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总 课 题Know yourself总课时8第 1 课时课 题Comic strip and Welcome to the unit课 型新授授课日期9.1教学目标1掌握本课出现的重点语言点。2学会用适当的语言描述人的性格特点。3学会简单谈论自己和他人的性格特点及喜欢或不喜欢的职业。教学重点1掌握本课出现的重点语言点。2学会用适当的语言描述人的性格特点。教学难点3学会简单谈论自己和他人的性格特点及喜欢或不喜欢的职业。预习要求Read the new words and read the new text.教师活动学生活动教学札记Step1.Presentation1. Ask:Do you know yourself?Read and ask:Does Eddie think himself generous?2. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and Think about some questions.What is the interesting article about?What makes generous people feel good?What happens to Eddies breakfast in the end?学生说出kind,friendly,helpfulCareful,hardworking等词汇。学生带着问题听录音。教师活动学生活动教学札记Is Eddie willing to share his breakfast with Hobo?Step2 Practice1. Get the Ss act it out.Step3.Welcome to the unit1. Say:Millie and his classmates are talking about their own personality.Listen to their questions and answer the questions:1. What is Millie s personality?2. Can Paul make a good accountant?Why or why not?3. What does Sandys art teacher say about Sandy?4. What is Davids personality?Step3.Consolidation1.Do some WB Exx.Step4.homework.1. Recite the new words and vocabulary.2. Recite the new dialogues.打开课本,听录音跟读对话。学生两人一组分角色朗读对话,并表演。听录音,回答问题四人一组编对话谈论自己的个性,喜欢或不喜欢的职业。教后记总 课 题Know yourself总课时8第 2 课时课 题Reading 1课 型新授授课日期9.2教学目标1认识四位在各自工作领域表现杰出的人物。2掌握描述工作和性格的词汇。3掌握并运用描述工作和性格的语言技能。4培养学生学习先进、努力奋斗的精神。教学重点1认识四位在各自工作领域表现杰出的人物。2掌握描述工作和性格的词汇。教学难点3掌握并运用描述工作和性格的语言技能。预习要求1.Read the new words.2.Read the new text.教师活动学生活动教学札记Step1.Lead-in1. Get the Ss to have a discussion.2. Show the Ss a table.Description of the personPersonalitySuzy:Keeps all her things in good order. Organized.Millie:doesnt get angry easilyPatientDaniel:never shows offModestSandy:often has exciting ideasCreativeSimon:always plays football for hoursenergeticSameul: often comes up with new ideas.creativeBilly:likes asking questions.curious讨论自己的性格特点和喜欢做的事。复习上一课所学内容。教师活动学生活动教学札记Step2.Presentation1. Say:What jobs will be suitable for them in the future?2. Show the Ss some pictures.3. Do Part B1 on Page 10.Step3.Reading1. Ask:How many people are mentioned in the article?Who and what are they?2. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and finish Part B2.Step4.Consolidation1. Do some WB Exx.Step5.Homework1. Recite the new words and vocabulary.2.Recite the new text.学生思考Suzy等人适合从事的工作学生观察教师所提供的各种职业人员的图片,说说这些人员可能具备的性格特点。Do some Exx.学生快速浏览课文并回答问题听录音,跟读课文,并完成B2。教后记总 课 题Know yourself总课时8第 3 课时课 题Reading 2课 型新授授课日期9.3教学目标1认识四位在各自工作领域表现杰出的人物。2掌握描述工作和性格的词汇。3掌握并运用描述工作和性格的语言技能。4培养学生学习先进、努力奋斗的精神。教学重点1认识四位在各自工作领域表现杰出的人物。2掌握描述工作和性格的词汇。教学难点3掌握并运用描述工作和性格的语言技能。预习要求1.Read the new words.2.Read the new text.教师活动学生活动教学札记Step1.Presentation1. Say:Do you remember the four persons who are outstanding in the fields? What jobs do they do? What are their personalities?Lets complete the table.PersonJobPersonalityWu FeiartistQuiet creativeSu NingmanagerActive creativeLiu HaoengineerSerious modestFang YuandoctorKind patient carefulStep2.Reading1.Today we are going to meet some people.Please listen to the tape and answer some questions.