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Unit 11) My name is Justin.我的名字叫Justin.2) My name is Jim Green. Jim is my first name, and Green is my family name.我叫吉姆,格林。吉姆是我的名,格林是我的姓。3) Nice to meet you!很高兴见到你!4)Whats her name?她的名字叫什么?5)What is your telephone number?你的电话号码是多少?6)Whats your family name?你姓什么?7)He is looking at me. 他正看着我。 8)Six and three is nine. (and是“加”的意思) 6加3等于9。9)Do you know that girl? 你认识那个女孩吗? 10)Hello! This is Tom speaking. (用于打电话时) 你好!我是汤姆。 Unit 211) - Whats this in English? - Its a notebook. 这在英语里面是什么? - 这是一本笔记本。12) -Is this your backpack? - No, it isnt. 这是你的双肩背包吗? - 不,它不是。13) Please call me at 13828440707.请打我电话13828440707.14) How do you spell it?这个怎么拼写?15) I lost a set of keys. Do you see them?我丢了一串钥匙。你看到吗?16) Look at the picture. Dont watch the TV.看图片,不要看电视。17) Where is my school ID card? 我的校园卡在哪里?18) Go to the Lost and Found, you may find your book.去失物招领处,你可能会找到你的书。19) Please give Mike a call.请打电话给迈克。20)How do you go to school? 你是怎么上学的?Unit 321) -Are these your friends? -Yes, they are. 这些是你的朋友吗? - 是的,他们是。22)Is she your aunt? What is her name? 她是你阿姨吗? 她叫什么名字? 23)Thank you for the photo of your family. 感谢你的全家福。24)There are four people in my family. 我家有四口人。25)This is the photo of my family.这是我的全家福。26) I like to make friends with you.我想跟你交朋友。27)Jack is my uncles son. He is my cousin. 杰克是我伯父的儿子,他是我的堂哥。28)Those are my dictionaries. 那些是我的字典。29)These pens are on the desk. 这些钢笔在书桌上。30)My fathers parents are my grandparents.我爸爸的父母是我的祖父母。Unit 431) Where is my backpack?我的背包在哪里?32) Where are your books? - They are between the computers.你的书在哪里? - 它们在电脑之间。33) David takes his son to visit his grandfather.大卫带着他的孩子去拜访爷爷。34) The girl is looking for her father, but she cant find him.那个女孩正在找她的爸爸,但是找不到他。35) This is a picture of my family. There are four people in my family.这是我的全家福。我家有4个人。36) I lost my notebook on my way to school. - I am sorry to hear that.我在去学校的路上丢了笔记本。 - 听到这个消息我很遗憾。37) Can you bring something to school?你能带一些东西来学校吗?38) There are two pens in my pencil case.我铅笔盒里有两支钢笔。39) I need some water. 我需要一些水。40) The keys are in the drawer. 钥匙在抽屉里面。Unit 541)Do you have a soccer ball?你有一个足球吗?42)Does he have a ping-pong bat? - No, he doesnt. 他有一个乒乓球拍吗? - 不,他没有。43)He is very healthy, because he often does sports. 他很健康因为他经常做运动。44)His father has a great sports collection. 他的爸爸有一个很大的体育收藏。45)It is a sunny day ! Why not go for a walk after school? 今天是个晴天,为什么课后不去运动呢?46)That sounds good. 那听起来真不错。47) Watching TV is very relaxing.看电视很放松。48)Her mother only watches volleyball game on TV. 她妈妈只在电视上看排球比赛。49)Do you want to play table tennis with me ? - Ok, lets go. 你想和我一起去打乒乓球吗? - 好的,一起走吧。50)Would you like something to drink? - Yes, I would like to. 你想喝点东西吗? - 好的。Unit 6 51) Would you like something to eat? -No, thanks. 你要吃点东西吗? -不用了,谢谢。52)She doesnt like broccoli. 她不喜欢花椰菜。53)What do you like for lunch?午饭你喜欢吃什么?54) How about playing basketball? 我们去打篮球怎么样?55)I have a pair of new shoes. They are forty dollars. 我有一双新鞋。(一双就是两支) 40美元。56)Can I have a cup of tea? -Sure! Here you are. 我可以喝一杯茶吗? - 当然,给你。57)Can I help you? - Yes, please. 我能帮你吗? -好的,帮我吧。58)Running star John eats lots of healthy food. 跑步明星约翰吃很多健康的食品。59)Do you like salad? - Yes, I do. 你喜欢吃沙拉吗? -是的,我喜欢。60)I have three hamburgers for breakfast. 早餐我吃了三个汉堡包。Unit 7 61)How much is this meat?这些肉多少钱?62)I like this pair of shoes?我喜欢这双鞋子。63)The pants are only 50 Yuan. Do you want them? 