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Unit 1 Get up on time!单元知识目标:一、 复习单词: Go to school,go to bed,get up二、 能听、说、读、写有关时间的单词: Clock,wall,come in,sit down,be late,play computer games三、 能听懂、会说、会读、会用询问时间的交际用语: 1.-What time do you get up?-I get up at eight five. 2.-What time is it? -Its seven. 3.-Dont play too many computer games and go to bed early.情感目标:1、 通过复习谈论作息时间,培养学生守时的习惯。2、 在学习和讨论职业话题作息时间中帮助学生树立正确的时间观。第一课时教学内容:Part A Lets talk(主)Think and draw Lets learn Look and answer教学目标:1、 复习同学们日常活动的单词: Go to school,go to bed,get up2、 学习有关时间的单词: Clock,wall,come in,sit down,be late,play computer games教学重点:能听懂、会说“What time is it? Its.”日常用语。教学难点:能在日常生活中灵活运用这些句型。教学准备:1、教师准备: (1)一个钟表模型和表现 Clock,wall,come in,sit down,be late,play computer games的图片。(2)录音机、磁带。(3)家、学校等图片或课件。教学过程:一、课程导入1、课前问答教师出示钟表模型,逐一问学生上面的时间如何用英语表达。2、新课导入教师分别做动作,同学们用英语猜。二、Lets learn1、学习单词clock.教授单词clock的读音,并将其在四线三格中板书出来。2、教师通过介绍上课过程引出单词come in和sit down.3、学习单词wall.4、学习单词be late,play computer games.5、教师播放录音,让学生听并跟读Lets learn部分的单词,注意纠正学生的错误读音。三、你来表演我来猜1、教师先和一名学生做示范。教师做动作,学生说出动作的名称。2、学生分成若干组,进行限时比赛。在30秒内说出最多职业名称的组获胜,教师进行奖励。四、补全单词,让学生口述出所缺字母。 clo_ _ wa_ _ sit do_ _ be la_ _ 第二课时教学内容:Part B Lets learn more 的对话。教学目标:1、能听懂Lets learn more对话中表示时间的词汇。2、能用下列对话谈论作息时间。 (1)-What time do you get up?-I get up at . (2)-What time is it? -Its seven. (3)Dont play too many computer games and go to bed early.教学重点:1、能够听、说、认读对话,语言语调自然。2、通过对对话的学习,培养学生的会话能力,增加学生的学习兴趣。教学难点:Lets learn more的熟练运用。教学准备:1、教师准备: 录音机、磁带。2、学生准备有关时间的图片。教学过程:一、课程导入教师在学生完成Part A 部分的第二个活动之后,让学生根据各自的作息时间做介绍,教师可在学生介绍的过程中不断与学生交流,引入特殊疑问句What time do you go to bed,then? 及回答I go to bed at.二、课程展示活动和过程。 1、Lets learn more (1)教师播放本部分的录音,在学生听这两段对话之前,教师可以建议学生在听的过程中将听力中两位主人公的姓名及他们的作息时间记录在练习本上。 (2)学生再听一遍录音,这一遍教师可以在每句话后进行停顿,给学生时间思考并核对答案。(3)教师找学生来回答问题,检测他们对对话的理解。(4)教师引导学生用完整的句子说出问题的答案。2、教师再次播放录音,让学生听并跟读Lets learn more部分的对话,期间注意纠正学生的错误读音。三、游戏(看关键词表演对话):1、教师先出示一些关键词写在黑板上,带领学生一起练习对话。2、教师和一位学生看关键词进行对话练习。3、学生分组看关键词进行对话练习。四、Works in pairs1、教师展示Works in pairs部分的内容,学生一起表演。2、学生分组表演。第三课时教学内容:补全Ask and fill in the form,的内容,询问一家人的作息时间。教学目标: 能充分运用所学知识来询问家里人的时间安排。教学重点:1、能听、说、认读对话,语言语调准确。2、通过对对话的学习,培养学生的会话能力,增加学生的学习兴趣。教学难点:1、对What time do you.的复习巩固。2、能听、说、认读对话,语音语调准确。教学准备:1.教师准备(1)有关家庭成员及职业的卡片。 (2)录音机,磁带。2学生准备家庭成员的照片。教学过程:一、课程导入(Leading In)1.课前复习。 (1)复习单词 教师快速闪动所准备的有关时间的卡片,请学生说出单词。该活动可以训练学生的反应能力,有效集中学生的注意力。教师可增加难度,每次闪过两张图片,请学生一次说出两个单词。 (2)猜谜语 教师编几个谜语,请同学来猜。教师把谜语分别写在小卡片上,然后贴在教室里。每次请一位同学选取一张卡片,读给全班同学听,看看谁能够猜出答案。最快猜出答案的学生继续选取卡片,读出谜面,请大家继续猜谜。2新课导人 教师通过师生互动引入What time does your grandma.?根据调查补全对话: A:What time does your grandma.? B:She. A:What time do you.? B:I.