第二个分句中“couldnt”用的是一般过去时,它之前的动作用过去完成时。故选A。3.A study shows the students who are engaged in after-school activities are happier than _who are not.A. onesB. thoseC. theseD. them【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查代词。句意:一项研究表明,参加课外活动的学生比不参加课外活动的学生更开心。空格处代词与the students是对应关系,可以用the ones或者those替代。“them”指代的是前边提到的复数名词,不能与the students形成对应关系。“these”一般不用定语从句修饰。故选B。4._ to think critically is an important skill todays children will need for the future.A. LearnB. LearnedC. LearningD. Having learned【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查动名词。句意:学会批判性思维是当代小孩未来所必需的重要技能。句子缺少主语成分,而过去分词、动词都不可以做主语。此处用动名词做主语,故选C。5._ all the problems, several of the players produced excellent performances.A. According toB. Instead ofC. In addition toD. In spite of【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查介词词组。句意:尽管存在所有这些问题,几个运动员还是表现很好。A. according to据(所说); 按(所报道);B. instead of代替,作为的替换;C. in addition to另外,加之,除之外;D. in spite of 尽管,不管。故选D。6.-My son got a full scholarship to his dream university!-Wow, _! Whats he going to study?A. good for himB. go for itC. what a coincidenceD. all the best【答案】A【解析】【详解】本题考查情景对话。句意:-我的儿子得了他梦想大学的全额奖学金。-噢,对他有好处!他打算学习什么呢? good for him“对他有好处” ;go for it“努力争取”; what a coincidence“多么巧合”; all the best“祝一切顺利(祝酒告别时说)”。故选A。7.We can observe that artificial intelligence has already made a(n) _on our lives in many ways.A. statementB. impactC. impressionD. judgment【答案】B【解析】【详解】本题考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们能够看到人工智能在许多方面已经对我们的生活产生了强烈的影响。 statement“陈述说明”; impact“强烈的影响,冲击力”; impression“印象,感想”; judgement“判断力判断”。故选B。8.Amy, as well as her brothers, _ a warm welcome when returning to the village last week.A. is givenB. are givenC. was givenD. were given【答案】C【解析】【详解】本题考查时态和语态。句意:艾米和他的兄弟们当上周回到村里时,受到了热烈的欢迎。根据last week可知应用过去时,排除选项A和B。as well as连接并列主语,谓语动词就前原则。这句话真正的主语是Amy,她受到热烈欢迎,所以用过去时的被动。故选C。9.Kate heard a mans voice in the background, but she couldnt _ what he was saying.A. set asideB. take backC. make outD. keep off【答案】C【解析】【详解】本题考查动词词组辨析。句意: 凯特听到背景中有一个男人的声音,但她听不清他在说什么。set aside“存储,留出”; take back“收回,拿回”;make out“辨认出,理解,了解”; keep off“(使)避开”。故选C。10.Most colleges now offer first-year students a course specially _ to help them succeed academically and personally.A. designedB. designingC. to designD. being designed【答案】A【解析】【详解】本题考查非谓语动词。 a course 和 design之间是动宾关系,所以用过去分词。故选A。 句意:现在大多数大学都为一年级学生开设了一门课程,专门帮助他们在学业和个人方面取得成功。11.Their child is at the stage_ she can say individual words but not full sentences.A. whyB. whereC. whichD. what【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查定语从句。句意:他们的孩子正处于能说单个单词而不能说完整句子的阶段。句中she can say individual words but not full sentences是一个定语从句,先行词是the stage,关系词在定语从句中作地点状语,用关系副词where,故选B。12.The professor warned tie students that on no account _ use mobile phones in his class.A. should theyB. they shouldC. dare theyD. they dare【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查部分倒装。句意:这位教授警告学生们,在他的课堂上,决不应该使用手机。on no account决不,否定词放在句首,句子使用部分倒装,应该做should do,敢于做dare do,根据句意表示”应该“,故选A。13.Tom is so independent that he never asks his parents opinion _ he wants their supportA. sinceB. onceC. unlessD. after【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查连词辨析。句意:汤姆是如此独立,以至于他从来不征求父母的意见,除非他想得到他们的支持。since因为;once一旦;unless除非;after在之后,根据题意,故选C。14.The workers were not better organized, otherwise they _ the task in half the time.A. accomplishedB. had accomplishedC. would accomplishD. would have accomplished【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查虚拟语气。句意:工人们没有被更好的组织起来,否则他们用一半的时间就能完成任务。根据上句the workers were not better organized可知,这是对过去事情的虚拟。与过去事实相反的假设。其句子结构为:从句:If+主语+过去完成时+其他,主句:主语+should(would, could, might)+现在完成时+其他,故选D。