学生就表格信息进行讨论Read and answer.教师活动学生活动教学札记Para1.Does Wu Wei like to talk?What does he won from the art community For his sculptures?Para2.Is Su Ning active and energetic?What do you think is more suitable for her,an accountant or manager?Para3.What is Liu Haos personality?Is Liu Haos personality suitable for his job?Para4.How long does Fang Yuan often do operations a day?Why do people in the town respect her?Step3.Consolidation1.Get the Ss retell the text in pairs.2. Get the Ss do Part C1.3. Get the Ss do Part C2.Step4.Homework1. Recite the new words and vocabulary.2.Recite the new text.学生根据所设问题,听录音,跟读课文,回答问题,进一步理解课文。学生朗读课文,独立完成B3练习学生两人一组逐段复述课文。教后记总 课 题Know yourself总课时8第 4课时课 题Grammar课 型新授授课日期9.4教学目标1学会使用并列连词and、but、or和so。2学会使用并列连词bothand、not onlybut(also)、eitheror和neithernor。教学重点1学会使用并列连词and、but、or和so。2学会使用并列连词bothand、not onlybut(also)、eitheror和neithernor。教学难点学会使用并列连词bothand、not onlybut(also)、eitheror和neithernor。预习要求1.Read the new words.2.Read the new text.教师活动学生活动教学札记Step1.Presentation1. Get the Ss do some Exx.Im active and energetic, I love working with people.He doesnt like to talk much. But his work shouts.I can be a good teacher a good doctor.He doesnt like singing dancing.I want to share the best art with people,But I am always searching for something better or different.2.Conclude the rules of and but so or学生用适当的连词填空,讨论 and but so or 四个连词的内在联系与区别。学生自己总结and but so or的使用规律。教师活动学生活动教学札记Step2.Practice1. Play a game.S1:David is active and energetic.S2:Jack is active but sometimes impatientS3:Tony is impatient and careless.S4:Jimmy looks careless but he is serious.S5:Step3.Practice1. Read the content on Page 13.Step4.Consolidation1. Get the Ss do Part B1.2. Get the Ss do Part B2.3. Do some WB Exx.Step4.Homework1. Recite the new words and vocabulary.2.Recite the new text.学生进行一个造句接龙游戏。学生阅读13页上both .and.Not onlybut also.EitherorNeithernor下面对应的例句。学生独立完成B1练习并模仿B1写写自己家人周末的事学生独立完成B2练习并核对答案。并模仿B2对话,谈论自己同学将来能从事的职业。Do some WB Exx.教后记总 课 题Know yourself总课时8第 5课时课 题Integrated skills课 型新授授课日期9.9教学目标l从书面和口语形式中了解生肖、星座与性格的关系。2学会谈论一个人的性格。教学重点l从书面和口语形式中了解生肖、星座与性格的关系。教学难点2学会谈论一个人的性格。预习要求1.Read the new words.2.Read the new text.教师活动学生活动教学札记Step1.Lead-inShow the Ss a picture,and ask:What can you see in the picture?What do you think of ?Write the new vocabulary on the Bb.Lunar calendar,animal sign,represent,appear,fixed ordercycle,powerful,lively,practical,loyal看十二生肖图,朗读生肖的英文名称说说这些动物的特性,并大声朗读新词汇教师活动学生活动教学札记Step2.Listening1. Read Part A1,and try to fill in the information in Part A2.2. Play the tape for the Ss to finish PartA2 and Part A3.Step3.Speak up1. Say:Is it true that people born under the same animal sign or star sign may have the similar personality?Play the tape for the Ss to find the answers.What is Joes animal sign?What are people born under the Year of the Tiger like?Whose animal sign is the Sheep?What is Julie like?What does Millie think of relationship between animal signs and personalities?Step4.Activities.Make a similar dialogue according to PartBStep5.Consolidation1.Do some WB Exx.Step5.Homework1. Recite the new words and vocabulary.2.Recite the new text.