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江苏省英语中考二模试卷A卷 一、 单选题 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)That is a . You can read books in it. A . libraryB . boxC . bagD . radio2. (2分)The _ he is, the _ he feels. A . busy; happyB . busiest; happiestC . busier; happierD . busy; happily3. (2分)Who can read the number 20,108 in English?Let me try. Thats .A . twenty thousands, one hundred, eightB . twenty thousand, one hundred, eightC . twenty thousands, one hundred and eightD . twenty thousand, one hundred and eight4. (2分)They had to stay in the classroom after class_ the bad weather yesterday. A . thanks toB . thanks forC . becauseD . because of5. (2分)We should learn to relax and not put _pressure (压力) on ourselves. A . so muchB . much tooC . so manyD . too many6. (2分)I dont know if he to the English corner, but Ill ask him about that when he to the class A . goes,will comeB . will go,will comeC . goes,comesD . will go,comes7. (2分)The car is _ expensive. I dont have _ money. A . too much, much tooB . much too, too muchC . too much, too muchD . much too, much too8. (2分)He _ to school by bike, but now he _ to school on foot. A . used to going; gets used to goB . used to go; gets used to goingC . used to go; gets used to goD . get used to going; used to go9. (2分)The mother tiger knows that the baby tiger cant look _ itself. A . forB . atC . afterD . up10. (2分)Could I use your iPad? Yes, you .A . couldB . canC . mustD . need11. (2分) Laura, weve decided on a trip this afternoon. Will you join us? Im afraid not. I have a composition .A . to go; to writeB . to go; writingC . going; to writeD . going; writing12. (2分)One of the greatest scientist, Stephen William Hawking died on March 14th. terrible news! We are all sorry to hear that.A . what aB . How aC . whatD . How13. (2分)I _ her the answer if she _ me. A . can tell; will askB . will tell; will askC . will tell; asks14. (2分)Peter, please give my best wishes _ your family. A . forB . atC . toD . from15. (2分)What is on the desk? There _ a book and two pens on it.A . haveB . hasC . isD . are16. (2分)More patients _ in the hospital this year than last year.A . treatedB . have treatedC . had been treatedD . have been treated17. (2分) Visitors need to know all the travel routes to Paris, _? Sure. But the trip has not arranged.A . do theyB . need theyC . dont theyD . neednt they18. (2分)Sunshine Sports provide us with_ activities to keep healthy and enjoy ourselves. A . muchB . plenty ofC . a lotD . a few19. (2分)Diaoyu Islands _ made up of a group of islands _China since ancient times.A . that is, belongs toB . where is, belonged toC . that are, belong toD . where are, belonged to20. (2分) Can you describe _? Of course.A . what the robber is likeB . how the robber is likeC . what does the robber look likeD . how the robber looks like二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)21. (15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。Today, I want to tell you a story about something I did when I was 14 years old. I made some friends in school 1they turned out to be bad. They were some boys who stole(偷盗) 2and sold them. Whenever we were stealing a bike, a boy named John would break the lock 3two other boys were watching out. Then one of us would 4the bike to a cave (洞穴). The next day, we would meet there and repaint the bike. When we stole four or five bikes, we would sell them 5a few hundred dollars.One 6afternoon, we went to an apartment in Bukit Batok. We found a bike on the fifth floor and started to work on the 7. It was hard to break. We spent 10 minutes 8it. We were about to escape with the bike when the owner of the bike came out of the elevator. “My bike!” he 9.We dropped the bike and ran down but two policemen nearby 10us. We were taken to the police station. Our parents were called and our teachers were told what had happened. The police took down what we had done. The next day, a bright Sunday, I 11to the Boys Home.Life in the Boys Home was very hard but it 12me a very important lesson. I learnt that stealing was not right. At the Boys Home, the officers helped me and encouraged me 13my ways. I decided to 14stealing.To this day, I feel so 15for what I have done. I hope you will learn something from my story.(1)A . and B . or C . but D . so (2)A . bikes B . books C . Suitcases D . backpacks (3)A . When B . while C . since D . after (4)A . fetch B . Pull C . fill D . take (5)A . To B . with C . by D . for (6)A . Tuesday B . Friday C . Saturday D . Sunday (7)A . floor B . lock C . elevator D . bike (8)A . breaking B . to break C . break D . broken (9)A . said B . walked C . Shouted D . stopped (10)A . saw B . pointed C . impressed D . caught (11)A . sent B . was sending C . was sent D . would send (12)A . offered B . taught C . told D . passed (13)A . to change B . change C . to keep D . keep (14)A . pick up B . put up C . look up D . give up (15)A . scared B . sorry C . confident D . excited 三、 阅读理解 (共1题;共6分)22. (6分)阅读理解TFBOYS is a new young idol group coming out in the summer of 2013. It has three members: Wang Junkai, Wang Yuan, Easy Yang thousand seal. Now a lot of teenagers love TFBOYS because it is a group with great dreams and hard work. Ready? Lets learn something about every member of the group today.NameWang JunkaiWang YuanEasy Yang thousand sealNickname:Kai Kai Lao WangMilk SourceOne ThousandBirthday:Sept. 21. 