15.A dogs eating habit requires regular training before it is _ established.A. properlyB. widelyC. originallyD. temporarily【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查副词辨析。句意:在狗的饮食习惯被正确地建立之前,需要定期的训练。properly正确地;widely广泛地;originally最初;temporarily临时地,根据题意,故选A。第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1635各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。I was ready to pay for my bananas at the grocery one night,when fear seized me. My wallet was gone. I could only have left it on the G9 bus,which was now speeding in the dark to some_16_station.The_17_moment was quickly followed by mental math. How much time and money would it cost to replace the_18_of that little wallet?The credit cards,the drivers license,the cash,all lost to the bus.Two hours later,back at my house,I heard a knock on the door. My husband _19_it while I was on the phone in the dining room. Does Jennifer live here? I heard a lady say. In my husbands hand was my wallet,with not a penny_20_. She left before I could _21_ make it to the door to offer my thanks.After sharing the story online,I heard from someone,who _22_ the lady as Erin Smith. Without _23_ ,I called to thank her. She said she _24_ my wallet on a bus seat. She_25_that going to a strangers house was a _26_ move,but she decided to take the chance. If I were in that _27_ I would want someone to try to find me, she said.This one stranger responded beautifully to my small _28_ ,but she actually wasnt the only one. Right after Erin _29_ my wallet on the bus,she posted a picture of my drivers license to an online forum(论坛),trying to see _30_ anyone knew me. No sooner did she leave my doorstep than I had emails from two women whose kids go to my sons nursery and who recognized my face. Ive never _31_ words with those moms beyond small tall,but they wanted to help. I read that people are more divided than ever,but thats not how the people I_32_tend to act._33_,I feel blessed someone had wanted to help a stranger. Erin had gone _34_what almost anyone would have done,finding my house on a bitterly cold night,and for that I was extremely _35_ .16. A. accessibleB. hiddenC. unknownD. convenient17. A. face-savingB. brain-washingC. eye-catchingD. heart-stopping18. A. partsB. contentsC. detailsD. ingredients19. A. ignoredB. answeredC. examinedD. interrupted20. A. missingB. returnedC. remainingD. abandoned21. A. stillB. everC. yetD. even22. A. selectedB. appointedC. identifiedD. defined23. A. delayB. alarmC. regretD. invitation24. A. movedB. placedC. openedD. spotted25. A. disagreedB. complainedC. calculatedD. recommended26. A. selflessB. riskyC. slowD. personal27. A. siteB. directionC. situationD. atmosphere28. A. crisisB. dangerC. threatD. failure29. A. got rid ofB. made use ofC. had control ofD. took possession of30. A. ifB. whereC. howD. when31. A. recalledB. exchangedC. repeatedD. whispered32. A. encounterB. followC. consultD. accompany33. A. Going awayB. Turning aroundC. Looking back?D. Coming along34. A. intoB. againstC. overD. beyond35. A. longingB. enthusiasticC. concernedD. grateful【答案】16. C 17. D 18. B 19. B 20. A 21. D 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. C 26. B 27. C 28. A 29. D 30. A 31. B 32. A 33. C 34. D 35. D【解析】这是一篇夹叙夹议类的文章。作者将钱包落在了公共汽车上,Erin捡到了作者的钱包,在寒冷的黑夜亲自登门归还钱包。作者深受感动。文章叙述了事情的来龙去脉和作者的感受。【16题详解】根据前文的“fear seized me. My wallet was gone.”可以推知,作者将钱包落在了公共汽车上,而汽车正在开往某个作者未知的地方,这使得找回钱包的希望渺茫,因此作者心生“恐惧”。故C选项(unknown)切题。【17题详解】根据上一段中的“fear seized me”可以推知,作者在发现丢了钱包之后的第一感觉是“害怕”。之后,作者开始在内心计算找回钱包里的那些东西所需要的时间和钱数。故该空应和fear表达的意思相近,D选项(heart-stopping)切题:令人心跳停止的,惊心动魄的。【18题详解】该空指下文中提到的“the credit cards, the drivers license, the cash”,这些都是钱包里装的东西。故选B(content):所含之物,所容纳之物。