学生阅读A1部分内容,尽量完成A2部分的Millie的笔记。听录音独立完成A2 A3部分的内容。集体朗读A3部分。听录音,跟读对话并回答问题。分角色朗读对话。根据B部分对话,可适当增加信息量,谈谈自己,自己的同学或家人。1.Do some WB Exx.教后记总 课 题Know yourself总课时8第 6 课时课 题Study Skills课 型新授授课日期9.10教学目标1让学生了解略读法。2学会略读一篇文章,找到所需信息。教学重点1让学生了解略读法。教学难点2学会略读一篇文章,找到所需信息。预习要求1.Read the new words.2.Read the new text.教师活动学生活动教学札记Step1.Lead-in1. Say:Do you read newspapers or magazines in your spare time?How do you remember the information from them?Do you read every character or word?Explain skimmingRead the text quickly to get the main ideaAnswer the teachers questions.教师活动学生活动教学札记Step2.PresentationSay:Millie has found an article in a magazine.Use the questions to skim the article to find the main idea.Read the content on Page17.Step3.Practice1.Skimming competition.Step4. Consolidation1.Do some WB Exx.Step5.Homework1. Recite the new words and vocabulary.2.Recite the new text.使用略读的方法,主意标题,小标题,第一段,最后一段的首句迅速查找所需信息。阅读17页所列3个问题,思考每个问题的关键词是什么.学生根据略读的方法,阅读文章,体验略读所带来的成就感。1.Do some WB Exx.教后记总 课 题Know yourself总课时8第 7 课时课 题task课 型新授授课日期9.11教学目标1学会组织观点并用事例支撑观点。2学会描述某人的性格和能力。3完成一封推荐信。教学重点1学会组织观点并用事例支撑观点。2学会描述某人的性格和能力。教学难点3完成一封推荐信。预习要求1.Read the new words.2.Read the new text.教师活动学生活动教学札记Step1.Lead-in1. Say:Today well learn how to write a recommendation.Before writing,you should write a list of your ideas.Its a good idea to make a spidergram to help you organize your ideas.2. Say:Class1 Grade9 needs a new monitor.Millie and Simon want to recommend David.Why do they want to recommeng David?What is his personality?Listen carefully.Look at the spidergram!回忆已学描述人物性格的词汇。教师活动学生活动教学札记Step2.Presentation1. Get the Ss to read PartA on Page18.2. Explain:Make a speech,help with our class projectsDo extra work,be absent from school,The things he needs to doGet himself more organizedStep3.Practice1. Ask and answer in pairs.Is David hard-working?Can you give an example?David is very clever,isnt he?What has David done to get himself more organized?Does David often help other students?Can you give an example?Step4.Writing1. Say:Why do Millie and Simon recommend David as the new monitor?Because he has many strong qualities for this position.Step5. Consolidation1.Do some WB Exx.Step5.Homework1. Recite the new words and vocabulary.2.Recite the new text.阅读18页A部分内容,找出描写David性格的形容词,并根据这些形容词的信息,具体描述David的性格特点。Ask and answer in pairs参考A部分信息两人一组讨论答案,全班朗读课文。阅读范文,了解推荐信的格式及其内容,思考如何写好一篇推荐信。写一篇推荐信,推荐本班同学当班长,学习委员等。教后记总 课 题Know yourself总课时8第 课时课 题Revision课 型Revision授课日期9.12教学目标1.复习Unit1所学重点词组2.复习Unit1所学重点句型教学重点1.复习Unit1所学重点词组教学难点2.复习Unit1所学重点句型预习要求教师活动学生活动教学札记教师活动学生活动教学札记教后记


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