1999Nov.082000.Nov.28,2000.Advantages:good grades,polite, good singing, handsomelovely, modest(谦虚的), responsible(责任心强的)good at different kinds of dancingHobbies:Playing the guitar, singingsinging,playing basketballdrawing, singingand dancing(1)Wang Junkai is _now. A . 14 years oldB . 13 years oldC . 15 years oldD . 16 years old(2)Wang Yuan has many advantages except (除了)_. A . lovelyB . good gradesC . responsibleD . modest(3)_ loves / love drawing very much. A . Easy Yang thousand sealB . Wang JunkaiC . Wang YuanD . Both Wang Junkai and Wang Junkai四、 用所给单词的正确形式填空。Complete the sent (共10题;共19分)23. (1分)Lots of people surf the Internet to look for some _(information) about the missing plane. 24. (1分)Lets have lunch_(quick). 25. (1分)_ (feed) chickens is my job on the farm. 26. (1分)When we got to the panda research centre, Miss Gao was_(prepare) milk for baby pandas. 27. (1分)Its _ (danger) to drive after drinking. 28. (1分)My family and I _(be) on a vacation in the USA. 29. (1分)She spent twenty minutes _ (mix) cucumber with honey. 30. (1分)These children are_(cheer)the team in the hall 31. (10分)阅读下面的材料,在空白处填人适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式.The whole school was talking about the winter camp. And everyone was looking forward _ it except me because I thought I would get homesick. But it was the way we grew up.When arriving at the camp, we _ (ask) to ski(滑雪) down to field by the coach. I skied _ (careful), but I still hit a piece of ice and fell down.“Ha! Ha!” Behind me, somebody started laughing. I looked back to see _ was laughing at me. To my surprise, I saw_ girl in the same embarrassing position I was in. “I thought Id be bad at this, but it seems_ (difficult) than I expected!” she said. Suddenly, I started laughing, too. After being so afraid of _ (fall), it was a comfort not to fear it anymore.The next day, _ I didnt want to go ski jumping, I was chosen to do that first. But when my _ (foot) left the ground, I felt I was flying and it was wonderful.Just do your best _ (meet) every challenge. Youll never imagine how much you will get.32. (1分)I _ (eat) Lanzhou noodles in our city last week. 五、 补全对话 (共2题;共10分)33. (5分)补全对话。A:Hey,young man_B:My back hurtsA:Oh?_B:Two days agoA:What happened to you?B:_A:I seeLet me look you overB:_A:No,there isntB:_A:Spend more time relaxingThen youll be betterB:Great!Thanks!AWhen did it begin to hurt?BIs there anything serious with me?CWhat should I do then?DHow can I help you?EI fell down when I played basketball34. (5分)根据对话内容从方框中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A:Hi,Tim_B:How about in the afternoon?Im busy nowA:_B:No.A:_B:Im searching for information about the futureA:_B:OursA:_B:Of course.AWhere are you going?BWell,what are you doing?CLets go to play basketball nowDYour future?EWhat do you think of the future?FAre you playing computer games?GCan you tell me something about our future?六、 任务型阅读 (共3题;共24分)35. (5分) Does eating a good breakfast improve school study? Bore than 1000 students in the city of London took part in an experiment a year ago . and the answer is YES.In the experiment ,students with breakfast got higher scores (分数) in their exams than those without breakfast .Fewers were late for school ,and much fewer missed thir school .”By eating breakfast ,you feel active in yout moring study and you keep your good health .” says Amy Sampson, a famous doctor , she did the experiment for a year ,shudents without breakfast may be losing the inportant nourishment (营养) in eggs ,fruit milk ,bread and so on . so try to get children to have breakfast .so that they can feel well , keep strong and do their best in their school work.根据短文内容,判断(T)or (F)Eating a good breakfast improved school study ._The students who had breakfast were ofen late for school and missed the lessons ._Its good for students to have nothing for their breakfast._Breakfast is not so important for students ._Breakfast is not so important for students ._36. (5分)阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容完成表格(每空词数不限)。 My favorite animals are swans (天鹅). They are white. They can swim very well. I think they look like beautiful girls in white dresses (连衣裙). They have a pair of wings (翅膀) and they can also fly (飞) well. I believe (认为) they are angels (天使) from the sky (天空). They bring us love and make (使) us happy. They are always friendly to us. We cant kill them, because they are our friends. I love them! I also like dogs. They are not beautiful, but they are the best friends. They keep the thieves (小偷) away. Dogs have the best hearing and eyesight. They can hear (听见) in the noise (喧闹声) and see in the dark (黑暗). If we are in danger, they will help us at once (立刻). So, I love them. AnimalsWhy I likeCharacteristics (特征)Can doSwansThey are white, and look like _. They have a pair of wings. They are friendly. They can _. They can bring us love and make us happy. DogsThey are not beautiful, but they are the best friends. They have _. They can keep the thieves away. They can _. They can help us when _. 