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1 汽车动力性 vehicle tractive performance 2 加速时间 time of acceleration 3 最大爬坡度 maximum grade ability 4 驱动力 tractive force 5 发动机的调速特性 fixed throttle characteristics 6 适应性系数 adaptive coefficient 7 机械效率 mechanical efficiency 8 行驶阻力 resistance 9 滚动阻力 rolling resistance 10 弹性迟滞 elastic slow moving 11 滚动阻力矩 moment of rolling resistance 12 滚动阻力系数 coefficient of rolling resistance 13 切向反力 tangential force 14 法向反力 normal force 15 空气阻力 aerodynamic resistance 16 空气阻力系数 aerodynamic resistance coefficient 17 坡道阻力 grade resistance 18 道路阻力 resistance of the road 19 加速阻力 accelerating resistance inertia force 20 旋转质量换算系数 correction coefficient of rotating mass 21 附着力 adhesive force 22 切向反作用力 tangential force 23 法向反作用力 normal force 24 附着系数 coefficient of adhesion 25 后备功率 power reserve 26 发动机比功率 power mass ratio 27 燃料经济性 fuel economy 28 燃油消耗率 specific fuel consumption 29 万有特性 cross sectional characteristics 30 负荷特性 part throttle characteristics 31 道路循环油耗 fuel economy of road test cycles 32 制动性 braking performance 33 地面制动力 type ground braking force 34 制动器制动力 braking force originated from brake system 35 制动减速度 braking deceleration 36 制动距离 braking distance 37 同步附着系数 synchronizing adhesion coefficient 38 侧倾角速度 roll velocity 39 俯仰角速度 pitch velocity 40 横摆角速度 yaw velocity 41 轮胎坐标系 tire axis system 42 轮胎侧偏角 side slip angle 43 侧偏刚度 cornering stiffness 44 回正力矩 aligning torque 45 转向特性 steering characteristics 46 侧偏力 cornering force 47 横摆角速度增益 yaw velocity gain 48 临界车速 critical speed 49 特征车速 characteristic speed 50 不足转向 under steer 51 过多转向 over steer 52 中性转向 neutral steer 53 静态储备系数 static margin 54 瞬态响应 transient state response 55 稳态响应 steadies state response 56 汽车平顺性 ride of the automobile 57 路面谱 spectrum of road surface roughness 58 空间频率 spatial spectral density 59 空间频率谱 spatial spectral density 60 时间频率谱 spectral density 61 最小离地间隙 ground clearance 62 汽车的通过性 mobility over unprepared terrain 63 纵向通过角 ramp angle 64 接近角 approach angle 65 离地角 departure angle 66 最小转弯直径 diameter of turning circle 67 转弯通道圆 turning clearance circle 68 功率循环 circulation of power 69 牵引阻力 tractive resistance 70 牵引力 功率 曲线图 tractive power chart 71 最高车速 maximum velocity 72 发动机外特性 engine characteristic at maximum opening of valve 73 制动效能 brake efficiency 74 转向稳定性 cornering stability 75 后轴侧滑 sideslip of rear axle 76 甩尾 trail swing 77 评价指标 evaluated standard 78 操纵稳定性 steering stability 81 主销后倾 kingpin caster 82 主销内倾 kingpin inclination 83 功率平衡图 tractive and resistance power graph 84 动力因数 dynamical factor 85 制动跑偏 braking deviation from 86 制动力分配 brake banlance 87 制动防抱死 ABS Anti lock Braking System 88 动力特性 dynamical characteristics 89 横向稳定性 stability of landscape orientation 90 侧偏特性 cornering characteristics 91 轮胎花纹 tire pattern 92 汽车技术状况 technical condition of vehicle 93 暴露极限 exposure boundary 94 发动机测功器 engine dynamometer 95 发动机综合试验机 motor analyze engine analyzer 96 底盘测功器 chassis dynamometer 97 车轮功率平衡机 dynamic wheel balancer 98 前束量尺 toe in ganger 99 外倾测量器 camber gauge 100 红外线废气分析仪 infrared rays exhaust gas analysis apparatus 101 疲劳 降低工作效率界限 fatigue decreased proficiency boundary 102 舒适降低界限 decreased comfort boundary


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