【19题详解】两小时后有人敲门,丈夫去应门。B选项(answer)切题:应(门);接(电话);应答。20题详解】结合下文的陈述可知,那位女士捡到了作者的钱包,她拾金不昧,将钱包完璧归赵。由此可以推知,该处指“钱包里的钱一分也没有丢失”。故A选项(missing)切题:不见的,丢失的。【21题详解】作者甚至还没有来得及到门口感谢那位女士,她就离开了。该空表示“甚至”,故选D选项(even):甚至。【22题详解】在网上分享了这个故事之后,作者收到了某个人的来信,这个人确认了那位女士是Erin Smith。C选项(identify)切题:确认,认出,识别。【23题详解】找到了那位拾金不昧的女士,作者当然要“马上,毫不耽搁地”打电话去感谢对方。A选项(delay)切题:耽搁,延迟。【24题详解】作者将钱包落在了公共汽车上,Erin是在一个座位上发现了它。该空表示“发现”,故选D选项(spot):发现,认出。【25题详解】根据文章最后一段中的“a bitterly cold night”可知,这件事发生在一个寒冷的晚上。同时,Erin又不认识作者。由此推知,该句应指:Erin估计去一个陌生人的家是一个冒险的举动。C选项(calculate)正确:估算,估计,预料。【26题详解】根据下文中的转折词but可知,该句和she decided to take the chance(她决定冒险)是转折关系。那么该句应指去一个陌生人家是一个冒险的举动。故B选项(risky)正确:冒险的。【27题详解】该句叙述的是Erin当时的想法:“如果我处在那种情况下(指丢了钱包这种情形),我希望有个人努力地找到我”。该空表示“情况,情形”,故选C选项(situation):情况,情形。【28题详解】作者丢了钱包,对于作者来说,这是一个“危机,危难时刻”。故选A选项(crisis):危机,危难时刻。【29题详解】Erin捡到了作者的钱包,在归还作者之前,钱包在Erin的手里,Erin暂时“拥有,占有”作者的钱包。故D选项正确。take possession of意为“拥有,占有”。【30题详解】Erin把作者的驾照图片发到一个论坛里,想看看是否有人认识作者。该空表示“是否”,故选A选项(if):是否。【31题详解】根据后面的转折词but可知,该句和后面一句(她们想帮忙)转折关系,由此推知,该句指:除了闲聊,作者和那两位妈妈从来没有说过话,即:从未和她们“交换过词语”。B选项(exchange)正确:交换,互换。【32题详解】作者曾经读到这样的说法:人们比以往更加四分五裂,即:人们不像以前那样团结,不像以前那样互相帮助了。但是,作者遇到的这些人的行为方式不是那样的。上文中提到的Erin,two moms都是作者遇到的人。故A选项(encounter)正确:偶遇,遇到,邂逅。【33题详解】回顾发生的这件事,作者感到很幸运:有人想帮助一个陌生人。C选项(look back)正确:回顾,追忆。【34题详解】根据倒数第二段中提到的“people are more divided”可以推知,一般人在捡到别人的钱包后,都不会像Erin那样亲自归还失主。因此该句指:Erin的所作所为远远超越了其他人的行为。该空表示“超过,超越”,故选D选项(beyond):超过,超越。【35题详解】Erin在寒冷的黑夜亲自登门归还作者的钱包,作者对此非常感激。D选项(grateful)正确:感激的。第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2. 5分,满分50分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D国个选项中,选出最佳选项。AHistory Fair CompetitionUnderstanding history is vital to understanding ourselves as a people and as a nation.History is much more than the study of dusty old objects and events long past. It is an essential part of who we are today and who we will become. Thornton fiddle School History Fair Competition makes understanding history exciting,engaging,and fun!This Years ThemeAll participants must address how communication or transportation technology has promoted the quality of life for Americans throughout history. To many people,technology means computers,hand-held devices,or vehicles that travel to distant planets. However,technology is also the application of scientific knowledge to solve a problem,touching lives in countless ways.Individuals or groups may enter one of the following categories:PerformanceDocumentary(纪实作品)Essay WritingCategory RequirementsPerformance: A dramatic presentation of the topic no more than 10 minutes long. If special clothes are used,they should truly represent a given period.Documentary: A visual presentation(such as a video,slide show,or computer project)no more than 10 minutes long. A desktop computer,screen,projector,and loudspeakers will be available. Students must provide their presentations on CDs before Friday,March 23.Essay Writing: An academic paper of 2,000 to 2,500 words. No illustrations(图解)are allowed. Please do not include covers. A list of references must be included.Important DatesJanuary 5 Submit a topic proposal to your history teacher. The teacher may require a second proposal if the first is off-topic or unclear.February 5 Submit a first draft of your essay,performance script(剧本),or documentary highlights.February 19 A committee of teachers will evaluate materials and give opinions. Students then have an opportunity to improve their products.March 9 Submit a final draft of your essay.March 15 Performance and documentary committee previewMarch 24 Thornton Middle School History Fair Competition7:00A. M-9:00A. M Participants signing in at the gym10:00A. M. -6:00PM. Competition and judges review7:00P.M. Awards ceremony and