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新版深圳广州沈阳牛津版八年级英语上unit5 educational exchanges知识点语法练习重点单词和短语1. accept v. 接受;承认(反义词refuse)2. educational adj. 教育(n. education)3. exchange n. & v. 交换;交流 4. host n. 主人(反义词guest)5. own adj. 自己的 v. 拥有( n. owner) 6. simple = easy adj. 简单的(反义词difficult)7. culture n.文化 (adj. cultural)8. confident adj.自信的(n. confidence) 9. deep adj.深的 (adv. deeply)10. improve v. 改善,改进 ( n. improvement)短语 1. take a visit / trip to 去某处参观(旅行) 2. be able to do 能够做3. give a talk about/ on sth. to sb. 向某人做关于某事的报告 4. throughout the world= all over the world 全世界5. live/ stay with 与生活在一起6. go on sightseeing (tours) 去观光 7. make friends with 与交朋友8. as well as 还;也;不及 9. since then 从那时起;打那以后10. keep/get in touch with 与保持联系 11. in case 万一12.in order that 为了 13. be confident of .对.感到有信心14. look forward to doing盼望做某事 15.apply for 申请16.go on a sightseeing tour 进行观光旅游 17. be deeply moved 被深深地打动18. win a scholarship 赢得奖学金 19. improve the situation 改善情况语法-现在完成时如果你想说“我已经看过某部电影,所以不想看了”、“某人曾经做过什么事情”等等,该如果表达呢?首先请看下面的句子:(1)I have seen the film. I dont want to see it again.这部电影我已经看过,不想再看了。(2)Have you answered all the questions? 所有的问题你都回答了吗(3)Have you ever looked at a travel brochure?你看过旅游宣传册吗?(4)She has never visited the USA.她从没有过去美国。观察:以上句子的谓语动词的一个共同特点是_, 用于表示在以前的某个时间曾经做过的、发生的事情,这种行为对目前有某种影响。我们把这种时态称为“现在完成时”。一、 现在完成时的概念。表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果 She has been ill for three days. (她病了三天了。) 表示从过去某一时间开始一直持续到现在的动作或状态。 Weve known each other since we were children. (我们从小就认识。I have been a member of the Party for 10 years. 常与现在完成时连用的时间状语有:just刚刚 yet 仍然,还 now 现在 lately 最后ever 曾经 today 今天 never 从未 before 从前recently 最近 already 已经 this week 本周 since 自从for a long tine 很长时间了 since then 自那以来 so far 到目前为止 in the past/last few years 在过去/最近的几年二、构成:”助动词have, has + 过去分词”随堂练习.把下面变否定句、一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答。1. I have done my homework.否定句:_一般疑问句:_回答:_2. The plane has arrived.一般疑问句:_回答:_三、动词的过去分词构成规则(1) 规则变化 大部分动词在词尾直接加-edclean cleaned help helped 以不发音的e结尾的,直接加-d like liked live lived以辅音字母+y结尾的单词,变y为i再加ed try tried study studied重读闭音节词尾只有一个辅音字母的,需要双写最后这个辅音字母再加-ed.plan planned stop stopped不规则变化see seen find found需根据不规则变化表进行专门记忆随堂练习写出下列单词的过去分词形式work finish arrive change see have marry visit miss prefer do hear live clean study meet be climb plan take keep buy spend learn forget bring 现在完成时用法归纳1. 现在完成时表示过去发生的动作现已完成,对现在造成的影响和结果。(此种用法谓语动词用结束性动词) 如: The plane has arrived.常用的时间状语和副词:already ,yet , ever , neveralready 已经; yet 尚未,仍未,还;强调前不久完成的动作对现在造成的影响,谓语动词使用非延续性动词。already 用于肯定句中,yet 用于否定句和疑问句的句末。例如:I have already finished my homework. 我已经完成我的家庭作业了。He hasnt come yet.他还没有回来。Has she finished cooking yet? 他做完饭了吗?练:I have already done my homework. (变为否定句)_ever (曾经),句中;never (从不) ,表示否定,强调到目前为止的生活经历。谓语动词用延续性动词。例如:Have you ever climb that mountain? 你曾经爬过那座山吗? Have you ever been to Shanghai?你曾经去过上海吗?I have never late for school.我从来没有迟到过。already ever与never应位于助动词have/has 之后,主要动词之前。拓展:before (以前),句尾,独立用I havent met him before. 我以前从来没有见过他。just (刚刚),用于肯定句中,常用在助动词和过去分词之间。如:I have just heard the news. 我刚刚听到消息。跟踪训练( )1. Have you _ heard of Disneyland?A. alwaysB. everC. never D. sometimes( )2. I have _ finished my homework. So I can have a rest now.A. ever B. already C. never D. yet( )3. She is a good student, she has _ been late for school.A. ever B. already C. never D. yet( )4. I am very hungry , I havent had my breakfast_.A. ever B. already C. never D. yet2. 完成时可用于表示某时间段里完成的动作,常与today, these days, recently等时间状语连用。如: Have you seen her these days? Have you been to the library today? 3.现在完成时表示过去已经开始,持续到现在,可能延续到将来的动作和状态。常与表示过去某一时刻延续到现在的一段时间状语连用。如:a. for + 一段时间:for two hours b.since + 时间点:since 1999, since last yearc.since + 一段时间+ ago: since two days ago d.since + 从句(用过去时)e.up to now, till now, until now, so far f.in the past two years, in the last few days g.recently, lately如: Miss Zhao has taught math for five years. His mother has worked in the shop since 1990. 