二、课程展示活动和过程1、听力理解 (1)教师播放录音,让学生带着问题听对话,理解对话大意。 (2)再次播放录音,并随机挑选学生回答问题,检测他们对对话的理解。 (3)教师要求学生用完整的句子回答问题。2教师播放录音,让学生听并跟读Lets learn more部分的对话。 (1)学生集体听磁带跟读对话,要求指读。 (2)学生分组听磁带跟读对话,要求指读。 (3)学生分角色朗读对话,教师及时进行评价。三、操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities)1、击鼓传卡片 (1)教师拿出所准备的单词卡片,将班级学生分成两组。 (2)教师发指令,第一组学生传来一张卡片,当教师叫停后,先由拿到卡片的同学自我介绍:I am a.第二组学生集体说He/She is a.2、Part B:Guess and say 教师任选一名同学做动作,然后将班级学生分成两组,每组各选一名同学来猜,猜对的组加分奖励。猜出的答案要用完整的句子表达:He/She is a.UNIT 2 Be helpful at home!单元知识目标一、能听、说、读、写以下词汇: make the bed,sweep the floor,do the dishes,water the flowers,clean the windows,cook the meal,wash the clothes二、能听懂、会说、会读、会用如何用英语询问做家务的交际用语: 1Can I help you,grandma?Sure.2.Can you water the flowers,please? Ok. 3.What can you do at home,Shanshan?.I can make the bed.情感目标让孩子了解到应该多做家务,培养学生热爱做家务活的感情。第一课时教学目标:1、学习有关家务的短语:make the bed,sweep the floor,do the dishes,water the flowers,clean the windows,cook the meal,wash the clothes.教学重点:能灵活运用上述短语。教学难点:让同学们掌握can的基本用法。教学准备: 1教师准备: (1) 有家务活动的图片。(4)录音机、Lets learn部分的磁带。教学过程: 一、课程导入1、热身活动 教师询问 Who cooks meals in your home? 生回答 My.cooks meals in my home. 2、新课导人教师承接上一环节,引领学生完成Look and tick中的问句What do you do at home?二、课程展示活动和过程新课展示Lets learn1学习短语make the bed 教师播放录音,通过录音引入新短语的教授。 领读并拼写短语make the bed.2学习短语。 教师模仿动作让同学们猜是什么家务活动,引出短语sweep the floor,do the dishes 3按以上方法分别教授剩下的短语water the flowers,clean the windows,cook the meal,wash the clothes.及播放录音。三、操练活动的设计与实施1、你来表演我来猜(1)教师先和一名学生做示范。教师做动作表现出家务活动,学生说出活动的名称。(2)将学生分成若干组,进行限时比赛。每组选一人进行表演,全组同学猜。在30秒内猜出单词最多的组获胜。2、闪卡:What is missing? 教师拿着所学家务活动的卡片,快速的变换卡片,然后从中抽出一张,让学生猜是什么动物不见了。3、 我是小画家教师给每位学生发一张纸,要求学生在纸上画出他自己做的家务活动,然后根据所学知识来描述所画的家务活动。说出句子最多的学生获胜。第二课时教学目标:1 能听懂Lets talk对话中表示家务活动的词汇。2 能运用What can I do for you?教学重点:1、能够听、说、认读对话,语音语调准确。教学难点:1、通过对对话的学习,培养学生的会话能力,增加学生的学习兴趣。教学准备:1教师准备: (1)有关Lets talk的图片。 (2)录音机、磁带。教学过程一、课程导入(Leading In) 1、课前复习 教师可带领学读出上节课所学短语,以活跃课堂气氛,创设英语学习环境。 2、新课导入 师生问答,师问What do you do at home?生答:I.at home.二、课程展示活动和过程 1、 教师出示Lets talkb部分对话,小组内交流合作,老师予以辅导。 2、 教师播放录音,让学生听并跟读Lets talk部分的对话。(1)、学生集体听磁带跟读对话,要求指读。(2)、学生分组听磁带跟读对话,要求指读。(3)、学生分角色朗读对话,教师及时进行评价。 3、教师领读Lets talk 对话。三、操练活动的设计与实施1看图片表演对话(1)教师将对话中的插图展示给学生,学生看着插图来讲述故事。(2)教师和一位学生先进行示范练习。(3)教师分组进行对话练习。2Part C:Choose,complete and talk学生完成选句子填空,师讲解并让小组内表演第三课时教学目标: 1能听懂Lets learn more对话中表示家务活动的词汇和句型。2能理解并运用What can you do at home?谈论某人在家能做什么。教学难点: 1、能理解What can you do at home? I can.的用法。 2、能够听、说、认读对话,语音语调自然。教学重点: 通过对对话的学习,培养学生的会话能力,增加学生的学习兴趣。教学准备:1教师准备: (l)家务活动的图片。 (2)Lets learn more 部分的录音磁带、录音机。2 学生自制图片或单词卡片。教学过程: 一、课程导入(Leading In) 1、课前复习(1)、Guessing games 教师呈现所家务活动的一小部分,让学生猜它们是什么活动。