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人教版英语2020年中考模拟试题D卷一、 单项填空。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)You see, its my dream to buy_iPhone X.Oh, you can ask your parents to buy _for you.A . a; itB . an; itC . a; oneD . an; one2. (2分)We are going _Shanghai _vacation. A . to; onB . /; forC . on; forD . to; for3. (2分)Betty doesnt have _ for next weekend.A . some plansB . any plansC . some planD . any plan4. (2分)Lao Shes Teahouse the changes in Chinese society over fifty years. A . describesB . improvesC . prepares5. (2分)The girl came into the classroom, _ an English song. A . singB . singingC . sang 6. (2分)Michael Jackson was _great singer. He was the most famous singer in _twentieth century. A . a; theB . a; /C . an; theD . an; /7. (2分)Its _ to live here. There is a shopping mal and a big supermarket near here. A . traditionalB . terribleC . convenientD . surprised8. (2分)Everybody _ Jet Li is a great kung fu master(大师). A . knowsB . to knowC . knowingD . know9. (2分)We _ for Tom at ten last Sunday. He often kept us _. A . waited, waitB . were waiting, waitC . waited, waitingD . were waiting, waiting10. (2分)Listen! Peter is singing in the classroom! It _ be him. He has gone back to his hometown.A . mustB . mustntC . may notD . cant11. (2分)If I _ you, I would give some flowers to her.A . amB . areC . wasD . were12. (2分)Whats the English word for the Chinese food jiaozi? You can say jiaozi. It has been added to the Oxford English Dictionary.A . justB . evenC . stillD . hardly13. (2分)_ bad the weather is! A . WhatB . How aC . How14. (2分)Im leaving for Qingdao tomorrow. A . Have a good trip!B . Im sorry to hear that.C . Youre welcome!D . Congratulations!15. (2分)What did he say in his letter? Is everything OK with his father? No idea. He didnt his parents in the letter.A . admireB . noticeC . mentionD . miss二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分)完形填空One day, a lady on a carriage saw a young man walking on the rocky road.1the young man didnt wear shoes and it seemed that there was 2wrong with his feet.She asked the driver3him up, and said she would pay4him. Then she asked the young man 5He said he was going for the nearest sea-port, to offer himself as a sailor.Twenty years 6on the same road, a sea-captain 7was on a carriage saw an old lady walking along, and he made the driver stop his horses. He pulled up8old lady, saying, Ill pay the money.After 9on the carriage, the old lady thanked the captain, for, said she, I am10poor to pay for a ride now. The captain said, I remember, twenty years ago when I was a poor man, near this very place, I11a ride on a carriage along the road by a kind lady. Ah, she was 12I am that lady! But things 13with me since then. Well, said the captain, I have made some money, and have come home to enjoy it. I 14you twenty-five pounds a year if you accept my offer. The old ladys eyes were full of tears, and15accepted the sailors offer. (1)A . So B . Or C . But D . And (2)A . something B . anything C . everything D . nothing (3)A . pick B . to pick C . picking D . to picking (4)A . to B . at C . in D . for (5)A . where is he going B . where was he going C . where he is going D . where he was going (6)A . late B . later C . latest D . the latest (7)A . who B . which C . what D . whose (8)A . a B . an C . the D . / (9)A . get B . to get C . getting D . got (10)A . too B . very C . such D . so (11)A . am offered B . was offered C . offered D . was offering (12)A . surprise B . surprised C . surprising D . surprisingly (13)A . change B . changed C . is changing D . have changed (14)A . give B . gave C . will give D . was giving (15)A . thankfully B . thank C . thankful D . thanks 三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共32分)17. (8分)阅读理解 This is a 2-day wild Great Wall trip. I am your English speaking guide. I will work for you in the trip. Now, Id like to tell you what we are going to do in the trip:Day 1: Pick up you from your hotel in Beijing at 7:00 a.m. Drive 2 hours to the foot of the wild Great Wall. Then start to climb the Great Wall. We will have lunch on the Great Wall. At about 3 p.m, we will get down from the mountain and rest in the nice farm house and have dinner there. We will also spend the night on the farm.Day 2: A clock will wake you up at about 7:00 a.m. We will have breakfast quickly, then hike up the mountain to the Great Wall. In 5 hours, we will hike down the mountain and back to an old town. We will have lunch there. At about 2:00 p.m, we will take a bus back to Beijing and our trip is over. As your English guide, wish you a good trip!(1)How long is the trip? A . One day.B . Two days.C . Three days.D . Four days.