注:其中在a,b,c,d 这四种结构中,谓语动词必须为延续性动词。如: I have had this book for one and a half years. (这本书我已买了一年半了!) 跟踪训练用since 或者for 填空1. I have studied English _ 5 years.2. I have studied English _ 5 years ago.3. I have studied English _ 2008.4. She has taught math _ 3 years.5. She has taught math _ 3 years ago.6. She has taught math _ 2010.4. 短暂性动词怎样和表示一段时间的状语连用。英语中的短暂性动词,也叫做终止性动词、瞬间动词或非延续性动词,只表示一时的动作,在肯定句式中不能与表示延续的时间状语连用。常见的短暂性动词有:go, come, leave, find, buy, arrive, give, stop, join, marry, die, begin, start, borrow, close, open, lend等。eg. I have bought this book for three months. ()非延续性动词与一段时间连用时可采用下列三种方法:(1)将非延续性动词转化为延续性动词。 leave- have (has) been away from close- be closed join- have (has) been (in)begin/start- be on buy- have (has) hadgo- be there die- have (has) dead finish- be over come (arrive)- have (has) been here borrow- have (has) kept begin to work- have (has) worked open- have (has) been open get up- have (has) been up put on have (has) on come back- have (has) been back gone (left)- been away joined been got to know known(2)时间状语的变化:把表时间的状语“for”变为“数词+ 时间名词+ago”的短语形式。(即:将时间状语改为过去时间,并用一般过去时代替现在完成时)如: 他参军五年了。(判断正误)He has joined the Army for five years. He has been in the Army for five years. He joined the Army five years ago. 他离开济南三年了。He has left Jinan for three years. ( )He has been away from Jinan for three years. He left Jinan three years ago.(3) 句子模式的变化。用句型“It is + 一段时间+ since从句”(从句中的谓语动词用非延续性动词的一般过去式表示)如:The old man died two years ago.= The old man has been dead for two years.= It is two years since the old man died.跟踪训练句型转换。1. I have borrowed a new book from the school library. I _ _ a new book from the school library for two days.2. She has gone there. She _ _ there _ yesterday.3. The film has begun. The film _ _ _ _ five minutes.4. The boy has come back.The boy _ _ _ for an hour.5. The man in a hat has left.The man in a hat _ _ _ _ half an hour ago.6. He has already died.He _ _ _ for twenty years.7. The young man has joined the League.The young man _ _ _ member _ two years. The young man _ _ _ _ League _ two years ago.5. have been to/ have gone to/ have been in 三种结构的区别(1)have been to 去过某地(现已离开),可以与ever, never, once, twice等连用。(2)has gone to 去某地了,说话时某人已离开此地,在去某地的路上或已在某地,总之现在还未回来。此句型一般用于第三人称。(3) have been in 表示已在某地呆了多久,若该地为小地方则用at。翻译: 你以前去过北京吗?_ 吉姆已经去了伦敦。_格林一家在中国已经两年了。_单项选择( )1. I have _ Beijing three times.A. been to B. gone to C. been in D. been at( )2.-Where is Mike? He has _ London .A. been to B. gone to C. been in D. been at( )3. Tony has never _China. He looks forward to coming to China A. been to B. gone to C. been in D. been at ( )4.Lucy has _ China for 5 years.A. been to B. gone to C. been in D. been at ( )5.The teacher has _ the village to teach the poor students for 10 years. A. been to B. gone to C. been in D. been at6. 现在完成时与一般过去时的区别:(1) 侧重点不同:现在完成时是与现在有关的时态,属现在时态范畴,它侧重于过去的动作对现在造成的影响。而一般过去时是一种过去时态,侧重于表示过去的动作,与现在无关。如: Yesterday I went to the zoo. (仅说明昨天去了动物园,与现在无关) Li Lei has read the book. (说明李磊了解那本书的内容)(2)连用的时间状语不同:一般过去时常与ago, yesterday, last, in 2000, just now等连用。而现在完成时与already, yet, still, just, so far, in the last/ past, before, ever, never, since, for等时间状语连用。注 现在完成时不可与yesterday, last week, two days ago等过去时间状语连用。综合训练一、必背词组:(中英互译)1. keep in touch with 2. educational visits to 3. accept sb. as. 4. be patient 5. become confident 6the aim of our trip 7. improve the situation 8. a valuable experience 9. win a scholarship 二、完成句子:A用括号里词的正确形式填空:1. We should show _(deep) love for our motherland.2. I plan to write an _ (education)article this week. 3. Everyone is interested in Einsteins _.