(2)、Part B:Lets play 教师请一位同学上台面对全班同学,教师出示单词卡,其他同学发出指令,台上的同学进行表演。 2、新课导入 T:Hello,boys and girls.Today I have two boxes.Can you guess what is in each box?If you are right,I can give them to you as gifts. 二、课程展示活动和过程Part B:Lets learn more 1、对话新授 师出示Lets learn more中的对话,小组内交流合作,师予以辅导。2、 听力理解 师播放录音学生们听并且理解。 (2)教师再次播放录音,让学生听并注意模仿其语调跟读Lets learn more部分的对话。三、操练活动的设计与实施 1Part B:Look and talk将学生分为四人小组,其中两位学生看图片1对话,另外两位同学看图片2对话。2巩固活动:贴一贴,练一练(1)教师可在黑板上分列出已学过的make the bed,sweep the floor,do the dishes,water the flowers,clean the windows,cook the meal,wash the clothes等单词,然后随机挑选学生,让其将自制的图片或单词卡片贴在相应列单词的下方。(2)教师引导学生看黑板进行问答。(3)当学生熟练以上对话后,教师可用粉笔在黑板上相应列的最后一个图片或单词卡片上打个差号,引导学生练习but的用法。UNIT 3 My Favorite food Is Hamburgers单元具体目标 在第3单元的教学中,教师可以结合教学卡片、实物、多媒体等引导学生对比,了解西方的餐饮、学习掌握所教授的内容,激发学生浓厚的学习兴趣,并且能表达以下知识目标和情感目标: 知识目标 一、能听、说、读、写有关一日三餐的词汇: China, the USA, fruit, drink, food, chocolate, hamburger, coffee 和 delicious; 二、能听懂、会说、会读、会用下列句型: 1. Whatyour favorite food? 2. My favorite food is / I like best. 3. Mom is drinking coffee. Thats her favorite drink. 情感目标 一、 培养学生用英语交流自己喜欢的食物、饮品的意愿。 二、鼓励学生和他人进行小组合作,培养学生的合作能力。 第一课时教学目标 能听、说、读、写有关一日三餐的词汇:China, the USA, fruit, drink, food, chocolate, hamburger, coffee 和 delicious; 教学重点难点:1、能听、说、读、写单词 China, the USA, fruit, drink, food, chocolate, hamburger, coffee 和 delicious; 2、能根据教师指令灵活运用上述单词。 教学准备: 1教师准备 (l) Lets learn 部分的教学卡片。 (2) Lets learn 部分的录音磁带、录音机。 (3) 一些常见水果、饮料、食物的卡片和教学实物。 教学过程: 一、课程导入(Leading In) 1新课导入 (1)教师可自行安排时间,引导学生一起完成Warming-up 的第一部分 Think and match. (2)接下来介绍Li Shan 和Kitty所在国家的国旗,让学生想一想猜一猜这两个中西方的孩子各自会喜欢什么食物。 二、课程展示活动和过程 1通过展示PPT、单词卡片或者课本第18页的图片进行新单词的教授。 (1)向学生介绍各个国家的名称,重点强调China 和the USA. (2) 教授单词fruit,一边向学生展示水果,复习这些水果的英文名称,引出新单词fruit。 (3)介绍单词food 和drink。通过以旧引新的方法,引出单词food和drink。 (4) 教授单词chocolate 和hamburger. 这两个单词是多音节词,让学生尝试着按音节来拼读拼写单词。2巩固活动和应用 利用单词卡片,小组内巩固所学单词。 三、操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities) 1 字母重新排列组合单词。 2 同桌为一组,进行以上游戏。 3 听声音找卡片 第二课时教学目标:学习掌握以下句型: 1. Whatyour favorite food? 2. My favorite food is / I like best. 教学重点: 能在日常生活的交流中正确运用上述功能句型。 教学难点: 通过实际练习,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。 教学准备: 1、教师准备: (1) 食物单词图片。 (2) Lets talk部分对话中的人物头饰。 2学生准备各自喜欢的食物卡片。 教学过程: 一、课程导入(Leading In) 1课前问答 教师将上节课所学的词汇融入到课前的回答中,如:T:Good morning,boys and girls.Now,look at these pictures, Whats this in English? 2新课导入 教师引导学生一起完成Warming-up 的第二部分,look and tick,学习功能句: Whatyour favorite food? My favorite food is / I like best. 