37. (14分)阅读短文,并按要求完成问题。(1)完成句子;(2)(3)简略回答问题;(4)判断正误(5)翻译划线句子。 It was a beautiful spring(春天) morning. There wasnt a cloud in the sky, and the sun was warm but not too hot. So Mr. Andrews was surprised when he saw an old man at the bus-stop with a big umbrella in his hand.Mr. Andrews said to him, “Do you think its going to rain today?”“No,” said the old man, “I dont think so.”“Then are you carrying the umbrella because the sun is too hot?”“No, the sun is not very hot in spring.”Mr. Andrews looked at the big umbrella again, and the man said, “I am an old man, and my legs are not very good, so I really need a walking-stick (拐杖). But people will say, Look at that poor old man, and I dont like that. When I carry an umbrella in fine weather, people only say, Look at that stupid(愚蠢的)man.”(1)The weather was not too _. (2)Where did Mr. Andrews see an old man with an umbrella? (3)Who had a big umbrella? (4)The old mans legs were not good. (5)翻译划线句子_七、 阅读判断 (共1题;共10分)38. (10分) I have a neighbor we call “Happy”. I have never seen her angry at anything and never heard her say a harsh word to anyone or about anyone.Happy and her husband Ben, 70, have a huge garden. They spent many happy hours together working on it. Most of the neighbors watched interestingly as Ben doubled the size of their garden. As the cost of food climbed faster than Bens beans, we all wished we also had such a large garden. As the rest of us spent our dollars at the market, Happy could be seen picking beans in her back yard.Last month, Happy and Ben invited most of the neighborhood over for an “all-day food festival”. We were told to bring gloves and arrive very early in the morning. We didnt know what was about to take place.By 9:00 am, there were nine of us in the garden picking tomatoes, beans, okra, and squash. By 10:00 am, there was lots of laughter. We shared a lot of stories. By five oclock, everyone was a little drunk from the wine and beer. After dinner, we played games. As we were leaving, Happy and Ben handed each of us a shopping bag filled with the bounty of the day, already packaged and frozen. What a delightful gift!Well, the point wasnt so much about the food. The true gift was a day of friends enjoying one anothers company. None of it would have happened if it had been for Happy and Bens garden. Now they have a blog about gardening in case we decided to plant a garden. And I am so proud of my tomato plants!(1)According to paragraph 2, people wished they also had a garden so that .A . they could spend happy times together with their family in itB . they could grow vegetables and sell at the marketC . they could invite their neighbors and hold parties in itD . they didnt have to spend so much money on food(2)Which of the following is the same as the underlined word “bounty”?A . PresentB . KindnessC . LaughterD . Happiness(3)For what purpose did Happy and Ben invite the neighbors to their garden?A . To ask them to attend a birthday partyB . To help them get to know each otherC . To let them enjoy what they grew in the gardenD . To ask them to share some interesting stories(4)What did the writer most probably think of the time he spent in the garden?A . He thought it was too short but enjoyable.B . He thought it was wonderfulC . He thought it was not as good as he thought.D . He thought it was too terrible.(5)We can infer that .A . Happy and her husband Ben dont like spending time with othersB . Happy and her husband Ben sometimes quarrel with each otherC . Happy and her husband Ben are a generous and warm-hearted coupleD . Happy and her husband Ben live on the food they grow in their garden八、 写作题 (共1题;共5分)39. (5分)假如你是Jim,看到“失物招领”启事栏后,发现你昨天捡到的手表是Tony的。你准备写一份启事,通知Tony来领取他的手表。你的电话号码是763-98475. 九、 话题作文:根据汉语提示和要求写一篇短文。(A和B两篇,可任选 (共2题;共10分)40. (5分)目前,中学生早餐问题已经引起社会的广泛关注,你所在学校的学生会在3月20日 全国学生营养日 开展了一次问卷调查。请根据调查结果写一篇英语短文,倡导学生们吃营养早餐。学生比例早餐情况健康状况55%按时吃早餐身体健康,精力充沛(energetic)25%吃垃圾食品(junk food)营养不均衡20%不吃早餐感到饥饿,上课无法认真听讲,容易生病你的看法?(请你补充)注意:1)词数80左右(文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数);2) 不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。Breakfast Is ImportantBreakfast is important. But not all the students have realized its importance. Here are the results of our survey.41. (5分)你如何看待动物?哪些动物是濒危动物?你认为如何保护濒危动物?结合所学知识阐述一下你的观点,写一篇80词左右的短文。第 23 页 共 23 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)21-1、三、 阅读理解 (共1题;共6分)22-1、22-2、22-3、四、 用所给单词的正确形式填空。Complete the sent (共10题;共19分)23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、五、 补全对话 (共2题;共10分)33-1、34-1、六、 任务型阅读 (共3题;共24分)35-1、36-1、37-1、37-2、37-3、37-4、37-5、七、 阅读判断 (共1题;共10分)38-1、38-2、38-3、38-4、38-5、八、 写作题 (共1题;共5分)39-1、九、 话题作文:根据汉语提示和要求写一篇短文。(A和B两篇,可任选 (共2题;共10分)40-1、41-1、


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