(think)4. I tried hard to _(improvement) our English study.5. My grandma was _ (move)by watching ZhaoBenshans _ show. 6. Our English corner was _(arrange) by our English teachers.7._ (communicate) was quite difficult at first when I was in the USA.四、.选择填空:( )1. This TV set is too dear, _ it gives you a better picture.A. so B. and C. for D. though( )2. My father got up _ he wouldnt be late for the meeting.A. such early that B. early enough C. early so that D. early in order to( )3. It was _ we went fishing in the open air yesterday.A. such a nice weather that B. such nice weather that C. so nice weather that D. a nice weather so that( )4. This question was _ difficult _ nobody in our class could answer it.A. very; that B. such; that C. too; to D. so; that( )5. He runs as fast as possible_ he _ the first bus.A. so that; could catch B. in order that; could miss C. in case; misses D. so; would( )6. -What a _ movie it is ! - Yes, and we are all moved _.A. moving, deeply B. moved, deep C. moving, deep D. move, deep( )7. I make _ with many students from other country.A. friends B. friend C. a friend D. friendly( )8. John has many foreign friends. He_ them by email.A. keeps in touch with B. take action C. pays attention to D .looks after( )9.How do you like the film, Tony?-It is_ film that I have seen it several times.A. a so interesting B. a such interesting C. such a interesting D. so interesting a ( )10. There is _ cigarette smoke in the cinema _ I can hardly breathe.A. so much, that B. so many; that C. such many, that D. so little; that语法部分一、单项选择。( )1. Miss Gao isnt here. She _ to the bus station to meet Mr. Brown.A. goB. has goneC. has been D. would go( )2. How clean the bedroom is!- Yes, I am sure that someone _it.A. cleansB. cleanedC. has cleanedD. had cleaned( )3. Drison Break is the best American TV player that I _ these years.A. watch B. will watchC. have watchedD.was watching( )4. Im not hungry because I _ lunch already.A. haveB. hadC. am havingD. have had( )5. How long have Mr and Mrs Smith_? - For more than twenty years.A. married B. had marriedC. got marriedD. been married( )6. In the past few years there_ great changes in my hometown.A. have been B. were C. had beenD. are( )7. _ you _ the film Harry Potter ? Not yet. Ill see it this Sunday.A. Did, seeB. Are; seeing C. Have, seenD. Do, see( )8. The Smiths moved to China ten years ago and _ here since then.A. has livedB. was livingC.liveD. have lived( )9.Will you watch the World Cup match this year?No, but I _ several World Cup matches since I was a small child.A. had seenB. seeC. was seeingD. have seen( )10. I wont return the book to the library because I _ reading it.A. wasnt finish B. dont finishC. wont finishD. havent finished( )11. How many times _ you _ the Great Wall?Only once. I _ there three years ago.A. did, go to, have gone B. had, gone to, went C. have, been to, wentD. have, been to, have gone( )12. - _ you _ the magazine from the school library yet?- Yes, I _ it for two weeks.A. Have, borrowed, have keptB. Have, borrowed, have borrowedC. Did, borrowed, borrowedD.Did,borrow,have kept( )13. Premier Zhou (周总理) _ for many years, but he still lives in the hearts of Chinese people.A. died B. had died C. has been died D. has been dead( )14. Her mother _ in the factory. She _ there since it opened.A. is working, workedB. works, worked C. works, has workedD. worked, has worked( )15. Hi! Jim! Nice to meet you! - Hi, its one year since I last _ you.A. saw B. seeC. seeingD. have seen( )16. He _ from the factory for a week.A. has leftB. has been awayC. did leaveD. will leave( )17. I _ a letter from him since he left.A. havent leftB. didnt receive C. didnt haveD. havent feel( )18. Oh, Mrs King, your coat looks nice. Is it new? - No, I _ it for two years.A. hadB. have hadC. bought D. have bought


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