二、课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(Presen.tation) 1新课展示: (1)创设情境,学习新知 T: Hello, everyone! My name is Colin. Im from the USA. Where are you from? Ss: Im from China. T: I like green. So green is my favorite color. Whats you favorite color? S5: My favorite color is red. T: How about you? Whats you favorite color? (2)Lets talk 部分的呈现 边看课本,边听对话,提出问题: Question 1: Who are talking? Question 2: What are they talking about? Question 3: Whats Colins favorite food? Question 4: Whats Liu Zhaoyangs favorite food? Question 5: What do people in the USA often eat? 2听录音,学习Lets talk部分。 (1) 教师讲解课本当中的重点句型 Whatyour favorite food? My favorite food is / I like best. (2)两人一组进行对话练习 (3)教师板书重点句型: Whatyour favorite food? My favorite food is / I like best. (4)将全班学生分为两组,男女生歌一组来练习对话,完成后教师可让学生两人一组练习对话。 三、操练活动的设计与实施 1.巩固活动 (1)教师带领学生分角色表演会话内容,引导学生根据内容来表达语气、动作等。 (2)教师给学生几分钟的准备时间,让学生两人一组提前进行练习。 (3)教师请几位同学到讲台前表演对话,并借助所准备的头饰增加表演的趣味性。 (4)“击鼓传花”:游戏 2Part B : Do a survey and report 教师向学生介绍活动要求,用本课学到的句型Whats your favorite?采访同学、朋友然后做个简单报告。教师先做示范,并引导学生完成一个例子。第三课时教学目标 :1. 能听懂、会说下列句型: Mom is drinking coffee. Thats her favorite 。2. 能听懂会唱Lets sing部分的歌谣。 3. 完成Ask and answer部分的问答。 教学重点: 能在实际生活中灵活自如地运用所学句型 教学难点: Mom is drinking coffee. Thats her favorite drink. 教学准备: (1) 教学挂图 (2) 周一至周日的单词卡片 教学过程:一、课程导入(Leading In) 日常口语练习,以下内容供参考: Good morning,boys and girls! Whats for breakfast?/What do you have for breakfast? Do you like bread for breakfast? What do you like for breakfast? Whatyour favorite food? 二、课程展示活动和过程 1教师创设情景,学习新单词。 (1) Lets learn more 部分的呈现。 (2)学生带着问题听短文了解课文大意 Question 1: What day is it today? Question 2: Whats the time now? Question 3: What are Kevins family doing? Question 4: Whats his mothers favorite drink? Question 5: Whats his fothers favorite thing? Question 6: What about his grandpa and his brother? Question 7: Whats Kevins favorite thing? (3) 小组内对所提的问题进行讨论。 (4)教师引领学生阅读短文,核对所提问题的答案。 2 Lets learn more (1)时间表达和星期的复习。 (2)文中涉及的语法:现在进行时和一般现在时。 三、操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities) 1Part B Lets sing (1)通读歌词,理解歌词大意。 (2)播放歌曲,学生小声跟唱。 (3)请几个小组上讲台表演。 2.Part C: Ask and answer 两人一组,就对方家庭成员朋友等的喜好进行问答。 UNIT 4 AT TABLE单元知识目标 一、能听、说、读、写以下词汇: table,spoon, knife, chopsticks, fork,cut, use, pass; 二、能听懂、会说、会读、会用下到句型: 1Use the fork with your left hand and use the knife with your right hand. 2Use the chopsticks with your right hand. 3. Would you please pass me the ? Here you are. 4. Would you give me some ? Of course. 情感目标 一、能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务。 二、对祖国和饮食文化能有更深刻的了解,并乐于接触和了解异国文化。 第一课时教学目标: 1能听懂、会说、会写词汇:table,spoon, knife, chopsticks, fork,cut, use, pass; 2能在教师的有效组织下完成Part C 中Circle the words and match them with the picture 部分,加强词汇的读写练习。 