人教版(PEP)五年级英语下册Unit 3 Asking the way 单元测试卷A卷

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人教版(PEP)五年级下册Unit 3 Asking the way 单元测试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . You can get off _ the Park Station.AatBonCin2 . A: How do you go to the USA?( )B:I go to the USA _.Aon footBby bikeCby busDby plane3 . 给下列图片选择正确的单词( )AhelloBname4 . Tell _ something about your country. ( )AIBmeCwe5 . -I can sing.( )-I can _too.AswimBsingCskate6 . Read and choose.读一读,选出不同类的一项。( ) (1)A.cold B.warm C.windy D.fly( ) (2)A. season B.summer C.fall D.sping( ) (3)A.three B.second C.fourth D.first( ) (4)A.March B.AprilC.June D.Saturday( ) (5)A.fly B.skate C.swim D. weekend7 . -Excuse me, _is the library?-Go_ this street, its on your right.Awhat; alongBwhich; awayCwhere; along8 . There is a picturethe wall. ( )AatBinCon9 . Who is that man?( ) Hes my.AsisterBmotherCfather10 . In the _, it often rains. ( )AOKBUKCUS二、阅读选择11 . 开心阅读。Mr Brown is Nancy and Mikes father.He works in a computer company(公司). He drives a car to work at about six thirty. Every morning, he works at a computer. He is very busy. He always has his lunch at one oclock in the afternoon. He oftengoes home at seven. In the evening, he oftenreads some newspapers and draws some picturesbefore he goes to bed. He likes drawing. He doesnt go to work on Saturdays and Sundays. He often takes Nancy and Mike to the park. They ride bikes, take photos and play games there. (1)Whos Mike?A. Hes Mr Browns brother. B. Hes Nancys brother. C. Hes Nancys son.(2)How does Mr Brown go to work? A. By bike. B. By bus. C. By car. (3)Does Mr Brown go to work at the weekends? A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, he does. C. No, he doesnt.(4)Whats Mr Browns hobby?A. Playing computer games. B. Drawing pictures. C. Reading books. (5)How do Nancy and Mike spend their weekends? A. Go shopping. B. Go fishing. C. Go to the park.三、完形填空完形填空。An old woman doesnt like taking her medicine(药). Her son goes to the _ and asks the doctor what to do next. The doctor smiles(微笑) and says, Put the medicine into the _! Its a good _. The son thinks. After hearing these words(话), he goes to the _ and buys some candy.(糖果) Then he _ the medicine into the candy. When he gets home, he _ it to his mother.After his mother ate (吃) the candy, the man says, Wow, I am very _ that you like the candy! You ate all of it!His mother says, Yes, I ate all of the candy. _ I dont like the seeds (种子) in it. I _ ate the sweet part. I took the seeds out before _ it. You didnt eat the seeds? the son asks. Haha! The seeds are the medicine! Am I right? the woman says.12 . AparkBhospitalCschoolDlibrary13 . AriceBhamburgerCcandyDmeat14 . AmealBplaceCpresentDidea15 . AshopBfarmCkitchenDstation16 . AmakesBputsCdoesDcooks17 . AgivesBgoesCsaysDtells18 . AtiredBtallChappyDbusy19 . ABecauseBOrCButDAnd20 . AonlyBalsoCusuallyDstill21 . AsavingBeatingCopeningDbuying四、填空题22 . sounds very interesting. ( )AThisBItCThe用所给词的适当形式填空。23 . There are some _(goose)on the river.24 . Uncle Chen _(grow)rice in the field now.25 . Some _(sheep)are eating grass over there.26 . _(we)give presents to _(we)friends.27 . Every day, Tom _(ride)a bike to school.28 . I _(visit)my friends tomorrow.29 . I _(miss)my old friends very much.30 . Please give _(I)some paper.31 . It is an _(excite)film.I feel _(excite).32 . There _(be)three boxes of eggs in the fridge.33 . My mother often _(wash)clothes on Sunday. But she _(wash)clothes yesterday.34 . Im afraid _(go)outside, because its too late.35 . It takes Jack ten _(minute)_(walk)to school.36 . My hair was very short then, _(be)it?37 . What _ you _yesterday? (do)五、任务型阅读38 . 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。There are some pandas in the zoo. They look like bears,but they are not bears. They live in China. They have a small tail and fat body. They are black and white. They like eating bamboo very much. Look! The baby panda is under the mother panda,they are sleeping. They are very lovely. Panda is my favourite animal.( )(1)There are some bears in the zoo.( )(2)Pandas live in China.( )(3)Pandas have a long tail.( )(4)Pandas like eating bamboo very much.( )(5)I like pandas best.六、英汉混合39 . 英汉互译1.上床睡觉 2. get up 3.上学迟到 4. walk to school 5.do exercise 七、句型转换按要求改写句子。40 . My father goes to Shanghai by plane. (改为同义句)My father_ the _to Shanghai.41 . She gets off the bus at City Library. (改为一般疑问句)_ she _the bus at City Library?42 . Her grandmother goes to the supermarket by bus. (对画线部分提问)_her grandmother _to the supermarket?43 . cinemathetotheymetrogetby( . ) (连词成句)_44 . yourgethomehowdoIto( ? ) (连词成句)_八、改错45 . 指出错误并改正。(_)1.They wantlearn toplay football._A B C(_)2.What fooddid you bought ? _A B C(_)3.What nice penit is!_A B C(_)4.Tom goesto school by a bike. _A B C(_)5.They areplayingthe basketball. _A B C第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、阅读选择1、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、2、五、任务型阅读1、六、英汉混合1、七、句型转换1、八、改错1、


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