这条裤子只卖50元,你想要吗?64)Teacher wants me to help Lily?老师想让我帮助莉莉。65)I will take it. 我买下了。66)I will buy a present for my mother. 我会买一份礼物给我妈妈。67) We have sweaters at a very good price. 我们出售价格合理的毛衣。68)We can buy books from the bookstore. 我们能从书店里买到书。69)We can not afford the new car. 我们买不起这辆新车。70)We have sweaters in all colors for 50 Yuan each.我们有各种颜色的毛衣,一件只卖50元。Unit 871) When do you have a party?你们什么时候举行聚会?72) We will have an English contest next month.下一个月我们将进行英语竞赛。73) Lu Xun was born on a cold winter morning.鲁迅出生在一个寒冷的冬天的早上。74) May is the fifth month of a year. 五月是一年中的第五个月。75) Mr. Han 是露丝和莉莉的爸爸。(韩爸爸只有一个)Mr. Han is Lucy and Lilys father. 76)Lucys and Lilys English books are on the desk. (书有两本)露丝的英文书和莉莉的英文书都在课桌上。77) Where were you born? I was born in Wuhan. 你在哪里出生的? 我在武汉出生。78) There are twelve months in a year. The twelfth month is December. 一年中有12个月,第12个月是12月。79) Whats the date today? 今天几号?80) Mrs. Smith is an old friend of my mothers. 史密斯夫人是我妈妈的一个老朋友。Unit 9 81)I want to go to a movie with my brother tonight? 我今晚想和弟弟去看电影。82)What kind of movies do you like? 你喜欢什么类型的电影?83)I think you are a good student. - It is very kind of you to say so. 我认为你是一个好学生。 - 你这么说太好人了!84)I like action movies, but I dont like documentaries. 我喜欢动作片,但我不喜欢纪录片。85)He wants to learn something about Chinese history. 他想学习关于中国历史方面的事情。86)Bill is a successful English teacher.Bill 是一位成功的英语老师。 87) They dont think thrillers are scary.他们不认为恐怖片吓人。88) I learn to study English. (learn to do sth. 学做某事)我学习讲英语。89) I am excited to hear the exciting news.听到这个振奋的消息我很兴奋。90)She often goes to see Beijing Opera with her father. 她经常和她爸爸去看京剧。Unit 10 91) My brother plays the guitar well but he cant play soccer. 我哥哥吉他弹得好,但他不会踢足球。92) The old man likes watching TV.那个老头喜欢看电视。93) I cant sing or draw. 我不会唱歌,也不会画画。94) I know a little English and I can speak Chinese. 我懂一点儿英语,而且我会说中文。95) My friends help me with English. My friends help me (to) learn English.My friends help me with learning English. 我的朋友们帮助我学习英语。96) What club do you want to join?你想加入什么俱乐部?97) Linda wants to join the art club.Linda 想加入艺术俱乐部。98) She is good at playing basketball. (be good at sth.=be good at doing sth. 擅长做某事)她擅长打篮球。99) Are you good with children? (be good with sb. 和某人相处得好)你和孩子们相处得好吗?100) Can you show me your new watch? / Can you show your new watch to me? 你能给我看你的新手表吗?Unit 11 101)What a funny time to eat breakfast!这个时候吃早饭真是滑稽啊!102)She usually writes to her parents.她经常给她的父母写信。103)Thank you for telling me this good news. 谢谢你告诉我这个好消息。104)It is time to brush teeth.是时候刷牙了。105)Best wishes for you.向你致以我最好的祝福。106)Scott works very long hours. Scott 工作很长时间。107)He takes the number 17 bus to a hotel.他乘坐17路公车去旅馆。108)They love to play soccer after school.他们喜欢放学后踢足球。109)When is your birthday?你生日是什么时候?110)He works all night. (all night 整夜)他整夜工作。Unit 12 111)Whats your favorite subject?你最喜欢的科目是什么?112)Justin is very strict with his students.Justin 对他的学生很严格。113) After class I have volleyball for two hours.下课后,我打了两个钟头的排球。114)Mr. Han is very tired every day. 韩先生每天都很累。115)Why do you want to go to Beijing?为什么你要去北京?116) I am busy doing my homework. 我在忙着写作业。117) Science is difficult, but very interesting.科学课很难,但是很有趣。118) Who teaches you English?谁教你们英语?119) I have music after lunch.午饭后我上音乐课。120)Do you want to know about Chinese history ? 你想了解中国历史吗?


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