教学重点:能听懂、会说、会写词汇:table,spoon, knife, chopsticks, fork,cut, use, pass; 教学难点:四会单词的的听、说、读、写。 教学准备:1教师准备: (1) Lets learn部分的教学卡片、磁带及录音机。 (2) 两双筷子实物以及硬纸片做的刀、叉、筷子、勺子。 2学生准备: (1) 英语练习本。 (2) 用硬纸卡剪出来的刀子,叉子,筷子,勺子。 教学过程: 一、课程导入(Leading In) 1课前问答 T: Dear,children, how to spell the word “fruit”? Can you tell me? Ss: F-R-U-I-T,fruit. T: Good! Whats yout favorite fruit, then? S1: My favorite fruit is apples. S2: I like grapes best. 2新课导入 (1) Look and tick. 教师引导学生观察讨论图片内容,然后再选择各自中午就餐的场所,并在图片下方的小方格中打勾。 Look at this picture. Whats in it? There is a table and two chairs.Some food is on the table. This is a dining room at home. (2) Think and circle. 二、课程展示活动和过程 1教授单词table T: Look, Whats this? S: Table! Its a big table. 2教授单词spoon 和pass 介绍spoon的读音,借助教具,教授单词。 教授短语 pass me the spoon 3教授单词fork和pass 趁热打铁,借助同样的方式教授单词fork,复习再现pass。 4教授单词chopsticks和use 借助教具小木棍,引出单词sitck,再拿出第二根引出复数单词sitcks。学生示范如何使用筷子,在此过程中渗透use chopsticks。 5教授单词knife 和cut。使用教具knife。 在学生熟读knife的情况下,教师做出切的动作,渗透短语cut with the knife。 三、操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities) 1巩固活动 (1)教师或快或慢的说出本节课所学词汇,同桌两人共用一本书,用最快的速度在书上指出单词,并大声读。 (2)指卡片,说单词。 (3)听写词汇。 2Part C:Circle the words and match them with the pictures. 第二课时教学目标 1.能听懂、会说、会读、会用下列句型: Use the fork with your left hand and use the knife with your right hand. Use the chopsticks with your right hand. 教学重点: 1.能听懂、会说、会读、会用下列句型: Use the fork with your left hand and use the knife with your right hand. Use the chopsticks with your right hand. 教学难点: 灵活应用本节课的重点句型。 教学准备: 1教师准备: (1) Lets talk 部分中的挂图。(2) 刀子、叉子、筷子实物各一。 2学生准备: 用硬纸卡剪出来的刀子,叉子,筷子,勺子。 教学过程: 一、课程导入(Leading In) 1课前问答:教师做动作,引出现在进行时。 T: What am I doing? Ss:You are drinking. T: Yes, I am drinking. What is he doing? Ss: He is drinking. T: What are we doing? Ss: You are drinking. 二、课程展示活动和过程 1 Lets talk 部分的呈现 (1)播放录音,学生看课文,听录音 (2)试着回答下列问题: What are they having in picture 1? How to use the knife and fork? What are they having in picture 2? How to use the chopsticks? (3)小组内解决问题、师生共同解决问题。 重点讲解with your left/right hand. 三、操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities) 1听、读模仿秀。 2Part C Listen and number. 3. Part B match and say. 4. 介绍西方国家的饮食文化。 第三课时教学目标 Would you please pass me the ? Here you are. Would you give me some ? Of course. 教学重点: Would you please pass me the ? Here you are. Would you give me some ? Of course. 教学准备: 1.教师准备: (1)实物刀子、叉子、勺子、筷子。 (2)食物和饮品的卡片。 2.学生准备: A4纸一张。 教学过程 一、课程导入(Leading In) 课前问答 T: What are these? Can you tell me? S: Fork, knife, chopsticks T: How to use the knife and fork? S: Use the fork with your left hand and use the knife with your right hand.T: Oh, I see, thank you.How to use the chopsticks? Like this?