picnic36. According to Paragraph 1,what is the major goal of understanding history?A. To preserve national traditions.B. To prepare for a history competition.C. To better know the present and future.D. To further explore historical mysteries.37. What is the theme of this years competition?A. Technology advances science.B. Science interacts with technology.C. Science has made the study of history easy.D. Technology has improved the life of Americans.38. Among the items provided by the school for a visual presentation are_.A. special clothes and a screenB. a desktop computer and a CDC. a projector and special clothesD. a desktop computer and loudspeakers39. What would a participant have to do with an essay of 1,500 words to meet the category requirement?A. Include more information in the essay.B. Remove the references.C. Provide a cover for the essay.D. Explain the details with illustrations.40. What will the committee of teachers do on February 19?A. Preview performances and documentaries.B. Make comments on the materials.C. Improve the participants first draft.D. Collect a second proposal from the participant.【答案】36. C 37. D 38. D 39. A 40. B【解析】这是一篇应用文。短文介绍了桑顿中学举办的历史展览竞赛的相关信息。【36题详解】细节理解题。由第一段“It is an essential part of who we are today and who we will become”可知,历史告诉了今天我们是谁,将来我们要成为谁,它是我们重要的组成部分。所以根据第一段,了解历史的主要目地是更好地了解现在和未来。故C选项正确。【37题详解】细节理解题。由This Years Theme中的“All participants must address how communication or transportaion technology has promoted the quality of life for Amercian throughout history ”可知,所有的参与者都必须要说明通信或运输技术如何在整个历史过程中如何提高了美国人的生活质量。所以今年竞赛的主题是:技术提高了美国人的生活。故D选项正确。【38题详解】细节理解题。由Documentary中的“A desktop computer, screen,projector,and loudspeaker will be available”可知,将提供台式电脑、屏幕、投影仪和扬声器。所以学校提供的视觉展示设备包括台式电脑和扩音器。故D选项正确。【39题详解】细节理解题。本题采用排除法。由Essay Writing 中的“An academic paper of 2,000 to 2,5000 words ”No illustration are allowed。Please do not include covers. A list of references must be included”可知,要求一份2000至25000字的学术论文。不允许有插图。请不要包括封面。必须包括一份参考文献列表。所以通过排除法,可以看出B,C,D选项都被排除,故一个参与者需要在文章中列入更多的信息才能使一篇1500字的论文满足类别要求。故A选项正确。【40题详解】细节理解题。由Important Dates中的“February 19 A committee of teachers will evaluate materials and give opinions ”可知,2月19日,教师委员会将对材料进行评估并发表意见。所以在2月19日。教师委员会将对材料做出评论。故B选项正确。BI must have always known reading was very important because the first memories I have as a child deal with books. There was not one night that I dont remember mom reading me a storybook by my bedside. I was extremely inspired by the elegant way the words sounded.I always wanted to know what my mom was reading. Hearing mom say, I cant believe whats printed in the newspaper this morning, made me want to grab it out of her hands and read it myself. I wanted to be like my mom and know all of the things she knew. So I carried around a book, and each night, just to be like her, I would pretend to be reading.This is how everyone learned to read. We would start off with sentences, then paragraphs, and then stories. It seemed an unending journey, but even as a six-year-old girl I realized that knowing how to read could open many doors. When mom said, The C-A-N-D-Y is hidden on the top shelf, I knew where the candy was. My progress in reading raised my curiosity, and I wanted to know everything. I often found myself telling my mom to drive more slowly, so that I could read all of the road signs we passed.Most of my reading through primary, middle and high school was factual reading. I read for knowledge, and to make As on my tests. Occasionally, I would read a novel that was assigned, but I didnt enjoy this type of reading. I liked facts, things that are concrete. I thought anything abstract left too much room for argument.Yet, now that