(2)The underline words pick up” here mean _ in Chinese. A . 用车接B . 捡起C . 采摘D . 拿起(3)They spend the night on Day 1_. A . in a hotelB . at homeC . on a farmD . in an old town(4)Who will wake up the visitors on Day 2? A . The guide.B . A clock.C . A coke.D . The farmer.18. (6分)阅读下面短文,请从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。ALibraries are wonderful places,full of stories,nice and quiet,and free for everyoneHere are some of the most breathtaking libraries in the worldBinhai Library:Tianjin,ChinaSince its opening in October,2017,people have been interested in the eyeshaped of the building which is quite modern and unusualThey call the library the eye of BinhaiThe library can house 1.2 million booksIt has round bookshelves built into the walls from floor to ceiling,and these bookshelves can also serve as stairs and seating areasCentral Library:Seattle,USIts shiny,modern and unusual and has tourists from around the world paying visits and taking toursIn its first year,more than two million tourists visited the libraryThe library holds different art exhibitions,book signings and other eventsThe library offers free selfguided cell phone tours,along with group toursTrinity College Library:Dublin,IrelandIts the oldest library in Irelandfounded in 1592 by Queen ElizabethIt has rights to receive material published in the Republic of Ireland free of chargeIt is also known as the Long Room,which has more than 200,000 of the librarys oldest booksOne of the most famous manuscripts is The Book of Kells Every year more than 500,000 visitors visit the library because of it(1)The library which offers free self-guided cell phone tours is in A . ChinaB . FranceC . AmericaD . Ireland(2)Trinity College Library is famous for A . the Long RoomB . the art exhibitionsC . the shape of the buildingD . the great number of books(3)Jason wants to experience the feeling of reading near the ceiling,he can go to A . Central LibraryB . Binhai LibraryC . Trinity College LibraryD . Washington Library19. (10分)根据短文判断下列句子的正确的与错误。(C)Have you seen the videos on TV? Do you wear large T-shirts and baggy(宽松的) jeans? Or have you heard someone rap (说唱)? Hip-Hop is very hot now.Hip-Hop music was started in the middle of the 1970s by African Americans in New York. break-dancing (霹雳舞)and graffiti(涂鸦)are the two main kinds of music in Western Hip-Hop culture. Most of the Hip-Hop songs are about love, jobs or even games.Usually in rap, singers speak words very quickly to a certain beat. Most of the words are fun. Singers play off words to make fun of themselves or others. Hip-Hop music has few rules. Singers just do what they think and rap it out in a clever or creative way. The freedom makes a lot of teenagers fall in love with the music. Many of them like wearing large T-shirts and baggy jeans. Famous rap(说唱) and Hip-Hop stars include Eminem in the U. S. and Jay Chou from China.Today Hip-Hop is more and more popular across most of the world.(1)African Americans started Hip-Hop music in the middle of the 1970s .(2)There are three main kinds of music in Western Hip- Hop culture.(3)Hip-Hop music is very popular, but it has a lot of rules to follow.(4)From the passage(文章) we know Jay Chou is a famous rap and Hip-Hop star.(5)Many teenagers dont like wearing large T-shirts or baggy jeans.20. (8分)阅读理解Young people can have problems with their minds. Some students become worried because they have to study very hard. Others have trouble getting on well with people like their parents and classmates.Liu Wei, a Junior 2 student from Hefei, could not understand his teacher and was doing badly in his lessons. He became so worried about it that he started to cut his finger with a knife.Another student, 14-year-old Yan Fang from Guangzhou, was afraid of exams. She got very worried when she looked at the exam paper. She couldnt think of anything to write.A recent report from Jiefang Daily says about 18% of Shanghai teenagers have mental problems. Their troubles include being worried and very unhappy. And having problems in learning and getting on with people. Many students who have problems wont go for advice or help. Some think they will look stupid (愚蠢) if they go to see a doctor. Others dont want to talk about their secret.Liang Yuezhu, an expert on teenagers from Beijing Anding Hospital has the following advice for teenagers:*Talk to your parents or teachers often*Take part in group activities and play sports*Go to see a doctor if you feel unhappy or unwell(1)Liu Wei cut his finger with a knife because _. A . he was afraid of his teacherB . he wanted to frighten his parentsC . he was so worried about his studiesD . his finger was badly hurt(2)Yan Fangs problems happened whenever _. A . she studied very hardB . she had examsC . she talked with her parentsD . she thought of something(3)Students who have problems wont ask others for help because _. A . they wont let others think they are stupidB . they dont think doctors can help themC . they dont want to tell their secrets to othersD . both A and C(4)Liang Yuezhus advice tells us that _. A . its better for the students who have mental problems to join othersB . its unnecessary for them to be with othersC . only group activities and sports can help themD . teachers and parents cant do anything about mental problems四、 填空。 (共2题;共15分)21. (10分)用所给词的正确形式填空 1.Does she want _(join) the club?2.Lets join the_(paint) club.3.Jack_( not like) the school show.4.There are two great _(piano) in the music room.5.Bob likes _(play) the piano.6.Come and join _(we).7.Can you play it _(good)?8.Can you help me with _(dance)?9.Every week he helps me_(learn) math.10.What can Li Xin _(do)?22. (5分) Why do we need to throw less away? There are two reasons. One is that some resources(资源)are nonrenewable(不可再生的). That means there is only a certain amount of that resource in the world. One example of these resources is oil. When we use up all the oil in the world, there will be no more.There is a second reason for throwing less away. All of our trash has to be put somewhere. Often, it is put into garbage dumps(垃圾场). Much of that trash will be there for hundreds of years. The dumps ill be filled up with all this trash.There are three ways to cut down on trash.One way is to recycle. When you recycle something, it means it is made into another shape and used again. Old newspapers may become paper bags. A glassware can be melted(熔化)and made into a bottle.Another way to cut down on trash is to reuse things. You can wash and use a bottle again that can hold mustard(芥末酱)or something else.The third way to cut down on trash is to reduce the amount of trash you make, for example, stopping buying things that you dont need in the first place. That reduces the amount of the earths resources.任务型阅读:根据文章内容填写下面表格。(10分)Reasons for throwing less awaySome resources are _.The _will be filled up with all this trash.To _something.Ways to cut down on trashTo _things.To _the amount of trash you make.五、 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共5分)23. (1分)I left my book at homeMay I borrow_(you)?24. (1分)The houses near the c_ part of the city usually cost much.25. (1分)Look! Your clothes are wet through. It must be raining _outside now. 26. (1分)He always tries _(help) the people who are in trouble.27. (1分)They are highly _(success) in business. 六、 阅读填空。 (共2题;共6分)28. (1分)I want to make more friends , but I dont know how to get others _ (talk) with me.29. (5分)根据短文内容,完成内容摘要表格。每空不多于3个词。There are many things that you should be careful with when you are alone at home. Read the following solutions to protect yourself.Keep the door locked when you are alone at home. Many people think its the best way to protect themselves.Keep a list of phone numbers to call for helpsuch as 110, the police station or a neighbors number.Be careful with the electrical appliances (电器). If you dont know how to use them, ask your parents. Make a safety check before going to sleep.Look through the keyhole when you hear the doorbell. If there are strangers, ask Whos that? with the door locked and say Come back later. Dont tell them that your parents are away. Say Mums having a shower. or Dads having a sleep.Protect Yourself When Home AloneSituationsSolutionsYou are alone at homeKeep the door _.To _Keep a list of phone numbers.Before _Make a safety check of the electrical appliances.Talk to the strangersAsk _?Dont say your parents_.七、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)30. (5分)请根据提示写一篇题为“My Favourite Film Star”的短文,词数90左右。1、 我最喜欢的电影明星是Peter,他是一名著名的影星,他不仅年轻而且2、 2015年, Peter在一部恐怖片中扮演了一名侦探。这名侦探通过查看现场并最终抓住了杀人犯。3、 由于Peter在这部影片中担任了重要角色且演得十分精彩,他荣获了奥斯卡最佳男演员奖(the Oscar for Best Actor)。4、 由于他的努力 (用23句话展开合理想象) 第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、 单项填空。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)16-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共32分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、18-1、18-2、18-3、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、四、 填空。 (共2题;共15分)21-1、22-1、五、 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共5分)23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、六、 阅读填空。 (共2题;共6分)28-1、29-1、七、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)30-1、


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