(教师做动作) S: Oh, no! not like that. Use the chopsticks with your right hand. T: Thank you very much. 二、课程展示活动和过程 1. Lets leam部分呈现。 (1)教师出示食物的图片 T: Look! The soup is delicious, isnt it? S: Yes. T: I want to have some soup. Would you please pass me the spoon? S: Here you are. T: I want to have some soup. Would you please pass me the spoon? (2) 承接上节课教师继续讲解 pass me/him/her/them the (3) 讲解句型 Would you give me 2. Lets leam部分的巩固。 (1)学生边看课文边听录音。 (2)试着回答以下问题。 What are they doing? Who wants to have some soup? Who wants to cut the beef? Who would like some noodles? (3)小组内解决问题,师生共同解决问题。 三、操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities) 1Lets learn more 部分。 2. Part C read and tick. 3. Part C Look, write and talk. Unit 5 Can you tell me the way to the supermarket?第一课时教学目标1、Language aims: supermarket, beside, behind, between, Childrens Park, take a bus, get off the bus2、Ability aims: Master some important expressions教学重点:Master some important words and expressions.教学难点:How to use words and expressions properly.教学过程:(一)热身、复习 (Warm-up/Revision)Ask question: “Where is your home?” Ask three students to answer.(二)呈现新课 (Presentation)1、Look and talk about the differences on the map. Ask one by one.2、Listen to the tape and ask them to pay attention to their pronunciation.supermarket, beside, behind, between, Childrens Park, take a bus, get off the bus3、A. New phrases, teacher tells the students Chinese, let the students find them in text.B. Some difficult words that they dont know.C. Teacher shows them new phrases and words on the screen.4、Ask the students to read the new words loudly, and then read it group by group. Which group is the best?Give them a big hand. (三)趣味操练 (Practice)Do some exercises in text or in exercise book ( e.g. Part A. Read and draw).Teacher asks questions one by one.(四) 总结及作业。Summarize important language points; let the students read after class and learn them by heart.板书设计: Unit 5 Can you tell me the way to the supermarket?New words: supermarket, beside, behind, between, Childrens Park, take a bus, get off the bus第二课时教学目标:1、Language aims: way, along, on the leftKey sentences: Can you tell me the way to the supermarket? Go along the street 2、Ability aims: Master some important expressions教学重点:Master some important words and expressions.教学难点:Key sentences: Can you tell me the way to the supermarket? Go along the street(一)Warm-up/RevisionAsk four students to write the words on the blackboard.