Im growing and the world I once knew as being so simple is becoming more complex, I find myself needing a way to escape. By opening a novel, I can leave behind my burdens and enter into a wonderful and mysterious world where I am now a new character. In these worlds I can become anyone. I dont have to write down what happened or what technique the author was using when he or she wrote this. I just read to relax.Were taught to read because its necessary for much of human understanding. Reading is a vital part of my life. Reading satisfies my desire to keep learning. And Ive found that the possibilities that lie within books are limitless.41. Why did the author want to grab the newspaper out of moms hands?A. She wanted mom to read the news to her.B. She was anxious to know what had happened.C. She couldnt wait to tear the newspaper apart.D. She couldnt help but stop mom from reading.42. According to Paragraph 3,the authors reading of road signs indicates_A. her unique way to locate herselfB. her eagerness to develop her reading abilityC. her effort to remind mom to obey traffic rulesD. her growing desire to know the world around her.43. What was the authors view on factual reading?A. It would help her update test-taking skills.B. It would allow much room for free thinking.C. It would provide true and objective information.D. It would help shape a realistic and serious attitude to life.44. The author takes novel reading as a way to_.A. explore a fantasy landB. develop a passion for leaningC. learn about the adult communityD. get away from a confusing world45. What could be the best title for the passage?A. The Magic of ReadingB. The Pleasure of ReadingC. Growing Up with ReadingD. Reading Makes a Full Man【答案】41. B 42. D 43. C 44. D 45. C【解析】本文为夹叙夹议文,作者讲述了自己的读书经历和感悟。【41题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段主题句I always wanted to know what my mom was reading.和Hearing mom say made me want to grab it out of her hands and read it myself可知,作者一直想知道妈妈在读什么。作者抢过妈妈读的报纸,因为作者自己迫切想看一看报纸上写的内容,故选B。【42题详解】推理判断题。根据第三段My progress in reading raised my curiosity, and I wanted to know everything,可以推断出,让妈妈开车开慢一点,他能够读出所有路标,正是作者在阅读方面的进步引起了他的好奇心,想要了解周围的一切,故选D。【43题详解】推理判断题。根据第四段第一句Most of my reading through primary, middle and high school was factual reading. I read for knowledge, and to make As on my test.可知,小学和中学阶段的阅读都是事实性阅读,读书是为了获取知识,考试得A。因此事实性阅读能够提供真实的客观的信息,故选 C。【44题详解】细节理解题。根据第五段By opening a novel, I can leave behind my burdens and enter into a wonderful and mysterious world where I am now a new character. In these worlds I can become anyone.( 打开一本小说,我可以摆脱我的负担,进入一个奇妙而神秘的世界,我现在是一个新的角色。在这个世界上,我可以成为任何人。) 可知,阅读小说可以让作者避开复杂的现实而投入到小说中的世界中去,故选D。【45题详解】主旨大意题。根据上下文可知,作者以时间顺序回忆了自己的阅读经历和感悟,伴着阅读成长,故选项C符合题意。CHow does an ecosystem(生态系统)work?What makes the populations of different species the way they are?Why are there so many flies and so few wolves?To find an answer,scientists have built mathematical models of food webs,noting who eats whom and how much each one eats.With such models,scientists have found out some key principles operating in food webs. Most food webs,for instance,consist of many weak links rather than a few strong ones. When a predator(掠食动物)always eats huge numbers of a single prey(猎物),the two species are strongly linked;when a predator lives on various species,they are weakly linked. Food webs may be dominated by many weak links because that arrangement is more stable over the long term. If a predator can eat several species,it can survive the extinction(灭绝)of one of them. And if a predator can move on to another species that is easier to find when a prey specie


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