(二)Presentation1、 Listen to the tape and ask them to pay attention to their pronunciation. Ask students to read text one by one.2、(1). New phrases, sentences. Teacher tells the students Chinese mean, let the students find them in text.(2). Some difficult words, phrases, and key sentences that they dont know.(3)Teacher shows them new phrases, words and key sentences on the screen.3、Ask the students to read the text loudly, and then read it group by group. Which group is the best? Give them a big hand. (三)趣味操练 (Practice)Do some exercises in text or in exercise book (e.g. Part B. look, find and answer. )Teacher asks questions one by one.四、 作业Summarize important language points; let the students read after class. And recite the text. 第三课时教学目标:1、Language aims: betweenand get off take a bus 2、How can we get to the Childrens Park? 3、You can take a bus at the bus stop and get off at Park Road.Ability aims: Master some important expressions教学重点:Key sentences: How can we get to the Childrens Park? You can take a bus at the bus stop and get off at Park Road.教学难点:How to use words and expressions properly.(一)热身、复习 (Warm-up/Revision)Ask question: “Where is your school?” Ask three students to answer.(二)呈现新课 (Presentation)1、Listen to the tape and ask them to Pay attention to their pronunciation.Key points: How can we get to the Childrens Park? You can take a bus at the bus stop and get off at Park Road. 2、A. New phrases, teacher tells the students Chinese, let the students find them in text.B. Some difficult words and phrases that they dont know.C. Teacher shows the words and phrases on the screen.3、ReadingAsk the students to read the text loudly, and then read it group by group. Which group is the best?Give them a big hand. (三)趣味操练 (Practice)Do some exercises in text or in exercise book (e.g. Part C. Listen and match. and Read and complete the map ).Teacher asks questions one by one.作 业Remember all important words and sentences, preview next Lesson-Read and discuss.板书:Language aims: betweenand get off take a bus Key sentences: How can we get to the Childrens Park? You can take a bus at the bus stop and get off at Park Road. Unit 6How much is it?教学目标:1、学习本课单词及短语: shirt, T-shirt, a pair of shorts, a pair of trousers, a pair of glasses, a pair of shoes, two pairs of socks 2、句子:How much is it? 来询问价格3、根据实际情景运用本课时的单词。教学重点:1、单词及短语:shirt, T-shirt, a pair of shorts, a pair of trousers, a pair of glasses2、句子:How much is it? 来询问价格教学难点:1、单词的读音2、根据实际情景运用本课时的词第一课时(一)热身、复习 (Warm-up/Revision)1、Talk about the weatherWhats the weather like today?What do you want to wear?2、Show us your clothes孩子们走到台前,介绍一下自己的衣服的颜色,样子。


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